
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Awesome Hardware #0140-A: Mouse with Joysticks, Spotify hardware product, Xbox to support 1440p

I just wasn't thinking so so we're going live to both like simultaneously okay that's crazy I don't know what to I honestly don't think it'll phase YouTube I think it'll be loose I think it'll be alright but this is Jean someone's on equal footing today hi guys hi so you're a show has now started my show has started with the burbs and yeah thank you for being here guys welcome back to awesome hardware the best tech show ever yeah weather if you want to call it a tech show cuz if maybe you've seen other tech shows they suck yeah they do this one's gonna be we fully disapprove of all of it oh you finish your beer rating I did I didn't well you were you were up and doing things I was just kind of couch potato in you here but you'll catch up Wow by the time I finish that sentence you had caught up well he can't can't be a slacker that's true alright um welcome down some hardware hey guys this is a live show that Poe and I do every single Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time right here on slash awesome hardware and to our respective YouTube channels be like to split the show up in two halves on the youtubes today we are streaming to my channel first and then after about an hour so you can head over to Paul's channel where will stream the rest of the episode you can find a link to his channel in my description or you guys go to calm slash Paul's Hardware that's not true and yeah it's gonna be a great show we like to talk about tech and tech news things that are trending in in the field that we love and also occasionally have a good nice beer or two we do and they drink beer we curse occasionally yes if you're the ones around also offended or some have small children hide them yeah I don't turn this off suffocate them go go watch something that's occasional watcher Barney does Barney still exist probably not I mean it exists it's not gone I mean he's not like there's a live running show little Sardis in syndication I can use it in syndication right is it on broadcast television I mean or available for streaming I'm not sure I think Barney but should have by now the point is you should go back to Barney he's a dinosaur he should have been alive in this era to begin with anyway I'm getting too into this we love that you are here happened and we thank you I'm just watching chips on okay Jif or gif because I said jiff I don't even know anymore video and I got so much patience for it one of this thing it was like the internet broke from me saying jiff it was in the Q&A videos like I can't it's one of those popular highly contentious things to argue about that ultimately is of zero significance like you know pineapple on pizza or like whether the dress was blue and yellow or pink and green or whatever the yeah was stupid oh yeah right like it's like one of those things but I also feel like this is somewhat more defined like I don't know I feel like there's a deeper like there's a more real the I objective I have an objective truth here so I had always boiled it down to it from what I understand and I hope this isn't just like a an urban legend that I believed or something but I thought the the creator shit before Matt yeah that it was jiff that's what stuck ever since I read that probably like a week ago I started calling a gift so I've been calling it gif my whole life until I googled it just before filming that video and was like oh it's jiff the creator of the word of actually not of the word of the animation of the universe and the universe called the jiff and I was like Google wouldn't lie to me it never has never will trust with my life I'm gonna start calling you Jeff now and then everyone hates me now for calling it that so anyway maybe this is a disappointed yeah I know it's even worse but crushed there the reality you guys sound off in chat creators from nothing you're wrong about your own creation I'm gonna drink this beer you're gonna drink that beer which has a lovely name what are you drinking alright so let's let's I mean we've already began the show but let's continue to begin the show begin it even deeper veins I'm using you to the beers for today I went I went over to BevMo spent spent some money I got this orgasmic orange basically because it's called orgasmic orange so I hope it's not terrible this is from Indian Wells Brewing Company that's that's pretty local here there's a casino over there the Indian Wells because you know anyway at six point two percent alcohol it's it's a premium orange flavored blogger blogger flavored with orange peels so tasty see I've got the the old try to drink great white I'm lost coast brewings goes great white a lot of shoes this Paul's hardware emblazoned logo and bottle opener sure well it is quite sturdy and seems like a good purchase as headstrong oh wow jeez yeah yeah puddle opener does not guarantee a good poor ladies gentleman I mean I didn't feel like that was horrible I guess I just gave it it too too quick of a tilt well you know it is it is orgasmic or it is orgasmic so it does tend to yellowed a lot more white stuff in there that's aweso again they get a lot of head with you orgasmic orange there you go I guess is the point yes haha well played Indian company you know that's a thing maybe that's just part of the experience yes McCrory that's by design it's like 90 percent head I mean I had that on video so I could watch it back at some point because I don't I don't feel like I really gave it that strong of a of a tilts there but yeah anyway I'm gonna I'm gonna down drew slow it down this so Cheers thank you all for joining us today yay how was the foam from what you can tell how's the beer tasty red orange II it's not bad alright well now he's not knocking my socks off but well I guess Paul doesn't love head much as we thought he did that's okay maybe it's the type of thing that builds up and then towards the end see like that was a very what the hell it's a very careful poured on the side of the glass and maybe something there's something chemistry related going on here something scientific I can explain this phenomenon that we're seeing here but until that exploration comes around in the meantime let's plug our stores because we sell stuff oh yeah like like bottle openers and glasses and mugs and pints pint glasses and stuff my store is bibliothèque slash store and there I sell all kinds of things the mouse pads are doing really well the hardware mugs are doing well these desk mats are very high quality stitched edges rubber bottoms and you know fabric cloth material nice embroidery and all good stuff and things all high quality Paul sells check on his story you saw fitness spinners I still have a few fish like spinners really left there's probably like three maybe that's five you know it's really hard to sell things that you know but I'm glad I only have three left I'm not like 100 that's true that's right Paul's hardware net for my store I also have an arrangement of various prodigies which would eat which are very nice I like that I want I really want a hoodie like that on my store check out my buddy but yeah it's really nice because it's actually but gotten cold here in California it has this is what we would consider the logo cool people are making fun of me on Twitter because I was like it's 69 in my house lying there were nine part but orgasmic fleece or something like that hmm I like somebody's face off to the touch I've still I'm still rocking the rise and one for now until I have my own my Zune Zune happy reading redesigning my own my logo soon we will see unfortunately I'm neither of our stories can you buy an awesome awesome sauce awesome sauce Network yeah sure yeah anyone who owns one of these you're the real OG cuz and you should probably sell this on eBay for like you know that's where the price of a GTX 10800 of money so if you buy stuff from either of our stores we will yell Johnson at you at the end of our our show which is slightly tradition concerning but also kind of cool ritual and you will be helping support and great cause that being us let's move on though to my first segment a segment that I actually haven't done in a long time to fund or not to fund I can fix this Oh Paul's on it while he does I will he warms that up who gets ready for the lower thirds this is a segment where we take a look at a few crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter IndieGoGo that sort of thing just to see what's out there what are people trying to capitalize on there we go nice a nice job Paul um and we we talked about it what are the what's the deal here is there anything worth your your hard-earned dollar to actually go out and fund and obviously we take these with a grain of salt because anything that's crowd funded that isn't a real product yet you know be careful which everybody you're putting your money into every crowd funded product or project that we've recommended on this show has done very well that's not true we