
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place


I am streaming this shit what I am waiting for bit wit waiting for bit wit how are there are two dislikes that is some bullshit hey we're alive hey how's it going everyone welcome welcome welcome back to the channel friends and family mostly friends hello today we're gonna play some some fortnight yeah we just got home from work and now I guess we're doing more work by gaining wifey sauce is here whoa that was really weird because for a split second I saw you on the stream and you were still sitting back in that chair and I thought that you had like cloned yourself or something I'm it's been a long day but hey how's it going everyone I see you all in chat how does the stream look and sound OH echoes bad okay you you have muted me you have muted me right you better mute I'm gonna I'm gonna have to mute to you cuz we're in the same room boom because they're hearing me through your mic so alright echo should be gone for the most part hold on one sec low audio okay cool done - done done mic is low gotta go - yeah working on the audio right now how about now check one two testing testing check one two can you hear me people and how does it sound against the background the gaming the game in game sound you're hearing an echo did you mute me in this chord you better you better damn it alright cool mic volume is still low echo is gone but as far as the mics low okay let's go ahead and blast your guys's ears out are you ready are you ready don't say I didn't warn you you might wanna you might want to take your headphones off just for your sec boom okay maybe that's clipping a little bit check check check check one two testing check alright how does it sound loud buzzing some say slight buzz other people say no buzz wow it is really difficult to read hundreds of messages at this rate buzzing got louder oh that's probably because I cranked up the microphone boost alright so microphone boost has been set back down levels on the microphone are now at 100 and I can up the volume here with in OBS hopefully that sounds better check one two you much better much better Wow it's funny how you guys all say the same thing at the same time it's like you it's like it's like a hive mentality alright check one two check check what what what you need well I would just say you could just exit this court because there's really no point they can hear you through my mic it'll be quiet but just just use your loud your loud voice you're loud and proud voice like you like pretend like you're mad at me which shouldn't be very difficult because you tend to get a little bit louder when you're mad okay well I don't need to be in here either I'm closing it out by discord okay let's let's play some freaking video games but first first rule of order is we drink and I actually have waifu sauce and I took a pit stop at a very nice beer store on our way here I'm drinking el segundo power plant it is a triple IPA I don't think I've ever had a triple IPA I've had lots of doubles but this is a triple IPA a Tippa you should ask Paul about IPAs everyone go tweet Paul and say hey Paul why do you hate IPAs and and watch the rage ensue well rage for Paul anyway you know you probably won't be able to tell that he's pissed beyond belief what what difficulties is wyfy sauce having typical wifey issues well that doesn't really help me out very much but this is a 12.3% beer so I will drink it conservatively if you guys would like to be mean but also kind of nice at the same time feel free to donate in chat using a YouTube super chat there is no obligation you do not need to donate anything I will be happy as a clam whether or not you do but donations are always appreciated and let's just say for I can't do cuz there's so many people watching right now I was gonna say for every $5 donation I'll take a shot of this beer which again is 12% so it's not super light but I think that's just way too that's too destructive because you guys you guys are gonna end me if that's the case so I don't know I'll just if I just see like some if I see lots of donations or like high amount donations something that catches my eye out of the ordinary then I'll I'll take a shot of this beer out of this amazing pirate shot glass that I got at a Renaissance Faire a couple years ago I kind of forgot I had this and I told wifey sauce to just bring me upstairs bring me a shot glass from downstairs and she went with this one good choice honey oh all all uh I'll start my own my own destruction right now okay this is just you guys get a freebie on this one but no more after this and that tastes like a 12% beer oh I know it's okay it's okay because this is I have no excuse I'm sorry ow ow I'm really glad that didn't explode all over the place cuz that's I'm prone to that happening around me alright okay are you ready are you ready I see all of your friend requests I'm sorry I can't add all of you I don't really play video games that much these days anyway don't really have time too busy making videos for you guys so that's why I'm actually pretty excited to be playing tonight all right you ready honey you should be you really should be I said are you running now you guys get to see what wifey sauces wifey sauce and eyes relationship is really like behind closed doors I said are you ready we're thrilled I'm never I'm never going into matchmaking with you again that's a promise okay ready you're getting come how much effort does it take to get comfortable we're in we're at our home oh my god it is so hot in here I am so uncomfortable I've turned the AC on really quick and you guys should really stick around for the whole stream if you can because if you're lucky you'll actually get to watch one of my cats take a poo inside of the fancy litter box back there that I did do a video on several months ago no it's it's it's cracked the the the cats are smart enough to get in here if they want to they're evil enough dude what's up crafty man dude I miss our h1z1 times together dude I really do I know we're so bad like we haven't had any time or we haven't made time to game because you could always make time but we haven't prioritized it and so long we've just been words can't express how incredibly slammed we are but it's nice to see you in chat man I do miss I do miss hanging out with you guys hope all is well I'm rambling um Wow I'm trying to entertain a stream right now okay I currently currently have I don't even know how many viewers are here right now 751 people okay if I as soon as I stop talking they're gonna they're all gonna just like flock you know what do your headphones do you have YouTube up or something or how is that possible did you actually exit discord let me check mysteries mysteries what how am i echoing hold on guys one sec aha it was the in-game voice chat that was the culprit ah yes the only thing worse the only thing that wifey sauce hates more than hearing me once is hearing me twice okay can we can we get the show on the road sure sure wifey sauces hi crafty you do you miss it dearly okay I'm pressing ready click ready up red day OOP okay okay now guys don't hate us we're very new to this game we've played only a handful of times before we know the basic mechanics and stuff but we suck at building as a lot of new players to this game often do so please go easy on us it's it's right there in the title that that that we suck so um don't be surprised if if we suck why Vsauce doesn't even know how to play yo yo yo yo but it's okay because we actually have two people in here we have two people in our squad Brown goal and spirit of gods vici who hopefully are better at this game than we are can you guys hear me I don't have oh I do have voice chat on oh shit alright you guys are you guys are I'm like like a livestream right now there's about 800 people watching just so you know so you don't say any incriminating bullshit I'm sure you I'm sure you're all clearly innocent nothing to hide no you guys let us know when you're jumping out or let's see where should we go okay well I'm a bad person to ask it's my first time okay sure all right I'm following you spirit of the gods lead me to freedom graphi says tell wifey I say hi back miss hanging with you guys to all the bigs be sad why why do we have to adult and like work and stuff and make money why can't we why didn't I just get into streaming from the get-go I could have just been playing video games