
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Sunday Funday Gaming Stream with PaulsHardware!

boom icons okay says I am now streaming to YouTube as well going live here we go boom hi everyone sorry I'm late I know you expect nothing less these days which is why Dana okay okay trying to get used to these headphones I know these headphones are so weird they have like a touch a touch sensor on the side for volume and and stuff but you can't see it how does this work oh wait which oh okay weird I don't know if I like it that's a ROG Strix 7.1 headset that ASA sent me in that big wooden box i unboxed a while back oh we have beer hell yeah I totally forgot that we had beer we have beer courtesy of Paul let me let me get this game up in here for ya okay battle royale obviously stretch this guy oh boy okay let's go on good yay alright you got good that's not fair sort of vacation just listen everything Paul saying right now yes if I'm not dead we can yeah sure let's shoot for my place which we're probably going to do kind of an after party and continue game in there a little bit longer which bike are you using oh you're using the Sennheiser I would I would definitely trust the Sennheiser mic over the asus strix mic for sure but this is the only one that I actually had at home that I could bring straight from home but guys I know you couldn't really hear Paul very well for that little intro he just did but that's because it's it was mainly for his stream you're not really supposed to hear him much unless you're watching us through a multi stream which there are links going around and twitch that I saw I don't know cell or CCM if you guys could repost that and maybe maybe even in the YouTube chat so people can watch both me and Paul scream at the same time and can hear us obviously but yeah we're just gonna be gaming for about an hour to maybe an hour both to twitch and YouTube and then we're gonna break off and only stream to twitch for the last hour we're just hanging out hanging out having some fun I'm still very jet-lagged I've been up since 3:00 a.m. this morning so and it's already 11 a.m. right now so hopefully I don't crash midway through the stream I hope you guys can keep me up I don't know you could digitally yell at me or throw things at me as a game I'm sure Paul can poke me and stuff in the meantime as well so that is poking Thank You CCM my pal separated and anyways if you're trying to keep things relatively simple for this one but we're gonna start with some for tonight I'm not even your friend on through Epic Games am i I don't think so what's your what's your display name okay I just added you and I'm already getting friend requests guys I'm not gonna be able to accept all your requests it's just it's just not practical but I'm flattered that you would all try to add me it's very definitely boost my my confidence a few points mine should just be bit wit yeah I'm not a twitch affiliate because I don't stream to twitch often at all this is the first time i've streamed to twitch in a very long time I'm inviting you I just invited you you have been invited sir me let's do it yeah my graphics revs are pretty out of date too probably at least three months or so or two months sorry my mic sucks guys I'm sorry nothing I can do they really did and it's kind of backfiring on them it says more about Asus than me but yeah yes I just have to deal with me sounding like garbage yeah we are I purposely wanted us to be in a scarred with other people because we can use all the help we can get yeah we definitely some shoulders to rest on someone with a strong back all right here we go oh we just jumped out I'm following arctic breeze he's he and mirages are our only hope they're going to the dusty my open mic and game let me change my audio terrible time to change it but where is oh wait no here we go please please chest oh god that's that's a bad guy don't like him I'm damn that's me yep I'm dead that's got to be a world record you do Oh looks like there's some more dropped frames on twitch and YouTube interesting does it say you've had any truck I have 1,300 dropped frames this really bizarre all right guys I'm gonna drop the rest of the show chop the frame rate down to 30 that's weird you're at you're at 1080 60 and your stream looks okay I guess all right I'm gonna try see how do you want to cue give me a sec to figure this out do you think should I lower the bitrate it wouldnt that bit rates too low everyone seems to hate for tonight these there's a few people what keyboard am i using right now I am using I was I did have a coolermaster one here and I actually switched to this one this is also from the ROG set is it Blair I know I don't even remember I only unboxed it three weeks ago oh yes that's okay okay I read justed the the bitrate on both twitch and YouTube so hopefully that smooth smoothens things out you guys let me know once we jump into the game final fight how many how many teams oh we can do we can try that one next time on the next one and gradually lowering my game audio for the screen guys what's your bitrate for YouTube poll 3508 thousand oh yeah you're at ten I'm at 3,500 but I'm screaming at 720 hopefully that looks good yeah a building is really there's a serious learning curve to it oh sorry guy jump that already okay all right do you guys in chat have a good recommendation for a bit rate I'm a screaming at seven twenty sixty I was just following the recommendations on youtubes via YouTube guidelines but those