how's it going guys welcome back to the
channel today we're going to do a build
we're going to do a build about two
weeks ago
my grandpa whom I live with approached
me and was like hey cow I really want to
learn how to use a PC and it blew my
mind because he's never even used
anything that uses electricity but
apparently he's watched me build all
these awesome pcs and I like Cal you're
the real deal I want to be like you so I
was like sure Gramps what do you need a
computer for and he was like low low he
was like I want to use the web I wanna
that's it he wants to browse the web so
we're gonna build him an internet
browsing computer today and it's gonna
be awesome I haven't even picked out the
parts for his build yet I'm just gonna
roam around my room and just like pick
things off the shelves and add the
cabinets be like oh yeah that's totally
Gramps you know that's that so let's
let's go let's let's pick out parts for
his computer let's go so the old man
needs a case right so I was looking
around and I found this this is the XQ
pac-3 from a petia or P via whatever and
it looks really good I mean it's like a
30 $40 case and then I was thinking
about I was like the guy like
practically raised me I can't give him
in a pav yeah so let's do the SD XTS 340
really what ya rockin that full tempered
glass panel oh he's gonna like that he's
gonna be like my dog right when he sees
it I already know the motherboard
obviously doesn't need to be great but
it should be halfway decent so I'm gonna
go at the Z 270x gaming nine because he
might he might want to overclock at some
point now remember this is my blood
we're talking about here this is my fam
and I know that I wouldn't mind parting
with an 1800 X for him but obviously
we're going G to 70 and plus knowing him
he'll just look at this and be like brah
brah since when do I use multi-threaded
applications so we're going to go with
the core i7 7700 K for all this web
browsing needs now obviously we only
need to go over the top with memory we
got some ddr4 options here so I think 32
gigabytes of this I don't know what
old people download these days or what
they save the computers but I'm sure
they got a lot of time on their hands
they probably eat a lot of storage so
we're going to do a 4 terabyte WD red I
would have loved to give them a WD black
but you know there's going to be a
shitty poor person build and then we'll
throw it a one terabyte one terabyte m2
SSD there from OCZ man's got a boot am i
right got a boot quick all right guys
you got you got you got guys which one
do I choose do I choose the Strix gaming
are X 480 or the Strix gaming are X for
you or let's just let's just do the 1080
EBG a for the win - only the best only
the best for you grandpa
the CX 430 is probably not going to be
enough to drive everything that we have
so far so we're going to go with the G
1600 from Leppa there we go those are
the parts whole am I missing anything
I'm going to turn the share all right we
got all the things will have a sliding
sucks I didn't fix the lights at all
it's just all over the place all right I
think we're good let's start building
Cal guess what guess what Cal you forgot
the CPU cooler you idiot
H 100 I duh it's going to be ok Shh
you're going to make it out of this one
I don't even know what that means
all right I'm done
whoo yeah build complete it went more or
less smoothly and it's looking good
stick around for part 2 subscribe to the
channel if you haven't yet because part
two I'm going to actually show my
grandpa his system for the first time
this is the he's never seen a computer
like this in his life other than like
the 11 computers I have in my room but
this is going to be his they set his own
so it's gonna be special and he's
probably gonna cry so stick around for
part 2 like the video if you enjoyed it
I'm gonna get some sleep
I got a edit this video in the morning
and I will catch you guys in the next
one being video
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