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How To Make Winterboard Themes

hey guys what is up it's Duncan and today I'm here with a video I think will help a lot of you guys out I want to give you guys a quick tutorial on how to make winterboard themes I'm gonna give you guys the basics and kind of going to show you how you can piece together parts of other themes but the same basics will apply if you would like to make your own themes although obviously it's going to be a little bit more complicated but the basics are all still going to be there anyway let's go ahead get this one started okay so the first step is that you're going to need to download some software that will allow you to ssh basically what s s aging is in a nutshell is that you allows you to transfer files from your iPod or iPhone to your computer you know there are more purposes and all kinds of stuff but for this for the purpose of this tutorial that's all you need to know so basically you will need to download one of two programs there are others but these are the ones I recommend ok so if you're using a Windows computer you should download winscp I will have links to both of these programs in the sidebar when SCP is a really a pretty solid program just allows you to ssh no frills whatever it's perfect and if you're using a Mac you will need to use cyberduck I've used it obvious both of these they both very simple so you know they both work in general i will be showing you guys when SCP but if you have a Mac and you're using cyberduck it should be pretty similar so go ahead install those and then we'll go ahead to the next step ok so I'm going to go ahead and skip ahead to just using the program you do not know how to SSH it's not i'm not going to give you guys the full tutorial it's very simple once you learn how to hook it up everything it's no big deal but if you have if you have problems with it you know go ahead find some other tutorial and i go ahead and skip this next part why ok and you will need to have your ipod or iphone hooked up on everything and logged in ok so when you log in you will be in the root file ok so you see library and media on the right ignore the left that's just your files this is what you're looking at on your remote device which in this case is your iphone or ipod so basically you see library media you'll also see this one double-click it to go back now you'll be in this file and you'll see all these now will note that SS agent can kind of get a little intimidating for people but really yeah i mean you know you are in the main files but you're not i mean unless you start grass stuff and deleting it you should be ok ok so go down almost the end and hit stache the stache folder right here and go into that you see bunch more going to themes ok so go into / so basically you back out when you first open it you back out to the AAR file then you go into the stash file and then you go into themes and once you're here you're pretty much breathe easy you're pretty much there now you will see all of your winterboard things all of them are going to be in this file now basically what you do is you can go through and get whatever you want so let's say well purpose is this i'm not going to go ahead and do it i'll show you guys how to do it because it does take a little bit so basically let's say I want glass Clark so you click it and then you drag it over or you can drag it onto your desktop or whatever I've already done it because it does take a little while so I've grabbed two themes glass Clark and Alou mine so let's go ahead and go to the next step show you guys how to edit once you do have the themes on your computer okay so now once you're at wherever it is that you put the two theme folders in my case it's on the desktop but whatever is most convenient to you next you're going to want to go ahead and add these themes now once you editing them it's pretty simple it does get pretty complicated and I don't have the time to go through each and every what each and every little icon and everything what are the what all means um you know it really is going to come down to a lot of trial and error I mean you know download I mean it really says it's kind of fun you know just download lots of different themes and you know go look and see the customizations they made and scroll through the files and see what the names are and all that kind of stuff but i'm going to show you guys some simple things so let's say we can go ahead and make our own theme it's going to be really simple so let's go ahead and just make a new folder I can be named whatever you want so just going to new and folder and obviously if you have a Mac you should not do this to going let's name it test does not matter just name it whatever you want that is going to be the name of the theme ok so now assuming obviously I have glass Clark and ayla mean you know you can use whatever you want you can make your own but i'm just going to just kind of show you the basics ok so let's go ahead and open up classical art ok so you can see that there are a few there are a few things there's like bundles folders icons and there are a couple of others but unfortunately i've already gotten into this but you will see sometimes depending on the theme like a thing that says doc or background and different things like that but you know main thing that last card is about is icons so let's go ahead and open up the icons folder in the icons folder you will see all of