could be off come on get a purple and we're good shape nothing can stop us now I should shred up the HyperX rgv all right I'm gonna change the bitrate one more time guys see YouTube 2500 there's a 3500 before and then twitch its do 2500 again see if that changes alright so let me know if that looks any better guys I just dumped it down to 2500 on both YouTube and twitch where are the guns either damn gun got wood plenty of wood haha oh hello Wow okay alright I'm gonna do the exact same settings that Paul's doing because apparently there's still lag so YouTube bear with me one moment I will be your alright alright back of the game hopefully hopefully this works and I get to use this awesome purple Gatling gun I did never never used this thing before soon here brain still dropping a no really put alt f4 and you can see your pink oh no that's it that is that it's not it's not there's a close one yeah I think I think Paul's Paul's connections if it says how sister's favorite is hardware some somehow knows we must we must serve our master traps I never find any I only find traps that are other people lay for me and I die yeah the colored markers at the top are our teammates or yeah or actually it's their marks pins little pins you know what did I ever I am plugged in okay just just making sure what's your up speed here yeah sorry guys I'm not sure what to tell you I'm using the exact same settings polish now no odd there but I'm thirsty hear him but I can't see him I didn't help I laid down suppressing fire yay Hey hi I'm not sure what that is this is a 1950 X got about I think I can't remember for 16 or 32 gigs I think it's I think it's 32 gigs of RAM yeah now it's just the micro ATX board it's only got four dimm slots but I'm pretty sure they're 16 gig dims so or 8 gig dims yeah so we should be you should be good on the hardware front we've got a GTX 1080 pretty powerful CPU and enough memory but I don't know I think it's just the way that the bandwidth is being allocated at Paul's place I'm not exactly sure no and I cannot explain it it's it is a rare phenomenon that's close enough we're doing something with friends so let's see twitch hub is the stream look on on your end is it any better on twitch than it is on YouTube check my game settings too while we're at it let's do hi shadows on medium and let's do a cap of I don't know what do you guys think 60 FPS shit man down you think I fixed it huh interesting hey YouTube Oh YouTube what does it look like now oh wow they're saying it's smooth now okay so somehow it was just the in-game settings which I didn't I didn't even consider I basically in case you guys didn't see that I basically switched the settings from the epic preset to high and I lowered shadows even further to medium I think and then I switched the unlimited frame cap to 60fps which is what the stream is that right now anyway so doesn't even matter if it's beyond that somehow that fixed it so cool smooth as butter all of a sudden everyone's like oh my god it looks amazing good finally okay cool alright I feel better now I can focus on dying they could focus on being terrible again just as I intended they're saying it's even smoother than your your scream now call now we know now we know your router isn't handing out favors to its master there was a different game mode that you saw yes okay yep let's do it the beer of the day for me anyway is the slow brew reggae red it's a red ale and it's 5.6 percent alcohol by volume yeah this these are this is beer that fan sent us right no this you brought oh I brought this oh yeah yeah got a little fan beer because that's because it's basically free beer die you son of us we'll look at his skin I want I want what he's wearing take your clothes off and give them to me come here you son of a bitch let me get into your pants oh okay baby ciao Bibi what's up man thank you for the donation that's unnecessary but very appreciated team of 20 I believe or it still says four people there so maybe we have the squad's of the same but yes five five squads got it elder scrolls six yeah I didn't actually see any previews or gameplay from that title yet I know it was all the rage to be three and stuff but God following you rowdy let's do this get that ammo wait excuse me sir you locked me in here dick there's no freakin thank you yeah the white arrow in blue blue yeah yeah correct oh dude couple dudes over here oh wait that's about the homie sorry homie this place is picked but by our own team because it's 20 people now so let's just let's just move to the next place I don't know what the next area that's best to loo that is there's tomato town southeast of us I have not even seen what realm royale is that seems to be the new hotness but realm royale it's another battle royale type game you know but it's different oh I think it was announced to be three I do it usually never ends well but I don't I have I have ADHD when it comes to these things like let's stick together and five seconds later I'm like Oh a town let's go let's run into it unarmed and alone I'm going to tomato town to find weapons I need loot it's a scissor by just leave me for dead I don't need you I don't need you guys I'll take them all on my own I'm gonna ninja my way through this shit just watch the oh oh game over I got a bush no you got to pick it up makes you invincible oh wait I didn't realize that okay I guess I'll I guess I'll come find you guys and I haven't had a bush this big in a while just just needs to trim it