with friends for a living I'm so dumb give me the loot feel free to mute me at any time Brown go I won't get offended just a little just a little bit oh my god no I got a no I'm gonna pick axe and don't worry shit that sounds pretty savage over there so I'm running away like a coward no yeah you you're on your own yeah yeah well I mean dude I don't even have a gun what do you want me to do what do you let me to do go up to them and I don't know do a dance try to distract him well I had no oh shit that's a dude oh god oh okay we both died at the same time God we are we are so good we lasted like a whole three minutes that time it's a bit wit on YouTube I'm actually streaming on YouTube right now I know it's weird oh yeah if you go now you can probably watch the delay and see yourself okay uh honey let's fail see you man alright alright alright um not a bad first run actually when Who am I kidding was horrible and I see you guys donating in chat so I will top one off for ya I'm also just kind of thirsty right now okay you're ready me too oh and then maybe later we could play the fan OHS game mode it's kind of like one superhero super strong and fast guy against everybody in the server I want to be fine oh s--- I want to be fast there's gonna be so many fan OSes for Halloween oh my god kill me now and wrink yeah thanks Logan appreciate it man peace peace Christopher Chris isn't chat right oh and how dare you donate five dollars Chris what the hell's wrong with you you're you're on payroll it's your birthday this week my god I'm on YouTube right now I'm under YouTube's but hi Chris chris is playing for tonight too but I think he might be on xbox I'm not sure you didn't hear that chat alright how's it going Brian no Zoran and idiocracy two very talkative tonight I see alright okay alright we're going there alright dusty dusty Depot go go go go uh it's a bit wit bi Twi Twi I just made that up right now that's you'll you'll find that and more talented content on my channel okay dusted depo alright everybody stick together I would have anyway that is I'm gonna use idiocracy to as a meat shield see how that bears need a gun give me a gun Oh a chest why hello there yeah yeah yeah I'll take that I'll take that too oh geez I didn't mean to that was my god this monitors just way too big for my desk well the misfire guys I'm 33 new here there you guys make shit in here are you finding stuff honeybee have a gun you only have a gun you don't have any ammo do I got a grenade launcher whoa I don't think I've ever used one of these I don't know if I'm equipped to handle one of those barb or but I ain't giving it up yeah boy face loss isn't h1z1 fan she'll always be a die-hard oh hell oh boy boy cat just came into the room trying to troll he just wants attention all right most of the loot is gone over where I am anyway unless I missed it could have very easily missed it it's all stuff up there what up disturbed hey man how's it going dude disturbed you'd have to dominate $5.00 although I guess if you wanted me to see your comment that's probably the best way to do it dude Mandy I was just uh we were just saying how to crafty who popped in saying that we missed the old days where we actually made time to game and stuff and got to show with you guys those were good times the the awesome hardware after parties so many fun late semi drunken nights being bad at video games had never been more fun well you know if the guys are annoyed with me who I'm playing with right now they can mute me alright there are ways around that we have the technology to shut up annoying people like myself it's glorious glorious world we live in people wait what did you say did you ask if I'm on float plane how do you know about float plane are you one of them oh I'm sorry what did you say I missed I misunderstood you let's get back I want this I want this wait give me this give me the damn oh yeah you can't derp trend like swap my pickaxe for a potion ridiculous oh my god forty rupees that's like half a dollar thank you no I honestly have no much I don't know how much that is but thank you very much pretty feet preciate a min I think we are the only ones that dusty David yeah I was expecting to be dead already so I'm happy I got all the lutes I got more ammo than I'll probably even use before I die so I'm I'm smooth sailing right now you know I'm just gonna I'm just gonna like you know what for those forty rupees those forty rupees Prithvi um I'm pouring one poured one for the homie Prithvi thank you very much sir so good oh how do you drop oh so if you want to swap weapons honey one way to do it is to highlight the weapon you don't want anymore by using your scroll wheel you'll see in your the bottom right hand corner all your weapons right I don't think you can do that I think I think the ammo goes with the gun that you drop as far as I know I think some some gee no oh you can press I and then just drag and drop whichever gun you don't want out of the window or whatever all right I think we should oh yeah we're in we're in the safe zone we're looking good all right let me come over to you this is what somebody told me and I don't know if they were misinformed or if that's just how the game mechanics are or just how that rule works guys in chat can you drop a gun but keep its ammo is there any way to do that or does is the ammo tied with the gun ooh yeah it looks like idiocracy is getting it no that's fine that's fine he's probably better with it than I am what are all these thingies consume oh cool I think that's cool it doesn't look like oh they're saying the ammo is separate oh no wait someone's saying you always keep ammo and other people are saying the ammo in the in the gun is stuck in the gun and then someone says yes you keep the ammo we're having very conflicting answers here Oh ammo and mag is tied to the gun yeah I was right honey so yeah wha I'm trying to think here I should probably not have my pickaxe out when running around okay you do what direction what Oh God oh god I'm down I'm down he's gonna get me Oh Shh yeah killed by a woman that probably wasn't a woman in real life though that's okay oh I'm spectating you honey should have pulled out the shot II should have gone for the damn shot eo8 crawl crawl to safety when you're down you can still move around you just can't like shoot yeah you can crawl to safety in hopes that your teammate can can revive you I used a jump crystal that sounds fun hump the crystal I didn't know I could hump crystals how come no one told me this all right let's get out leave batch oh you're just you're just quick just faster than me okay um you know I really wish that they could hear you I think it'd be more fun for them so you guys he would have to deal with every day every day oh yeah yeah that well your voice is literal or littler than I initially anticipated so what we could do is get you back on discord oh boy oh boy oh boy boom boom boom oh cool that'll pass cheer up I've reached here - that sounds high yeah so I'm gonna go into your room in Generale row Thank You bad gamer 47 for the $5 donation might want to turn on push-to-talk also an FPS counter would be nice for the audience ooh not a bad idea do I even have fraps on this freshly freshly put together system no I cannot because I muted you let me unmute you now say stuff cool okay no I don't hear an echo but they're probably going to start hearing an echo at some point so here what let's see go to voice in video okay so go to your settings the little gear at the very bottom yeah voice and or voice in video and then click push-to-talk when this relative has focus okay don't know they're just not okay you should so what you could do is press the shortcut no key bind wait push a talk women will only work when the browser tab has focused download oh it's probably not working because I have the browser version right now aigoo eko like oh go go okay um click on the shortcut whatever what does it say click the the scroll wheel after you click it no so click it and then scroll wheel click yeah stop recording there so now whenever you want to talk to me and you want the audience to hear you you just hold down the scroll wheel try it wow that's accurate but mean yeah yeah if I can hear you through my headphones then they can hear you because I'm recording all the desktop audio as well mmm cool cool cool cool cool cool and then yeah my mind's push-to-talk so blahdy blahdy blah I think we're