okay guys so Kotaku that a really good
video game website they just had a big
post about the Nintendo 3ds they've
talked about a lot of the information
they have and they put it all together
so I figured I'd go ahead and give you
guys my opinion on it and tell you guys
what all is going on so basically they
said that are going to be four main
things and the first which is going to
be the 3ds is going to have a camera
okay and basically what the cameras
going to be is four motion sensing your
face so for example like this is my DSi
so let's say there would be like a
camera like right here right here or
something as I'm playing it and I turn
it from left to right or whatever well
the camera would sense my face and then
may can help the screen you know to turn
left and right to give a better 3d
effect and in addition of course the DSi
has a built in front camera so this
would also help for games the need DSi
gains that need a front camera it would
so it'd be dual purpose another thing
guys is that it looks like it might just
have one 3d screen what I mean by that
is that they seem to think that this
bottom screen which is of course a
resistive touchscreen they think that'll
stay the same but the top screen will be
much wider as you guys can see here in
the mock-up it looks the screen looks
like just a little bit ridiculous but as
you guys can see I wouldn't be surprised
if the screen will probably come out
maybe just a little bit part of there
I'm guys now if you just saw oh you just
saw that mock-up I will tell you guys
this that I doubt that that will be
anything what it really looks like I bet
that the basics of that are just right
but I really really doubt that they will
keep the DSi case design or the rough
one I believe will be a totally new
animal but yeah that's just my opinion
so guys another thing is the graphics
you know the graphics on the DSi are not
that bad I mean guys not like terrible
you know especially there's a few games
you know some of the really recent DS
games have actually come some really
really impressive graphics but of course
the PSP is had it totally beat and a lot
of other things have too so I expect a
huge graphics upgrade you know we've
heard some rumors that maybe it's gonna
be as powerful almost as like an Xbox
360 or Playstation 3 I I don't quite
believe in that I do believe we will
come close to saying you know GameCube
/we graphics on this though I don't
really doubt that at all I think the 3d
is gonna be a huge step up another thing
guys that I really expect in the next
three DS is that the touchscreen I do
think it will be upgraded I know if they
don't still think so but in my opinion
guys I mean there's nothing wrong with
this touchscreen it's you know it's
pretty decent
but I would really like the idea of
having go ahead and switching from
resistive to capacitive
um guys basically that is the difference
this is like an old-style
it basically relies on touch you can use
a stylus wherever and you know like an
iPod or iPhone screen is capacitive so
you know it doesn't give basically just
like a sheet of plastic of glass
whatever guys I really think that the
3ds should upgrade to that I like the
stylus I mean it's nice anything but I
think it would be a lot better if
they've actually you know when you go
ahead and you know use your fingers
maybe even like multi-touch that that
would really add another dimension to
the 3ds
now guys another thing actually while
I'm talking about this they really seem
to think that and I probably agree I
mean it makes my sense is that the 3ds
will get motion so you know you can go
ahead just like on you know the iPod or
iPhone go ahead and you know tilt it and
hey guys that was gonna be really really
cool especially in conjunction with the
3d I'm guys if you want to know more
about how this is actually gonna work
there is actually an iPod and iPhone app
yeah I'll have the annotation on the
screen right now it is very very similar
to that whereas it uses the
accelerometer and of course the iPod and
iPhone have just standard - just a
standard spring that's not 3d so I mean
guys just take a look at that video for
what the what I expect with the motion
controls everything with the 3ds I mean
between that that looked just excellent
as is but when doing them when you put
two screens one of them which would be
pretty large and would obviously be 3d I
think this is gonna be really really
great so yeah guys that is my full
wrap-up of what we know and I guess my
final predictions before they announce
the 3ds
of course at e3 here in just a little
bit so guys let me know what do you
think about the 3ds I'm really curious
to know you are you guys really
interested in ready to upgrade your you
know your D s your DS Lite or even your
DSi or you know are you okay with it it
just it just kind of sound okay firstly
I think it really sounds cool I think
that you know having GameCube and weep
slash wheat graphics that's gonna be
really good I think you know having a
nice big 3d screen hopefully you know
they do it they do it right I hope they
don't you know you know mess it up or
anything but you know Nintendo is pretty
good of course it will play DS games it
will play three DS and DS games so you
know but it doesn't see there's a whole
lot of reason not to upgrade yeah guys
definitely let me know what you think
anyway thanks for watching
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