
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Trying PU Battlegrounds FOR THE FIRST TIME!

it's nothing but nothing but getting swatted and you know people accidentally thinking that they're not streaming anymore when they are they do something super embarrassing nothing good ever happens I don't know why we're streaming tonight but that is the case it seems so welcome to the stream everyone hello I am joined tonight by I know she I'm joined I joined she is my guest she's my guest that's everyone this is my show that she's a special guest anyway while she while she continues thinking she's right she's been wrong before by the way welcome to tonight welcome to the stream I don't even know what to call this it's just a casual stream as the thumbnail suggests we are gonna be playing some battlegrounds for the first time ever very popular game but we are just old people apparently and just super irrelevant so this is our first time playing or while you're more so you than I am I have barely had time to go this is like the first time I've actually sat down and played a game in a really long time but no one wants to hear me talk about that let's let's I guess just dive right in here how's everyone going how's everyone how's everyone doing tonight you guys doing all right are you guys going well is your night going alright fun funny story we actually had no intentions of streaming tonight at all we actually I actually had to spend about an hour just to get my room set up to do this stream but the only reason we're doing it is because the video I was currently working on which was an actual real semi informative video got sort of derailed for reasons I cannot go into right now but at least we'll get hopefully an entertaining stream out of it so hello everyone in chat hello hello hello I'm glad I'm glad you never left pornhub terrible place to leave alright everyone's doing good yeah how can ye sauce gets the hearts next to her name I don't ever get it I don't even get a heart I get like like sometimes like a little like a weiner you know I'll get like an eight because your equal sign equal sign equal sign capital D I get a lot of those next to my name which I guess could be like a heart maybe maybe that's why Kyle you're sexy yeah good luck Kyle someone wish me luck wishing someone luck is way better than it was stupid heart okay looks just happening so fast I can't even read what's going on I know whoa hey so guys um you'll forgive us in advance apologies in advance if we aren't super attentive with chat because it is as you can see scrolling at an unfathomable rate and it's it's kind of difficult for us to sort of vet all of your suggestions and stuff or all your comments but rest assured they are always appreciated I like a full check I like a live chat blossoming I don't like it when it's just like every five minutes ten more minutes that's a very sad chat if chat could make a noise that's the sound my chat my ideal chat would make anyway anyway we are totally totes streaming yo so let's let's give the people what will be promised and try and play this stupid game you're already in so um you guys are only gonna be able to see my screen you won't be able to actually view wifey's gameplay but that's ok because we're gonna be sticking together most of the time anyway so I guess you sort of get the idea let's go ahead and try connecting to a North America server I believe we're already grouped up we're gonna be doing duo's so this is sort of similar to h1z1 a game that we're both very familiar with however we've again never played this game so hopefully we can apply some of what we know in h1 to battlegrounds and we're not completely in the dark but let's go ahead and start a match click the cancel click it click - ready oh yes look both both screens synced up at the same time love it when that happens love it when things work our audio is very low a hold on check one two whoa is that too loud now maybe that's a little bit loud check one two check I am NOT going to take off my shirt oh look it's even got like a fun little lobby area just like h1 hey thank you very much Sam bloom for the $2 donation perhaps all donations go to the charitable organization of Kyle and wifey it's a it's a it's for a good cause people oh I'm getting getting some slightly I got I changed my my mouse settings here good lord general sensitivity let's let's turn that down a little bit a yeah that's more like it I can dig it even even a little bit even a little bit less oh boy okay so we jump out right let me get to when we get to where we're in a plan I don't know oh my gosh I hear Asians happy to bail I hear Asian people talking I should just say I think we need to get a team check well you have to all right so we can press F at any time let's do it I want to go like a little bit more in like the let's go deeper in right this is pretty do it at some point yeah of course all right I say we drop foot jump in over that giant that town all right now 90 to 100 that guy came to me with us is he on our oh wait okay hey wait don't release your parachute yes release parachute I know but that's just saying that you can do it now but orange roof okay so we still got a compass just like an h1 so right now we're going south west all right like the airline I'm doing my parachute now all right I'm doing it too I don't die I won't die I won't die oh my Adrenaline's my Adrenaline's pumping oh wait those are assholes I mean enemies same thing fuck that language oh shoot sharni shucks gosh I forgot there are children watching this stream they're a bunch of little critters oh gosh oh there you are my finds their stuff honey you got to get out of there there people there are people in that area okay that's right run go this way we need a gun we need to get the hell out of there no I didn't see if it works oh you can't get in it's a it's a one side yeah I did the back seat oh my god it's like a little car seat yeah look at that ha ha we don't even need guns we'll just roll around in this vehicle the whole time proceeded on the map so okay so it's just all right now we're good we're good we're in the we're in the marked area okay we're good thankfully thank you see if you could drive this car okay it doesn't look very drivable wait I'm in the passenger seat though hold on yeah all right we both got cars we win see if this was h1 we would have won already yeah see if there's a gun in here okay ders I don't know a little porta potti is it like we're sitting ducks out here oh I think I hope we do guys what do we do I hear gunshot what's this Turkey jury here so is it like this poisonous gas roll in some point you found a gun yeah I want a gun you're down you're slow no come on let's go okay you're coming come on go to that low hello there what a little okay wait I don't get where we're trying to go though it's like h1 you just lose I know if you press em you can see the that we're gonna save so night okay so let's