have not followed up and confirm that that's inner it's of it's an arbitrary statements very difficult to prove oh yes that's why captain captain bacon that was good I thought you were playing devil's advocate first oh no I mean I was I was gonna say something very specific like you know hazard each person 1 million dollars that's that's probably too much everything in this room this crowdfunding Amway or something so this this first product is the GPD win - it's a handheld game console for triploid games and hey guys it's Austin I thought my my system was glitching out when I first saw this I was like no he actually did a video on this exact product I wonder how much it costs to get get Austin to review your bug to do your your indeed that's where all the two million dollars that they raised went to like they got all that back just so they could have grabbed yeah so although they've actually raised ninety three thousand dollars at this point two million went to Austin for this video yeah exactly so what does this do what it's it's running Windows 10 so it's running Windows 10 and it's designed to run Triple A games in a handheld form factor okay so it's like a DES on steroids right that's fully PC forward and clearly there's an interest here because obviously two million two million dollars funded of their one hundred thousand dollar goal blue-blue well past that and it's rocking sort of a more obscure mobile processor here the Intel Core M three seven Y three zero I have never heard it before and what's also weird is that it doesn't say it has a discrete GPU it says it's got Intel HD graphics six one five okay so it is at 720p to 720p screen you don't need that helps but till the fact that they're running games like GTA 5 and battlefield or whatever and I mean if you're using medium-low settings you can get a decent amount of frames that of you know pretty mediocre hard workers especially at seven twenty seven twenty is a lot fewer pixels in anything ten eighties that's true that's true it'd be interesting to see what kind of frame rates you would get although I think their refresh rate here is sixty Hertz on the screen it is an IPS screen so that's good you have eight gigs of memory even end up to SSD at 128 gigabytes which is replaceable and there's no capacity ceiling so you can stick a one terabyte SSD in there if you wanted to which you'll probably have to if you're installing big triple-a triple-a titles here 128 gigs is not gonna get you very far it's made of aluminium alloy the body anyway it's got a forty nine hundred or two forty nine hundred milli amp batteries in series and that gives you about six to eight hours of battery life you know depending on your usage okay so it looks like it's got a built in sort of you know joystick controller looks like a built-in Xbox controller as often put in video and you know you gotta compromise somewhere with sides like this I need better pictures I feel like it's for an IndieGoGo up there there we go appearance ah like halfway down the page yeah so um looks like it's got sort of like a you know a touch keyboard like actual physical Keys d-pad couple joysticks yeah and yeah I mean it you know I feel like it could look a bit more stylish it doesn't look like a cutting-edge product it looks a little dated but functionality wise I'd be curious to see how it performs um the other thing though is that it's six hundred and fifty dollars okay so it's much more expensive than say a DS which would be probably you know at least one of its competitors being a hand are very popular if not the most popular handheld gaming device currently so I mean can you could you argue that since it runs Windows you could do some productivity stuff on it and I mean email he met email and web browser might work how productive it would be without like now I don't have any of the Nintendo handhelds do any of them have like basic internet capability like like a bright they do oh I don't know if they actually little Wi-Fi and stuff yeah I think I mean Wi-Fi connect to the internet yes play games but I believe it's there for a browser built-in can you go on on the internet and go to websites I want to say yes but don't quote me on that I have no idea I've never never been into handheld gaming I just I yeah chat saying yes you can so okay pornhub is an option all right well then that makes this that less of it the selling point for this thing I would think productivity is more productive on your phone than this thing because you I mean it's got a keyboard I mean a keyboard but so does your phone right yes and I feel like the touchscreen now where I feel like I'm more used to a touch a touch interface than physical keys I guess whereas you know 10 years ago it was completely backwards especially with things like autocorrect like does this thing have autocorrect for Windows you know if you know it's things like that so I'm not sure if it's gonna be a great productivity device but if you're looking into some Triple A games there's also bumper buttons the back good old bumpers good for FPS is and other things so so there's that let's move on though to the next thing wait so every family oh yeah $60 750 bucks I'm gonna say no cuz I feel like it sounds too good to be true like gonna be 900 bucks when it comes right yeah that's the early burden that's why I feel like you could buy a low-end gaming laptop right with the 1080 screen but you won't be able to play it in like a waiting room yeah doctor's office I'm just gonna do just good - yes Upolu of them for 1300 I need to go yeah moving on the LexA PA me mouse that has two internal joysticks oh say wha lots of fast-paced editing that cut cut guy with a Super Nintendo t-shirt telling you stuff Mouse he looks trustworthy about this laser censored mouse that has two joysticks built-in the one that's more obvious is on the side where your thumb would go and so you can you know give up down left right diagonal and stuff and you it's all programmer notice sees the old joystick jump back again I'm thinking maybe scrolling through your items in inventory right maybe maybe that makes it easier than having to use the keyboard for that or I guess you could use one for like zooming if you wanted like you know push forward on the joystick to zoom in like a first-person shooter there's a bunch of other things that you could program it with the other joystick that's not as obvious until you get a closer look is actually on the mouse that under the mouse itself the map on its axis is sitting on a another like it floats on a pad there that shows it right there joystick so you got yeah exactly so it's kind of like I would imagine this for like flying game like flying simulators or maybe racing games exactly sure fascinating um so it it looks like it's just stationary there but you can also move it like a regular mouse so that's how you know I have to chive to try yeah like a hundred percent concern here would be like accidentally rocking it like right it's a it's an action you're not really used to Rekha's I guess most of the time when you get your hand on a messy usually it's kind of liable right so all right well that's I mean and there's like like if it's a game like GTA 5 I can see that actually being semi useful where like flying or yeah exactly like if you're just running around the city then tilting your mouse like this probably won't do anything it just won't have any any effect but as soon as you jump into like a chopper then all of a sudden you get you know you're tilting yo and stuff like that yah yah yah mahn yah yah so yeah throw the yah so how much how much do you think this goes for I think we should at least pledge 1 euro to join their gaming community oh it's just a euro you know the early bird price is 99 euro which is about 123 US dollars right it's pretty steep that is a lot tomato delivery is in June there's clearly some interest that's it's raised a quarter of a million dollars out of its thirty thousand dollar goal there are 98 left so 900 900 people have been like yes this is worth the money and then after that it's gonna go up to 109 euro or about 135 US dollars I as an early bird on this one I would say no yeah just cuz you know you you you you wanna you want do you want more independent you know review of people's response to using it and it seems to me like it has what I would call the steam controller effect where it's different and innovative and new and it's like oh if that worked perfectly as its as it says it does it would be amazing but the execution is a different story and as we all know the steam controller is pretty much unused by everyone except for our good friend and moderator self processing in chat hey he likes it I love the steam controller for playing minecraft in the living room although I haven't done that in a while anyway let's move on to the next one this is the last item here the enttec the world's first AO or all in one sorry portable smart 4k projector it's 4k projector okay and you know okay it's raised almost half a million well $400,000 of its $25,000 goal with a