
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Extended #PimpMyPC, Epic Mail Time & More! Awesome Hardware #0177-A

now let's say you can you can potentially have them make exercised or whatever by the way he's an undead shaman he's high he's we're on YouTube now okay okay networks treatment of both now it's serious now now I really have to watch what I say I'm gonna get serious but since we're live to both I guess we'll start the show so welcome this is awesome hardware 177 I'm served 177 side a did I look it off Paul and I have done a little bit of pre-gaming already but this is a tech news live show that Paul and I do every single Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time right here on slash awesome hardware and we also stream the show to our respective YouTube channels this week the first half is on my channel and in about half an hour or so we'll switch over to Paul's channel you can find a link to that in description or you can go to slash Paul's hardware and the stream will will be there for some for side beat when we're ready for that but depart from that do we like to have an occasional beverage or five on the show it's all it's all in good fun if you would like to drink with us feel free to do so as long as you're doing it responsibly um and also we occasionally swear on the show we use adult language so if that's a sort of thing you're not into and be warped if there's little ones around something like that apart from that though we do have an announcement it's actually a positive announcement in regards to the charity of the charity that that Steve and gamers Nexus have set up it's called the Eden reforestation no reforestation I always mess at least word reforestation reforestation okay so he's forestation reforestation projects which is actually a great cause it's hard to find a good in projects dot org by the way there you go he actually set this up in his something hashtag something positive campaign sort of in in response in some ways to to the verge and to their their editor-in-chief reckless who who who dared him to do something positive for the world almost as an insult and sure enough if he's at the game Nexus Twitter he's been retweeting everyone who has been donating so it's awesome basically the the editor-in-chief of the verge told Steve to do something positive Steve responded by doing one thousand dollar donation to eat in projects and saying hey guys if if you're done with doing something positive to maybe do a donation to there or to a chair it to a worthy reputable charity of your choice and go ahead and tweet to them so they're a bunch of a bunch of people have been doing donations yeah it's it's just trying to do something positive so if you guys want to join in feel please feel free to do so I'm trying to get down to Steve's original tweet and donation a there's so many to scroll past it's a really good cause it's a your your money is going towards planting trees but it's third world countries and very impoverished communities that are being hired employed given jobs to plant these trees and also helps with climate change while also giving people jobs that really really need money yeah really really need money like they need chairs and shit you know they need socks I also like that they're employing people they're not just exactly here's my exactly yeah let's put it put him to work you know that's what I always say so anyway well you found the tweet yeah oh yeah this is the original tweet that Steve that Steve sent out and and his original donation that he made which was a $1000 donation plus his donation of the amount that he made from his video tweeting about the right situation with the version everything which happened over the past week where they issued a copyright strike against Kyle fortunately that's been lifted yep and because we're live-streaming because we wouldn't be able to do this that's right we're still there that's so true it says holy crap it's worth pointing out yeah okay so are we gonna plug those stories let's do this alright quick just for today my store is big with dr. bit we detect if you want to buy some cool merch from my store it helps me with with the things I do after you site in case I think it yeah after you've donated to give you know we want money to you know in case they get copyright strike again by looking for my sister quick and then Paul store is Paul's Harbor net you should also buy something from his store if you can to buy something for me you gotta buy something from Paul like it so don't be a dick like we're like your children and you're gonna have favor just get off some hardware merchant it's awesome Harbor both equally so we'll we'll yell Johnson that you if you don't know what that is you will find out at the end of the show and let's move on to our first segment which is I found this on Gawker it's a it's kind of interesting it's about a grown up website editor is it titled a grown up website editor throws Twitter tantrum over his bracelet the person they're talking about is nil a I believe it's Neal a Neal a meal a Patel wait a second isn't me like Nilay Patel that's the editor-in-chief of The Verge here's what you mean he runs the Virge largest and successful tech website what wait hold on hold on how does that wait and what's the date on this article Jim are digging back to 25th 2015 oh my god I'm so sorry I somehow brought this old article up I must have got confused I wasn't really looking at the dates but hey since I spent all the time digging here actually Steve did pass in the book happened to share this with me the other night I found it hilarious also forced us to talk about it and I figured what idea yeah I I thought this was too good to not share so this is an article from 2015 I'm sure Mila is a completely changed