good I think we're in good shape ok doo dee doo dee doo we would play with Kris people in chat but I believe he's on xbox and I think there is a way to cross play but we haven't really figured that out yet and would probably take too long to do it right now yes yeah when you give us money and you already work for us then you're fired according to wifey sauce ok ready ready Oh f PS counter of course we'll uh oh I don't know if you'd be able to see fraps though eh do I have afterburner I do have afterburner is rivas Statistics tuner installed as well let's find out ooh hello oh oh hi hello get greedy oh wow yo yo yo sorry I am streaming at the moment so that's why I'm talking to who seems like no one but you can talk what's that right thing if you want to go is there no it's good after come on come on come on OS Dean Oh for some reason it's not showing up in my here we go I'm following you I am I'm trying here okay you got to work with me greedy I am I'm not what you would call a skilled gamer I'm gonna make it man I see you over there I see you right there you're in it you're in a house it's a very nice house I'm coming for you yes no oh that's fine I'll I'll just move in next door you know you won't even notice I'm here you know I'll respect your space you respect mine I think I think we got this we can work together on us look at that hello shotgun ooh a purple thing I like the purple ones those are those are good at the moment let me check my talent I'm really quick right now 902 at the moment I am NOT that would be a really weird number to lie about 902 I mean I would have just like to rounded up or something I would have just said a thousand if I was lying what oh you're down honey no oh shit honey no wait why couldn't I hear you Oh cuz honey you need to you need to do the push-to-talk otherwise otherwise the viewers can't hear your beautiful voice someone help my wife god she's bleeding my wife is dying so what he'll burn oh my god oh Jesus fuck her something help me oh jeez that's you I thought I was gonna kill you right there honey but oh god no what is that what does that thing oh my god whoo oh Jesus Christmas oh oh oh why okay I have to learn to switch to shotgun when it's close quarters this is this is like gameplay 101 I'm so sorry guys I'm so sorry are you dead well no one saved me either Heather all right you're not special all right getting out leavin player one again I can't hear you there there you go you're doing it um guys let me see here let me see how why isn't no do not pull up - lean livestreaming that's a terrible idea um let's see here okay but but but why but why show on screen display man afterburner is so finicky let me tell you it says show it in OSD everything looks there but for some reason for some reason Pham it is not wanting to pop up I'm gonna try restarting the game okay and then maybe just maybe shit will work attempts if you want you went boom boom I'm doing this for you guys I'm doing it doing it for you all right just shut up let's see what else would you want to see all right let's go with that let's go with that all right all right honey I will in the game settings are there other in is there an in-game frame counter chef yes okay cool and then that'll show up right she has to show up as well perfect perfect oh all right cool what a great piece of advice for someone who knows nothing about this game um excellent so there's the frame rate it's very tiny guys but it's what I've got to work with at the moment you could take that clip out of context however you like but you know what it's time for another shot of beer a beer if this was if this was actual liquor oh oh I would I would not be feeling good for uh some hardware tomorrow mm hmm hmm all right so uh oh and now it decides to work there's After Burner when you need it that's even better though Wow 120 FPS guys in the menu all right you ready honey all right you're lame Greggy D you are out cuz I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna perma ban you right now no I'm just kidding I wouldn't do that I'm too chicken but your your blame all right gosh I'm great at comebacks lady okay honey you're you're pretty quiet over there I haven't heard you on discord at all there you know I I got to where I am by talking too much if I didn't talk as much as I do we wouldn't be here right now we would be actually we we would be here you be here right now because all we would do is this game sorry I'm streaming right now so sorry you can mute me just go ahead and meet me I won't get offended but you you anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law because you're being streamed in front of a live audience just so you know FYI I'm like three no ty no um like I don't know like nine hundred right now really really really I feel like that's low I guess it's all relative thank you for being positive any more positive people my life like you I appreciate ya you're okay you know you're my wife I mean how positive can you really be around me all right we're jumping we're jumping I'm on your tail charisma no wait cher Rema Rema good let's kill them quickly oh I see I see several people I see several people Oh then I would not want to have you as a teammate if you're blind that doesn't sound very conducive to kami that's okay I'm I can see and I'm I'm probably worse than a blind person at this game last time I got a hand cannon that must have been oh sorry already Oh No who's the son of a bitch who killed yeah I'll get him for ya oh god damn it he's too good he he had there was like five of them I was surrounded honey there was nothing I could do yeah there was at least like six or seven guys they were just they all came out of nowhere good luck man have a good one yeah that was total bullshit but he doesn't know that unless he watches the stream leader okay everyone so good it's a combination honey of them being really good and us being really bad so you can't give them all the credit ready thank you very much fresh tacos for saying that you love the channel I appreciate it hey T Ali two dollars I think you're actually better than ninja you know what I was I was trying to not say that on stream because I just feel like it's kind of cocky of me but you know I'm glad you pointed that up first so flattered bazinga x10 Dora Heather and I will donate weight Heather I will donate $100 if you smack him hard on the back of the head for saying you are not special what no don't don't bazinga no no cuz she'll do that for free oh god here we go ow I don't don't push it don't push it alright that was that was plenty hard we're gaming we're all right go one more time ah just like makes all the hairs on my neck stand up it's just uncomfortable but that was a generous donation as is bazinga so even though you made me get slapped I will drink to that I usually deserve all of my slaps all of my slaps are usually earned none of that hand out bullshit I don't know I don't know I can't really read the names of our teammates anymore because MSI Afterburner is just covering everything oh but they just jumped out I'm going with him how let's go who knows step you know I don't know do they match make you with other shitty people or people that are on the same at the same skill level because I feel like we haven't got paired with ninja yet I'm just waiting to get paired with ninja and like feel super badass but that hasn't happened yet I'm wondering if there's a bit of a bit of profiling some skill based profiling going on about that you know feel like that's racist it's cuz I'm Asian alright touchdown alright you know I'm gonna choke a bitch right now I'm ready to choke a bitch I don't know about you honey not you different different bitch mm-hmm mm-hmm that's right oh hey hey hey hey you know what no I'm just gonna come in here with you guys cuz I feel safe safety number oh my god what what again oh my oh my god he freaking jacked he's a hacker ah damn it I thought we installed battle I your gee whiz don't you just hate it some people just can't bazinga wow you are a man of your word wimpy but I will still send the $100 next time make it harder yeah you're as scary as you are generous sir also soon another pie will be involved Kyle I look forward to the day mr. bazinga oh oh you're still in well $100 donation everyone I'm taking I'm taking the double shot for that one taking the double shot I'm filling these to the top to the top to the top you go like a subreddit