
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Awesome Hardware #0158-B: AMD's Surprise SoC, Razer on Kickstarter

single Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time right here on slash awesome hardware if you're watching this on youtube we split the show up into two halves the first half this week has been on Paul's channel slash Paul's hardware which you can find the link up in my description below or if you're just joining us then stay tuned you're on the Ausmus up nope not up Wow am I still saying awesomesauce you're on the bit wait YouTube he'll there's a little Freudian slip there sorry about that one guys but just stay tuned because this is a epic tech news show that you guys are gonna enjoy because we have fun while we're doing it which means you'll have fun too watching us do it and have fun that's the mo that's DM up we occasionally like to have a drink or five on the show like we have already so cheers to you guys who are able to drink with us even if it's just water you can still drink with us please drink responsive during King is so broad you could be drinking anything you should show them what you drink on the first half of the show I was Paul was kind enough to give me some brother felonious which is a Belgian male those male did I point out this is 9 percent alcohol by volume I can definitely tell 9.4% my liver and brain agree with you on that one we can confirm now we're drinking some Saint Archer or I'm drinking some Saint Archer white ale which is also very tasty it's dangerous too because it's fairly low percentage but it's incredibly tasty and very refreshing I'm working on ale Smith nut brown almost done okay alright we also have stores that you guys can pick up merchandise from my store it is bit wit dot tech and I'm selling lots of cool stuff the CPU cooler shirt is now available in heather dark gray as a apologist showing there we also have the bit wit words in a circle pint glass these are very popular and they're extremely high quality in fact I was walking down the hallway in the office the other day and a nice young lady said hey nice glasses and I said thanks they're Persol and she was very confused because I was actually confused because I thought she was talking about my eyeglasses ah so I mentioned the name of my glasses and then of course she was like no I was talking about your other glasses I was like oh yeah clearly you were talking about the glasses that I'm holding in my hands and not my eyeglasses and you're not on my fashionable apparel it was very awkward hello she was stupid I told her she was dumb and she should have been more specific next time when you see a man wearing glasses holding glasses specify which glasses you're talking about is what I is what I should have said to her otherwise you will cause great offence yeah so buy the glasses they'll make you very awkward and and misunderstood I guess there's the moral of the story you can also maybe just go to Paul's store and just buy something there that won't cause as much controversy at hardware not net-net this sounds like I said he's got all kinds of things like desk mats mouse pads bottle openers the oxblood screw sure oxblood thumb screw short hasn't been a hot seller and you buy anything from either of our stores you will get a loud and proud Johnson shout out by the end of the show which always entices many defends view speaking out wafer we neglected to do Johnson's for my half but we'll do them at the end of this half of the show hmm so we should proceed let's proceed to news news tech news and by the way thank you Paul for curating a lot of these stories today I was short on time and Paul was kind of ahead of the game this morning so he put a bunch of stories in the Google Docs all over which I was like yeah free stories Cal did that for me like a few weeks back to the stuff yep super cool where we're broan out always willing to give each other the reach-around scratch my back I'll scratch yours all right so AMD has recently announced a powerful semi-custom verizon Vega SOC for game consoles and PCs this is an article from PC gamer so thank you to Paul for writing this article Paul Lily that is all Paul illy of course now AMD announced a new semi custom SOC featuring a fork or an eight thread Rison processor with 24 vegas --use okay and eight gigs of gddr5 memory this is intended to power 8 according to AMD a new gaming PC and upcoming console in wait for it China so it doesn't seem like at least for now the US will get to experience this new SOC but AMD's worked with the company songshan's who are on the project still not sure what other manufacturers it might be working with in the future the chip in question the SOC is running at 3 gigahertz on all four of its cores along with 24 Vega CCU's clocked at 1.3 gigahertz for graphics that's slightly fat according to the article and this is I don't know if this is a typo but they're saying that that's slightly faster than an rx 580 which does not make sense to me at all you don't see wise frequency wise ok that makes sense it seemed like when you're comparing it to a graphics car like that that you're talking about performance which I don't think is the case Riley just referencing their frequency probably just referencing the clock speed so that makes a lot more sense it's unclear if AMD plans on releasing something similar for the global market or if this is just a one-off side project intended for China trying to bring AMD products to a more global audience it's a very it's a high possibility so if if they have OMS and China taking this and integrating it into console like devices I would be curious to see if those you know if they're outfitted with a basic bit of storage and whatever else is necessary like the power supply if those would be viable as like little mini PCs you know I I'm getting a an urgent message for my wife saying let me in hurry I need to use the restroom it's ha ha ha all right yeah you should I should go let her in yeah you can you can go since I'm since it's my half of she if you want where is she oh maybe I should just go OK you know ok just be I'll stay here wife in distress and keep people entertained ok cool she just texted back and said someone's letting her in so I'm leaving her for dead I'm but I left her alone hopefully she gets in safe I'm sure it'll be fine yeah yeah all right so what did you guys cover what did I miss in the last what 20 seconds uh we went over the everything we covered the rest of your show Oh beautiful okay it's pretty much great Channel well thank you guys so much for tuning in see you guys next week and to a trade yeah I I did it I did it in my style which is maybe not quite the same as your style maybe it was boring just to give people's mommy what they're what they're into for your half of the show maybe maybe you should just recap things real quick okay I'll recap stuff maybe starting off with the Google story about the pixel three okay since we already talked about the the Vega I'm sorry too AMD SOC that's a great idea all right cool let's move on pixel three Jesus Wow Kyle this from BGR com Google has mistakenly leaked its pixel three launch date mistake and confirms it'll copy Apple again is the headline here this is a this is tech today that's the name of the YouTube channel that first broke the news that the pixel 3 is launching on October 4th based on a brand campaign posting on famebit famebit is a company that's known for connecting influencers with brands and helping them make and create campaign videos apparently so famebit posted