month left to go it's fairly portable I mean it kind of looks like a giant pancake but taller all right and it it does output 3840 by 2160 at 60fps that's on the DLP tech doctor as the technology it's using and I don't know much about projectors because I just don't deal with them very often but this one has a NSI lumens of 1,500 and I don't know how bright that is it seems low to me just off the bat but I don't I don't know do you know how bright 1500 ANSI lumens is I feel like I feel like a full brightness ones around 3000 okay buddy but like you I don't look at projectors that often so I'd have to have to yeah gotcha and a lot of people in chat are kind of confirming what I already believed that 1500 is pretty low and I had that feeling also because they didn't really advertise it except at the very bottom of the incredibly long post okay so that kind of makes sense so that's that's really the Achilles heel here I think that's always a problem with this little tiny portable projector like the one they have for the the Moto phone you know and all those like they just you need only you need pitch blackness you need pitches and effectively yeah right so um there's that you know you can whatever it's got a speaker that's stacks on top of it it's got bluetooth and Wi-Fi so technically I guess you could stream with it it's got built-in storage it's 3d capable 3 ok what's kind of cool raised 415 million dollars and it's $500 for the earlybird ok that's a lot like that's it's a very niche product I think that some people are gonna get a kick out of who really like I don't know wanna watch movies on their ceiling in their bedroom and yeah right sure but I don't really see myself using something like this ever I feel like if I even if I owned one of these if someone gave this to me for free I'd probably never use yeah I mean there's better it's like your technology interest in a projector projectors are pretty cool in the right scenario but that's that's if you need the right like location and everything for them yeah it's gonna be that perfect if you're like baller enough to have a house where you're like I'm gonna have like a home theater you know something like that yeah yeah you want that projector then you want like a big nice projector exactly brightness and like yeah that kind of thing right portable projector is just I've never I don't know yeah I've never I've never the most the most of the time when I see ads for portable projectors they're aimed at like business professionals who like go on the road and do presentations and usually then you need it to like throw up you know make PowerPoint a short video and or a PowerPoint or something like that so yeah I don't know this kind of falls in the same sort of category as the GPD that we looked at just a moment ago that was you know a mini PC of handheld or it's like it's trying to take something but like really high in technology or that's something that's usually very large and cram it down to a portable size for convenience but you sacrifice a lot of performance that way and so there are certain components that I feel certain devices like projectors or like desktop towers that that just aren't ready yet to be condensed down to a small size just because the technology's not quite there yet they're not ready we're not ready for portable 4k projectors as my opinion so no I would not fund this the one thing that I would fund on this list is probably nothing I'd probably fund okay if I had to pick I'd fund the GPD just because Austin was on it because Austin endorsed it no he didn't endorse it because Austin's face was on it and I like Austin and and you are just struggling with these orgasmic orange pores I swear to God like you it's even foaming up on this move in the bottle people were watching me right that was I actually haven't seen you pour I was like dude dude getting trolled by your beer sorry sorry it'll ill it'll go down eventually it's orgasmic so you know it's worth it excuse me there you go it feels good all right so that's the funder not to fund ladies and gentlemen hooray yay let's move on to the next segment which is pin my PC you guys submitted some pictures of your rigs and Paul and I are gonna help you out and tell you how cocky they are yes all right starting with Jericho sure cool he's got a horizon five 1600 X with an as Rock Pro for a B 350 and motherboard 16 gigs of vengeance LED thirty-two hundred megahertz RAM GTX 970 windforce 3x that's a gigabyte card high for 212 Evo define mini see from fractal design and storage and stuff so you know this is actually a really clean system to be honest um you know I think I think the thing that stands out to me is just the the hyper 212 while it's a very good price to performance cooler does tend to look aesthetically on the budget side of things and yeah I feel like the rest of your case isn't super budget like it's pretty nice a 970 still still definitely have some oomph to it and the the the fractal case that you've had written that you have together defined C is a gorgeous case and so I feel like these premium parts that you have in here especially the wind for school I love that wind force cooler I like this picture a lot I feel like yeah you get a good camera there just to accent colors I don't know everything everything is working for me here definitely like the little pop of blue even though the blue and is is not matching with the the red LEDs like it still work it's still working for me yeah it's like a dream it's like a technology technology-based red white and blue theme yeah that's pay patriotism murica America I like the fact that you swapped out the cooler master fan for a fractal one and especially to make them all unified in throughout your case I think that's great yep I just think the heatsink and the copper pipes are showing on the faceplate of cooller are a little uggs but it's just this is aesthetic thing a little great cooler especially for the you know you don't really need a robust cooler for a 1600 X even if you're overclocking really so yeah and you've already got the cable thing down I mean it looks good that's it I would just maybe upgrade the cooler like a something work pretty quad quad Lumi maybe h7 from cryo rig or one of the ETS t40 from enter max those are good values or you know just go balls to the wall balls to the wall with a custom water cooling loop you never just sell everything and replace it all with a single gtx 1060 you textin six that's about what you get for your money right now all right thanks doc thank you Jericho next us with swifty yeah got a FX 8350 so uh last gen AMD based system here at gigs of ram an RX 474 gig and the GT 431 gig is that perhaps your physics card sir streaming so this is two systems this is a dual system built so the streaming part is FX 6300 with four gigs of ram and an HD 6451 gig a hauppage colossus to capture card of course our 540 air is the case FX 6300 hits 54 C under full load even with limited airflow built from parts he already owned alright another cool hyper 212 looks like is it it's definitely cooler master yeah so last time but secondary system crammed here in the back of of your ear air 540 which is a use decent use of that space there's often lots of extra space in the back of an air 540 because it's one of the box style cases so extra power supply and then this is where the mini 80 system is which apparently is used for streaming so that would have been my question would be how hot does all this get what both of them are running at the same time apparently he's saying everything's staying pretty cool too so props to you for wedging that all in there how did he fit the second system back there like there's no mounting points right it's not a dual system chassis no he this is hacked in there so he hacked out the back to put the second power supply in he ran some extensions here for the Ethernet jack and the HDMI out for for that system and he's also got looks like a secondary HDMI here as well as a couple USBs and audio so that's all the basic connections you need Wow for a system and there you have it two systems in a single system that's pretty cool Gaming is just streaming that's pretty sweet damn alright yeah I mean I I applaud you on the resourcefulness you know this is definitely not cutting-edge hardware but the fact that it's all fitting in there and I mean you're most powerful and part of it the 8350 which especially if you're overclocking it can output a decent amount of heat I forget what the TDP on a 350 is I feel like it's like no one it's well then there's a ninety five ninety that also confused to you because that one has a higher deep deep anyway it can output a lot of heat so that and the RX 470 as well that's a definitely not at the 400 series is 120 595 Watts TDP come on 25 right that's not terrible yeah that works for 70 you know this is decent and he out but I should say I'm sorry so anyway well done and I'm not sure what to tell you as far as aesthetic upgrades here because honestly everything is looking pretty good oh there's a supplemental