CRUSHING CPU Test! 5960X vs. 6950X - Also, bad things happen
CRUSHING CPU Test! 5960X vs. 6950X - Also, bad things happen
what's up guys welcome back to the
channel today we're gonna be doing some
cpu stuffs in particular with good old
hot line to the left of me here
basically we're gonna be scoping in on
the hot lines CPU which is the original
chip that I installed when I first built
the system the 69 no the 59 60 X 16 50 X
wasn't even out yet 59 60 X core i7
haswell-e flagship all that stuff eight
core twenty or eight core 16 thread
maths from Intel cool right yeah who
cares Kyle the chips been out for like
ages bro it's all about the 69 50 X now
I know I know that's why you didn't let
me finish
that's why after I'm done testing the 59
60 X I'm gonna swap it out for the 10
core 20 thread core i7 69 50 X yeah
Broadwell II bitches it's gonna be sweet
and of course we already know it's
overpriced 1700 I can't really say that
because it's just such a high high
number and ever you review that I've
seen or read pretty much does the same
thing that's overpriced as bird but it
doesn't make me any less curious to see
or find out how much faster or how much
more able are capable it is to handle a
CPU intensive workload so I'm gonna be
throwing a hell of a workload CPU wise
at both of these setups with either chip
it's actually gonna be one test I'm not
doing a full suite of benchmarks guys
I'm just doing one test on each chip
however that test is gonna be a
monstrosity of things it's actually a
series of smaller tests underneath so
why don't we go ahead and take a look at
that I'm gonna go ahead and switch gears
to the predator X 34 because I have all
the testing stuff already low there goes
my love transmitter it's okay I've
already got everything transmitted whoa
whoa I'm crying I just crossed over into
that dimension get out of my head let's
just take a look at the screen alright
so what exactly are we gonna be running
for this test well we're gonna be
running a number of things first of
which is a game so I've got GTA 5 loaded
up here which is a very highly CPU
intensive game does not mess around on
the cores at all so that's gonna be
running at 1920 by 1080 fully maxed out
settings 4x msaa and all that and that's
actually we've got fraps in the quote in
the corner there I'm going to be doing
some fraps Inc to check the frame rates
both average
minimum and then we're gonna go ahead
and stream that as well with xsplit
broadcaster that's gonna be streamed out
at 1920 by 1080 60 fps no-holds-barred
it's gonna be crazy we're gonna see how
many dropped frames we get on either
setup using either of those CPUs
hopefully zero for both but we'll see
and then finally just to spice things up
I've got Adobe Media encoder here we've
got a 90-second HD that's full HD 1920
by 1080 60 FPS or 30fps I should say
clip here that we're gonna be encoding
while we're streaming while we're gaming
so these three things and of course you
know Google Chrome open all the while
those three applications for the most
part are gonna be running Adobe Premiere
Pro in particular or a EE media encoder
when you're encoding stuff especially
with a program like this it's gonna be
utilizing all Z course all Z course
there's gonna be pretty intensive just
fun fact here I actually tried to crank
the system even harder and I tried
running handbrake at the same time as
all this and it be started after about
five minutes wasn't able to do shit I
tried it multiple times just kept be
sodding so I've removed since then
removed handbrake from this test but
seems like this is where we've hit the
ceiling and I'm just I'm just curious
I'm just curious to see what kind of
frame rates we can get if we can get
zero drop frames and how quickly we can
encode this 90-second HD video all at
the same time with either CPU so first
off we've got the LG's 59 60 X and here
again overclocked to 4500 megahertz and
just for shits and giggles eh 980 T is
in SLI right there of course in hot line
custom water-cooled that is an X 99
sabertooth from good ol ACS we've got 16
gigs of ram ddr4 and the probe much
thumbs lit up so why don't we go ahead
and run this test I'll circle back and
catch you guys after it's done
yo dog I would you like numbers so I'll
put some numbers with your numbers yeah
so thank you exhibit these are our
results our numbers for today for this
first test in with the 59 60 X
overclocked and as you can see it
rendered our video in Adobe Premiere Pro
or media encoder I should say in 2
minutes and 25 seconds I'm sure we would
have shaved that down quite a bit had we
not been streaming and gaming at the
same time so hopefully we can share that
down with the 69 50x for gaming now GTA
5 are again hot line all right
- GTX 980 is an SLI SLI was enabled for
this test and right now we have the
system just kind of not idling but we're
not streaming we're not encoding
anything we just have GTA 5 loaded up
here now look at the frame rate ciao
we're getting a steady 75 we look around
like oh look dead getting in the Hondo's
over there for a sec whoa hey there so
excuse me pretty good numbers it is it's
no it's no slouch in the gaming
Department however start up a stream @
1080p fps and start encoding a video at
1080 30fps then look at how far the
frame rates dropped in our gameplay
average of 22 fps and a minimum of 6
it's not even playable that's gonna be
the worst stream ever so hopefully what
I'm hoping is that I'm curious to see if
we swap in this 69 50x if those numbers
actually go up not because the 69 50x is
a better gaming chip or a faster gaming
chip by any means than this then the 59
60 X cuz it's not but because it's got
more cores and more threads to work with
maybe it'll just be more efficient and
have more bandwidth so to speak for
things like premiere and streaming and
that could potentially free up some more
CPU bandwidth for GTA 5 which is a
highly processor intensive game so very
curious to see how that works out but
for now we've got 0 dropped frames so on
xsplit which is fantastic which means
anyone who is watching our live stream
on Twitch on the other end is seeing
things pretty clearly no dropped frames
no choppiness other than the framerate
of course of the game itself so there's
not really any room for improvement
there that we can go to that's a perfect
score on the streaming for
so with that and with that in mind let's
go ahead and attempt to drain this
system that I've been known to damage
things that way before and swap in this
ten core twenty thread ship right here
to see exactly what we get it should be
fun I knew something bad was gonna
happen during this video especially
