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How To Load Music, Books and Video on the Kindle Fire

hey guys so it seemed here with the tutorial showing you how to install pictures video music and documents from your computer over to your Amazon Kindle Fire now this method will work the exact same way if you have a Mac or Windows computer and all you'll need is your computer your Kindle Fire and a microUSB cable now this does not come with the Kindle Fire however it's pretty common more likely you will have one sitting around somewhere so all you need to do is go ahead and connect it and your Kindle Fire will say you can now transfer files from the computer to Kindle so as far as the Kindle goes we're all done with that and we can come over to the computer so no matter what if you have Windows or Mac you will see the Kindle pop up you might have to look under my computer or devices but you will see a large amount of folders now we can't ignore these for the moment we need to go ahead and collect what we want to bring over to the Kindle so for example if you want to bring over music you will want to go ahead and find your iTunes folder if you're bringing it over from iTunes or wherever you have all of your data so just taking for example iTunes go ahead and go over to iTunes media come in to music and then of course you can just select whatever songs documents etc etcetera that you want now for right for just this purposes of this video I've gotten a little bit of everything about a PDF file got an mp3 got a word doc a 720p mp4 video file as well as a 14 megapixel megapixel JPEG so just a little bit of everything to go ahead and give you guys a demo of how this works so all you need to do is go ahead and open up the Kindle again again it should just be under your computer if it didn't pop up automatically let's go just bring a few things over so the first thing is the music so we go ahead and copy that and then you should see a music folder here simply open it up and drag it / copy and paste it and go ahead and just copy that over very simple and again for documents we can go ahead and grab the PDF as well as the docx file drag it and drop it in take just a second to copy and we've got that done and just continuing on just so you guys get paid just of it we also have pictures drag the picture in should only take a second and finally grab our 720p high definition video drag it and drop it in and we're going to be good to go there once you're done moving all your data over to the Kindle simply click disconnect and then you can simply disconnect the USB cable now once we have all this done we have a few different things to get to our documents music etc so of course for music we can just open it up you'll see here that song Dover is here and we can really play it we also do have our pictures and video which is going to be in the gallery application so for pictures we can click on that once it loads up properly anyway here area so there is our picture we can take a look at that we also do have our video suite back over here and tap on that and of course there we go we had the full 720p video running on the Kindle so you guys it's been about it for my tutorial showing you how to bring over documents video music etc etc over to your Kindle Fire very very simple very easy to do and hopefully this tutorial helped you out anyway guys if you enjoyed this video definitely be sure to leave it a thumbs up and if you're interested in more Kindle Fires videos like this be sure to subscribe
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