down a little bit all right I'm getting shot at I heard a few here I heard a few zingers fly past me but they could not they could not take the bush on they fleed and fear the bush prevails oh okay boo my other bush friend just mean you Bush control yeah it's toggle yeah right yeah it's it's either yeah the sea or the control usually they've gone the csgo route I'm just following Matt had and the people ahead of him okay and I have like oh geez yeah I only have one gun in 60 rounds so I hope yeah yeah mine is really crappy it's white thanks hammer slap oh shit they don't have to fuck with bush I like this gaming mode you can play with us anyone can play with us if you can find us yeah we're not we're not accepting credit quest but but if you happen to eat the same server with us then hello don't shoot don't shoot me when you see me someone said we're actually doing alright that's that's good I'm great at shooter games I just can't aim well yeah can I at least make you survive a little bit longer oh hello hey everybody okay how do I teach the bush is there any way to go clean-shaven again because it's kind of messing with my my picked up too much of the screen anyone else have this problem Bush is too big oh oh there's dudes and stuff hello Oh I'm a bush hiding behind a tree they'll never take techne alive oh that's a rocket that's a freaking rocket damn rocket so if you can't see me in the last cab I'm putting my face really close to the screen I'm cheating one hit on him oh shit oh and lo and behold they shot my bush off ya feel violated Lord chillin maybe I can like bring them out a little bit distract them so that the artemius actually shooting I will be the combat clickbait oh shit where are you okay Oh No there we go like there was a guy running towards us yeah oh Jesus God all right yeah oh please don't shoot me please okay but another part ok our teammates are still there and shit ok over yeah okay all right all right hold on okay all right cool team all right I can revive you okay all right cool oh that's a homie damn it okay I have literally have what 24 bullets I'm retreating I'm retreating four more ammo because I literally have none oh shit oh shit my god and we're so far we're done we're super toast we we brought the storm to them okay now this was our doing we intentionally brought the storm here to kill our enemies alright now I'm down in the storm and underwater I got I got a hand to this guy he's got some serious endurance the water in for tonight's all murky disgusting developers really need to clean up their their oceans and man I'm just gonna give up I'm just gonna I'm just gonna die without a fight I'm done - swish up James I think we've embarrassed ourself enough in this title I feel like this is offensive to people who seriously play fortnight Oh hero get up you know please do not suck my face Billy dadly scallywag er thank you very much what what's that let's see sure quake it up we're gonna play some quake ladies and gentlemen quake 3 arena I should say remove you team arena is that yes yeah probably only gonna aim for about an hour so just dream turn YouTube channels but we're gonna go on Twitch Go Go screaming books and twitch that TV / multi-bear my channel oh wait could not load opengl subsystem clear quit I need to double-check that this is capturing appropriately right that's true my had Sunday been opening no it says it's not loading it worked the first time and I haven't been able to open it or launch it successfully since let me try quake 3 arena non team yeah maybe we can still do multiplayer oh yeah it does have multiplayer still can't out tab okay hold on a second manager so by bringing up task manager I found a way to alt tab out of the game but I still can't pull up xsplit to see if I'm actually capturing it that's lame see ya no servers found okay oh no name okay sure why not but huh oh how did you okay Oh it's cuz you have an ultra-wide damn you can see everything well I'm probably not going to be able to play this unless I can confirm that it's oh okay so I guess it was working yeah okay I'm gonna put my help say you have five games give me one sec guys just make sure everything's in working order here but I'm gonna move me down a little bit just like that and also gonna make sure you guys could see my pretty face multiplayer fight I've had to leave wait a cupola just yeah let's change this resolution shall we accept Oh bro what did you scratch it yeah all right I've had some issues with that too so maybe we should we should choose a different game damn too bad you did join I killed you once oh really yeah ha let's let me try it one more time I get into the game fine but then when I try changing it try try changing the resolution let's try that oh okay I think so okay I have a really tiny screen I'm not sure what this looks like to everyone else okay here we go now we're in business here we go all right I'm yeah I can straight now image I don't know the doing oh you blew up yeah you move fast in this game oh I don't want your cloud money grow oh Jesus oh good dad Jesus oh is it not yeah oh damn it Thanks chat alright maybe not the best game then sorry guys I was really hoping that it would Auto capture like Paul's did all just seems to be really lucky on the stream today or I just have really bad luck and nothing's going properly but we can always switch to a different game that we know okay yeah sorry guys I'm sorry so sorry Hey okay alright we're switching to overwatch yes you should be