who know step who know step we are currently hovering at 899 viewers holy schmoly that's not bad especially for a weekday it's a Monday evening I believe yes haha I don't even know what day it is umm under and it's fairly late it's a late night stream I feel like had we started streaming maybe around 7 p.m. East Coast could have gotten on that ship but you know everyone's got school and work the next day so I'm very very happy with you guys being here spend some time with him hurry okay take it you're dead now honey not inside like all of us are but just in the game oh the girl little girl yeah that's the that's the girl she's the cute dumb one we have a cute dumb cat and a smart no well he's a smart asshole cat he's a smart asshole he's little he's he's like a chicken to the cute the cute dumb girl is actually more brave than the asshole boy maybe maybe well maybe we'll make them do a song and dance for like a halftime show turn the street can we just exploit our cats for subs no you shut your you know oh yeah that's a good idea I should use more traps good point honey and and you are echoing quite a bit so honey the best thing to do would be when you do talk try not to talk too loud otherwise your voice will go into my mic and though they'll hear you twice that was that was better that was really good let's keep that up let's do it thank you for liking my ads I'm glad you liked my ads that's not something that people say often I love you that one time you tried selling me shut telling me shut words that gets said to me all the time that wouldn't surprise me if he said that no tons of tons of people who aren't my wife love my ass you know Mike Mike loves my ass Jeff Jeff Jeff and Mike they're constantly just all over my ass want to eat it motorboat it you should yeah I'll stop now yeah we are screaming there's now not 837 people watching okay dusty divot does not look quite as isolated as it once did does it now holy moly I'm gonna try going to the barns I'm in the barns yo yeah bro if you wanna fire me I'll be getting lit in the barns that that means something to kids these days I don't know what it is though all right all right coming out sub give me that sub treasure Oh loot crate what a pretty Louis crater you are the Pirate's Booty um that's in this bar and this barn is half a barn has already been what is this hey Lou hey Lou oh man that looks just like bad news over there I hope you guys all die stay stay hidden honey hide under like a desk and just don't move you know try not to breathe very hard will hear you oh you are wait you're not with the family where'd you go I'm drinking this shit breath I'm popping it Oh give that Molly yeah sorry sorry it's very these are very short-lived hi can I can I take anymore yeah that's it that's all I could have kept - only - Molly's I feel gypped I'm breaking in I'm breaking into the joint brass dude rude how you said that just now but like no one's gonna take you up on that offer cuz no one ain't dumb enough to deal with my ship at you true true truth I have a bunch of bullshit Oh God oh that's just homies let's just hold me still Nate bang alright should we get out of dusty divots oh they like killed everyone so we're actually with like semi good boots because I sure as hell know that neither of us killed anyone fuse how you doing B 3 s 1 P 3 s 1 what is your location oh yeah look at these guys rocking the badass Tron skin what are you wearing what are you wearing oh that's my wife I already know what you're wearing you look like a dude you need to shave that beard that moustache that mustachio needs to go oh yeah it's pretty it's pretty shitty we need to move oh and we're not in the safe zone anymore so yeah it is still fairly equally when you talk honey talk really quietly and say can you hear an echo now I know but like actually whisper so it doesn't come up on my mic at all do it did you guys hear an echo on her saying her whispering I hate you oh did the boy just take a shit I think the boy the girl just took a shit oh and I might have been blocking it I'm sorry guys I totally blocked your great a view oh oh damn all that hype for nothing you did not even get to see my cat use its butthole okay can we just just can we just for one second appreciate that I'm getting a hundred and thirty plus FPS right now and our GPU is sitting pretty at 76 C with 46 46 C on the the CPU which is not even overclocked I haven't even touched that can anyone guess what CPU I'm gaming on right now that could possibly only be only 20% or less taxed at 3700 megahertz does anyone have an idea of what CPU I might be running at the moment and GPU for that matter let's take some guesses people Oh oh honey honey honey Oh God oh geez what how are they so good they're so good oh my god oh my god come on fortnight fuse oh he's down to B 3 s B 3 s 1 it's up to you Edward God why don't we get paired with good people wait oh I see a semi correct answer here it's an incomplete answer but semi correct for the CPU guessing and if I tell you what the main platform is it's kind of a giveaway because there aren't many SKUs within this within this particular family yes a lot of you guys are catching on it is thread Ripper it's a thread Ripper machine with a 1950 ex well played ladies and gentlemen and I do see I thought I saw gtx 980 yep it's a gtx 980 for the win - it's actually the GPU that I initially put in my grandpa's system and then very quickly realized or actually knew beforehand that he would never ever saturate the full potential of that card so I popped it popped it into this new thread Ripper system which is actually March marches PC of the month I believe this was this is March as PC of the month that I'm gaming on right now but obviously I swapped out the Vegas 64 for the GTX 1080 mainly because the Vegas 64 was causing serious crashing in fortnight which I could not figure out for the longest time I didn't realize that it was the GP I checked memory and CPU I you know you always go to the memory or the the CPU or the BIOS you know whatever go through all the troubleshooting steps clearing CMOS and stuff and it wasn't the only thing that fixed it was swapping out the graphics card and you know updating the drivers so bizarre I don't know and I haven't really done any more research into it to see if fortnight has any incompatibility bugs with with AMD drivers I don't know I don't know but the 1080 just works it is friggin words and goodbye person in chat to said goodbye and let's see oh wait the naked podcast $5 add me fart nut fart nut is your name as compelling as that is fart nut I'm probably not gonna add anyone just because if I add one person then everyone's like why Jabby it opens the floodgates PC specs since everyone's asking yep no no 1950 X GT x 1080 we got 32 gigs of RAM I can tell you right now yep we have um wait for D wait 48 oh yeah we have crap yeah we've 32 gigs of RAM and a motherboard is that oh yeah it's the x3 99m from asrock the board is sick its micro ATX actually gaming on a micro ATX system fun fun David Jensen 1499 dollar donation hey Kyle we never met just want to let you know that I've been watching you for a long time that's kind of creepy bro the content is awesome by the way keep up the excellent work PS don't get too drunk that's what awesome Hardware tomorrow is for but thank you very much man I appreciated mr. Jensen hey Jensen are you a fucking hog you can't analog you never asked for this did you have a bitch I did I did used edu and I wiped drivers trust me I reinstalled fortnight I reinstalled drivers with ddu and nothing worked just pop in that bag out could have been I don't know I really not sure but you know what that was a very generous donation of mr. Jensen so and we are we are right here the beer level is currently right here guys user is there slacking I'm getting thirsty over here Jesus I'm just gonna start drinking without any sort of monetary prompts roll Jason $5.00 wifey is echo or wifey's echo is coming from discord and ingame voice chat not from your mic I'll need to turn off one or mute her on in-game or split audio oh I did not mute you thank you very much Jason I appreciate that sir honey say stuff with the scroll lock and/or a scroll button and see if thing with you yapping away all night you've such a cute voice honey I love your voice you know most people most people really hate your voice but I actually love it they think it's just really like screeching