recently there's been a lot of talking
buzz about the next generation Nintendo
Wii in fact just yesterday a tip went
out all around the internet that there
is actually going to be the next
generation of the we announce that this
year's e3 so what I want to do is talk
to you guys a little bit and give some
of my predictions of my thoughts of my
hopes about what we will be able to see
in the next generation nintendo console
now the first thing and this should be
really obvious is better graphics so a
lot of you guys probably know that the
current we is very very similar at as
far as graphics go to the original
nintendo gamecube which has been
released many many many years ago so
it's very very long in the tooth and
even xbox 360 and playstation 3 which
are definitely starting to show their
age easily trumps the week so what I
really would like to see is an upgrade
to the graphical capabilities one thing
that is hardly in my opinion is the fact
that when you look at something you know
the big blockbuster games you see for
example you know halo all this kind of
stuff and even the multi-platform games
you see it on the PlayStation 3 in the
xbox 360 the way is just not even close
so it's not included that's kind of hard
to we is there's not a whole lot of
really great games when you have you
know great game like you know bolt storm
or something bite out of the way you're
going to buy on the xbox with
PlayStation so if they can take the weed
in increase the graphics make it really
really nice at least be on the par with
the xbox 360 and the playstation 3 I
would be very very happy on the other
hand they do need to keep mine cost and
size now while the way of course is not
very powerful as far as the graphics go
on the flip side it is very cheap pretty
much cheaper than the xbox and
playstation 3 certainly cheaper to make
it also is a lot smaller so that was one
of the things that Nintendo was really
aiming for when the designing the week
was to make it as small the package as
possible get as many people's homes as
possible because obviously never wants
to have a huge Xbox or Playstation
beside of TVs another feature that would
really really look forward in the next
generation weed is a better online
experience now the xbox 360 and the
playstation 3 online is absolutely
dominated their entire lifespan you look
at xbox everyone's on Call of Duty
everyone's near on all the various
online games and the Wii is not much
better than the original GameCube I mean
you guys
individual games have a little bit
online multiplayer here and there but
anyone who's tried to play games on the
way online knows that it's not a great
experience in the slightest so what I
hope is Nintendo advances it now of
course I don't expect it to be like xbox
live it doesn't cost as much as xbox
live but I'll expect it to be you know
we're all being or anything like that
but what I do hope is they get some kind
of cookies and online experience where
you can add friends across you know that
various different games you have to do
friend codes or anything silly like that
and of course there would be a great
help if they kept it free I don't think
it's a stretch at all to say that the
current generation we was really shaped
by its motion controls that you can just
take a look at the competition to see
they're just now starting to catch up
with their own connect in the move
respectively but what I really want to
see is what the we too will have in
store for us so you know there are a lot
of ways that they could go with this if
you continue with the wii remote perhaps
your tweak it add some new features
javascript all that kind of good stuff
on the go perhaps the way of the kinect
they could fuse them together they can
do a lot of different things and i'm
really looking forward to that but one
thing I really really would like to see
in the next generation week is some sort
of ordinary option now don't get around
the classic controller is not horrible
but I definitely prefer something that
has some real size and weight to it such
as the xbox 360 controller anyway guys
that's about it from my wrap up of what
I hope see in the next generation
Nintendo Wii and of course it'll leave
you a few things out such as backwards
compatibility and you know virtual
consoles for all that kind of stuff but
overall if thin tyndall is able to get
all these things that I just said I
would absolutely pick it up on day one I
think that the wii is a decent console
but it really was not my style but if
they can kind of give more towards the
heart for audience like myself I
absolutely would love it I would
definitely go pick one up day one so it
does what do you think what are your
thoughts what would make you buy a
next-generation we need to still totally
sold on Microsoft or Sony or is there a
chance you might want to come over to
the Wii or perhaps you're already a weed
gamer and you're looking for some
upgrades definitely all your thoughts in
the comments section below
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