a campaign posting basically asking canadian influencers to create content on how easy it is to switch to the pixel 3 and in this campaign posting it mentions the pixel 3 is launching October 4th 2018 so there's definitely some language here that maybe contradicts with what pixel with what Google was trying to keep confidential but basically spills the beans on the release date for the the long-awaited new smartphone apparently Google is following in in in Apple's footsteps is what this also tells us because very much like this campaign Apple also gave a lot of their iPhone examples to very popular influencers long before the launch of their now flagship phone so it seems like Google is kind of following that trend where they're like hey we see the value in online influencers and like the power they have to influence consumer base and so we also now want to give our phones to these people and have them talk about it on their respective YouTube channels or social media platforms for promotion and shit like that so I thought they were also copying the knotch yes so that is not the only way they're copying Apple I was just getting to that they are also gonna be copying Apple and in a sense design language wise with the physicality of their phone having a notch you can see that there's a notch here on this mock-up of what looks to be a potential pixel 3 phone and it was very very popular very very revolutionary with the iPhone X having a notch in it and now like how the power button matches the desktop like the background image yes yes it does it's very with it what is this a fucking sand on the beach does it change color what is this like a TLD video it was just super crispy in all ways but um so so Google seems to be copying Apple a lot here following in their footsteps they've also swiped the iPhone X gestures for Android which also indicates that they're very closely following the Apple trend here it's very unclear whether October 4th is when the pixel will actually hit store shelves or if it's just an announcement date but at the very least it will probably be a week or so before the the pixel 3 launches after October 4th if it isn't or forth in fact so um yeah pixel three what thoughts and opinions on the knotch because I feel like to me it's such a small change doesn't seem very revolutionary to me but people seem to be making a huge fuss about the knotch there's so many varying opinions about this thing that like maybe it's worthy of discussion like does it change anything for you do you care if your next phone has a notch or not what does this actually mean for the average user you get maybe a couple millimeters more of space for your date and time maybe notification bar like I'm torn right I'm torn cuz if I look at my phone because I have an original pixel XL there's a lot of space up here at the top sure so that could be more screen space and if I'm looking at like my notifications if they were up there then that would be more screen space sure screen space is always nice you know everyone's always talking about like the edge to edge you know if you had a phone that actually had the full edge to edge display right everywhere that'd be kind of cool right so I don't like I don't I guess I'm not opposed to it but like when the iPhone X came out there was so much discussion about it back and forth like and everything like I feel like it was I feel like the idea of it was tainted it's tainted now here's my thing is that often times all have notification icons at the very top of my screen all the way across from left to right across the phone so what happens if you have an otter in the middle if don't feel dirty I mean get rid of your notifications cap no I do but I'm just saying at a given moment when I haven't checked my phone in five fricking minutes the notification icons will fill up and then it's like this clusterfuck at the top of my phone what happens when you have a notch at the top doesn't do the icons float around the knob that's one of the added features it's basically telling you you need to be more of an asshole like as a person in order to drive more people away so you have less people contacting you for your notification simplify your life make everything better I'm pretty sure that's not the the overall message the overarching message that Apple or Google we're trying to go through fuck else with the notch exist Kyle you have too many friends do you need enough friends fill up like this many notifications on the left side of the notch and that's all the knotch aka the friend blocker has have been implemented across many Universal smartphones worldwide okay let us know what you guys as thoughts are on the knotch let's move on to our next article here Mars Mars pulls ads from YouTube drill videos now when you first suggested that I talk about this article on the show doc yeah I know I initially thought you meant the planet Mars has pulled advertisements from YouTube videos featuring power drills yeah that's that's what I thought it was about - but instead you were talking about Mars the candy company ah not the planet pulling all their advertising from YouTube after discovering one of their ads was played just before a drill music video now what the hell is drill music I hate to sound irrelevant but this is the first time I've personally ever heard the term drill music I have never heard this term before I did not know drill music existed until this day so drill music apparently from what I have gathered on the interwebs is it's basically a type of rap music that allegedly glamorizes gang violence and has been used in many instances to feel rivalries between gangs now this is just my impression of drill music based on the article I've read it doesn't mean that that is what it is I thought that was all rap music cap that could be all rap music as well that's a very generalization type statement Paul and I'm not sure everyone would agree everyone would agree with but apparently the people in this article are painting drill music in a poor light in fact what are the members of the group who uploaded the video in question the drill Mew video Siddiq camara was stabbed to death in South London just a week ago that's him right there that guy that guy is currently dead fatally stabbed and he is part of the group that uploaded this music video of which there was a Mars commercial playing before it which caused Mars to back out of all of their advertising on YouTube which equation about this is picture right as he realizes he's about to be stabbed it looked I mean that I would have a much more fearful face that looks like like the face that maybe like someone was about to tell him he was about to be I don't know I'm not exactly sure what's going on in that picture of what was happening but at the end of the day it seems that this is a big this is a lot of money that YouTube is now losing that that creators like me and Paul like me and you are losing now from a company like Mars backing out apparently their advertising was worth about 5 million pounds British pounds to the to the YouTube website it's a lot of money it's pretty brutal I mean it's interesting to see how what I always find find curious is how brands associate so strongly with the content their ads are being played on which I guess makes sense to a degree but it's still very much an old way of thinking in my opinion like just the way ads are structured like okay for example if one of my ads was played on like some YouTube video that I didn't necessarily agree with I'm like that's like I don't align