man since then but he apparently wrote a very critical review of the unpair phrasing here a 7,000 word review of the Apple watch from which he also shaved his forearm for the video portion that's commitment right there you'd think he'd be a pretty secure man but last night in 2015 he became publicly upset because other adults were laughing at his jewelry so apparently he said something like I felt ridiculous wearing this this loop this is Melanie's loop really just quoting this article by the way none of these are our own words they're from the article yes so I didn't and then they point out that on his other wrist he's wearing a spiky bracelet perhaps probably purchased from Hot Topic I've seen those for sale at Hot Topic I definitely have I used to have one when I was 13 they look very badass they are I mean look at the fear in his eyes just are just like the you mean the fire the fire in his eyes obvious fear of people of as of people who would see someone wearing a bracelet like that he's his own reflection so if it just kind of got the article just points out a bunch of tweets after someone wrote about his contradicting nature and just just how kind of absurd it was that he was commenting on on the ridiculousness of the Apple watch when in fact he was wearing this teen angsty bracelet it's the irony just I mean there's lots our knees following him it's not just teenagers throughout the years there's lots of banks ridden people he's just a very angry person I don't know want to wear spiky things but he decided to lash out and and really dig his grave deeper as he still does now it seems so I guess maybe he has allegedly allegedly so these are tweets from his Twitter handle at reckless where he's he's firing back firing back very poorly I might add at the people who are are kind of laughing at this whole his his article he said I don't wear jewelry I wear spiky bracelets first of all that doesn't sound better choosing to not understand personal style is well-chosen ignorance it's such an air of just pretentious I don't know it's allegedly I'm not making an argument the alleged this is all allegedly which this should be a rumors a rumor mill segment right here and not making an argument he calls out this person on Twitter I'm just calling you an old man jackass old white men critiquing my spiky bracelet is just my favorite did it ever occur to anyone that I wear this thing as a studied reminder that I do not want to ever fit in or be a fucking suit you know I said as a corporate the corporate reminds me I used to have a fucking suit did you yeah fit like a glove you know just so you can feel everything and I just I don't remember what happened to it that's just someone's gonna find it someday and anyway so what were you talking about I do you lost me I get so enveloped in your story okay um but so anyway I thought I thought this was this was relevant current news relevant current news like that was worth this is as reported by the Gawker which has been shut down for quite some time yes it's been shut down but the other Gawker Media was involved in that whole thing where they got sued because they did the thing with Hulk Hogan very relevant cool cool all right well um what beautiful beautiful article there thank you Steve for the for the referral and that is all for news all for tech news even only news article I have on my half I think it's news enough it's good let's move on to the extended segment of pimp my rig which I promised you guys on Twitter earlier today it's been my PC sorry pimp my PC in my rig is a different series on my channel a week off so yes it's been weird it's been weird you know you don't realize like I've basically quit YouTube I could have easily had the strike for a week and wouldn't have noticed it because I've just been busy moving and stuff but I feel I feel like lost I almost feel lost like I don't know who I am anymore like like this this is that hasn't been shaved I haven't like posted a video in nearly a week I haven't shot anything in nearly a week like who am i you know it's weird well it's important as I'm John on this journey of rediscovery you know you're looking at a clean slate and that's the beauty of it I am you know you can you can reimagine yourself it's as if you were like you know a junior high student suddenly moved to a new town and you know none of your old friends are there anymore and you can recreate yourself I'm a cool sell everyone that your actual history was completely different and you're raised you know by ninjas somewhere or something like that so that's what I think you should be focusing on right now I am is next the backstory because that's how you build a character you know and that's how you get see people need to be invested and I think when we changed my channel name man oh really you've just inspired me well what to change it for a fifth time what are you gonna change it to I don't know I'll probably just you know write some names put them in a hat pick one you know okay give it some long hard thought I'm sure check could come up with some good I'm sure they will Lyle's channel it's what they say perfect all right so let's let's move on to pit my rig no can my pc we got the new lower thirds and everything whoo you bet that'll be fancy that we finally settled that lawsuit with Matt Philly just kidding all right the promises promises is the first victim for he begs lots of cool systems he does and this one's interesting this is an interesting system look at this artistic ketchup and mustard cabling it looks that it almost feels wrong to critique it I'm still gonna critique it cuz it's ketchup and mustard but it's so well taken care of it's it's like multi-coloured spaghetti it's I don't know great it makes you want a hot dog or something it's also I feel like