fan this is an antique fan yeah a little USB guy right now for some X years over the VRMs there - I like that so yeah I like those little fans very nice and I still makeshift power supply basement but although that's a hard drive basement oh yeah yeah right it's the air 540 yeah that's pretty cool - honestly I have no I have never commended for you know yeah I mean after seeing what you've done here and really tasty not just for anything you are you are very crafty sir well that's a thank you swifty thanks man so we have James James Bowen the Corsair 460 X RGB white core i5 7600 K + AZ 270 pro 4 motherboard from asrock of course our H 100 IV - 16 gigs of Corsair Vengeance ddr4 2400 and the GTX 10 seven-day okay alright we got a white build going on here and I love like the component choices I think everything like as far as the components go they seem to work well together and cable management is the other thing that was the first thing I noticed is a little for the fans the front fans it looks like the cables are kind of hanging out a little bit but what case is this that's the the 460 X 4 60s yeah Corsair 460 X RGB white alright which you don't see too often I haven't seen the white version much so submissions I feel like kale management's for some of your fans up here is a little loose and then you have just a bit of extra hanging out from from your PCI Express graphics cable here and then your so you've got the small motherboard in a large case syndrome going on although it's micro ATX on a full sized ATX it's not like a huge difference like mini ITX or something but it's still you got a lot of white space down here and then the fact that you got the you have to stream the cables across that yeah makes them stand out even more especially since this black on white so that's what's standing out to me a little bit here if you really attack the cable management and you want to make it super super good-looking even pay attention to little stuff like this like the cables that are going behind gaps in the motherboard tray like those those can stand out again especially if it's black and white yeah like you've got going on here so I just feel like like a micro ATX case would would do you well unless you're planning on upgrading and expanding in the future I just I don't know that's that's what I would say because I because micro ATX I really that form factor I think it's a nice balance between size and expandability but when you put it in a full-size ATX case it's like why didn't you just get an 8 full sized ATX motherboard yeah and then you'd fill out that space and you'd have a little bit more expansion slots than everything right oh that's said overall it's you know your color schemes definitely on points and you have a nice last Cal set a nice selection of components for sure so mm-hmm yeah yep I agree with everything Paul said cool thanks James thank you James next up we have de'vide or David David freshly ducted Cory 537 15 degrees 70 K or that would mean die fast 70 K maybe he's dyslexic I think you meant 35 70 K what core i5 35 70 K is what I assume he doesn't have a motherboard listed so it's hard to see which platform this is looks like an AZ rock extreme board maybe I want to say 3770k 3770k that's gonna be I mean just mr7 but then that's weird though because I'd be an i7 it looks like you're trying to write AI 530 maybe he just missed them 35 70 canes yeah 35 70 K right that's what I think okay that's W I guess with the gtx 1070 and a bit phoenix samurai case so the case looks fairly budget kind of just tell from the cutouts for the cables and the drive cage v a quarter inch bays so it's more or less a budget system but you know the core i5 35 70 K is still a pretty good chip you know it still has some pretty decent single thread performance for considering how old it is and you know you've got a decent GPU to pair it with I think the 970 still has some some power to it it looks like your rear fan is is set to intake actually which is kind of competing with your CPU cooler and it's also probably going to generate more dust in your case because it doesn't look like you have a dust filter on the other side of that ban maybe he reversed is airflow what if the CPU cooler fan is also pulling but you can see the arrows on the CPU cooler Finn you're right you can pointing excellent detective work Kyle hahaha we've done it again Sherlock okay so I would flip that fan unless there's some really weird specific reason that you have it flip that way cable management looks a little hairy down there Oh beneath your graphics card and your drives so especially those blue SATA cables dude I would make a black a trip yeah definitely clashing SATA cables are like a dime a dozen like probably literally at this point so I would I would say you know grabbing some black ones or even some red ones that would go with the kind of black and red theme of your graphics card Kyle what's your opinion on keeping the the caps on the SLI bridges here I was just buying those you think what do you think and they're somewhat stylish from MSI cuz you know they're they're great read/write it protects those gold contact points right there's something about it though that bothers me like just inside I get just like I just want to like pick them off you know what I mean I think maybe it's just because it's this it's just there for packaging and I know it's there for packaging mainly it's not there to be shown off so I think just like I always take them off no matter what they look they usually take them off yeah but you know to each their own alright so some some attack the cable management down here and get rid of your blue static cables consider some cable extensions although overall probably not worth the investment on the system you probably want to save that for investment in a new platform so yeah you're gonna probably enough to live with the ketchup and mustard if you really do want to go through and and redo things consider removing your power supply yeah sticker as well and if you read your platform later down the line I would also upgrade the case at the same time yeah it'll give you a case is a bit more airflows this is like it this is like it gets the job done case and and whenever you do decide on a new system you'll appreciates a lot of the advances that have been made in case technology yes over the past five ten years looks like you're missing a couple expansion slots to help management covers yeah but thanks David thanks David next up we've got there's our last one tape and caveman the i7 6700 builds with a GTX 1070 eight gigs of a data xpg RAM and Asus eight 170 pro motherboard 120 gig is a data SSD one terabyte WD hard drive and asking for judgment we found first judgements tell us tell us your case because it was helpful to now use the NZXT phantom or or switch maybe yeah it's the one that has like lookit you can kind of tell it's got go splat and then it kind of curves in it's an older case okay hold on zxt case no rubber grommets or anything like that but the first thing I noticed is that Intel's the stock Intel cooler definitely right on NZXT yeah stock intel heat sink fan yeah that's a big no-no on a 6700 I would I would get something a little better yeah I mean it's gonna be functional and you're definitely you'd like your don't have an overclockable chips so don't don't go drop in you know a hundred bucks on a liquid cool or anything like that that's silly but you can definitely get yourself some very quiet like like almost makes no noise performance with you know a thirty to forty dollar aftermarket cooler that will also look a lot better we got the the clear led fan and we've I want to make this more of a tradition I feel like I'm on pimp my PC that we equate the clear LED fan with like clear heels like like ladies will well seek other ladies for wearing the clear heels not classy at all no like that's what hookers were right that's what we're talking about here with the clear led fan just yeah you're a you're a you're a geek hooker pretty much your total that's what we're saying nerd hooker not sure about the power supply as well that also wasn't oh wait it's it's down here this is a high power power supply so yeah I would I would I would replace that power supply yeah this that yeah it's just it doesn't look it doesn't it does have an eighty plus rating on the side but I've never heard of the brand high power before maybe he got it from like a prebuilt or something yeah it looks like a power a power supply that you would find out of like a cyber or all-in-one yeah so so consider a power supply upgrade your case isn't bad you know like like we said you you have cable routing options but you're not really using them as effectively as you could you could just pull a lot of more of the slack back behind the motherboard I think from some of the cables for your PCI Express and your optical drive and and and that kind of thing and then housing that's one stick of RAM of this a single gram stick - oh gosh get that get on that dual channel bandwagon for a little channel is a