like my brand doesn't align with the beliefs of that brand one of your ads yeah like just no no like like if my let's say I created a pre-roll for myself like subscribed a bit way okay I created my own pre-roll and my pre-roll somehow aired on like a PewDiePie video where he was talking about like Nazis and shit because that's actually happened I don't know if I would necessarily be like my brand doesn't align with those and morals and therefore I'm backing out all of my advertising spend with this company and this brand and this website of course I would definitely make a statement be like obvious I don't reflect these these these morals or whatever but at the same time it's just it's interesting to me how these brands are so sensitive with the content that's being played right after their ads which I guess they can be because people get to our super cent I feel like people are hypersensitive these days where it's like the person who there's probably like 1% of people who see the Mars commercial for Snickers or something I don't even I don't even know s'mores own Snickers but let's say there's like a Mars - Snickers commercial that airs before some vaguely politically racist content like there's got to be like a small handful of people who watch that who see that and like tweet to Mars like how dare you support and advertise your your brand on such heinous and despicable content like it's a popular thing to you know like don't these people know these are randomly generated blue as a public who's a public figure says something that people don't agree with to attack their advertisers or to go to communicate to the advertisers and try to get the advertisers to pull out from something but like the implication here is that like if if advertisers are hesitant to provide ad money for a platform where they don't know where their ads are gonna be placed and if the ads are gonna be placed in juxtaposition to something that they've that you know is offensive or they find out you know be a negative association for their brands then they're not gonna want to advertise there I don't I don't I don't know that like the you know the upshot from all this but you know hopefully it's not the there's no up here hopefully this hopefully it's not the kicking off of like some you know second wave of ad you know companies pulling ads off of youtube or something like that because I would suck the ad pocalypse from was it last year whatever that right 20 17 I was very inconvenient for many people and we're still feeling the effects of it I would I would say apparently now the music video has been demonetised no surprise and what this means for us is that all and I can can no longer use drill music in our in our tech videos I'm I'm pissed about I'm very upset I want to pull my ads from Mars candy bars yeah I'm stopping all they're no longer advertising on Mars candy bars I'm eating I'm eating Abbas Abbas only from now on show my resilience okay let's move on to the next story from bit tech dotnet razor has turned to Kickstarter in order to raise funds for their left-handed Naga Trinity the Naga Trinity is a very popular Mouse from Leah and the peripheral giant and now they're trying to get fans to raise money for this new product CEO min-liang tan claims that previous left-handed models have been created at a loss so let's make the customers fund it let's create a Kickstarter campaign where people who really give a shit and who really want a Naga Trinity left-handed gaming mouse can fund it up to nine hundred and ninety thousand dollars which is their crowd funded goal actually I've currently met about thirty four thousand of they have 24 days to go and it's gonna be it's gonna be a stretch it's gonna be a long road seems like they've got a ways to go they have a ways to go granted they still have about a month but that's a lot of money a million dollars is a lot of money even for a giant crowd-sourced campaign audience so um what's what's going on here apparently Razer according to them they've been one of the only sources in the game to produce a left-handed left-handed Gaming Mouse in recent years and they've according to CEO have produced these left-handed left-handed gaming mice at a loss so Kickstarter and and sites like it have become a really popular way for these bigger brands to launch new product lines at very minimal risk because if Razer has been producing a bunch of left-handed left-handed mice that they've essentially taken a loss on and have been losing money on there's really no harm no foul in producing a Kickstarter campaign that advocates for a left-handed gaming mouse because if it fails this is an all-or-nothing campaign if they do not meet the nine hundred and ninety thousand dollar goal then this whole project is completely scrapped and Razer does not lose a dime and they just get to keep all the Kickstarter money no all the money will be refunded back to all the backers Paul but so it's interesting that they've taken to this platform for this initiative which I think kind of makes sense you know if there's a large enough demand for it but razors like hey shit I don't want to like lose a couple million dollars from something that people aren't going to want to invest in then it kind of makes sense again I don't it's not looking that great it could always turn around but I feel like I don't know for it launching a day ago it should be a lot higher than 35 K if they stand a chance because this campaign is only gonna fizzle out as time goes on between now and the the 24 or whatever 24 days that they have left to go the funding is just gonna get lower and lower after each passing day the Kyle this is this this dollar amount we're looking at here was before we talked about it on awesome hardware you're right Paul and now that we've given it the promotional tools it needs from a globally recognized livestream there's no way that it can fail gave it the awesome hardware bump you can feel free to advertise with us at any time just contact one of our famous PR agents yes here's what I don't understand right so manufacturing processes for something like this there's a lot of money that goes into tooling to create the production lines that can they can spit the products out right right the products designed and then they gotta create the tooling there so there's some custom work that goes on there once it's created they can manufacture it and you know a lot of that cost is sort of front loaded right so what I am kind of confused about when it comes to left-handed mice because most people who most left-handed mice are actually just ambidextrous so they're creative with like sort of a symmetrical design right left to right so you know this work sure but like why couldn't they take the existing design of the Razer Naga Trinity and just flip it like great 180 they did all this design so people you still need a new tooling with it don't you you need to do more tooling and stuff what I'm saying is like like isn't the design work already done isn't isn't doesn't that I honestly think this is just covering the cost of the Tooley okay so you have a global audience like Razer does I feel like tooling for a new product like this could cost upwards of a million dollars that's totally possible I don't know about that side of the industry to say I don't know either but it just seems to be the case if they're if they're asking for this much for their goal I've heard from different articles and different sources and stuff that tooling is incredibly expensive for something like a gaming mouse where yeah