Arm Day/ Healthy Quesadilla: Let's grow these guns together
Arm Day/ Healthy Quesadilla: Let's grow these guns together
the world
right here in this one all right so I'm
gonna show you guys what I'm gonna eat
today got some cheese sprouts tortilla
shell three eggs and I have some bacon
in there all right mr. bacon she just
kind of Bernie I like my tortilla a
little crispy on the outside so flip it
over show you the finished product
here's a finished product we have about
18 grams of protein for eggs look at
that as beautiful damn we got three
pieces of bacon link each piece of bacon
is like six grams of protein so that's
about another 18 grams of 36 grab so we
got cheese which is kind of negligible I
didn't poorly put that much but we'll
say let's see let's grab the bag will
say let's just say i put in a third of a
cup that's gonna be 110 calories six
grams of protein how much fat 9 grams
fat a lot of fat but whatever it is what
it is here's the tortilla shells that I
used right here and they're usually in
the what is it the fridge section at
whole foods or trader joes so check it
out okay for making these low calorie
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