State of Jailbreak: limera1n for iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 3G
State of Jailbreak: limera1n for iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 3G
uh Wow hey guys so today I'm here with
some big big news on the jailbreaking
front so it does look like geo hot is
back and coming back with him he's
bringing us all a new jailbreak so uh
this was really surprising to me I'm
sure most of you guys know who geo hot
is however if you don't I'll give you a
quick little history lesson geo hot was
one of the original people behind
jailbreaking he was the first person to
unlock the iphone and came up with a
couple other Jill bricks as well
including black rain however he left the
community just a few months ago because
he was getting harassed it's kind of a
bad deal however it does look like he's
back and it does look like he's bringing
us all a new jailbreak lime rain oh so
guys basically the way that line rain
what what it's all about is that it
looks to be a jailbreak for most if not
all devices and I do keep in mind we
don't have any solid concrete
information he's not really saying
anything right now basically just giving
us a little bit of you know a little
teaser about what's going on but from
what I've heard I've got some pretty
good sources who've been telling me this
so I feel pretty confident you know
relaying in all of you guys but
basically what seems like is that geo ha
we'll be announcing and we're not
announcing but he will be releasing his
new line rain jailbreak on Monday so if
you guys have been following
jailbreaking lately which if you have
props to you because it's kid is getting
crazy complicated but if you guys have
been following jailbreaking you will
know that the new green poison jailbreak
which will be coming out sunday is well
of course coming out on Sunday the day
before lime rain so obviously we've been
hearing my green poison for quite a
while the both the chronic and iphone
dev teams have been working for a very
long time getting it all set up and it's
finally going to be launching on Sunday
however this changes a lot of things now
that Gio has going to be releasing his
own jailbreak just the day after now I'm
not going to get into this I guarantee
you guys this is going to cause a lot of
you know you're fighting wars and all
that kind of stuff but then you go ahead
and tell you guys in practical terms
what it means to you that's the first
thing is it there will be two choices
for jailbreaks now of course green
poison is only for the iphone for the
ipod touch 4th
generation as well as the iPad however
it looks like geo ha jailbreak is for at
least those three devices in addition to
the iphone 3gs now it very well I would
not be surprised whatsoever if it is
available for the ipod touch 3rd
generation and some other devices
however we do know that it should be at
least compatible with the 3gs and most
likely with all devices so of course
this is big news is like I just said
greenpoison will not jailbreak the
iphone 3gs or the ipod touch 3rd
generation which currently really don't
have any easy jailbreak so really that's
about it we don't know if it's a
tethered or it's untethered anything
like that personally I'm not really
actually all that excited about this to
be honest it seems just it just doesn't
seem very smart to me to go ahead and
ways to exploits on 4.1 which that's
firmware I mean it's going to be
replaced 4.2 is just coming out in a few
weeks so or the jailbreak teams both
jihad as well as the iphone / chronic
dev teams spent all this time all this
energy on these your rates which you're
going to get patched in just a couple of
weeks however guys this is a perfect
time to tell you please please please
please back up your iPhone or rather
your SHSH blobs on 4.1 absolutely is
imperative because these jailbreaks this
is going to be looking like the best
firmware to jailbreak in a very long
time because pretty much every device
everything will be supported so I highly
highly recommend to go ahead i actually
will have an annotation on the screen
right now so go ahead click on that and
follow my just it's a very simple
tutorial you don't even need to be
jailbroken so go ahead and back up your
SHSH blobs and now just you just use use
uses tiny umbrella so all it does is
basically allows you to come back to 4.1
so that you'll always be able to
jailbreak with all these different
jailbreaks no problem so guys that's it
I just want to give you guys this big
big update I'm sure of course I will
cover sunday greenpoison as well as lime
rain on Monday and you know I'll hey
I'll handle whatever new jailbreaks come
out on tuesday i guess i don't know but
yeah guys so just one keep you guys
updated big news geo hut is back now a
lot of people aren't 100
sure but I have heard from a very
reliable source in my opinion that he is
back it is him and lime rain is legit so
guys definitely great news and again no
matter what device you have just go
ahead stay tuned to the channel sunday
again I just want to say this as many
times as possible Sunday greenpoison I
will have the full jailbreak tutorial on
Sunday morning and then Monday whatever
time geo hot decides to do lime rain I
had to do the tutorial for that so no
matter what device you have the longer
on 4.1 which there really is no reason
why you shouldn't now I will go ahead
and show you guys how to jailbreak so
yeah anyway guys thanks for watching
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