I think a lot of there are Indies sorry just keep burping I'm just gonna burp my way through this entire article I think all their R&D is pretty much done because they already know that Naga Trinity works and they already know how it's gonna be designed but the actual tooling that they have with you know whatever manufacturers in China or wherever they're doing the manufacturing from I think is a huge bulk of the cost which is what's causing their losses with a lot of the existing left headed mice that razer currently makes so I think I think what I think Razer here is just kind of calling their audiences Bluff and saying hey all of you people who are like on our forums like complaining that we don't have a dedicated left-handed gaming mouse let's put your money where your mouth is make it if you if we if you guys show enough interest in wanting this product if you're gonna up front like front us a little bit of money here then we'll make it happen but you guys got to show us that there's a large enough market for us to be for it to be worth it so which which i think is a fair you know that's fair if there's a huge enough demand then razer will do it so I guess the success of this campaign I can imagine if you're lefty and you've like you know been forced to use a right-handed mouse or something like that then actually getting a mouse that's designed for left for lefty is probably we should have we should have brought in like like an actual native left-handed user in here and like gotten his two cents on it because I feel like a lot of left-handed users will actually still use their right hand for gaming purposes I know a lot of left-handed users that still use a mouse right-handed just because that's the only thing that's been available to them since they were since they were young you know growing up in school but you know they didn't have a left-handed mouse option when you were in typing class and third grade or whatever so I feel like a lot of left-handed users are still using mice right-handed and they're perfectly fine with it but and because of that I feel like it makes the market for like dedicated left-handed Mouse users even smaller I guess time will tell to see if if there's actually a huge demand for that but let's move on to our last article here because we're short on time once again Elon Musk has tweeted the Tesla may go private what okay let's let's talk about this is an article who WCF tech right and yeah private privates private parts all around and Paul I'll probably rely on you somewhat for this story because I don't really know why anything about stocks or how the stock market works and even though you don't invest in stocks yourself I feel like you're still more well-versed in the matter than I am so I'm gonna read off a bunch of jargon that's pulled quite frankly directly from the article which then you can paraphrase into words that make sense to our audience thank you in advance do saddle me with responsibilities so thank you very much Paul for all of your help that you'll be contributing to this article musk ok Elon Musk the sea of SpaceX and Tesla and the boring the boring company most importantly tweeted recently he tweeted this week am considering and considering taking Tesla private at four hundred and twenty dollars funding secured first of all I like how he he settled with 420 like where was like he was just like where was the hashtag where is the hashtag blaze it blaze it 420 blaze it at the end of that tweet shortly after do you think about this let the gravity of this situation sink into your minds shortly after Elon Musk tweeted a tweet the stock prices for Tesla surge regulators temporarily halted trading as pending news from the company swirled could you imagine if you just tweeted something from your phone like you're you're taking a shit you tweet something that it changes all of Wall Street like they stopped all trading for that stock in particular and and the stock pricing for your particular company just goes off the charts just because you tweeted something while you were taking your shit Tesla is currently the most shorted company on Wall Street many investors will lose money lose lots of money if the company succeeds in Elon Musk has expressed many times how this annoys him he's also said that the the funding to take the company private at four hundred and twenty dollars per share was secured so he seems very confident here the buyout is good for a twenty percent premium over the current market price of the stock and would value the company at over seventy billion dollars at current numbers of outstanding shares if the CEO himself Elon Musk owns roughly twenty percent of Tesla he would need about fifty billion dollars in additional capital to fully privatize the company alongside with a shareholder vote of yes on the move so the shareholders need to agree that this is a good idea and in how the company moves forward um he seems pretty confident that the money is there and as he demonstrated in the follow-up tweet he said investor support is confirm only reason why this is not certain is that it's a contingent on a shareholder vote so again the shareholders need to need to back this up Saudi Arabia just to make things even more intense Saudi Arabia wealth funds brought up to it up to a two billion dollar stake and Tesla recently so it's possible that musk has in fact secured funding from overseas and trading for Tesla stock was reactivated just before the closing bell was rung so just in the last minute they're like okay we can trade Tesla stock again and the automaker closed the day of 12% so they went up 12 percent in a single day realizing a massive six billion dollar appreciation and market capitalization tweet one tweet sent from the shitter and you've now gained a six billion dollar appreciation and market cap Elon Musk definitely has some influence there so uh I don't know what any of what I just said means I was just kind of rambling off what the article I mean I get the gist of it but essentially it seems like Tesla may go private at that point what happens to the shareholders the shareholders would get paid out for their for their holdings right so whatever stock they have they get the money yeah so if he's taking it private at four hundred twenty dollars a share then anyone who owns shares would get paid for her and $20 per share that they owned sure as a payout and I don't I don't know what happens between him saying I'm thinking about taking it public in pardon $20 a share and it's surging like it does and then suddenly the value of being more than it was because obviously the price per share is now more than 420 dollars right I don't know I don't know how that gets worked out right what ya know what like what I didn't really get from this article and this is just me being a noob about stocks and the market in general is why why would he want to go private in the first place I think the reason he wants to go private is because he likes to less pressure it like it's it's like he likes to do his own thing a lot of the time and he also I think likes to take risk like to be likes to be some trick likes sure eccentric or just contrary like sure right so there's been a ton of like like you said Tesla's the most shorted stock on the market right yeah and when you short a stock it means you're betting on that stock losing value it's not if you're short of stock and it loses value you make money right if you're short a stock and a stock value goes up then the person who a short in the stock loses money right so it so so