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Jailbreaking FAQ

hey guys so stand here with a jailbreaking frequently asked questions video now since the new jail breaks are just around the corner I've decided right now would be a great time to go ahead and talk go over some of the more common and frequently asked questions about jailbreaking now obviously these questions really this video in general is not really meant for the advanced jailbreaker somebody has been around a while however it's more focused towards the novice jailbreaker who maybe you've never jailbroken before and you're thinking about it or you had your broken maybe once or twice but you don't understand everything about it so if you think that you might you know want alarm just a little bit more about jailbreaking feel free to stick around with the video jailbreaking is the term used for removing the Apple restrictions on your Apple TV on your ipod touch your iPhone as well as your iPad now jailbreaking is kind of you know like a kind of interesting term but that's pretty much what it does now what what I mean by that is take for example your iPhone and whatever if you want to go ahead and download an app customize something twink something everything you do has to go through the apple app store and to get into the app store apple has to individually go through each application so basically is a very closed system only exactly what Apple wants is allowed through now for some people this is not a problem you know that obviously are quite a few really nice apps in the App Store everybody likes the App Store however jailbreaking through jailbreaking by jailbreaking your device allows you to do pretty much anything and everything you want so instead of being limited by Apple what they think you're limited by what your device can do so what this means you can go ahead and download apps but maybe apple doesn't like such as google voice grooveshark quotes do others like that in addition to modding tweaking pretty much doing anything and everything you want Cydia is the quote unquote jailbreaking App Store now what this means is that when you jailbreak generally your device will pretty much identical to the way it was with one key section and that is the fact that city is now on your device Cydia is for all intents and purposes and App Store for geo broken applications so the way cydia worse however it is quite a bit different from the App Store as that you can pretty much do anything you want with Cydia is just a grandma so using City you can download paid applications and yes there are paid jailbreaking applications so quite a few developers like to go ahead and charge for their mods their tweaks their applications which is totally fine however the overwhelming majority do give all the content away for free and using stood in you can download and install pretty much anything you want in addition City allows you to add your own repository now what a repositories are basically places where you store software so with Cydia you can go ahead and add any repository and anyone is free to make one so I felt like I can do make my own repository put my own custom app in there and then give you guys the link to go ahead and add it and then you can download through cydia so that really is the key difference between city and the App Store and the fact that a lot with city yet anyone can download anything they're pretty much no restrictions whatsoever where the App Store tis very closed and parrying are narrow now when you do get cydia it's not like you lose the App Store either when you download cydia basically through jailbreaking it's the exact same thing you can still have full access to all your App Store applications so obviously you're still able to buy all the great games applications from Apple however you do have a secondary source to go ahead and download other sorts of things that you cannot get through the app store now there are two terms that are used a lot with jailbreaking and then this is a tethered jailbreak and an untethered jailbreak so this is really quite simple and you have a tethered jailbreak what this means is that when you go to turn off your device not just lock it but actually totally shut it off when you get the slide to unlock then and then when it shuts off you will not be able to boot it up by itself with a nun to the jewelry so basically what this means is pretty simple is that whenever you have it totally off your iPhone iPod whatever when it's totally off you will need to go ahead and plug it into your computer and rerun the jailbreaking software that you originally gentle Brook with now this is a little bit of a hassle as it will take you a few minutes every time maybe your your device you need shut up whatever you need to go ahead and plug it into the computer and rewrite it however it will go ahead and boot up just fine but for that reason I really generally don't recommend these gipsies types of jail breaks as they get really pretty going pretty fast as you have to deal with plug it into the computer speaking 12 minutes every time your device maybe runs out of battery need to restart for some reasons so like it's pretty annoying on the other hand and untethered jailbreak is pretty much exactly the way it sounds you referring to go ahead and turn your device on and off no worries you never have to really run the jailbreaking program again now these days pretty much all major jail breaks are untethered tethered gibberish used to be a thing a little while ago but it looks like they're kind of becoming a thing of the past in other words there are still a couple of intelligent energy or its rounds now as far as this question goes it really depends on you so the best analogy I can think of is think of your out of your iphone or ipod your ipad think of it as when you jailbreak it turns into a small computer now obviously if you have a desktop computer when you have a lot of programs up if you mod if you tweak you to bunch it's going to go ahead and slow it down well the exact same thing holds true for your Apple device so what I mean by this is pretty simple just don't add a bunch of stuff okay so obviously that's the beauty of joy but you're free to do as much as you want you want to style every single icon redo every little bit of graphics on the entire device run a ton of different modifications tweaks you're absolutely free to do this however you are still limited by what the hardware can do so like I said it's the exact same thing is if you take your maybe your Mac or your Windows computer and you make it video wallpapers and just you want it like crazy sure it's going to work but it's going to be very slow so in general jailbreaking really doesn't slow anything down it pretty much if you fresh 2 jailbroken device it's really not gonna be any slower than what it was before however when you do get to add a lot of these custom apps tweets themes and mods it will slow your device down so what I recommend is always kind of if you're going to download something always be sure maybe if you don't this is how you don't really need it uninstalled keep your device running nice smooth and clean absolutely so take for example my ipod touch 2nd generation now I'm not even joking ipod jailbroken it's well over 100 times in a couple of years that I've had it however all it takes is for me to go ahead and plug it into itunes and press the restore button and it is going to be one hundred percent as good as new that's one of the great things about the white Apple has designed the hardware and the fact that it is very hard to go ahead and you know leave any sort of data behind in fact all it takes is just plugging it into itunes like I said impressing the one restore button it will go ahead and wipe everything on the device and restore it to a non-jailbroken state this is very handy