the icons and you can see there 2500 icons and classical art so you know what let's say you know what I like glass cloud icons but you know I don't like them all I like this one for example so what we do is let's go ahead and open up test folder okay now we will need to create folders inside this but long it's just pretty simple so to make an icon to have a custom icon and your test which is your new theme right click it go ahead and just make a new folder i will say that you're definitely be making a lots of folders and stuff okay now you need to do it specifically uppercase I then see ons that's icons so whatever icons you put in here will be the icons that will show up so let's say we like the one password so let's pick it up and drag it into icons now we open it up you see that this icon is going to be in the theme now obviously if you want you can copy the entire glass cloud over you can mix and match you can make your own icons it really doesn't matter one thing though is that if you do want to customize one thing that you definitely notice is be wary of the size so if we open this up it's going to be 59 x 62 now you can edit the sizes a little bit but you have to be careful when you get into sometimes if you change the size of something it can kind of mess stuff up so you know do a little experimentation and kind of you know be mine what you doing so Allah mean obviously you can see here has a lot more okay you can see wallpaper and everything like that but basically a wallpaper is going to be your basically what it is behind the behind all of your icons on your springboard so you know I like this one so let's go ahead go to the test and as you can see here if you pay attention to the hierarchy you see that in the very first thing in the illumine you see all the stuff so if you see wallpaper here you can drag it over 12 paper on your other it's just kind of a general sort of thing so we like this wallpaper so we're going to move it over to our new one a doc this is going to be the dock at the bottom sometimes you might want to have a transparent dog sometimes you might not in this case we like this dog so we're gonna go ahead and drag it over here okay there's lots more I won't even try to get the bundles and everything like that but basically this is kind of the basics you can mix and match for this I recommend just if you don't know what you're doing it first just makes match icons and like wallpapers and I go ahead grab status bars and docks and that sort of thing you can go into the more in-depth like the bundles and everything a later date or you can do it right now if you want but you know it takes a while you might understand exactly how everything goes so no just experiment around but for this we're just going to use this so now let's go ahead and go to the next step okay so now we're assuming that we're done for right now with the theme so now let's go ahead and put it on the device okay so it's very simple go ahead and open up one that's EP or cyberduck and do the exact same thing we did before back out of route down open up the stash and open up themes okay now go ahead and you can drag and drop but I haven't have it just right here on my desktop so go ahead grab test drag it in here now you got to be sure that you don't accidentally you know put it inside one of these so let's go ahead just drop it right here and so we're gonna copy it go ahead copy let's go ahead and give it just a moment and there we go so if we scroll down here a little bit we should say test okay so now if you want an open up and look at it you see that your icon your doc and your wallpaper they're obviously anything else to put it okay so let's go ahead and take a look at what it looks like on the device okay so once you've sh the earthy your brand new same onto your device and you have selected it through either winterboard owb app and respring and you're all done then you will have the same see here this is not that nice of a theme i mean it's it's as do still have all everything else i had on it but you know it's basically pretty solid i mean you can see that obviously the background is there and the doc is there and if i would have picked more icons obviously you would see the icons what changed but yeah that's pretty much how to change and do everything in a nutshell you know there's lots and lots more but just to get yourself started that's does this is a pretty easy way you can customize themes and another way you can do it and I didn't quite show in the video was you can customize pre-existing themes so what I showed was like taking bits and pieces from tues eames this place glass Clark Alou mean but if you wanted to you could take class Clark or whatever theme and just like add pieces to it so you already have a base thing with all the UI elements and just add more like add icons or do whatever you want really it's all about customization that's what when you're bored is all about so you know just go have fun with it i I don't know i might do some more tutorials on some more in-depth stuff but once you get this really just experiment just look at each find different themes and look at the different files and say oh I think I that does this change them make your own custom I mean just just go for it's a lot of fun anyway guys so that's it just a video tutorial want to show you guys how to make custom winterboard themes so yeah thanks for watching guys
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