it's a it's a very sharp and crisp and well lit picture on an all white background that's right I think I think that's probably also playing into a little bit just that just give it an adventure such an interesting choice there okay I wonder if he had no room on the other side oh yeah it looks pretty tight there's a little bit look at that cable management though that's really sure it's an antic girth watts 750 watt 80 plus bronze with your power spot which is like a really solid good power supply right antic antic has always done a good job with their power supplies although they haven't done a good job with the aesthetics I feel like that's what yeah we're we're EVGA kinda came in and started combining right I saw the power supplies with what else is it having the black cables and some of those other features features people who are looking for but for what given here it's pretty pretty damn good that's to put together was less than $50 okay so maybe he's a gtx 960 in there how is it less than 50 maybe he already had some parts lying around here he put other words in here here's my submission its cobble to frozen slate d square and 83 d squares 83 and i recently threw together cost to put together with sub $50 only actually had to buy the motherboard okay so people were throwing in parts so this is maybe a pay it forward build perhaps I'm guessing profits just this is that's what I'm trimming in which case well done I hope it goes to a good cause and I mean well then that's a that's a that's a clean looking system I'd be happy to have that yeah I mean especially considering that you're working with a not very aesthetically pleasing power supply yeah but definitely you should spend another hundred dollars on this $50 build on some sleeved extensions that's what you should do or just get a new partner like I don't know where you would hide all that yeah that's a lot that's a lot of stuff and very little but there's actually hard drives in the bottom it looks like so there's nowhere else to put the cables yeah and I think this was one of those like this is an old case yeah they weren't really you know and have a power supply basement we could just shove everything into the nether regions never to be seen from again but we've all been there before great job prophecies thank you probably you're a clean builder do you have a bottle opener by the way I do I knew there's something misspelled opener has the pawls hardware thumb screw logo on it it's available on my storage called harbour definite definitely buy five of these at least thank you sir uh next up liev's Mike 8700 K 32 gigs of ram you can see the rest Oh Riley's face well then well we sure can thank you for observing that we have eyes this is a very clean looking system look at that it looks like you just built it there's like not a speck of dust on there from the pictures is that a it's really clean wait it sent GTX you said what do you say what case is that that's it it's an NXT yeah liquid cooler but it's not like one of their H 500 that's an elite Trier great could be an elite for glass that's not late uh it's in NZXT yeah okay there s340 only forty elite okay I'm thinking that's when him but where's did he take the bar out I don't see the bar where is there a better picture where we don't have a side we don't know just rishis NZXT I feel like that's their signature look at the cable management it could just be the angle maybe he removed it yeah I mean yeah you can take it off something yeah he removed it and it's very possible slept it up so all right but anyway that's what confused me at first all right moving on let's clean what is that thing on the right on top of his power supply shroud this on top of it up here yeah that controller might be an LED controller okay it looks like he's got a little what you're eventually highlighted was a LCD couple LED strips back here now right in the background illumination Mike I wish you would have given us a straight-on shot I feel like there's stuff we're missing here yeah cuz cuz cuz I almost wouldn't have pictures had I noticed that these LEDs right here I feel like you must have put there to do something and I'd like to get a better look at the moment right what's going on by the radiator but yeah I mean other than that looks like a clean build NZXT you know solid job with their cases I like it I see him up there of the of the software LCD display right there that was pretty good man and we but yeah we need oh there it is all right one more time I thought there was my bad okay my bad alright so the bars they're shredded bite it okay it's one of the older ones - yes that doesn't come out right that doesn't mean it's older well the s340 elites is is older than like the H 500 I and stuff like that yeah H 400 is all the h1 all of the newer h1 I think had the further out bar yeah the bar that goes all the way through that goes over that weird intelligent hub okay but uh I don't I don't know why I picked this one there's not much to critique here yeah not really oh man it's real good get get some get some air fans get some air RGB fans up in there you know I don't know B I like the a RGB because they're not super gaudy there's a kind of a light LED ring around the fans that you know would go really nicely with the blue that you've already got in here and it syncs up what you've already you're already running cam might as well it syncs with all your other NZXT device anything you add on here to this system better better work with camphor mmhmm mm-hmm he's abuse yeah it's really good though nice clean bill I would I would steal it easily steal X is Michael Michael oh good girl still checking along and FX 6100 so this is this is an older system 4.3 gigahertz though so a bit of an overclock on that I believe I don't remember what to