iOS 5.0 Semi Untethered Jailbreak SemiTether for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
iOS 5.0 Semi Untethered Jailbreak SemiTether for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
today I'm here with the tutorial showing
a head install a semi tethered jailbreak
on iOS 5 now before I get begin with the
tutorial let me briefly explain what
exactly the semi tethered jailbreak is
so ordinarily if you're on iOS 5 right
now you have what's known as a tethered
jailbreak now what this means is that
knee time your device needs to reboot
need to go find your computer and rerun
the original jailbreak program to get it
to boot properly now this can definitely
be an annoyance especially if you know
there's a crash or there's anything kind
of problem be without your phone so you
get to a computer definitely can be
quite annoying and what this is it's
kind of a middle ground so while it with
the semi tethered jailbreak you can
still reboot your device now what won't
work is a couple of things so far I
won't work any cydia apps or tweaks or
anything like that as well as your mail
app will not work however everything
else will so you can still make calls
and still you know get on the App Store
you can use apps and that kind of thing
but it's definitely better than nothing
i definitely recommend if you guys do
have a tethered jailbreak at least
update it to make it as semi tethered
jailbreak with this tutorial alright so
the first step is to open cydia and then
come over to the manage tab here you're
going to need to click on sources and
click edit and add in the repo you're
going to need to add is the big boss org
slash semi tether and i'll have that in
the description as well as on screen
somewhere so once you have that and it's
all done you just go ahead and open up
the repo itself there's only going to be
one package here and it's called as you
may have guessed semi tethered now all
you need to do is of course you do need
to be jailbroken obviously that should
go without saying before you do this but
beyond that that all you do is just
install this package so you can scroll
down and read about it of course I am
explaining what it is all about so all
you do is click install as soon as semi
untether is installed you're good to go
however I want going to give you guys a
demo of what it actually how it works so
we're going to do is go ahead off our
device and of course ordinarily to get
it to turn back on at all we would need
to you know of course we jailbreak it
and all that kind of stuff however you
get to let's see here in a minute with
Simeon tether that is not a longer the
case once your device is rebooted you
should find that it works basically just
fine the only things that will not work
or basically Cydia based applications so
we try to open up cydia or any kind of
jailbreak tweaks they will just not work
on top of that if we open up
Notification Center
example if you had any widget such as
sbsettings they will not work and I do
not try to enable any of these as it
couldn't cause a crash just try to use
it as a non jailbroken device at least
until you can get to your computer and
then once you do Buddha's tether just
like normal you'll be able to use all
the jailbreak tweaks you like I also do
want to note that if you have AB sink
installed it will not work whatsoever
with this and a couple of the apps such
as safari and mail will not be working
however overall at least having most
functionality there is better than just
having a dead device that you need to
plug in at the end of the day so there
we go anyway guys if you have any
questions or comments feel free to leave
them in the comments section below it's
a compatible with any iOS 5 tethered
jailbreak so that means ipod touch ipad
or iphone doesn't really matter anyway
guys if you enjoyed this video
definitely be sure to leave it a thumbs
up it really does help me out and if
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