I think it's really speaking a high pitch but I just I'm enamored by it you know I've always been attracted to it you're loud scratchy voice but is it but is her loud scratchy voice echoing anymore no echo holy crap Jason thank you very much you know sometimes I I can't think when I'm doing one thing or another and multitasking is very hard for me I'm my brain is more or less a single-core CPU where it does one thing very well but as soon as it tries to juggle it just kind of gets destroyed so thank you very much for pointing that out to me you've saved us all a lot of heartache and here ache our precious ears can now rest and I drink to you oh oh oh there it is there it is okay so every time so it's an automated it's an automated pooper an automated cat cat box and now it's it's self-cleaning so because you know Heather and I were lazy cat owners mainly me and the boy the boy cat right there he's he still to this day just so fascinated by this self-cleaning litter box any time it goes into its automated cycle he just kind of sits there and watches his poop flush like it would be like if every time I flushed my shit I just like just had to watch it go down every single time which I do but he's he he's the one with issues not me right yeah he would try to he would try to like swipe it swipe his shit he wouldn't try yeah shit wouldn't get on the carpet cuz he was trying to like Bob for apples but it was like the apples were his shit pieces and then we would have to Bob for shit on the carpet like pick that shit up so it's a very it's a very sophisticated device are you guys are you guys enjoying this are you all just hating life right now because the stream so awful really but see there is some amount of echo we won't be able to get rid of no I'm gonna ready it though captain Kraken for the $6 in 90 cents that's a very suspicious amount to donate sir what are you what are you trying to imply are you trying to imply that we should get the OL 6 9 6 9 out is that what it is nice with your with your cryptic 1 worded message a touch - it's right on the money I don't I don't know what I'm saying now no I've only pooped in that cat box once maybe twice come on I had to see if it would work for human shit obviously it was an investment okay I don't use the toilet anymore all right all right hey that's come on stop cut it out that's just being childish and my ox what do I use to stream mostly the Internet city befitting mode is no friend Lane I am yeah maybe we'll try that are you talking I'm streaming so right now you are alive in front of a live audience just so you know you can meet me anytime you want I won't be offended Kenna Kenna $5 should I eat chicken top ramen or chili top ramen honey I'm gonna let you I'm gonna let you uh okay I'm feeling but but don't tell her to bill on food she needs to pick one or the other should she eat chicken top ramen or chili top ramen what does chili top ramen you should pick chili sauce I promise oh it's it's it's what Wow that shit I don't even that exists wait like chili like like beef chili like like like freaking sloppy joe joe makes it together chili chili spicy just like as spicy like like okay like a like a pepper chili not like a flick up like a chili dog chili right I can't imagine that would taste good okay well then I would go for the chili too well you're a vegan so your opinion doesn't matter but chili we can all agree is awesome unless you don't like spicy food um Wow everyone asks that it's the first it's just a number okay right now there's almost about 900 people watching at the moment so oh damn there you go not bad not bad for a Monday night if I do say so myself I'm done better of course Oh Christian Robinson thank you very much for the two Canadians we appreciate that man man okay should probably shut up guys in chat would you be pissed if I did a purely gaming stream once a month because it's probably the first actual gaming stream that I've done just from the walls in in quite a while at least here on YouTube which shit I just took out a whole team no way what what what what well I'm probably dead here no don't say that's no I want you to live you sound better than us I want to use you and all of your infinite skill well I'm just trying okay Cutlass how do you I'm gonna do streamer myself how do you point oh god no okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go over there and and I probably won't be able to save you but at least I'll oh I don't know I don't know what I'm gonna do honestly oh you're like way on the other side of the frickin mountain Jesus anyways I'm gonna stream around Florida how do you think I should get bigger oh I don't know it's really it's really just time and pressure you know time and pressure gets you anywhere you just have to keep doing and you got to do it because you enjoy doing it not because you want the money or the fame but because you actually love the shit that's the number one okay I started streaming it I reached her max of 50 viewers on one stream when I was playing around the mad guard like I got a Philly and I got a fuckin week or something like that everything that's a pretty good get a FIRREA taffy really holy shit you are good you at you on fire you you're on fire like the little kind not like the Rihanna boat question question question are you good at this game okay oh god no oh god is the entertaining factor I mean I hardly entertaining I mean I I don't know why people are watching to be honest I think it's just Monday night and they don't have anything better to do sorry chat I love you um but no I think it's you know you just okay it's mainly a tech channel not first and foremost a gaming channel but it's a tech channel so a kiss so I spend more time testing games than I play them but every now and then I'm like you know what fuck it I'm done testing this piece-of-shit game I actually want to kill people and then once in a while I'll do a stream like this and people tune in because they I don't know enjoy watching me in general regardless of what I'm doing and so I can't there's there's much better people to ask on how to grow a streaming audience because that's not my forte but I will say like anything in life you probably just got to do a shit ton of it all the time and be willing to make sacrifices my name is Kyle I figured I'm trolling um it's a bit wit bi T WI T just passed a million subscribers on YouTube very proud of that thank you very much Wow way to make me feel super inadequate VI T WI T it's gotta be you know if it's not showed up in Google it's Google's problem right ewo your youtuber oh yeah I mean everyone who's worth a damn does it's just you know I'm mainly on the YouTube sides I make videos I you know I record them okay I suck in real life so I have to edit all my shit I'm not like cool enough to actually live streaming and people like me without editing people love me whatever yeah for sure well um where the hell are you honey I've been trying to catch up you oh yeah I just keep running you know I'm like I'm working now kind of a two for one here oh Jesus I think just me and you it's just me and you against the world with Ullman losing this shit I'm still getting a hundred and forty FPS how glorious I've never want to add me you could add me I don't want to be like the fanboy kid to add you so you want to for sure up to you are you good okay yeah you too are you a sleeping or you color oh you're a colorless obviously I'm colorless of course well thank you very much I'll keep you in mind anyway twitch name is cosmic gladiator haha there you go you just you just gotta free you just got a free advertiser you just got a free shout out with nine hundred and thirty four people my friend usually I charge vendors for that so congratulations for getting off with that I got you I'm guy I got you know I'm actually I got you I'm just a college student a to you one day my condolences yes yeah sure I need I need all the help I can get man living on YouTube Jesus Christ oh my god only you mean like I'm I'm halfway towards my cameras so okay my stream there you go make some stretch goals make it freakin happen man well I can't control and people can't hear you honey hey have a goin man good luck good luck with everything what did you just go did you guys go solo okay so now we're no no no no why no why why I wanted people to see you right cuz they're so used to watching good people play by watching me come on now come on