stock frequency is on the FX 60 199 T FX ultra durable three from gigabyte g.skill ripjaws x8 gig kit eight gigs of ram gigabyte 149 64 gig and of course there's 730 T case it's a big case alright it's a big case some big bowls lots of there's lots of room in there lots of room for activities oh yeah move rat you do a backflip in there power supply fan is facing up which is not like a horrible thing but I do believe this case is new enough that it does have a dust filter at the bottom underneath that so you know that might be something worth worth considering doing but you know it's probably not a huge deal honestly get your mustard yeah you've got a you've got a ketchup and mustard situation honestly standing out here way more than anything else but you know you're looking at a pretty budget rig so you could maybe get like a you know you can get a 24-pin extension I feel like for 10 or 15 bucks maybe if you if you look around you can get a kit with like even like the graphics card and your 8 pin EPS for like 30 bucks well at this point he's saving for a new rise in build yeah like right this is this is a this is a good little system but but I'm just saying like start if he's keeping that power supply or even any power supply and he's keeping the theme the color theme or something like that like the case is still awesome yeah that's a good case keep the case and if you already have those red LED fans and you probably want to upgrade those ketchup and mustard cables anyway just drop like 20 30 bucks on some extensions of course like Paul said items I was raised him like if you wanted I would like in my opinion if you want to do a short-term quick update to just get rid of that one thing that does stand out more than anything else I just I wouldn't I wouldn't want to spend more than 10 or 15 bucks maybe 20 cheap bastard beyond that save for a core system update because you've got a lot of other perfectly adequate hardware or submit you got a decent case it looks like you've got you know an adequate power supply even your graphics card could hold out for a little bit longer you want a core system update because your FX 6100 you know like you'd like you said it's your old drill probably probably you've got a lot of use out of it but that's what you're looking for next but your old grandma other than that though I mean for what you got in here it's it's like I said plenty of open space lots of room so good work with jail management I think you did a good job with what you're working with we didn't even look at the other pictures really oh we didn't because that was already a good picture there it is all closed see that yeah looks like a Sith Lords computer this and but yeah you can easily carry that case over for another build update so the next I don't like your name Rubin it makes me hungry here's 2260 an RT X 2060 build I just did with a 6800 k EVGA X 99 micro 2 motherboard 16 gigs of DDR for 256 gig 9950 pro and some other stuff fractal measure if I see mini tempered-glass great case choice love it ok love it and you've just got a founders position or TX 2060 in there which the Fed the Betty cards can't knock them for this generation they look pretty good the look the aesthetic is really grown on me you couldn't ask for when they cost a hundred bucks extra of course but the 2060 doesn't right it's it's also 350 I don't know you're probably right I believe that's the case you're probably right because I have no idea but yeah I mean think I think it looks really nice especially in this build where you have those great Corsair fans but with the great blades and the H the the water block there everything is matching really nicely I like the micro ATX form factor this is a great case in my opinion it's interesting how you have the rear fan as intake as opposed to exhaust I don't see like a third party dust filter that you've thrown on there so that might introduce a bit more dust into the equation if you're ok with that you okay with may be cleaning it more regularly than that's fine but if not if it's getting a little too dusty too quickly I would flip that fan around drop some work heat away from from your vrm area especially because it doesn't look like you have full heat sinks in that in that arena but apart from that you know you've got black cables that are stocked with the power supply they're not sexy I would say they're black and they blend in which is good but if you wanted to take it to the next level of course that's something you could look into like extensions and whatnot oh that the face scared me what face exit out that face on the right that yeah I just saw a face face I like it there's a wider shot what's that below the card is that a is it a Wi-Fi card zoom in enhance Intel it's too tiny my eyes are not good not good nice um maybe audio wait what is it that what is that like as people Wi-Fi oh yeah it's a fan v FS I 102 Wi-Fi card thank you very much Jeremy the minor gotta love check um cool well there's really not much else to critique here it looks really good to me cables and maybe flip the fan and you're good to go I agree maybe give it a testing give it some love a light dusting right after a tasty Reuben sandwich all right moving on to Brandon B or is it be random Abraham Brandon could be be rainin alright be random so we have here any it he didn't really give specs he just asks any suggestions okay so he has a crosshair six hero motherboard yes we can we can infer quite a bit here it looks like maybe rx 580 or our X 480 reference that's a Vega is it Vega that's probably a Vega 56 or maybe 64 it looks like it has dual eight pin count so maybe that's my B oh just the reference 56 have dual Athens yeah I think it's 56 this is the 56 yeah I have that exact card it's this one so it's nice to see an alien card