thing you're not gonna make a huge deal for your I think in your case but yeah I mean it also balances things out I feel like yeah just you know paradigm it's good practice and it's it's performance you're leaving on the table even if it's not a huge difference and and just last thing to point out but more more SLI covers more read SLI covers no no I jumped about I just jumped back know even like look at the new one like look no on this one - he's got him all that I've gotta reopen it two in a row dude I think I'm sensing like I don't know there's a conspiracy going on with red SLI finger covers I don't know right there people love them I I don't get it let's look like those don't even look like they came with it well I guess it's an IMSI yeah you know oh that's a msi gtx 1070 so I guess they're red no matter even if even if there's no red accent 170 for like $3,000 yeah and then just buy buy at 1064 $1000 and then spend an extra 2,000 on it I'm creating the rest of your system and that's all I think that's like it alright thank you everyone who submitted a guys if you didn't happen to get picked this week there will be other opportunities in the near future but looking forward to it let us move on to let's do some tech news all right let's do some tech news here we've got a few stories here I'm one two three four yeah but like three or four stories here for tech news we got a lot more stuff on Paul's half but for starters here we've got an article from videocards dot-com about some new coffee like CPUs that are ready locked and loaded and ready for shipping these are gonna be launching over the next couple months very soon and we've got the core i5 8600 non K so probably be a little bit cheaper it's actually quoted here 2200 No yeah $220 us and then we have the i-5 8500 at $200 we have an i3 at the i3 8300 for $135 so definitely drops down quite a bit not sure if that's a quad core or dual core want to say dual core but not sure and at least five Pentiums and Celer ons there will also be cheaper motherboards why are you smiling Oh cuz because here is he where is he he dragged up he dragged the bed over so he oh right there why he dragged it over yeah and he's he does that doing stuff down there he doesn't know he's like licking himself and it just sounds very good - it is but yeah he asked I can't I need to catch him moving the bed like he's very stealthy it's like suddenly like wait what for being like the biggest dog ever like he's super ninja just somehow makes the better a mix of terrifying anyway and then Sochi from other boards will be launching alongside this new wave of coffee like chips so we're gonna see you know the H 170 or I'm sorry H 370 and B 360 chipsets which obviously just makes things even more confusing than they already are H 370 yep and B 360 and it's like and you you've got the B the B 350 on on the AMD side so it's just there's no there's no healthiness ah I said I ain't like ex 370 and z3 78 yeah every time I hear one or the other I have to kind of think like but yeah that's right aimed okay it's just look the X and the Z are just two of those examples that just kind of are interchangeable or synonymous so it's just really annoying yeah yeah yeah like you had 26 letters in the alphabet and you had literally any three-digit number and that's though when you picked I don't know uh hashtag marketing I don't understand it so I hit it some new chips therefore all you copy like lovers it seems as easy 390 motherboards and the eight core CPU we've been hearing about are gonna be launching at a later time it was speculated at one point that would be launching alongside everything we just mentioned but rumors are saying suggesting summer summer release XIII 98 to be 90 mother why is that needed that I don't know what how does that do I don't know maybe it's an eight core coffee like CPU that Intel's just like I don't know that they I need a new chipset for right like white why do they need like what's the new chips that gonna bring unless the a core CP is not coffee like and it's what's the next one latte like cappuccino cappuccino like I don't know I had I honestly haven't read any of the rumors on Z 390 or this eight core CPU I was just mentioned in the article they didn't really go to detail about it sure it's just a video curds calm just just fucking with us like yeah yeah let's go make a bunch of numbers for the new stuff people we all confused let's send this over to WCC if to God posted better are you so that's apparently gonna compete with the news at the Zen + rising to family which launches later in April which I think we have more confidence that that is actually happening than than Z 390 and and this eight core CPU this mystery CP were like Mike what my question is gonna be when they launched these new platforms like Duke are people like is our GPU prices and memory prices affecting investments in the CPUs and the motherboards right because you have different companies making different products but it's all part of the same they're all part of the same ecosystem over there right so I'm gonna buy I feel like at some point you know depending on whether we actually get graphics cards back in stock and available for sale like it's gonna start affecting sales of other components the other system components the only yeah it's really weird unless yeah I mean it yeah we'd have to I'm gonna be really curious to see what I don't know I don't know though would it cuz you know the same sort of thing that you were saying like when I was like why would they even sell like $900 GPUs and you were like well they're clearly selling for that price if they're putting with that price so would we see would we really see a drop-off in like new PC builds if whether or not they're for gaming like they might just be for mining you know anything for something like a like a rapid price increase like that you can you can just kind of logically verify that yes they must be selling because prices don't go up like that unless yes something for something that's selling at MSRP if it's selling it or not that's harder to determine and it's up to the company to decide whether how they want to deal with that sometimes they might deal with it like all right there's a lull in sales right now but we don't want to devalue our product so we're not going to change your pricing we're just going to kind of wait this out sometimes they might be like are we need to drop prices because demand isn't where it should be in right so and you know what now that I think about it you're not gonna need an eight-core high end until CPU to mine anyway yeah people wouldn't be buying the CPU for gaming or for mining which yeah maybe you're right we're just gonna see a big you know a dipping it's almost something that I'd like not hoping for but just like if there's anything that can be done to push GPU manufacturers or whoever else can have an impact on graphics card prices to do something like yeah then hopefully it happens I guess we are gonna be talking about Intel perhaps making plans for a GPU of their own on Paul's house yes probably it's probably the gaming room right away but still exciting news let's move on to our next article from the verge I didn't realize this was a couple days old came out from beer 14th but less than a week ago so still semi relevant sorry this is about the home pop the Apple home pod which has been destroying wooden desks and tables everywhere with this nasty white ring of death but knowing it as I'll burn your house down right it's all it's all ruined something like that several outlets proclaiming that it leaves a white ring on wooden surfaces Apple confirmed the issue with them stating the marks Canon like like there's a lot of Apple quotes in this art and this little article here that every time I read what I'm just like really it looks like my initial response so first they said the marks can improve over several days after the speaker is removed from the wood surface okay so it apparently this is just a self-correcting issue that you know I don't know Apple has some invisible helpers that will clean up the stain it'll just dissolve apparently over time and then the Apple also suggests that users try cleaning the surface with the manufacturer's suggested oiling meth method if the Rings persists so Apple solution is oh our product damages your table well you should clean it then okay it's reasonable sure putting it on a cloth some people are like why don't you just put it on the little cloth ya know on your table that doesn't work as well because the way it's designed it has the tweeters actually firing downward so it sort of uses a hard surface to reflect the sound and to create a bigger you know a bigger spatial spatial noise in your room and having a cloth or you know carpeted surface underneath it of any kind would definitely hamper the very impressive sound from this device so that's not really a solution I was thinking like like chopsticks or something like take two chopsticks you know just two rails and just like put it on the chopsticks but that's