now why am I still here get the hell out of here leave Leave leave Leave leave Leave leave hello what is this this is fun to watch this streamer lol this dude this streamer is annoying what I'm annoying gosh oh I think we might have been talking about the other guy he's just he's just trying to make it he's just he's just you know trying to hit them hashtag goals motherfuckers I've been there I've been there I've been there in the pipe dream what or they could be talking about me yeah yeah you know if you've if you've hit when if you've hit a million subscribers on YouTube and you're still lame and people still think you're annoying then I there's no hope for you or me I'm mainly talking about myself that's okay let's go you ready ready up back yes yes yes thank you guys for all the love in chat Jaime cook for the 10 GBP damn 10 GBP that's like that's like that's like that's like giving me Ram Jesus hi from the UK 6:00 in the morning here love the channel keep it up damn bro 6:00 in the morning you are a trooper what are you doing did you are you in prison right now what's what's going on who's up at 6:00 a.m. that is redonkulous thank you very much for the donation this is your brother doesn't doesn't doesn't Kyle 2.0 wake up super early at the crack of dawn for work excuse me I'm sorry I didn't mean it just happened so fast Derk Khushi $10 love these video love the videos buddy and I think it's amazing you found someone that plays games with you and does and that does all the cool computer stuff with you you are an example of living the life she is basically I've kidnapped her from her family and I've just enslaved her to do all of my bidding all of the computer bills yeah she could she could care less about gaming you know she's actually miserable right now she's currently drawing on a plastic gummy bear I even know what's happening I know what is see she she hates it it's all a ruse hello king of the derp and zero eight I can't see the rest of your name because it's being covered up by MSI Afterburner at the moment but hello hello I'm currently streaming so you are currently being streamed in front of a live audience just so you know when don't sue me later for not telling you sooner Tom KITT why do we always end up in this freaking pit there's a bit of shit son of a bitch I think they needed me okay okay okay sorry had to keep up with chat their little homes little houses have the best loot you know like size doesn't matter like wipe sauce always tells me oh oh yeah but sometimes doesn't matter and suck you know and no one wants to suck on the little ones oh hey Oh kool-aid what what's going on honey wait I can't hear you what you suck I thought that if I'd knock down a wall it would make the chest fall down but really I just destroyed the chest wall wifey sauce in her chest there she goes again well you know what you know what honey we can't all have a miraculous like yourself oh there's dudes and they're shooting each other I'm going to kill myself oh geez oh geez just guy still in the house if he is I must sneak up on him and kill him imma kill him right now where are you mr. guy he's gotta be in here he's got to be still in here no no he's not here he totally left damn it oh jeez I was like a whole family there good lord I think we're screwed I mean as as per usual but when when I run away from you oh my god I'm not like intentionally trying to avoid you this isn't real life okay I'm gonna try to are you the yellow icon no wait oh my gosh I'm coming to you right now I'm coming I'm coming oh no there's a guy there's multiple guys so many guys wait honey don't don't just hide it just hide there's guys and they're like they look mean like they want to kill us I'm just I'm just telling you right now that doesn't work in the digital actually it kind of does but still just be careful okay wait where did this other guy go weird oh shit he's right there he's mining and shit he's a miner oh god I'm so scared he's gonna kill wait I don't want to die please don't kill me mister man please don't kill me I do not want to go man Shh I feel like a rat living in someone's house like in their attic oh god oh god he's right above me I can feel him I can feel the dude careful honey oh shit I'm dead God he was so quick wouldn't even come from I will I will but fuck you okay never mind all right honey all you have to do is kill the whole team and then you'll and then we win okay that's okay hey at least we were the last ones standing in our team all right that's how you know that we're good oh my god okay and because chat has been so well behaved tonight so far that you know key word key words so far hoping another one off to You Me lads oh do you oh yeah oh yeah hey babies alright readying up okay all right fine well would you want to switch to another game what game with friends golfing with friends we could but we don't have any friends don't you need friends that game is really terrible with keyboard and mouse one of the few PC games that isn't we don't have any controller at the office I did take a couple AP classes for you asking chat but yeah I took like two or three I didn't take a whole lot after taking those classes I realized wow this really sucks and all the people in the non AP classes seem to be having way more fun after school so uh yeah I with the hello hello my teammates you welcome this is my world Jim just find my Easter eggs the life nestled safely underneath my penis alright here we go financed ex Park never thought I'd be following a finance techSpec seems like the most boring thing in the world going to the city yeah oh geez oh geez Oh Jase there's a dude here I will kill you sir no he's gonna kill me cuz he's gonna get the gun first ow fall damage that wasn't very smart of me you know how hurt oh no no no no it's fine fine it's fine it's fine it's fine do not come here get out all right see guys this time I have the shoddy everything's great now I just need some freak advantages because did you save me ninja I pray and call upon the powers of thin jaw fool hello it worked the shields give me all the shields you bastard we the nation I said your name done and you didn't even have to donate lucky you it's your lucky F and a breath oh Jesus honey where were you I can't hear you you save me oh my gosh I'm just following I was just following finance textbook it's his fault it really is and here you are let's watch wife sauce for a bit why thank you very much Anthony Ray's odd for the $4.99 you know you could have you could have just made it an even 5 bro you have to skimp out on me one cent that's kind of its kind of cheap don't you think I mean that's cool whatever just saying following you Paul and my Vsauce and more great content what's your favorite item in your store that's a great question actually I think you're the first person to ever ask me that the my favorite item in the store in my merch store that way tech slash store just saying um man I really really have been liking the desk mats that that John our merch guy found for us they have stitched edges they are super clean I mean they're just as high-quality as this the this ROG one that I'm using right now like you like it's they're really really nice I might even have the extended ultra wide one so that it can house your keyboard and stuff like that too I really am proud of those pieces and obviously the shirts are great too but any of the Tri blends are just so comfortable comfortable and the rip game pad design is the freshest item of the bunch which I also rather like it's just fun it's just fun all right all right I'm coming I'm going out to rip wifey rip our team rip our little team okay hmm okay so did we decide what we wanted to play next if anything I say we play a little bit more yeah we're both so we're both so terrible at this game that I feel like it's a disservice to you guys even though as the title says I'm still having fun okay let's let's see I do have or here's here's a good way to narrow it down honey what games do you currently have installed on your system there you may have to launch up the steamy way me you may have to launch up the steamy we may and see what gamey way miss you have in your library rarey Oh tone that tone down the hyperness is is that is the wife request for right now I'm sure chat would not mind if I went full-on psycho right now you know and like chased you around with an axe I'm sure they'd love that they would do get do good