Elon has certainly from because I follow him on Twitter and stuff like he's certainly at times in the past sort of lashed out at people who have shorted his stock him like haha you people who thought the stock was about to tanked because of model 3 production or whatever right you were wrong and now you've lost money right but I think he also probably has his own personal opinions about how the stock market works in general and yeah there's a lot of benefits to being a privately run company versus public there's a lot of stuff that you don't have to disclose when it's private versus public and you're blessed beholden to stock owners and and the sort of the vicissitudes of the market so to speak and then explain explain what happened with like Saudi Arabia wealth funds bringing up to a two billion dollar stake does that mean they bought two billion dollars in stock so if the market cap is the market cap is the number of stocks that are available then I'm the quantity of stock that's available in their company times the value of that stock that's that's the market cap right so if the market cap is at a certain point right now that anyone who owns stock in Tesla in order for it to go private would need to be bought out Elon Musk probably doesn't have that my capital capital to just buy all those all those people who own stock out in order to go public so he needs an investor in order to do that and then he's saying the investor is coming from Saudi Arabia I see interesting okay well um you know Tesla's definitely been grappling with a lot of issues financially and logistically they just now ramped up their model three productions buy new says spider fan thick spider is one of our other mods in chat sigh himself he says Eon says he's not forcing sales so existing shareholders can keep their piece yeah a lot of the I haven't read up too much on the story so arm but yeah that's good to know as well all right all right well that's what's going on with Tesla I guess we can move on to pimp my PC yeah busy let's start off with Samuel Sam you well okay let's what kind of system is this if you get a Corsair and I get I need to get your updated oh yeah we just put that one ass or something um so we've got as of course he respects your one for our case in MSI 970 gaming RX 580 and a 1050 TI for encoding while gaining on the 580 interesting huh what a peculiar setup - demon and coud at the same time yeah what do what everybody is talking about gaming and streaming your game on the Phi B and set encoding like with envying me do that though yeah really so you don't need a second system if you want to like stream with one and game with another I don't have GPS I don't think so okay he's given FX 83-70 hyper X 16 gig kit and some other stuff alright okay what I will say right off the bat is color color is kind of mismatched here you have red accents on your heat sinks on the motherboard but a green LED fan in the back and what looks to be white up top maybe blue or blue at any rate I would change them all to red I think that would look sweet black and red is like it's like arguably overplayed but also tried-and-true and cannot look bad it's also very easy to find matching very easy and it will not look bad it might be common but it won't look bad black and red looks very good so maybe swapping out that green fan for a red one unless it's RGB then just configure it to red and having some red LED fans at the top to make I'd say make all three the same all three fans the same model we also we only have a single picture here so it's possible that like the colors on the graphics card and the fans are all cycling or something like that but yeah I mean lining those up would probably look a little bit better I like how full the system looks with the two graphics cards does it look like it's graphic like the top card is leaning on the hard drive cage like it's using us actually it might be sitting on that it almost looks perfectly like aligned with the card which isn't bad I mean it looks straight yeah zero sag no sag there that's kind of perfect I'm your cable management is mostly good I mean there's there's a little bit of I mean you might tidy some of the stuff up back here it's also possibly the angle of the picture and the fact there's a flash that's really brightening that up and making it stand out more so yeah overall pretty clean looking system I mean the assortment of hardware that you have in there and it sounds like you're making good use out of it so yeah yeah hopefully some of Kyle's suggestions help you out if you're having any issues syncing things up good Samuel Oh next time we have Hank what does he guys 7600 K Strix Z to 70e Kraken X 52 32 gigs of RAM GTX 1080 a 970 Evo and a 2 terabyte nvme Drive alright well then so I appreciate the the rear shot of the cable management here yep it looks like he's using an SSD tray to his cables here I want to I want to give a shout-out to that I appreciate that verse that's the steam added you just might have a really fun about that yeah well - or Wow all right this side of the system way and I'm confused here all right first off you got Campbell combs here these really need to be spaced out if you can push them all down underneath so you can't see them at all and the cables are still still straight do that yeah if not try to minimize it so you only have one or maybe two of these visible it's best to keep these cable come back I'm out kind of in place to line things up but if you can then also push them out of out of sight that's a little bit better it also looks like slightly different that you have your 8 and 6 pin for your graphics card all tidy here and then the 24 pin here is it makes the 24 point you like look less yeah bring some of those cable comes over closer the connector what what the heck is this why this looks this looks like an external USB 3.0 but I don't know what it's plugged into right there there's I don't know any motherboard that has a plug on it right here that something like this cable would need to be plugged into that's blue what is this what port is it I am baffled what word is that it looks like an Intel main stream he's got a 970 Evo in there so it's no he didn't list the he said Strix - Strix - 70 - 70 - II so do skilled memories looking clean I mean yeah you're you're you're dead-on view of the system here is looking very clean and like I think what a lot of people aim for when it when they're putting a system together and throw on the RGB design in there and everything what else I don't know push pull on the front end front radiator I mean I guess that's okay the cables from that people are saying it's maybe external PCIe that's so weird though like that's a weird why I don't know I'm I really it's so weird really not sure about that okay we got these top fans up here too I'm not sure so yeah I don't have a lot of suggestions that set for the cable combs aesthetically and then I don't know can you get a 24-pin cable come as well that's a straighten those out that might be nice yeah and then I had such as I'm just so baffled by the little blue extension down there but thank you Hank for sending that every night system though James James for a 760 900 K 4.2 gigahertz at one point two three volts of Corsair Dominator Platinum 32 gigs at 2400 Asus x99 deluxe MSI GTX 1080 TI a bunch of other cool stuff in win 303 EK water cooling goodies alright so first off I'm gonna say this before Paul does get your PC off the floor your drop floor computer a flaw if you really care about it and Wow like the tubing looks really nice