an AMD there card in here we don't see those too often on on this segment but there they are in the flesh there it is in the flesh also explains the black and red theme very pro AMD here and you've got an AMD CPU as well oh let's see critiques critiques mmm I mean the cables look pretty good I guess if you're you're beaming if you're being picky you know you could comb up the back part of these a little bit but it's really just that angle you took that picture at bro oh yeah makes it stand out more than anything else I don't know this this USB 3 connector here I I appreciate that it's it's an it's a premium connector yeah also draws a lot of attention to that plug B it could be tightened up yeah just tuck it away a little more so that less is exposed yeah also your top fans are mounted as intakes which is kind of interesting yeah that is that is somewhat interesting yeah that means you have five intakes and one exhaust I'd like to see a bit more neutral pressure in here and also just I don't want your system to get super dusty even though the dust filter at the front of your case there's probably not one at the top and I was gonna say I wonder what it looks like when it's lit up it looks like he has all of his RGB stuff set to white which which is fairly which looks nice with the red yeah because he's also got the team oh yeah the RGB yeah SSD down there all right if you're gonna do one thing in here maybe take your WD I can take the label and somehow reprint the label but make it red instead of blue where does it work that'd be sweet it's a good idea like that I don't know how you do that but that'd be cool I'm sure it's different though and I like the all AMD thing - yeah Oh Andy is techie sterling with a with no text just a picture just picture we have a Corsair all-in-one liquid cooler it looks like an Intel platform they're hard to say it's a Z 390 tomahawk mag knows the mags III 90s so this is probably a newer build Wow you know we'd have to speculate on what the yeah it CPU is under that the newer glad just wondering we get really really really really big hydro Pro Series ok yeah we just have a situation where it looks like you just kind of plugged everything in and didn't pay any attention to cable management which means you should completely redo all that you know where everything plugs in now so go around your there and reroute some stuff you have a great new management case yeah there's no excuse there's lots of extra room in here your liquid cooler is positioned in such a way that it looks like you've got pretty droopy you know on your tubing here and maybe even have some contact with the graphics card you could potentially just flip the radiator up here so the tubes are coming out on the right you know they kind of swoop across here from the right side and that might keep them up and off of that yeah that's a little bit of a faux pas as well true yeah then that's just just really in need of a rewiring what memory is that the memory standing out is red it is team group memory it's so red it's very red like what material is that it almost looks like he just ms painted red four red squares or rectangles over it's not the prettiest but I wouldn't say it's the most horrible either so but it stands out because there's nothing else red but I don't know your graphics card is looking a little underpowered to me but I don't know what your CPU is if you got a z3 90 motherboard then that's a more expensive motherboard so I hope you have a pretty decent CPU with that and not some super low-end one otherwise you paid too much for your motherboard in which case you should upgrade your your graphics card because that looks like a budget GPU yeah that's a good 10 50 TI or something yeah yeah single fan cool something like that all right well you know you got some things to work on there sterling but I think you got potential at least so good next up we see a CEO we've got three more CEO since I desperately need to clean it anyways yay negative pressure here's my dinosaur probably meaning it sold also added road hog since it's a pigsty in there go propria core i7 960 dinosaur gtx 760 I'm gonna stop now now I just feel bad in that coating Lyle beautiful um Wow okay you know it looks cozy in here it looks like a very cozy system like everything's in it well just to follow up he got a new PC 11 dynamic le on the liliani case he will be upgrading from this this is a 2011 build ok this is actually a good thing so hopefully you're also upgrading the core platform because I feel like there's room for improvement in the performance arena not just the case yeah so it makes it kind of hard to suggest certain things the power supply still great power supply thousand watts keep that but maybe get some extensions for it so it looks a little nicer in the new in the new case and the AI Oh depending on the CPU you go with I think that Hale is still gonna be banging just give it a good cleaning you know it's gonna rival a lot of premium air coolers and our GTX yeah GTX 760 I would say it might be time for an upgrade this is an ex 58 board it's got triple channel memory yeah mmhmm yeah that's that's a great case that you picked out too so it's uh yeah I think I think make those few changes until we know more information maybe submit your PC again for a future episode went when it's in the new dynamic it's gonna say about the power supply this is a cooler master power supply it's probably it probably is just fine you might be able to get something more efficient if you updated it just just a thought if you're considering spending you know anything more than fifty or seventy dollars unlike cable extensions for this one maybe consider just getting a new one because although a maybe there's a B+ well it's a 2011 build it's it's not eighty plus rated as