if you would like to sell it if you want to decide if you know maybe geo ratings not for you whatever reason there's absolutely no reason why you can't go ahead and go back to it clean and unjailbreak in state no using a standard jailbreaking program from one of the established development teams you should never actually totally kill your device so the way this works is that Apple has a very clever system in place that pretty much prevents anything from actually totally killing your device and actually is two modes the one is called dfu mode and one is called recovery mode and I'm not going to get into exactly how to enter these modes or anything like that but basically do know that these are safeguards that are in place to prevent your iPod iPhone or iPad from getting totally destroyed or bricked as usually what it's called so there can be a lot of reasons why you can have problems now of course you know if you download a bad tweak maybe there's a glitch going on or in fact maybe something more serious like you know when you're in the middle of jailbreaking your computer crashes you accidentally unplug the device there are a lot of different reasons why something could go wrong however there should never be a situation where one of these little problems mistakes actually totally renders your device unusable another are several different methods to go ahead and revive it from the dead now the most common and the one you absolutely should go for first is iTunes all you can do is take your device plug it into itunes and click restore almost always you should be able to go ahead and revive it it should go ahead restore back to normal and you should be just fine now in much rarer cases where that won't work then there are a couple of other programs which of course now go ahead and get into today but do just know that assuming that the hardware itself isn't busted so you know as long as your iphone or ipod touch or your iPad is in good working condition a jailbreak should never actually go ahead and render it unusable yes if you update your device using iTunes it will remove the jewelry and this is something that a lot of first-time directors don't understand and gets them into trouble is that Apple is constantly updating the firmware on their devices now of course this is a good thing because they continuously fix bugs and add new features however if you're jailbroken you definitely need to be very wary of these updates so let's say for example the last firmware update which is 4.1 now the last working jailbreak was made for 4.0 point one so a lot of people from four point nine point one saw the updating itunes and went ahead and updated not really realizing what they were doing now by updating your device through itunes it does remove your jailbreak so this is something that all directors need to be very cautious of the best thing to do is if you're jailbroken and you obviously want to stay jailbroken ignore the iTunes updates now every time there is an update it takes the development team quite a while to go ahead and make a new jailbreak specifically for that firmware now sometimes it takes less time than others so for example sometimes it takes almost no time in fact sometimes jailbreaks just carry over however the majority of the time if you know there's a new firmware today well the tape might take the development team week a month several months to get a new jailbreak out and in case in a lot of time you're going to be stuck on that firmware and not have any other options so that's why we're in jail broken always be very very wary never go ahead and update your firmware until the jailbreak teams goes hey we have a new Jo read for it and you have the all clear now this is one of the most important things about jailbreaking today as an sh sh blog to put simply is the key to allow you to downgrade your firmware now like I touched on earlier when there are firmware updates a lot of the time that are not jailbreakable immediately and they take quite a while so you always want to be able to downgrade to lower firmwares now before about a year or so ago you could do this freely all you had to do is take your device put it into itunes and you should be able to go ahead and downgrade your device however Apple has put in place the system that does not allow you to do this so this is this is really annoying for a lot of different reasons however the major reason is that you just basically cannot downgrade unless you have saved your SHSH blobs so like I said you're an sh sh blog is basically the key to allowing you to downgrade your firmware now there are two different ways to get your SHSH blobs the first one is through cydia so when you have Cydia it always go ahead pop up with a little thing that says should I let make my life easier go ahead always click that button as it will allow city and to save your SHSH blobs and at any point you can go ahead and download the bobs from Cydia and Denver 82 that firmware is a fantastic feature and i highly recommend that you go ahead and enable it now the second feature which is a little bit more robust as personally what I use as well it's called tinyumbrella now I've done videos on previously you can go ahead and check out my channel to see but basically tinyumbrella will actually save your sh sh on your computer now again this is great as you can go ahead and use it with your site with your sh sh safe you can go ahead and downgrade to that firm are no problem now there is a catch however you can only get your sh sh blog while you were currently on that firmware and Apple still signing it so basically what this means is that as of this video the most current firmware for the iphone and ipod touch is iOS 4.1 now let's say I don't have any SHSH blobs and I want to go ahead and down by eight to four point zero point one well I cannot do that because Apple is no longer signing those blobs so that is why it's imperative to go ahead and save your SHSH blobs as soon as you upgrade to the firmware so really pretty simple and doesn't take that long but you would be I mean it very very surprised at how many people do not know how to do this so i highly recommend every time go ahead and save as many SHSH blobs as you can because you never know when and why you might need to downgrade but by just simply saving the bobs you always have that choice anyway I hope that you found this little frequently asked questions video helpful and answering some of your questions now of course there are always new geo bricks on the way there are always new updates on the way as well to kill the jewelry's so it's a constantly changing game and you always really should stay on top of it you know if you're really into jailbreaking you really like the freedom that it affords you then really there's no reason not to go ahead and pay attention you know when there's new update don't do it when there's new jailbreak that's when you update you don't update immediately lots of little things like that are very important and a lot of first-time jailbreakers in trouble however as long as you know you just pay attention you don't just start raining like pressing buttons and iTunes you should have no problem keeping right ahead of the train so anyway guys if you do have any questions you want to know about anything about jailbreaking including a full tutorial for pretty much every single jailbreak that comes out feel free to subscribe to my channel like I said I'm really big into jailbreaking and I always do go ahead and put full tutorials pretty much as soon as the jailbreak comes out so you always have you know the little tutorial to go ahead and show you how to do it it's pretty simple but I let's go ahead and help everybody out by making tutorials anyway again hope you found this helpful and thanks for watching
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