unfortunately I do not have God of War 4 or a ps4 are we on for places for oh my god it's it's been so long since I played a console I don't know what PlayStation run I think we're on for no I don't have a PlayStation 4 you hate it more than pub G yeah but it's so colorful the characters are so fun you can build stuff wow what a hater hi e hi chant that is a mod Mike you have a good ice Justin yeah oh thank you guys for all the love and chat that is very it's very gratifying when I hear you guys say stuff like that lick you up the videos and it changed your life and I'm the most handsome person you ever see one more just topping it off here hey man do you have Goldeneye that'd be fun I can't remember if I installed Goldeneye on your system it's been so long that's what she said there is also la fruta chu rocket leg although we don't have controllers so that would suck no stop updating hitman steam no one's played that game in ten years maybe not ten years but many years okay what what what what gives you yet honey it's making email I don't know what No Stevens open you should be able to just look at your library click library okay there your games you can't see all of them they're hidden what do you mean it looks like they're all they're all the ones that are grayed out are ones that aren't installed on your computer that's it do I have cope with the friends do I even have that game that might have been one of the games that you played with like with everyone else but me you know the the period of time the period of time in my life where you stole all of my internet friends and you just played game I know they were smart and they figured it out I was hoping they'd be dumb but they weren't okay okay what how is golf with friends for gigs that should be like a 65 megabyte game okay let's do it honey let's play golf with friends sounds fun but since then yeah yeah all right oh my god go away hit man mother of God oh it's only one gig sorry I don't know why steam makes it definitely what me making a mistake all right I'll have down a little energy I'll have downloaded golf with your friends in about a minute and a half and then we can start playing that game and you know I'm sure all dying to see what kind of frame rates we get in golf with friends are there any updates any any any hardcore DLC we need to get you know like like new new golf courses or yeah we're good okay friends we're gonna play golf with friends ooh what friends do we have that's what I said is like we don't have any friends what friends and we have who's okay um well no that's fine because this is gonna be done are you ready to play golf with friends like you already have it downloaded and stuff yeah cuz mine's good it needs to update well we'll go ahead and set the update right now or initialize or initiate the update because imma be done with it there's this game here imma be done downloading this game in like 20 seconds old last I'm saying we only got a gig a gig girl we only got a gig and then we in the yeah I'm sorry I'm just a annoying person so I can't help you what would you like and then she fell silent of course and I asked what would you like help you go to the blog go to golf with friends and what happens if you click Play sure it looks like my golf with friends is pretty ready oh hello boy oh my cat doesn't realize that my extreme e right now so he's about to be I'm gonna make them they're all make it make them dance okay here we go Wow okay graphics can we play this at a more reasonable resolution graphics level framerate yup apply maybe options give me one sec guys video okay here we go I mean just a just full screen off it doesn't let me adjust the resolution why does this game not let me change resolution no but yeah but I can't see chat if if it's maxing out the full-screen res oh here we go yes okay cool okay cool I can see you again chat yay I love you chat thank you so much I love you I love you chat you're like my family like my girlfriend when I wasn't married all right what what are you mad dogging me about stop stop stop making me look over my shoulder so how long is your update going to take for this um if you click on downloading or the the bottom the very bottom says downloading or downloads or something yeah it will tell you it'll tell you all the things I'm good by fortnight it's been fun thank you for pointing out how bad I am at games now Mesta okay I like it it's a very simple game no we're not weren't I gonna ride a bike friggin cuphead I didn't have that game but I've heard it's a really good game it's maybe I'll play in the future oh no man this is fun I I enjoy playing games when I make the time to play them so I just I just don't know I feel is it weird to feel self-conscious about playing games in front of people because I'm not good at them anymore because I don't devote any time to them and I feel like streamers these days are so good at games that that's part of the reason why they have these loyal followings people respect them and appreciate them and I just feel like so inadequate you know I feel like handicapped so I feel like maybe if I had more confidence in my gaming abilities I might stream more for you guys but it's been sort of an obstacle for me perhaps I don't know know then again you know you've got streamers who are you know not not super great at games but are just more entertaining and I guess maybe that's where I lie maybe that's my my schtick or at least I can you can you know I don't know be moderately entertaining I don't know are you still updating what are you doing to that poor gummy bear back there and what what is it why what is it is it a lamp it's a lamp right okay so it's a semi translucent gummy bear oh my god coalition it's so funny that you mentioned stack attack live I was literally just talking about doing a live stack attack I think that would be awesome because I don't know if you guys can tell but most of most of the gameplay element of stack attack is it's not edited that much you know a full round will take us anywhere from 15 probably 10 to 15 minutes and you know when we actually cut it all up we don't really trim all that much we trimmed some of the the downtime of us like you know respawning and trying to find each other where there's no action happening but for the most part you're seeing like a real-time a real-time battle so I think it would translate pretty well I think that show would would translate pretty well to a live stream so maybe one of these days we'll we'll do like a special LIVE edition I think that'd be a lot of fun oh you're in oh hey there okay how do i how do i ahead oh we are friends honey you're my best friend you're my bestie invite no I can't fight you back offline online host room name OOP private no not private players let's do eight no let's do five we need to actually create room I just created a room called poop okay can you can you can you click on line and then click join and then find a way to join find poop room hurry before other before the viewers find it and then you will have no room in poop land you didn't you couldn't find it good lord invite friends how about I just invite you there accepted look it like I see your ball honey I thought I was the only one with the ball in the relationship I will go ahead and reconfigure my screen so that you guys can see what I'm doing don't worry you don't worry you haven't missed much all of you people looking at a black screen we haven't even started started gaming or anything but that should do it hey well hey now hey now you're a rock star get the show on get raided sweet and never playing golf with friends go with your friends ha ha ha alright alright ready ready honey I don't think Owens joining us if you couldn't find the server or the room then they probably can't either all right so I'm kind of oh no I don't I've just realized in that moment that they don't really oh okay so you hold the left-click down and then you move your mouse up or down depending on how much power you want - oh poor baby poor baby you get it you suck you oh so much all right oh my goodness oh my goodness okay I say we play this last right now and then we call it because I got to be somewhat well-rested for awesome Hardware tomorrow it's gonna be drinking even more and Raijin throughout the night okay okay I'm going geez don't rush perfection please oh so did I so did I I got a hole in one and your shit is done take a look at me I'm on the