the main reason that I'm saying that it also seems to be from the older age when like wattage was like everyone just like more wattage because that makes a better power supply if it's got more why why did she isn't marketing line of them the efficiency stock it's still a cooler master unit I'd want to look that up and double-check and see like it's it's probably just anyway the RS a zero zero ESP a RS a zero zero a MBA - j-3 is what it is okay this doesn't look like it's a t plus so that one's probably not either it might have just predated when that became you know a widely widely used yeah standard thank you though okay all right let's uh move on to just got a say with a i v 7600 k builds recent XFX rx 488 gig Ripjaws 2x4 a 2 by 4 gig or 8 gig total ddr4 kit samsung 970 Evo 500 gig SSD 650 watt Brown's reddit EVGA power supply hyper 212 Evo Z 270 motherboard alright I would I would say your eyes are so small I don't know there's just control scroll just I feel like the picture should be bigger right like I looked at I did open in new tab minutes that's like that's how big it is you could control oh yeah there you go like that but it's still some small alright here again we have a cable management situation that could use a lot of tidying up yeah actually down by the para spot looks fine there's just too many that are exposed back behind here if there's more tuck edge behind the motherboard traje that could be done make sure it's also gonna say it seems like your I don't know the builds a little lopsided we got a 7600 K which is pretty solid CPU but we have a slightly outdated GPU I mean there are X 480 still fine it's still fine if you're doing 1080 gaming yeah but I agree like the 7600 K especially if you're overclocking could handle a lot more than a 480 yeah I guess definitely yeah beyond that I just just redo cable management's and then we have the hyper 212 standard edition which always turn about cuz like it's a good cooler but yeah the black it is so nice but so much nicer look cleaner in there for like 10 bucks more whatever take the power supply sticker off yeah I'm alright I'm regretting what I said about the are X 480 it's still just fine never mind about be there so privileged you're such a privileged gamer Paul gosh yeah I'm still so I'm offended spoiled behind graphics cards when your board unit okay we got one more of those Stefan's see here with a rise in five 2600 build a sister I'm Pro X 470 motherboard trident z8 gig kit at 16 gig kit 3200 speed duty x 1050 TI WD blue hard drive I already gig IDI blue m dot 2 or of the WD blue end bat - fractal design to find C Coursera ll 120 fans alright hmm alright hmm so this is a nice a nice build but it feels transitional to me like it like you've got you've got you've got your temporary parts and you've got your long-term parts right yeah the long-term parts are gonna be your case you're how are your motherboard and your motherboard and your processor are very solid for right now your memory setup is very good for right now yeah and I really do like that you've got that tried NCR gb memory with the rising kit in the 3300 speed that's it's a good combo and and that kit just works with Rison yeah which is nice Joseph you also a very good airflow on your case and a very good cable management just the graphics are really yeah you've your graphics card could use a bump and the cooler perhaps and your CPU heatsink fan yeah could also use a bump I will say especially with their eyes and 520 600 that is a wraith stealth not a wraith spire correct so you could probably get a little bit more performance a little bit a little more top ends single core performance out of your 2600 with a with a cooler upgrade so that would be that i Wow what do you do first your GPU would make the biggest impact in gaming yeah GPU would have the biggest impact CPU heatsink fan I mean you could get a 40 50 dollar air cooler that would be a nice bump up from there you know look nicer and potentially get you a little bit more performance so you know when you're when your birthday comes up or whatever next you know and you have the relative who might spend 200 or 300 bucks if you if you're lucky enough to have that person there they're gonna buy you the GPU right and then figure out how you're gonna get a a new cooler for you CPU other than that though we're like really well really well done with the overall builds yeah definitely cable management we tightened up in a couple places down at the bottom but you know but nothing maybe maybe just a bit nothing too dramatic here yeah and uh yeah nice nice part selection overall there might be away with the defined C to take your fan cables and direct them there's and push them back through so you don't have to have them going across here it's got cut outs over yeah so maybe maybe think about rewriting those there that's all nice buildup very nice and that is it that that's all of them we went through like knows a lot of data nine or ten ia's for pin my PC we usually do like five sometimes six so consider that the end of our extended pin my PC segment heads to the yes time first time that we only have one more now mail time meal time all right it's Epic Meal Time where do we get what do we got I have not been to my pillbox in months it's my knife it has been months since I went to my PO box in fact I got a voicemail two days ago my old lady's saying you have a package if we don't pick it up in the next week I'm I'm just gonna have to send it back no so I hauled my ass over there and went to the post office and picked up all your shit thanks thanks for thanks for making old ladies blob might might my inbox well I'm good thanks bro you did that thanks Bros very let's see what you guys sent very thoughtful can I open open stuffs all right this is from John