it's soft tubing so no elegant hard tubing here but it still looks really cool I'm you're using like a matte black tubing which I think looks really nice with some gold fittings or what looks to be gold fittings leaves from the picture here I think reflection I think okay so it's actually Chrome but it looks really nice as far as pimping out this PC I honestly think that hard line tubing would make the system look a little bit nicer because the specs are already there you don't have to upgrade anything spec wise you have tons of air flow in this case looks like you've got two of those mlpro maglev fans at the bottom which is where the Inman 303 gets all of its intake from plenty of are those halos at the top looks like those are halos at the top of your top phones are using these fantex fantex halos which also look very nice it's very it's a beautiful system it's a really beautiful system and honestly the only thing that I could really say here is to go hardline if you were really feeling it if you up to the task and maybe topping off your reservoir because the reservoir looks a little bit low I agree with Kyle about topping out the reservoir I actually think the flexible black tubing I think it looks fine well just because you built Riptide recently and you're on a urine a freaking soft tube hi I want to say the Jesus the graphics card supplemental power cables look a little off to me one's gone one way there there pick those could be tidied up they should be together there should be a system over that but yeah I mean they could build a build oh stand for it get it up off the ground if you can yeah and replace these speakers these are like speakers from 1992 or something these are beige I think I had these speakers oh yeah those are all like in 1992 but thank you for the wide shot I think the man of the set up so we could critique it more next time we have tray with an Intel Core i5 3570 and Asus Tech p8z 77v Alexa motherboard 16 gigs of ddr3 and EVGA GTX 1066 gigabyte card and some storage here ok so you got some really solid bones to the system the components selection is really solid but I feel like your case is holding you back in terms of aesthetics and performance perhaps because even though you have a couple fans at the front panel I feel like they're just kind of getting blocked by the hard drive cage there you've got a hard drive cage even you know even though you only have one drive there and I'm sorry one mechanical and one SSD I can't imagine much of that airflow is actually getting to your graphics card for example so maybe getting a new case would be I think would do wonders for your system as far as the other things going on here cable management could be much improved again that could be helped along with a newer case that has better better cable management maybe with a power power supply shroud better configured grommets and things like that more room behind the motherboard tray there's also kind of a mishmash of color here you have green in the background of your of your case on the on the motherboard tray but your memory is blue but you've got green LEDs on the front intake fans looks like you're like wrestling with blue and green I would say just stick to one or the other it doesn't matter what he his motherboard is one of I believe one of those Asus ones has the light blue accents yeah right yeah yeah he's 77 boards yep so I was about to say man you could you could swap your power supply for one of the 27 even the 2017 version of the corsair CX 500 mm-hmm has all black cables reign and get rid of a lot of that ketchup and mustard stuff and maybe not have to use the PCI Express extensions that you have going on down in sure like a new power supply and a dusting out and sort of a rewiring I think could do wonders here but you'd still be stuck with the blue that that just doesn't match and doesn't go with the with the green on the case so yeah it's hard to tell you maybe just upgrade your platform as a whole yeah I mean your if you if you really want stuff to match and you want to use this case then you're gonna have to upgrade some core components here yeah other than that like I don't know could you is this back plate here the green back motherboard tray is that removable if you can remove that take it out paint it blue I highly doubt it take it out painted blue it'll match with everything else sure and get that new power supply you'll be golden but it looks like this system just needs some TLC it's on the floor again you know you got a SSD just kind of hanging out in there and I'm not mounted you got some dust in there oh just take your system and give it some love yeah it's really green and finally we have a Steve Hahn with the honorable mention with a fractal design define r6 and Asus z3 70e with the core i7 8700 k 5.1 gigahertz Jesus a dual Asus GTX GTX 1080i I'm sorry 10a and SLI setup of Corsair Vengeance RGB RAM 32 gigs and which one shit this is a very very nice-looking system tubing job is on fleek as the kids say these days also because you really need to like bend anything yourself you're just using like fittings and stuff to to make all your runs happen which is totally fine it makes it look very clean and straight a very beautiful system interesting how you have your front two fans as exhausts particularly yeah wouldn't expect that I wonder if you did that purely for aesthetics and that's what I was thinking is because the white ring was filling with the window on from the outside you would yep you definitely see it which which I'm sure temps are fine you know yeah and maybe he's got he's got he's got no exhaust at the back and there's nothing at the bottom so if everything is exhausting then he has negative a pressure which might give you some dust buildup in weird places but it's not necessarily like bad air flow if it's a showpiece it's fine you know yeah it's not bad I'm sure temps are great love that monoblock I love the the choice of RAM with with everything like the even the sli bridge looks really nice with everything else very very well balanced and well thought-out system these bits power believes these are bits part fittings ideas for the hard lines look great they're so small like they're like the fitting the fitting above the the keep yeah I get so it's like three millimeters they're like low profile profile that's pretty cool oh yeah very very beautiful so thank you very much for saying that in Steve thank you guys for sending all of your systems and to put my PC we'll be doing this again shortly in a future episode but for now we can move on to Q & A so let's see beautiful okay bazinga X once again I found one the thermaltake WP 200 case can hold over 48 drives with additional rails well I have to see this wait what the Thermaltake WP 200 okay yes if you want to buy a case like that that's fine uh the problem the problem with a case like that that can house that many drives is that it is still at the end of the day not as reliable as a enterprise this is one of the case labs knock-offs it's still not as reliable as an enterprise-level disk shelf especially if you're using a SAS connection which a lot of disks disk shelfs use the the SAS connection will actually use as a redundant connection so even if one of the one of the connections dies there's like a backup connection from what I understand and they're also just like their enterprise levels so they're gonna last you a lot longer when you're talking about 24/7 use assuming that you are gonna be using all of your drives all the time it's just it's it's one of those things