probably stupid um it's probably better to just you know ruin your table Apple updated its support page for the home pod saying it is not unusual for any speaker I like how they say such a star speaker it's unusual that I knew without vibration dampening silicone base to leave my old marks when placed on some wooden surfaces that's that's the end of the quote so so that's that's what they're saying it's not unusual the third agreement so okay the marks apparently are caused by oils diffusing between the silicone base and the table service surface table surface I don't know what that is they at the very end of the day they said they recommend placing your home pod on a different surface if nothing else works if you clean it you try cleaning it doesn't work or the stains persist just put on a different surface so they should have like a supported list official supported list on the home pod box of tables the surfaces you can put it on if that's their official statement does not support wood home pod they just need not only does it not support Spotify fully it also doesn't support you to ship it with like a home pod condom yeah I could rubber thing just like stretch it over halfway roll it up around the outside keeps it contained he usually has a minimal impact on you know the sound ribbed for her pleasure yeah I think that would I think that's the solution they're missing I think protection is what we excuse me so good job keep it up next up we're talking about speaking of which we're talking about Spotify next and how certain job listings that they posted recently semi suggest or definitely suggest really that they have some plans to launch one or more connected hardware products Spotify is currently the global leading global music streaming service very impressive they're huge but that's all they've been up until now they're only the world's only most popular global screaming series very small feet um you know you know what they say about feet so this is a whole new venture that they're tapping into here they're gonna try competing with the Apple home pod which I think they should because the home pod seems very is very resistant to working with Spotify and it very much favors the Apple music streaming service very much a locked-in ecosystem so maybe this is sort of a response or will inevitably be a response to that product it's also gonna compete with the Amazon echo and the Google home that sort of thing but we don't know exactly what it is yet all we know is that they're working on some kind of hardware product we don't know if it's gonna be a speaker or a SmartWatch headphones it could be anything we don't know um what if it's like a like a rocket oh the what if they're gonna compete with SpaceX the Spotify heavy the Spotify yeah my theory so um you know who knows what they're making here but you know the job listings they have include things like operations manager for hardware product project manager for hardware production and engineering and rocket scientists and they say you know in in the actual rocket cycle in the actual description of the job listings that says Spotify is on its way to creating its first physical product and setting up an operational organization for manufacturing supply chain sales and marketing it's also very strong hints that they're ready and gearing up for fulfillment and distribution so there's gonna be a Spotify product soon and delivering payloads to low-earth orbit no they're not making rockets but that would be really funny if Mark get more companies to the space drink you're not to be right everyone would think that you're like an undercover spy or something Paul knew before everyone Russian it's a crowded market they're getting into to be honest I don't think we really need another smart enabled speaker for our home that's voice-activated or whatever so Spotify is really gonna have to have an attractive price point it's gonna have to be a great product and it will surely have to incorporate some very Spotify specific features in order to really sell I don't like I don't like the consolidation like the vertical that like the software and the hardware vertical because it's it's - I like I like software services that will function on a variety of different hardware devices to give you options there so I I agree I'm less enthused about this because yeah it seems my car per device that works for Spotify exactly and and if you're not using if it can do things other than Spotify it will probably always be kind of like nudging you towards okay you would do you wanna listen to music guns but exactly yeah today they're still trying to their push for their own team so it'll be interesting to see what they come up with I personally use Spotify all the time it's the only streaming music streaming service that I use so you're already compromised basically well not really because I have a Google home that I love that also integrates so well with Spotify and an even like Google assistant done your your pixel and stuff works flawlessly Spotify so I really like you like I don't really see a need to to go that you know to pick up something like this instantly again it's gonna have to have some really juicy features specific to Spotify in order to get my interest so more on that later I'm sure we'll we'll talk about it when it actually comes out but for now let's talk about our final article for tonight XXY from my half about the expo Xbox one X and 1s oh and this receiving 1440p support very soon what display articles from hexes think sexist Microsoft confirm recently that native support for 1440p displays was coming was imminent the Xbox one x targets 4k displays right that's that's their 4k console using an amusing super sampling tech deliver some really smooth visuals visual upgrades on 1080p displays however a 1440p display is it is really better is this better 1080 is better than 1080 smaller pixels rather than being Goldilocks - according to the article suffers from sub optimal 1080p imagery what does that being only locks to mean I think it means that it's it's not it's - it's not it's too high it's stop - is front it's not too cold it's just right right for a house but it's a monitor what I mean is in terms of the resolution maybe because it makes sense in the context of what the writer was trying to do I'm just right now I have been failing to grasp this yeah I don't know he kind of threw me after the Goldilocks thing - Goldilocks is uh I think an important story though I think need to learn mmm I think that's really what the what this is getting at this is a show about learning is it everyone you know it's all about moderation you know you shouldn't be too extreme on one side or the other which is why 1440p is like masterrace really we should all come together as people and and and I'll be nice to each other and I think that's really what this what this article is getting and something inspirational it's really a message to to all the people of the world and especially thank you especially Xbox one owners yes Xbox one okay just great let's bring this back in particular are the most effective diet beckon as much as we'd like to think that's you know Microsoft is changing the world with their xbox resolution support um Xbox owners should be should rejoice over this apparently like the upscaling is you know the upscaling from 1080p to 4k is is what it's intended for for the Xbox one x the Xbox go next so I guess upscaling from 1080p to 1440p what they're saying here is is not quite as graceful I mean it just it kind of just looks more of an in-between I mean exactly yeah um 1082 for kh2 see make every pics every single pixel becomes four pixels and that's the same thing Rick it's very simple scale need the Xbox 1s however is a little too weak to really game in 1440p so that probably has something more to do with the user interface you know having more real estate when you're just browsing around doing video playback video playback might look a little crispier and other low intensity tasks could benefit from the higher resolution but I think really if your time I'm gaming here you're gonna have to be on the Xbox one X to really um take advantage of that some folks also in the article were complaining about pub G players on Xbox using an adapter for keyboard and mouse and they were they were complaining that they were too good like they were Opie like I keep getting head shot it like from like a miles away from this dude or all these people who are using keyboard and mice and I'm I'm on a stupid game pad and a rep from Xbox tweeted out that the game developer is like blue hole who develops pub G they have the capability to to either block keyboard and mouse users or at least separate keyboard and mouse users from gamepad users in different servers so that there's no conflict of you know that's deal level it was decided weird like back in 2009 or something like that like it wasn't that it wasn't that argument was decided just the the like controller versus keyboard and mouse and just the the vast chasm of disparity between oh yeah right I