seeing a black screen now let's let's jump into overwatch and hopefully you'll be able to see it it's a very fundamental part about a gaming stream is that the viewers can see the game that's being played Devils in the details oops options lay let me tweak the options really quick here guys then dude oh okay weird it's so weird borderless windowed aha there we go you guys can see that right good great awesome let's go to play oh wait players to group I think I invited you okay cool play I don't know quick play I guess okay sure hmm yeah kill someone shit I'm killing people this is good I like games where I can kill people in oh geez oh yeah freakin skirmishes I'm like oh yeah I'm playing for points nope not really this matters and then when it's a real actual game I just suck terribly yes you can be my Butler you're hired qualifications are that you know English that you have hands and feet I'm using the mic that's built into this asus rog Strix headset which i've been told by many people in chat so far is not very good so forgive the poor audio for today's stream it is brought to you by Asus I was gonna bring my mod bike actually to Paul's but every time I try screaming with that people report a lot of hissing in the background so I just haven't found a good headset with a decent mic yet I think that's the problem maybe I should just get one of the Sennheiser headsets that Paul has yeah now Sennheiser is definitely a reputable brand I mean even for the audiophile space let alone like gaming yeah hundred bucks isn't bad they have an updated version or whatever it's a fall I don't like it their attacks work yeah ah oh geez is this guy doing no go away oh Jesus what what character is that look I have no idea who this is never seen you before you don't belong in this game asshole it's like it's like I'm playing a different game oh Jesus screw you fantastic laughs God these guys are good what's he fury are you using Paul okay ah yeah we did the thing defending the car the weird-ass Bentley crazy lips rims defend the bid Lee sure it'll get past me well I don't like the red ball thing get the hell away from me creepy ass ball get a restraining order on that ball Oh Oh what the fuck's happening oh Jesus I used my alt ha didn't even realize I engaged it or initiated it oh you son of a-- not playing fair ooh Wow I wanted someone there fuck you Farah dirty Tramp this bitch just keeps disappearing just like a goat yeah mine was terrible I just shut a wall for half an hour hotline is I wouldn't say alive its she's dismantled in pieces never to be repeats together again but that's okay cuz hotline 2.0 is its thing it's happening it's real updates to come relatively soon maybe maybe the next couple weeks here I'd love to get all the parts but I briefly know what parts I want to use which is the important part oh boy damnit panda yes at least build was still intact but it hasn't been booting properly so I'm probably gonna disassemble it and scrap it for parts yep you heard all that right days are numbered anyway that old went a little bit better thank God mu person on the roof and shit Edge's whoa too much gals don't know yay double feel and I get a triple feeling me damn it damn you hula girl you and your witch hands it's witchcraft I tell you ok how many payloads do we have left yeah Oh No come on there we go a little bit yeah whoo three kills be in there you uh good job team nice work fall kick you kicked ass I'm sure sure yes I would and then junk rat skills mostly just spamming but skills hell yeah oh yeah look look Chris Chris Paul's on here definitely recommending Paul ooh they both sound good to me go for the porter sure oatmeal's porter dark roasty Smith yes I let's continue playing a game that we can actually win I hear oh great oh maybe it was hero I can be your hero baby girl okay who are you oh you're gonna be that chick Farrah um well I guess I'll be be pre you know I am arable Makris which I cannot we'll see Jess cheers to all of you in chat thanks for sticking around all right we're doing this shit see you assholes yep it has started shit is on ah somehow I eliminated two things two people's Oh the turret damn you turret yeah that's stupid turret what oh geez you could fall oh geez Oh in it the tank whoa Wow okay shit what the hell oh shit mr. knew I could use my role move mo Makris roll move yeah that's stupid ball again get away oh shit one's got a big like Hadouken blast going oh shit hey I need Hale ah shit do that oh shit no wait what does that mean there's a little skull over the medikit oh god that was lame Hot Diggity damn I feel like I let you down Chet wouldn't be the first time really already yeah gaming just does that Oh as far as gaming or streaming yeah we could just stream to twitch now that like okay so guys we're gonna we're gonna cut our both Paul and I are gonna cut our YouTube streams right now because we don't want to just upload a super long stream to YouTube so we're gonna continue the stream on Twitch so if you guys haven't yet you can head over to twitch on TV slash bit with KY that's the first part of my name or you can watch pulse stream as well or I'm sorry twitch on TV slash pulse hardware but we are going to cut it off on youtube right now guys sorry for the rocky start at least on my stream did not plan to go things for things to go that way but thank you for all who stuck around till the very end I'll see you guys in the next one see you on Twitch
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