where like this is where the enterprise level hardware really makes a difference is when you are using your hardware for 24/7 use so even though this case can house 48 drives or whatever it still is probably not nearly as reliable as like an LSI disk shelf and you can confirm this with other other sources that you find but yes it's an impressive case in that regard doesn't mean it's gonna be reliable just because it has enough Bay housings for 48 drives but I wish you best of luck in your server building endeavor and maybe you can post some pics of it on a future to my PC that'd be kind of cool ginger hawk for 99 I have an AMD FX series PC with Windows 10 and plan on upgrading the motherboard CPU and RAM to Bryson update drivers and go reinstall windows 10 and driver help I think if you're if you're coming from the AMD FX series you're planning on upgrading your motherboard CPU and RAM then it seems like you're just building a new system entirely in that sense then I would just say either buy a new copy of Windows or if you can't afford it then maybe look into upgrading your current system from well actually I don't know how that would work I'd probably just do a clean install man I'd probably just do a clean install of Windows 10 you can find a key for 30 bucks on kinguin that's pretty much if you have one if you have Windows 10 and it's it's activated to your hardware you can switch it over to a new system oh no he's plenty on upgrading motherboard CPU and RAM um you're gonna need to buy a new Windows 10 just buy a new key on kinguin yeah same comments as last half donated twice bazinga $50 thank you very much for the generous donation thank you for seeing a charity challenge Paul Greg Kyle Steve gnj I will donate $2 per push up that each of you do within a 10 minute time frame to st. Jude Children's Hospital the name of the winner 50 dollars to the winner post end of August that's actually interesting who would win in a push-up contest J me you Greg from South as science studio or J Greg is the leanest he's the youngest he's the youngest ugliness and the meanest he could definitely he could definitely beat uh all of us in terms of push-ups I would think probably him and then maybe Steve Steve maybe afterwards Steve does bike riding and stuff more so lower lower body but I think I could probably get away with like 10 push-ups so don't don't put your money on me doesn't get but thank you for the donation Brian Alvarez $5 I 787 hundred K ASIS hero X or 10 16 gigs g.skill 3k RAM and 960 Evo 500 gig build but built but waiting on the new cards look forward to the graphics card reviews uh graphics card reviews on maybe it'll be 11 80s presumably he's talking about at any rate I wish you luck on your system bill Bryant sounds like it's pretty it's gonna be pretty awesome it's a nice setup a 200k for sure mst3k ten dollars if I did one pushup I'd probably need an ambulance yeah well I hope I hope I could at least do one I think would be really sad if we couldn't could you imagine like if someone benchmarked us and our physical know the physical prowess not fair at all like if we were just resorted like if we were just boiled down to like graphs and charts it's like her we're just Paul stack up on this this Bahamas benchmark 3d mark pull-up extreme I feel self-conscious right now I know me too is bringing up that I know ice ability I know I do too yeah you just you just have a jock on on stream and just ask him technical questions to make this feel better terrible and ruch where and you know I'm sorry bazinga X once again $10 greg from science to do is willing to do the challenge I guess of course he is because we just announced that he would probably win it of course he would be down to do the challenge anyone who knows what they're gonna win a challenge is down to do the challenge first rule of order I guess the se techies care more about children yes I am trying to shame you two into the challenge is II southeast no we're southwest if anything he's saying Greg is southeast oh oh okay okay okay it's the southeast does he live in never yet okay he must be southeast they care yes Greg cares more about children than polar I do I hate children I'd fucking kill them all and you Swire five Canadians from my last donation I was giving credit to the person who gave the idea but this will be my be my last donation for a while uni is coming up Cheers Andrew shit save your money save your money Fuchs dude yeah see pizza for books for life for children for books or anything else besides us this is probably a more worthwhile investment but thank you anyway Maddy is 20 to 30 dollar donation Thank You Kyle and Paul I love your show it helps kill time at work and makes it more bearable I work as a system specialist and my job can be a drag sometimes keep up the great work I love your Asian voice Kyle oh well that doesn't that is just so lovely so you know I got a feature more lyle on the channel you know he's been he's been asking me to be featured more after you know all of the positive feedback that he's received i think it's kind of gotten to his head so we'll see if we can bring him back down the channel sometime student that input and domination maddie i smash i hope i'm glad that we can make your your your your work week more bearable that's what we're here for jj5 cool one 499 my hardline tubes out of the cpu block melted and leaked it melted Wow what should I check for 59 30k x99 sabertooth course there's six I'm gonna see bottom front rad fans on in take your hardline tubes LT should not have melted no they should not have that sounds like something's very very wrong I wish I knew more I wish I knew what part which tubes melted which which tubes that were connected to which components were actually affected it seems like there's some serious overheating if that is the case you might want to check your your CPU maybe plop it into a different motherboard and check the temperature there if you if it's possible maybe consider integrating a temperature sensor into your loop so you can check on what temperature your actual fluid is yeah and make sure it's not getting above 60 C yep it's pretty rough though so good lie that sucks MB 67 13 dollars and 37 cents Kyle I saw your post on Instagram and I'd like to know how you were able to get that a a Oh in that case same a oh but mine was too big to fit in that tiny space heyo anyway Cheers Mb this is the newest version of the dan case this is v3 it literally just arrived on my doorstep like a week ago the v3 unlike the v1 and v2 has native support for a 92 millimeter a oh yes that's right a 92 millimeter radiator AIO which I'll be detailing in a future video coming soon with August PC of the month here so this allows you to basically mount a 92 millimeter AO into this case without having to remove the front panel USB 3 which is what v1 and v2 users were having to sacrifice when placing this exact a i/o into their Dan cases so I'm very proud that it all worked out this allows you to fit that radiator in here without sacrificing the the front panel USB 3 I have a liquid-cooled Rison 7 chip in here with the GTX 1080i and it's basically smaller than than one of pulse arms um I'm not too big a clearance code the tubing clearance is is negligible it's very flexible and I've been able to get the side panel on multiple times without it ever causing any issue the side panels include Lee and Lee's pin mechanism they're their pin technology with the various latches as well as a couple couple Phillips head screws that secure the side panel on there but