Jay Jones from New York Brooklyn Brooklyn New York yeah like I like the last name mess it up alright let's see got a letter here I like when the letters are handwritten to feel so personal no oh please do not receive all parts out on a video okay maybe I just won't read how does he know what I'll read first I'll read this my own personal time mr. Daniel Daniel I got I'm gonna move it some people get to see it I got your letter I'm going to read it thank you for sending it from from Northern Ireland this came from Ireland no it smells like it smells like booze smells so good Thank You Daniel I'll read this very soon not on street wanna beer we have here from John Jay this this is just a massive what's USB for the hub Wow look at that with all those USB port oh my god this mini USB ports now Kyle you've used up to my USB game there is an AC adapter and it comes with a USB 3.0 cable it looks like okay well you can take the cables won't be oh there's a B to a and is your eats if there's a B to a and a B to C oh cool I do have a seaport on the back of my mouth I mean means squeeze look at that just it gives you charging ports with 2.4 amp nice ok so the red ones blue that looks pretty well so hilarious they would send this to you that Taurus I guess that's the only way that you could possibly even that tourists like if they're trying to get free coverage of a product on your show that's sound there's the only way that people could possibly figure out what that is is that very sturdy or by Joan Joan J from Brooklyn there's no no no that's all this is it it's often they guys I appreciate you sending us stuff it's video I mean it's yeah you it's unnecessary appreciated but also necessary we already have all the stuff we could ever possibly want tech related I mean I mean like as a product it's kind of stupid because it's on this fall there's ten USB 3.0 ports here well going through there should be like you throw a bunch of devices in there and have them all connecting a USB 3.0 speeds correct there's some use for this I guess but it's just that's a lot what about charging how how much arm a device a device are you charging or if you like duplicating duplicating USB what what's the max throughput from your PC 4 amps could you could you three devices at 2.4 ramps on one USB 3 no you couldn't right so even even this is silly no well that's because it's got it's got a separate AC power oh right plugs gotcha yeah it can power is fine I'm you're running out of charge a bunch just I'm David transfer any little sauce into something ground behind these huge alright what I come from I think it's from Kenny okay thank you very much Kenny chunming Chow New York I love your videos a lot it's funny and serious at the same time I feel like I'm doing the impossible about two years ago my old HP Pavilion PC crashed my brother-in-law got me a new Dell XPS i7 PC last year by watching YouTube I learned how to resurrect my old PC by creating a media creation tool and reinstalling Windows 10 swapping out the 500 gigs to a one terabyte hard drive and installing an EVGA geforce 210 passive graphics card I recently got around building a new PC using my old case I'm not asking for a handout but I just wanted your opinion I should swap out the case or keep it here's my parts list go into three stores to get them I did a lot of walking I don't do online shopping wow that's very bold move sir now you can email me you can walk you okay or public transit it would appear poetry it's true go ahead and crack that guy but let me look over it um not much just say here as far as where it comes from it's just shipped to you and it's a bomb there's the USPS definitely a bomb careful down there everyone everyone order six motor oil from Chattanooga from chat flat magnets for phone why no it's Jeb Lou everyone's gonna buy this now that now that I have shown if something wrong with this item no need to return please contact us via Amazon this is a volt port website full port universal magnetic car mount cell phone holder why is this so they're magnetic cell phone cell phone cell phone holders sorry is it like adhesive on the back of your stick interior no Kyle's you're the one how does this work who's advertising for this I'm not advertising anything beer is everything knowing their product open it on your YouTube channel it would be rude of me not to these people simple package something and send it to my dress there's no longer exist by the way everyone achieve this year like glue I'm gonna send Kyle something always got his peel box in the description don't do it via box guy I'm not it's no longer there somebody else and random stranger will get your letter or package I'm gonna have a new peel box in the next few weeks wait for that do not send me anything I will not ever see it what is it well no one's gonna buy it now Paul you just demonstrated the product doesn't work that's what because I'm giving it a review you know should that be a segment that we do what's happening I don't know there's just fam hey people spamming chat stuff it moderators itself spammers I don't know what case you have you're mr. Kinney unless you're keeping your HP pavilion case if that's the case pun intended I would swap to something different definitely looks like he's dealing with like a sub $500 bill then I would get a sub $60 case I always recommend fantex for like really cheap cases like not 50 60 bucks you rhyming down for dinner Oh time for dinner you dogs say about that yes that is there's a flipside of using this mic which we're hearing sounds better this week but yes okay Kenny good luck on your build I would go for like a 50 or $60 case a lot of good options from fantex or fractal fractal design also have some good ones Wow usually really strong the magnet yeah oh so just fight your