mean everyone who I forget you should know that you're gonna lose Emily I would need to look it up but there's a there was an early co-op online co-op game that they did where they allowed PC gamers to play against console gamers and like basically all the console gamers just quit long because because it was such a ridiculous slaughter yeah but speaking of pub G and we're not talking about this on my half but gamers Nexus just did an xbox pub G video where they tested the framerate of it they're doing some crazy software framerate testing thing nice for consoles and interests and it sucks between 10 to 10 to 20 frames per second at times depending on what was going on there's all sorts of weird inconsistencies with it of like textures showing up and disappearing at different times and like rubber-banding like crazy as he went and did different things Wow yeah I was it was actually a pretty funny video to watch just because there was so much nonsense and horribleness to the Xbox port for it so right it's kind of fun it is interesting so that's so that's that and that concludes my half of the most parts we can go ahead and venture into Q&A or no yeah yeah if anyone donated we're gonna quickly answer your question yes if your question is complicated though and let's read it the most read enforces please ask us very simple easy to answer questions just so we can get through this part because it tends to get long at times it does thank you and we're gonna try to answer quick okay pup Shepherd $10 according to my tracking number Kyle got my gift from uber Prince about two weeks ago also I got my first patron subscriber today and passed 700 subscribers I hope you are well BTC on the rise yes pop I believe I did get something from you uber Prince that sounds like a t-shirt thing I checked my mailbox today for it I didn't actually bring the mail here to Paul's house but one of them did seem to be a t-shirt and I think it was from you so I got it hopefully we can open that next week cool but thank you very much Philip see five GBP bought a KF a to 1080 Hall of Fame for the low price of only 150 GBP on on one twist is the switch on the back was snapped off thoughts on this card the switch was you what switch maybe like a bios which the hall-of-fame cards from Galax some of them on the very back of the card have like a button switch the pages at turbo mode right which if it was broken off I wouldn't care about that because yeah you know I overclocked it yourself and do whatever if that's what you're talking about if you're talking about something on the back of the card like back of the PCB or something that snapped off return it didn't know that would make sense why it was so inexpensive for you anyway yeah but yeah that seems like your great deal the Hall of Fame cards are good it's very nicely going Scott dill they got a deal with 66 cents how about them GPU prices they suck Kyle if you got a truck like Paul your beard would grow full it's true I really wish that were the case I've been trying to grow this thing out for years didn't happen I like my truck I hate the MB 67 thirteen dollars and 37 cents cheers cheers to you and B thank you thank you for sending the beautiful photos I don't always reply to them but I do see them mm-hmm beautiful photos yeah and he's he tweets pictures they're issues of the ocean oh that's pretty don't get those maybe I do but I haven't checked you're just a dick I'm super jealous Katie's keys who Jesus Jesus is like a whole Asus Asus spending $10 zb7 z97 with an i7 or just upgrade my FX 8120 getting porked an ATP performance I would go with a resin platform right now average 87 or z97 definitely because it's probably gonna be difficult to find motherboards that are reasonably priced and that you know are functional and yeah you just you have more there a lot more new z97 barely had like MDOT - maybe an nvme support on z97 but I'm not sure it probably depends on the board but yeah yeah just can't consider horizon upgrade there's plenty of options there you'll have a way better upgrade path to grant and if you can wait till April this right exactly so Koretz Studios $10 shutout from Monroe mi Mississippi Mississippi I greatly enjoy both your content I've been a supporter for your channels for a few years now Kyle I entered by PC and pin my PC check it out bro have a good one guys grats sorry and get around to p6 time keep Michigan good ol Michigan obviously we are fully American I promise and yeah how many M states I know next week man maybe maybe I'll pick it out k MEC $11 in 11 cents hey I'm the fellow Kyle who donated the day after the day my water heater burst oh you guys told me to send a message next never to pin my PC and hoping you'd get to me you guys Rock twitter is kmac 202 for a fellow Kyle Kyle I did not see your tweets today we kind of scrambled at the end there I hit my PC was the last thing that I curated for the show so I missed a ton of submissions I mean there's like literally hundreds by the time I actually go through them so and I pick like five or six for the show so there's a really good chance that I just missed yours but um keep sending them in don't lose hope because I switch it up every every week l.joe low Joe low five dollars I just want to say that you guys are great thanks for the show also what do you guys think to the MSI gaming radio and rx 488 gigabyte GPU for 1440p yeah yeah that's not bad I mean it's not it's not excellent but it's not bad especially with the a kick model that's fine yeah and you're not gonna be able to play everything at high settings but you're fine thank you for your donation sir yes John edged it with the $10 donation happy Chinese New Year Tet Tet I don't know what Ted is I do know Chinese New Year it's the year of the dog happy ma I made a fan art game of you guys on each dot IO I would be cool if you guys can check it out sometime keep up the awesome work hmm okay send to us next week you know donation or something like that donation no I know what I mean like the link to it I mean I'm not familiar with each dot I am yeah how to find it if even if I went on there but that's linked us somehow that's really cool oh he says PS search face-off to find it he did to follow up the nation I hope that in the first message cool alright cool thanks man Jay Miller with a $10 donation finally catching a live show up in a while just sold my PC accepted mesh if IC and storage can't beat selling a used $800 1070 wow that is the flip side of the GPU price debacle situation right now is anyone who is in a situation to get rid of one can make a nice pin for 800 bucks for 1070 like it was in decent condition like I'm so I'm sure some minor was like I got a hell of a especially if you bought it cuz ramen that 10 70s launched and they were supposed to be three hundred and eighty bucks and then they came out and they were all four hundred and fifty bucks and everyone was like this stupid video $450 for ten seventy Oh what I would do oh my god but yeah nice nice lip there Thank You Jay for your donation thanks man automatic Matt $5 hey guys currently studying CCNA for my exam in three weeks can't stay to watch but I missed this show a lot and and beer I miss beer cheer you miss you Matt we miss you thanks for your drink care for you mm-hm Claire mysterium five dollars getting into fine our six have a 1600 X and rx 580 wondering if I put a CLC 240 millimeter up top versus air cooler on the CPU what helps to keep the GPU temps lower probably a little bit typically maybe a couple degrees but more effect because it's more effective moving just getting heat up up and away from from it yes not really in your case that being said you're not gonna run into like overheating issues are throttling even if you have an air cooler in there as long as your GPU is still staying well under t.j.maxx so don't let that influence your don't let that be be the main decision-making factor is what I would say and a 1600 X doesn't put out a ton of heat anyway great point John Kelly $5 donation any suggestions for a 4k media server CPU must be HEV C 10 compare I'll keep up to the quality wifey based content it's always refreshing and Eden's yes keep alluding my wife porque media server seep you need anything the HEV cm are a three or a like a risin three chip honestly for a 4k streaming server right you don't need anything yeah we have it but also to Penn John on an EP Ewing if you're talking about media server if you're talking about just for the content on this um like the single home theater that you're setting up for that server to be part of and deliver content to or do you have a family with four four kids who are all going to be streaming independently to their devices or otherwise that's a big impact on that and I know there's online information that has more more follow-up on that but that's what I would look up just as like how many 1080 streams in that CPU support right that's that's kind of the searches I'd be looking for when it comes to people who do more better at discussion a good video for it hang the rising EP use