hey guys so today I will be doing a full
application review of search Pro search
Pro is 99 cents in the App Store and a
free copy was provided to me for review
by the developer so guys this is an
interesting app basically the premise is
you can search anything basically any
website at all from inside the app you
know at first it kind of sounds like
Dyan just jump on safari but once you
start to use it actually does get pretty
useful so guys let me just go ahead and
give you guys a brief demo so let's go
ahead and search something a search
apple like something pretty simple to
search so you go ahead and punch it in
the top bar so then now I have to a
select what where you want to search it
so six there are six presets Google
Yahoo what Kapadia dictionary YouTube
and Flickr so I think for this one let's
go ahead and search on Google so we just
go ahead and hit the Google button give
it just a moment you see this pulls up
and then there we go so we see you know
there's talking about you know news
results for Apple you know just the
standard Google mean so you have a
little google map so guys it's the
standard sort of you know Google search
or freely well because there's a lot
more to the app than that
of course we put we can go ahead and
search Wikipedia and guys actually this
is the main the main reasons I'm just
going to start using this app I have an
old Wikipedia app and of course I like
to search other stuff too so this is
gonna replace all that and put it into a
really nice package so guys you know you
can go ahead and course search YouTube
videos I mean search Flickr for images
of course you can search the dictionary
too which is kind of nice you know to go
ahead and you know search the meaning of
a word or whatever but guys there's more
to it than that and if this is where it
really you know goes from being pretty
decent to really good so guys did you
see here we go ahead and flick over then
you can go ahead and add your own sites
okay now before I say anything else
about this I will let you know that is
this is somewhat glitchy right now
sometimes the sites will add loads and
they won't work the icons will be messed
up it's not a hundred percent
functioning but the developer has told
me personally that they are working on
it they've already submitted an update
to Apple so I would be surprised to hear
the next day's who they where I had this
all fixed I'm still I go ahead and show
you guys what how it works so let's go
ahead and hit it I've already added
as a search so here again we'll guys
search apple on Zurich and you can see
you guys this is a custom site this was
not pre-loaded I I had actually add this
myself as you can see it works just fine
okay like I said Cajun it can be a
little bit glitchy but it's not bad and
of course we can go ahead and browse and
do everything we want so guys let me
show you there's a couple of really cool
features so we go ahead and hit down
here there are four themes okay so
there's the one you saw it just saw is
the default you can scroll over and
there's a kind of a nice cool blue theme
you can also go ahead and do this one's
very similar to like hang out with Super
Mario Brothers or we go ahead and pick
this one this one's done my favorites
like a bookshelf so just going to hit X
okay guys you can see that now you can
add your own sites and this is a pretty
cool thing so guys let's go ahead and
add a site it now like I said it's a
little bit glitch right now so let's go
ahead and add in so I have to do is just
punch in whatever site and guys let me
let me say this again any site
practically if a site has a search it
will work with search Pro I mean I have
not run into any issues with sites not
working it's pretty good so first you do
is you just go ahead and hit Bing and
then it will go ahead and walk you
through it so basically you need to find
the search engine and punch in phone bot
Fon EB o T let's go ahead and hit it so
from by and then we hit Search now guys
what this will do is will allow search
pro to realize that that's where the
search is oh it automatically finds it
when we're done all we have to do is hit
add engine and then you go ahead and
test it hit next and it will go ahead
for bang it will go ahead and add a logo
i haven't probably found any other
websites that will do that but yeah
that's so super i just don't make it
something random and there we go so if
we scroll over here there you guys go
now we can go ahead and search anything
with Bing I'm guys search probably a
pretty cool application you know it's
really handy for you know searching all
kinds of stuff for example Wolfram Alpha
that's a really good thing I know I'm
gonna be using this for a lot but guys
practically any search engine all I have
to do is just add it this is some some
obviously more better than others but
still it's a pretty solid application
and like I said guys there's nine assets
in the App Store
I recommend guys if you like what you
see definitely go pick it up I mean it's
pretty good at it's not for everybody
but if you find yourself searching a lot
especially we have you know maybe a
couple of zaps like either you like I
have a Wikipedia app you know search
stuff on YouTube and of course you need
to be able to know but maybe you have
the Bing app so guys if you want to go
consolidate and you know have a really
nice innovation all that kind of good
search appropriate app to get anyway
guys thanks for watching
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