your your two second review completely bashing the products you're now you're now changing your mind ballpark mounts endorsed by cut fat cow bike on from bit wood oh that's not what that says nope volt port it's not true I never endorse this product a little pouch with some metal any any products I happen to the Box on this segment or Paul's milk mill time I do not endorse personally these are just things that are sent to me this Wow I will endorse that that magnitude that works very magnetic but I already have a pretty decent phone phone mount in my car alright I'll keep I'll keep these in not one let me once two of them right yeah you greedy bastard sue me for each of us yeah cuz I'm you me you get one who's this from oh wait this is from Marcos Marcos Marcos my kiss oh please not throw away I am NOT an advertiser good kid I love this very simple note like please do not throw away the long letter I sent you not like those Volta leeches I am NOT this is this is not a vole port ad sorry about printer quality and hand written know I like handwritten you get you get massive in my book compatible with the Paul's hardware and the bit weight all right wait did I just throw it no no I don't know those the pre letter all right what are you what are you open up the business that's the whole port you've got this one's fun I like that I get keep opening the packages I'm a very selfless person I'll let you have all the fun fall that's true Asia horse oh no they're either cables Asia ports what you've heard of this right you've seen me talk about them on my channel no I aged a horse they're like a Chinese company that does like cables like sleeve cables they do fans they do so it's either RGB fans or its extension like sleep extensions is your horse I've actually used them in many bills several bills because they're like that you they're super cheating but not terrible quality and like they're actually pretty decent for the price I've recommended them before but I really don't need any more cables or anything tech related I really don't need to take these yeah you should you should ease your horse unless I really like them though I shouldn't say ok I think they're fans because it says PC cooling on it it might be found fans I don't need a fan I've never seen this box before from them what's going on these are fans are they fans yes I have I've never tested their fans out so they might be okay - I don't know I've only used their consent like 6 what appear to be 120 millimeter fans they just actually don't look terrible I mean the feel as I pick it up is not quality doesn't a screen quality they know look at the gap between those they're like great oh yeah no yeah knowing how much time and effort Noctua put to like make that pressures as small as possible great like wow that's huge yep but Asia horse but Asia horse but these are a fraction of the cost of any right they're probably so huge pay for it here but hey maybe maybe it's an RGB kit maybe there's content somewhere here where I can compare this to like a premium knock to a fan set and nice to performance fan medical fan interface please press fan one fan ten order xs/s is very elaborate it's got a nice adhesive pad on the back okay it's well labeled alright we'll have to all to investigate further the label time he's yours thank you very much who's a person that maybe Asia horse just sent it from the RAM head we're pretty sure they just had that ship which is a super hard advertisement in that case I mean they they do distribution themselves probably as an Amazon seller so they probably just shipped it from wherever they do distribution right so that was me yeah I'm just throwing stuff pectins it's like Christmas morning alright it's very very long letter here from from Markos so I'm not gonna read it but I will read it I'm not gonna read on stream but he's only 13 and he moved from his trashy laptop to a new PC nice and I helped him build his new system he's getting into PC gaming my videos excite him consider yourself stimulated Markos and he found me when he was trying to learn how to build looking for the steps needed want to see if he had the skills to do it and he's got a 750ti tempered glass case and yeah he's got two hundred dollar budget for his birthday coming up now so hopefully he can do some upgrades there he's gonna upgrade his cooling solution from the stock cooler to something better yeah he's very very gracious very cool Thanks for writing in Marcos I wish you all the best in your build yeah build peterbilt is never done sir so I keep working on it and it'll be the dream build you've always dreamed of never truly finished at some point so I'm pretty sure see sonic sent you a care package and that's what this what why because I love you why don't they just oh I know I this is I was gonna say I changed my own question their calendar I said I was about to say why did they just email me and say hey and when I send you stuff cuz it because I don't reply to even it I'll answer you and I'm really bad I'm a really bad emailer cool that calendar all right I'm gonna I'm gonna do a benchmark on this notepad what is this I don't know I'm Mario C's I've never seen a product from CSUN like that's come in a box in this shape don't tell me they make well cuz that's the power supply what do you think it's gonna be before I dump it on the table of what do you think water bottle thermos or something yeah coffee mug now it's a mess right okay cool yeah mouse pad we have a new house now with many computers in it so yeah thank you see sonic and thank you everyone for watching cats after the live show we're gonna get in and out if you switch over my half life show the links in the description thanks for watching baseball I went way over
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