Kyle has some awesomesauce news. Also, teleprompter! - AwesomeVlog #012
Kyle has some awesomesauce news. Also, teleprompter! - AwesomeVlog #012
how's it going everybody today I will be
building this teleprompter that I got
off of Amazon don't tell the folks at
new AG I purchased one of these bad boys
because I do quite a bit of scripted
material on this channel so I figured
this would help smooth out the process
why don't we jump right into it and
build this thing I'm gonna show you
briefly how it works and then I'm going
to enlighten you all on some future
plans I have with this teleprompter that
might surprise you but let's save that
for the end of the video you guys ready
for a time-lapse let's do it
so there it is I assembled it in about
10 to 15 minutes with no problem at all
instructions were very straightforward
and it does come with this nice little
black felt cloth that you can use to
drape over the camera so that you don't
get any light leakage on this side of
the glass because if that happens it
makes the the text that's being
displayed or reflected off of this piece
of glass much more difficult to read so
this was definitely a nice addition I
will be using this teleprompter
intending with my Nexus 7 tablet it's a
7-inch tablet and this teleprompter does
support 10-inch tablets but I'm only
gonna need a 7-inch for my purposes
because I'm filming in a very small room
so I don't really need that extra screen
real estate in order to see the text on
the screen if you guys remember at the
beginning of the video I kind of alluded
to some super-secret content that I
would be producing soon with this
teleprompter and that content my friends
is a comedy news show it's gonna be a
comedy variety news show so it's not
just gonna be tech it's gonna be
multiple subjects multiple topics that I
will be talking about but it's gonna be
done in much the same vein as Weekend
Update from Saturday Night Live if you
guys are familiar with that it's
something that I've been wanting to do
for a long time it's it's been in the
back of my mind for as long as I can
remember ever since I started this
channel really that's kind of why I
named the channel awesomesauce news
because the original intent of this
channel was to do news but I just never
got around to it there were some
complications getting a teleprompter
actually in the first place I was like
well I'll just do tech videos until I
get a teleprompter and you know a year
or two later I'm still doing tech videos
so I'm finally taking the steps that I
had planned years ago to actually get
this thing up off the ground and I still
don't know if I'm gonna be doing it I'm
probably gonna be doing it on this
channel I think I'm gonna create a
separate channel called awesomesauce
tech I think I already created that
channel actually but there's nothing on
there so don't go there don't even go
I'm still gonna be pumping out tech
stuff tech videos but I'm just going to
add on to it to this comedy new show
that I've been wanting to do for so long
I think it's gonna be a good time and I
think you guys are really going to enjoy
it because even though it strays away
from the typical content that you're
used to seeing on this channel
it still is it's still all me it's still
my writing style it's still my sense of
humor so if you guys have gotten a kick
out of any of my videos I think you guys
are still gonna enjoy this this this
comedy news show but I'd love to hear
from you guys and what you have to say
about this whole change that I'm
undergoing because I really value your
opinion you guys have been so supportive
and honest with me for the last I mean
as long as I
been making YouTube videos you guys have
been there every step of the way and I
really appreciate the support and the
feedback and the criticism and the troll
you know bring on the trolls love the
trolls too I love you all it's gonna be
crazy it's gonna be good it's gonna be
horrible and awesome at the same time
but most of all it's gonna be awesome
sauce am i right and Kyle with awesome
sauce news please subscribe to the
channel if you haven't already and I'll
see you all in the next video
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