I probably would but anyways there's there's if you do that search you'll find people who have who can give you better advice than we can off the top of our heads but if you're just looking for something basic then yeah the kind of the lowest end of the current current platform is what we go for whether it's a rise in three or low in pentium or I three yeah yeah okay sandy a goal and five dollars would love to see you to come out to our three-day lana thon in San Diego March 30th through April first San Diego LAN net is our site you're welcome to film thank you for the invite I've been to a LAN in a while those are fun um look at San Diego yeah I think I might be busy cuz April 1st is Easter and I think I'm doing a family thing for Easter we just weird Easter is on April 1st this year so I might not be able to make that but I'll look into it incase Easter doesn't happen or something Irvine FTW Irvine for the win $20 Wow thank you thank you very much I want to thank both you I've never I've never I never would have gotten into PC gaming let alone building my own PC well you are certainly you're very welcome welcome and thank you for your donation yeah you're glad we could help Shawn Nelson Nelson with $10 Australian I am a content creator in Adobe should I follow Paul's entry-level thread Ripper build and get a 1900 X and upgrade to a second gen thread Ripper in the second half of 2018 or should I wait for second gen rising in q2 of 2018 I love you guys ah gosh it depends man if you're not a heavy Photoshop then like Verizon like second generation Oh second generation regular burger okay okay I need high-end desktop if you're doing Photoshop if you're doing video editing yeah then yes yes and go high-end us you're not mentioning content creator in Adobe could be photos premiere or could Amir are you doing lots of video work and lots of video transcoding and if you want to take all of your video for example and transcode it over to like a lossless codec that you can render and and scrub through the timeline and have immediate s-- anyway if you're doing lots of video transcoding then definitely go through a dripper if you're just doing photo shops and you you're okay with your with your and four months from rising mainstream resin yep thank you very much though Jay Bell $5 when do you think that motherboards will ship working with the new rising EP use there are already motherboards that are available in the stores as well as online sometimes online can be difficult but you just have to look and if they label it Rison Raven Ridge ready basically it'll say something like that motherboard boxes they'll put a sticker on if you're looking at in store and it'll say that right or and we're going to talk about this on my side AMD actually has a program in place where they will ship you a worse low-end temporary APU that you can really plug in to update your BIOS and make your motherboard ready for Raven Ridge free I wish I wish we had that kind of support for for a review like I feel like the board that they sent me didn't wasn't fully compatible or supported the APU I don't know I was having issues yeah they're definitely so there's definitely been some stability issues and stuff like that that various people have experienced gamers Nexus did a whole video on it recently how to work around that bitch sucks that was like 16 hours of troubleshooting for them yeah I got up to about 8 hours and I threw in the talents like I'll revisit this later so good to be here that at least you know average consumers are getting that sticker validated sticker yeah and things will get easier and smoother as BIOS updates and and that sort of thing come out yep Phillips e5 GBP GGG good good good the 1080 Hall of Fame guy it's the boost button on the back I'll be pairing it with a 1600 X at 3.8 gigahertz on the 2560 by 1080 at 75 Hertz worth upgrading to 34 40 by 1440 at 75 Hertz I would say that's worth a worthwhile upgrade a GTX 1080 could definitely handle that yeah and 75 Hertz that resolution no this is probably my bias because I experienced 3440 by 1440 before I looked at 2560 by 1080 screen it's been it's it's a pretty nice update oh yeah and and the 1080 can can handle it yeah and absolutely then you're totally golden with your inexpensive 1080 hall-of-fame with the broken switch on the back because honestly that's which it doesn't matter just just load up the Galax or afterburner or either of those apps and overclock it yourself and you're just fine yeah okay $5 why don't Frankel noctua etc self thicker fans say two inches thick as an alternative to using radiators stacking fans probably will be as good as an alternative to use instead of doing push-pull having just push but the push fans are twice as thick and maybe the blades are beefier or something I don't know if thicker fans are thicker blades would necessarily equate to they definitely exist and if you're especially in enterprise space like the variety of different fans that they have that go up to really high rpms and stuff is pretty interesting and I've seen I've definitely seen the big big beefy ones that are super thick that you probably have really good static pressure and everything like that I'm imagining it's a combination of like existing tooling for manufacturing which makes the cost for the sort of typical 120 mm meter 25 millimeter thick fan just a lot less expensive to make yeah that's probably what it boils down to it's possible that a fan that thick might also be louder than two fans half of its size yeah if you want to be less cynical you could say they've probably tested different thicknesses and found that the thickness that they're current that most of the fans currently have is the most effective when it comes to thickness yeah compared to effective cooling or static pressure performance I use switch but who knows yeah thank you for your donation though thank you Jason H $5 I'm currently gaming on a 2013 MacBook are NZXT pre-built worth it right now looking for a 1080 gaming / 3d modeling rig I did a video on this watch the video it's out oh yeah you're the meal detail they say that they do um it's actually sorry I just got a big donation is yeah it's it's actually pretty good you can get all the parts for MSRP at least when I did the video I'm sure it's still that way so do it now before they change it before you know you have to pay double triple the price for a GPU or something watch the video I posted it maybe two weeks ago it's up there and then finally our last termination that just rolled in Meijin the heat over $200 magic Meijin Meijin my god I mean I don't know I'm sorry I feel like I need to pronounce your name right because this is a very beefy donation thank you that judo thank you so much thank you guys Vijaya Network always look forward to all videos Majan vijaya to all y'all's videos go and take your wife out for dinner on me I will and I will tweet it so that you don't know that I used your money wisely should do that thank you you should also come back for awesome Hardware episode 148 side b side b for paul's half death paul has a wife two years also paul has a wife is also excellent always yes but idea which johnson's yeah let's quickly do some johnson's you know thank you thank you again for all the donations you guys yeah but okay okay okay okay okay I only miss you here first of which goes to Travis Travis you earth my first Johnson for tonight we're gonna have a CPU cooler t-shirt we've got like two or three more here Chandler for being a CPU cooler hoodie Thank You Chandler and James for being a little bit bit with gray black tribe and the tribe blend t-shirt trend tribe and red Ben t-shirt and finally we have sexing you got an awesome partner short fight gaming mouse pad all right I have like five or six Joel thank you very much Joe Johnson T Joel from South Carolina got the pub glass but the hell just happened the hell just happened I clicked back and I went too far back Zane is a double Johnson double Johnson same from New Zealand I got the heavy metal thumbscrews shirt thank you so much Johnson to Zane Shawn from Arizona got the stainless steel bottle opener high quality will open many bubbles for you thank you so much and Johnson to you James from Ohio got the black tri-blend a thumbscrew shirt Johnson to you James and finally Joshua from Texas also a big Johnson for grabbing that thumbscrew gaming mouse pad and desk mat set to set the collection collect them all thank you guys so much for watching this half of awesome Hardware beautiful yeah back you know any minute the pulse outside be yeah links in the description right yep it's a bit on there so click it do it in the meantime if the thumbs up button on this video and go ahead and browse all of the other excellent bit wit videos can be found down there and the YouTube there yet thank you for the Blair they're excellent if you watch them all and if you want to do timestamps because because I'm lazy do the timestamps yeah and I will open the shitter you'll love you long time
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