run this is just for fun oh my goodness yep that was intentional don't worry I've done it all before oh my god no no you are just rooting for my failure raging for my demise what's a brilliant way if I have and we're getting to the bottom of the barrel here with our triple IPA hmm oh this one has a paddle Kinki oh did you get a hole in one here no good good ooh we're we are tied Wow this is close is there a way that we can look at the rest of the course or no probably not boom oh I see you oh that's pretty close pretty close pretty close hey I'm beating you by one point just thought I'd point that out oh my gosh I didn't already yeah I didn't I don't think either of us were expecting it to be a gap no I how'd you knew how'd you know how'd you knew wait but seriously how'd you knew though how did you knew scroll out oh my god he was infuriating I haven't been this pissed oh my god I somehow got a hole in like not a hole in one but in that one shot from I I made it in from spawn how are we getting a high how am I getting a higher frame rate in fortnight then I am engulfed with France golf with friends is more taxing than fortnight maybe it's because it's like see all CPU base I don't know I have no idea how this game operates that's really funny though alrighty oh this is a little come on come on come on I got a boogie I got a boogie next time we'll next time we'll definitely stream some minesweeper for you guys oh wait wait what the heck is supposed to happen here oh my god I totally screwed up damn it oh come on well how the hell am I supposed to get out of here how do we get out of here no I'm incapable of thinking on my own and it looks like you are too apparently wait so do we just have to like suck it up and lose here oh okay I guess we can sort of go what bullshit you are not better at this game than I am I refuse to believe that God well you know what it took me Ted and we're tied we're so tight Oh what no way how how do we do this I got this bro I'm a good sportsman though good good sportsmanship hey that's good honey oh wait what happened you went in and out damn we are really close here for tonight is looking really weird right now I'm sure it does guys trust me this is just this is just our our wine down game this is our wine down game before we end the night okay you always gotta have a wine down game you've got your stream and then you have like a semi in the indie indie wine down game did I bump into you yes Wow you know if this was real life that would be sexual harassment but now but here it's just fun it's just fun dicking around you know here we go oh wait what no I didn't mean to do that editor jump off oh no no I didn't you're bouncing off what I mean balancing how do you balance you can click to bounce well good because balls can't actually bounce on their own in real life so that's unrealistic and let's like this games already super realistic right that's why we have balls that have minds of their own 100 FPS Wow you you have a very you underestimate your strengths honey I think you're stronger than you think Oh your balls cute honey you have a cute ball all right okay wow what what I mean how do you have 48 now that was a lot more than you just had wait what what happens what happens here let's let's take the stupid slide that's I'm probably gonna regret oh my god come on I got a birdie I'm gonna get a birdie too yeah what what what how did you get 12 on the last one twelve strokes it's nuts bro huh oh my god that was a terrible idea why did I do that why this reminds me of Super Monkey Ball hit the bow oh Jesus okay you know what screw all of you targets those are just distractions cuz I don't need any of that shit I just want to dance your balls are stuck welcome to my world balls are stuck to my leg every day I see me complainin disgusting it's just life I ain't sorry you can't handle it they totally wanna know the missus way to sticky balls right now it is almost 11 p.m. for us so not too bad not too bad we usually go to bed around 11 or 12 give or take boom did another k go pee or poo I see it I see it moving the the the cat box is is doing its thing cuz cuz we're too lazy to this might be the this may be the round you catch up with me honey oh shit oh what a terrible oh my god oh my god I suck I suck so much terrible terrible oh shit wait no no no don't go in that hole that one doesn't have a flag beatin you still beating your breath still beating your breath okay oh oh there's tree tree stumps and stuff alright hey no worries no worries I got this oh my god oh no yes yes yes yes before you know yeah shut up we got the same score in that one I'm still ahead of you by 10 points get rekt Oh No par par for the course and he makes a par for the course wifey sauce on her third stroke one more to go she makes it just in the nick of time last hole that's what she said I don't even know what happens here what do we do whoa okay oh holy shit how is this supposed to work wait okay the conveyor belt doesn't even what what if you go full throttle that doesn't do anything okay I don't even know how this is supposed to work wait how did you get over there no let's mean what I'm honestly I'm honestly I honestly have no idea I honestly have no idea how you got over there what did you do tell me your secrets come here oh god I did it okay thank God oh shit did you already sink it that's damn you're good I still won okay bullshit um did we even finish this beer okay we did not but I'm not a quitter but um you guys were freaking awesome we're gonna end the stream because this was primarily a fortnight's stream and people are getting salty that we're not playing for tonight anymore so you guys did that he's all your fault which is why we can't have nice things oh my god I'm starting to sound like a video oh my god sorry no this was a blast I really enjoyed this and we should do this more often right honey even though you hate gaming and stuff and I just for cheated you all this stuff I yeah she gets pretty annoyed with me when when I game and I'm streaming and I've had a few drinks and well I mean even even just in regular when none of that applies she still but see that's that's true love is when I'm like annoying a shit but you still love me that's unconditional love there's no criteria of what I need to do in order for you to love me which okay that's probably one of the criteria but they're not like they're not like designer or anything right okay because I know this really great swap meet that has has really good like you know off-brand off-brand anyway thank you so much one last cheese and toast to all of you I was getting my drink lucky for you just respawn respawn this drink here okay hold on I have to I have to present it in the most eloquent way or the most the most ritzy way possible which you guys will very much appreciate in the one and only razer RGB coaster this is my most prized possession in life and and you should all be very jealous okay alright ready let's cheers cheers Cheers no just fucking drink the drink with me oh my god I'm spilling all over the mousepad god alright Cheers cheers everyone thanks for watching this appreciate and sorry you didn't get to see more of wifey sauce maybe we can sort of rework this little office space that we have in our house my grandparents house so that we can have a more conducive streaming setup where you can see both of us equally here both of us equally no echo and stuff that'd be cool I would really love to do this more often and maybe a little bit more enjoyable for you guys to watch us play yeah for sure and thank you very much crafty crafty stop donating money God to generous baby up hit me hit me up for that 1 million sub party night Kalyn Heather after sure man for sure we most def will yeah dubby dubby hella fun no I don't think crafty would say no to that he's an h1 pierced amongst all of us so he does and he's effing awesome just as a person so um on that note guys thank you so much for tuning in dude check us out on a floatplane just some good there's some good videos on floatplane right now that are not yet on youtube if you want to check out stuff a week early I've just I'm just turning my head and stuff I'm just so used to doing like the floatplane plug at the end why this forces me to do it all but yeah guys this is fun this is fun all right I'm bet it I'm bad at outros embedded and like goodbyes bye bye
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