there's actually no problem at all mounting the side panels on to that system as it's currently built but MB yes it was there were definitely some challenges building that system it's it's one of the more challenging small form-factor builds that i've done in recent memory and most of the problems that I had stem directly from the AI Oh in some way but that will all be detailed in the August PC of the month video that's hitting floatplane later tonight and in you and will hit YouTube in a week or two at any rate thank you very much for the donation finally we have a comment from cell are a good friend and moderator cat Kyle happy third wedding anniversary of the elusive wifey sauce yes happy Anniversary Kyle today marks the third year anniversary of my and wifey sauces wedding three years we've been married three years officially now and yeah we were still we're still not divorced so that's a good sign that's that everyone's like hell yeah you keep you keep that's dang not divorced part of marriage maintaining marriage part of marriage is not getting the work so congratulations to us thank you very much cell for the congratulatory words as well as you Paul and I'm probably I'm probably gonna get probably gonna get in trouble when I when I when I end the show because I spent our anniversary doing a live show for you guys instead of celebrating with my wife that's okay the sacrifices that us youtubers make is clearly on tonight and I pointed this out earlier but we got three year wedding anniversary yeah 158 awesome Hardware anniversary yeah so if you really want to compare how do you go toe-to-toe heavy balance those assuming come at me bro Sam we got we got the numbers members that YouTube logic okay we got a final donation from crit fish $5 says great job guys thank you quit for thank you we appreciate the congratulatory great job donating no no no no walk you out of this room okay if your sauce has been he's left the building triggered these triggers she's clearly pissed off okay okay let's let's uh get ready to wrap the show up here yeah Johnson's Johnson's Chad's Jansen's working it was a near deadly experience okay oh boy we have quite a few here oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my god wait what is it August 7th oh I have a few have a few okay okay Andrew knows and um and Charles Andrew you pick a bit a bit with gaming's s man Thank You Chuck P thank you thank you Charles is easy he's a frequent commenter and interactive ER Chaz you got the black travel on t shirt hey Joe Roberto Z CPU cooler share thank you for picking that up Johnson to you Jason be from Ohio got the pub last 20 ounce set thank you and in Joseph you Jason double Johnson for Chows evolution had the Doug Ryan L from Nebraska mmm Nebraska right now from Nebraska got the metallic silver black Tremblant Matthew yeah Matthew al you son of a gun you purchased a tallboy Imperial pint glass and I love you skirt is a double death my piece Matt did you get a Matthew - never meant never mended Keenan H from Chicago I can get the awesome hardware Star Wars shirt Kansas awesome hundred merch of course supports both of our channels miles be evolution Heather dark gray t-shirt and bit wid words in a circle pint glass thank you very much for picking that up all right we got Chuck s there Charles S from Indiana got the third fight gaming mouse pad sets Johnson a CPU cooler gaming mouse pad goes to Andrew was that did you have an answer now I might have no ager you get a single Johnston mr. Hinchey thank you for taking up that amount of our time this is very special Derek gage for Ohio the thumbscrew gaming desk Matt sets and the bottle opener Johnson to you Derek thank you federal Nunda evolution heavy metal gray t-shirt one of my personal favorites thank you for picking that up sir uh Chad W shed from Texas awesome hardware swordfight black triblend shirt Ryan L Ryan L evolution Heather dark gray t-shirt a Johnson a big loud and proud Johnson for you sir Greg s from Pennsylvania the thumbscrew oxblood t-shirts always a classic Johnson a bit would circle logo and decal and bit whit white logo black t-shirt was purchased by an atom a from Chula Vista California hey it's our own backyard thank you very much Adam a Johnson to you the awesome hardware our maybe everything men's dark gray Heather t-shirt will be enjoyed by Samuel wide from Florida and Johnson for you Samuel thank you almost almost almost competes with Martin's purchase of the bit lead words in a circle 20 ounce tall boy Imperial pint glass and a CPU cooler navy blue t-shirt Johnson to you Martine no human on the face of the Earth's has ever been more impressed with a product to delivered to them by mail than Abraham L will be as he receives the thumbscrew beer sets two glasses and opener delivered to him in Texas Thank You Abraham and a Josephine it's almost as mind-blowing and unbelievable as the purchase that Chuck Chad W made from Fort Worth Texas for a CPU cooler Heather dark gray t-shirt limited edition product and for which she received a large Johnson good good giant giant Johnson in the face well Johnson for me for this evening to Steve H from Michigan the thumbscrew beer set is also but he got two glasses and the opener it's a great it's great deal makes a great game almost as great a deal is the bit wit circle logo decal and bit with logo heather black t-shirt that was purchased by Austin are from Catalina Jackson misery mi is that Missouri or Mississippi MI I feel like I feel like we've we've asked this question 30 times on the show writings Missouri and we still don't know as California as as citizens of the United States what am i stand support Michigan I got the Missouri it wasn't even in Missouri which always screws with you right like there's an S MS you think it's MS or mi yeah misery misery Seminoles Mississippi is MS Minnesota is M and Michigan is why even bother saying it I'm for you know we got a couple more Johnson's here for Joshua are from Whittier California definitely like literally our own backyard evolution gaming desk met a big Johnson to you sir we have one from Danelle bit worse in a circle pint glass thank you sir we have two more here Abraham Abraham el Laredo Texas thank you for also purchasing a pint glass those have been very popular tonight and finally mr. Samuel Y in Cypress Avenue of Orange City Florida for getting a stay positive tri-blend t-shirt heck - the freakin yeah maybe I will alright guys that's gonna do it for awesome hardware 1 158 thank you guys so much for tuning in I would say do time stamps for me because I am lazy and don't do them myself I will love you forever if you do time stamps and I will pin your comment and thank you personally you can also do a Twitter a let's do a friggin Twitter aid who are we to trading put my trade we have a Twitter II don't we you guys are watching live dead flip dead we're dead flip de AD like you're dead dead underscore flip FL IP let's raid twitch TV slash dead underscore flip who is currently playing experiments um IRL right now streaming some IRL that's the nitty-gritty shit you know that's like you're you're at the front line this is life this is life at its finest he's about to fight this guy on any date he's about to get into a fight right now go ahead and cheer him on blow his mind and you get a full-frontal of his face so you get to see his mind blown as you as you raid the shitter heretic guys thank you so much for tuning in we'll see you guys next time bye everyone have a good night
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