State of Jailbreak: Greenpois0n for iPod touch 4G, iPhone 4 on iOS 4.1 and Apple TV
State of Jailbreak: Greenpois0n for iPod touch 4G, iPhone 4 on iOS 4.1 and Apple TV
hey guys so today in here with yet
another state of jailbreak video I know
I've been doing a lot of these lately
guys but there's always more information
now it doesn't want to keep you guys
informed so the main thing is that the
ipod touch 4th generation has officially
been jailbroken now i know a lot of you
guys have an ipod touch 4th generation
or indeed maybe even an iPad or an
iPhone 4 do you really want to be able
to update a rather update and jailbreak
right now well good news it is almost
here so I'm sure you guys have been if
you follow the channel you know that
I've been talking a lot about the
so-called shattered jailbreak which is
signaling i jailbreak but you've heard
you know the word shattered used around
and that's the exploit basically what
this means is it's a lot of people call
you know a poem for life exploit or
basically now that they found this so
let's say like here's like the ipod
touch 2nd generation now if it also has
one of these poems for life exploits
we're basically no matter what Apple
does I can always jailbreak this ipod
it's going to be the same way once they
finish developing it it's gonna be the
same way for the iphone for ipad ipod
touch going to be basically a jailbreak
for everything and no matter what Apple
does they can't really patch it because
it's hardware-based now of course they
can go ahead and fix it with new
hardware but assuming you've already
bought your ipod touch 4th generation or
something like that you're going to be
good to go so guys as far as when we can
expect to see this jailbreak I don't
think it's going to be long in fact
muscle nerve just posted a video showing
at a jailbroken ipod touch 4th
generation so it's gotten to that point
now I still obviously do have a lot of
work so guys I really want to urge you
guys to be patient you know there are a
lot of people working very very very
long hours every day I'm trying to get
everyone out of jail break so you know
give them big props because they're
doing they're taking time out of their
days to make a jailbreak for the rest of
us to go ahead and use and enjoy so guys
that's it for the ipod touch 4th
generation just want to give you guys an
update jailbreak it officially does work
we'd have seen it the best work and
they're pretty much just putting that
you know the finishing touches on the
program itself so definitely fantastic
news as far as that goes now moving on
to something kind of a little bit i
wasn't really expecting the apple team
we'll be able to be jailbroken now of
course if you guys have followed the
Apple TV in the past is actually based
off of OS 10 basically you can go ahead
and jailbreak or hack it or whatever you
wanted to call it however the latest
apple TV is also based on iOS 4.1 just
the same as an iphone and ipod touch and
ipad and basically it will be able to be
jailbroken in fact they're already
working on it just as the first ones are
shipping out now this is going to take
quite a bit longer because obviously
that apple TV you know it's a lot
different from you know hacking an iPod
or an iPhone however it will be able to
be jailbroken as well which i think is
pretty cool so you know you can expect
to go ahead and see a lot of different
things perhaps even app support
obviously not you know normal ass but
you will probably be able to see quite a
few really interesting things for the
Apple TV soon so again something pretty
cool now the last thing I did want to
mention to you guys is I actually
recently posted a 4.1 jailbreak tutorial
using snowbreeze so guys if you're
interested if you have an older device
such as an iphone 3g or an ipod touch
2nd generation go ahead and be sure to
hit the link on the description rather
the link on the screen right now the
little annotation and that was take you
to my tutorial show you how to jailbreak
using snowbreeze actually that's what
I've as you can see here the city that's
what i'm using right now that it's not
compatible with newer devices so if you
have like an ipod touch 4th generation
or something like that you will need to
wait until the new jailbreak is comes
out and I forcible entirely covered the
sector that comes out so anyway guys
that's just about it just an update just
letting you guys know about a few
different things basically just a lot of
good news and if you guys are interested
in the Shatterer / whatever they're
going to call it Jill right maybe
greenpoison I'm dentally go ahead and
subscribe to the channel i will post a
full tutorial the segment comes out show
you guys exactly how to jailbreak your
iphone ipod touches ipads etc etc anyway
guys thanks for watching
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