during the the CPU swap here so
basically I drained the system just fine
I swapped in the CPU
6950 X is currently installed just fine
and as I'm filling the loop back up this
son of a beyotch decides to leak on me
you you stop being and blurry either
there that this guy you can see there's
even a drop that's ready to ready to
drop right there drop the bridge okay
anyway but see I why why was this not
leaking before I made sure that it was
tight it's actually not leaking from
there it's not it's not leaking from you
know where the the crevice between the
fitting and the reservoir is actually
leaking between this crevice right here
where my nail is so it's just a bad
fitting I guess just decided to go wrong
right now so I don't actually have any
elbows in that color that's a black
double 45 which I do not have
fortunately i scrounged around for stuff
and I have this one this is a chrome one
that'll do just fine it won't match for
shit it'll look horrible in hot line but
at least it's gonna work at least we'll
be functional it's just temporary
otherwise if I didn't have that that I
would be completely out of board I would
not be able to do the rest of this video
it would have to wait for a later time
and I wouldn't be able to do any work on
hot line that I currently have stored on
I guess it's gonna work out in the end
but it's just a Oh God custom water
cooling guys and I know all you guys are
already raging in the comments see this
is why I never cast my article well you
know what right now I'm totally on board
with you screw it screw screw J screw
Terry Crews no I'm totally joking but I
gotta admit this is a little or some so
I'm gonna go ahead and take care of that
right now and hopefully we'll get back
on track with the real point of this
thanks for ruining my video leaking in
the middle of it this set me back like
an hour and a half to two hours of
production time but the new fittings in
it's nickel-plated looks like total crap
in here but hey it stopped the leaking
and you know what it's a good temporary
replacement until the black fitting
comes in the mail and stuff but moving
on to the actual topic of this video I
have installed the 69 50 X it's inside
of the system safe and sound
it's overclocked to 4300 megahertz I
tried to do 44 it was looking good until
I started up the stream and the encoding
and the game and then it crashed every
single time so I dialed it down to 43
hundred seems rock-solid stable I ran
the test a couple times and it just
seems perfectly fine so that's what
we're clocking it at 4300 compared to
the 4500 on the 59 60 X and these are
our numbers yes I already ran the tests
I am just one step ahead of you guys
so here we go starting with premiere you
can see I've masked off the the good
stuff the FPS because I wanted to be a
but we've got premier here 20 to 25 2
minutes and 25 with the 59 60 X
switching to the 10 core we shaved that
encoding time down to two minutes and
four seconds so that actually took us 13
percent longer or so with the 8 core
than it did the 10 course so it's
actually not too bad it's not a giant
savings but you know if you're gonna be
rendering like 4k stuff that's like 10
plus minutes long that's gonna add up
over time and that's gonna save you
hours upon hours in the long run moving
on to GTA 5 let's see what we have here
by the way the parenthesis is the 69 50
X if you didn't figure that out already
so average on the 8 core was 22 went up
to 38 frames per second on average with
v-69 50x a 72% bump in performance
that's actually incredible and in this
look at this is 6 to 15 for the for the
minimum 150 percent game I thought was
my assumption was that hopefully we were
gonna see some higher frame rates just
simply because we had more cores and
threads not so much that would help our
game but would help the encoding and the
streaming workload and again that would
allow for some additional
bandwidth for our cpu-intensive game
which it certainly did that's actually
pretty impressive and some to consider
if you do have a crazy-ass budget for a
CPU and you're a twitch streamer for
example and I don't know you have an
intense workload similar to the one
we've run today then maybe this is a
chip that you should consider because
that I mean granted 38 frames per second
was not the best it wasn't ideal when I
was playing it and when I was a frappe
sing it and stuff it wasn't the best but
it was certainly a hell of a lot more
playable than the 22 frames per second
with the 59 60 X so that's there
something to be said there especially
you know if you were to crank down some
settings maybe you're streaming maybe
you should turn the stream down to 720
64 2nd not 1080 maybe that would gain
you some additional frames there who
knows maybe we'll do a part 2 follow up
let me know in the comments if you have
any ideas for that so I don't know
altogether it's an expensive ass CPU
that's that's already known but it does
pack quite a punch over the 59 60 X just
by having those four additional logical
cores there and I think I don't know
there's not much else I want to say I
just wanted to give you guys the facts
let you think for yourselves about it
reflect meditate and all that good stuff
but I think I'm out of here because I've
got a bunch of other stuff to do today
and sorry guys if this video seemed a
bit haphazardly thrown together it was
I'm actually going to Lake Havasu next
week for like four or five days with my
in-laws I don't know why but because of
that I'm actually really rushed this
week to get all the content done for
next week so sorry if it seems a little
bit rushed but thank you for watching
and also shoutout to Intel for
sponsoring or not sponsoring for
providing the 6950 x cuz I wouldn't
never bought it myself I'm too poor but
yeah thank you for making this video
possible Intel they did not sponsor this
video it's not a sponsored video it's
not paid to say any good stuff about
Intel they just allotted me the chip for
review and testing so thank you to you
guys so I guess team blue and I do
people call Intel team blue
I named these team red really gets green
it makes sense right but that's gonna do
it for now guys so be sure to toss me a
like on this video if you enjoyed it and
also check the description down there
check my store I'm selling new bit wit
shirts with the new logo looks pretty
sexy if I do say so myself so go ahead
and check those out
subscribe to the channel if you haven't
already I'm out of here go ahead and
have yourselves a good day and good
night and I'll see y'all in the next
video peace
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