let's go to this little village this little us search this house what hours okay I feel like we'll find more stuff here all right and potentially more danger that's okay take risks I take risks in this life there's bound to be I picked up some stuff oh my god Oh where's the actual guns Oh could really use a backpack if this that's also an h1 thing red zone has started what does that mean oh we're in the red zone red means bad I think I don't know what is red zone main chat what does it mean when you're in the red zone do we need to get out of the red zone or are we gonna die it's guy got scared all right let's help me chop oh please where is this what is what is what is this thing is this is this something shotgun show house I'm gonna go over here wait open doors so wait we need to get out of the red zone don't they said wait I don't know oh yeah mom's getting side Oh bombs everyone's saying leaky wait I'm not I didn't get the car come come back oh my god you fucking idiot dude are you serious I was fooling you mom you just ran me over kid I'm gonna die because of you oh my god oh my you're a noob sleeve your partiers died we're fine we're not in no red is not good anymore no I know I'm time to chat Trent trollin trollin hard most of them are nice wish us want to go that town over there sure I think this is kind of a fun car to drive I wish each one had this obey on the ATV which is sort of sailor girl no this is way better than they to be that's true ATV I get dizzy on gives me motion sickness because I'm oh those are those are gunshots oh no I died oh no no wait I've been knocked I've been knocked out get in I can't I'm down I'm on the floor how do you get up get up dinner wait I can't you have to come to save me oops oh I don't know how this works Oh I'm like bleeding out though oh we both died yeah I wonder wait did you just happen to die at the same time I did or Ronnie killed me okay well alright so uh I would say not bad for our first run but that was very bad no no you actually ditched me and left me for dead in the bomb zone I didn't ditch you I thought you had a car but I think you're dumb and you left it you forgot where you parked obviously you're dumb yeah me man yeah you're dumb boom good comeback alright let's try this again thank you Tom Vance for your $2.00 awesome to see you and wifey sauce gaming great I'm glad I was just worried that everyone be like wait is this is a tech channel yeah Adams playing here not a twitch streamer you reckon round thank you very much I appreciate I'm glad some of you guys are enjoying this let's let's go again right yep let's do it click - ready mad about the ultimate life and death fight why don't they just say the ultimate fight to the death that would have sounded way better these people need me they need me desperately needs I'm gonna I'm gonna do consulting for them positivity to Dallas from Costa Nostra hi bit no one no one really kills me why don't you see me punching you don't come on your screen why is that what oh I wasn't punching someone oh yeah I should probably run around in I thought dupit the hell's that noise oh but you know what I'm gonna disable my stupid in-game voice voice channel you have to go into your settings your setting his go to settings and then go to sound scroll down P bar and then go to all and go to none and then also yeah it's fine apply apply and then you're good you are saying no I didn't even hear it I'm glad I didn't hear it freaking people are cancer breath people are cancer swabs hope all the cancerous people no I don't know I don't want to wish anything bad on anyone Karma's a bitch right alright let's just let's just go out here what right right right right here right at the cusp very soon as soon as it lets us no no no we can you have to wait till you're over the freaking island otherwise you'll drop in the ocean you won't let me yeah I know alright go I'm diving I'm dive bombing edge oh oh I'm Jason Statham in this shit wait what edge what is this directions sorry I don't know where my yellow I didn't notice Wes oh I could just see you on the map there we go yes where the hell are you way up to oh wow you're alive I'm like like way closer to the ground than you are cuz I was dive-bombing oh there you go kind of Finchley alright let's go to this little town I'm going to the homes let's wreck shit very corner record alright come on little guy I feel like alright this I perish you didn't much slower than on page 1 oh wow how are you already down on the ground auto run is still oh there we go it's still equal sign for some stupid reason they still make you map it 2x all right this is just a bunch of potty stuff I like to potty but not like that you got a foregrip gonna remain a gun give me this say it no gun come on gonna be a better gun I can't pick that up isn't after pickup yeah yeah just F all the things F at me after you wonder what happens if I shoot this red barrel just kidding I wonder though they are probably exposed to Frank I really hope we're like the only ones in this town because I'm not I'm just assuming that it's all clear but not being very cautious this I don't know why we didn't play this sooner this just seems like a more polished h1c know so far I like each one way better wow it's too choppy look at it listen to you and your opinions oh I got a I got a big rifle and got a big rifle oh yeah I'm gonna pop some asses with it yeah I mean I get I know I don't I haven't like run out of room yet to need a backpack so our working boots better than mine good maybe there I have no idea thank you very much Barrett for the dollar donation sir and apologies to anyone if I miss them Oh a medkit okay I'm out of bloody space now and I definitely need some sort of backpack I would imagine I know okay oh no it's gonna be it's gonna be really annoying right now cuz I don't have a who's this Moses what does my character run all weird oh yeah I got a coat I don't only have three bullets how do I only have three bullets BS oh yeah I gotta get the mother lode over there yeah that's right I got shotgun but I'm out no I can't say that oh wait is this all these are working boots not working Buddha's are off their scale Fe I'll press tab to get stuff what do you mean this is just my inventory right yeah clearly you bullets there wait a lot of seconds my frame rate seems kind of choppy right now have you found sorry I don't know what weapons are what all right I'm gonna I'm gonna go oh okay I need a freaking backpack right they haven't you drop shit is it like each one like I don't even know I have no idea the dropship I found pants that I'm definitely switching to because they match my personality Oh like a BDSM type of mask that's cool wait how you what is this that's just a stupid first aid kit like what are the backpacks even look like in this game they should be pretty pretty obviously backpacks right I feel like I should have I should have inherited someone's backpack drop items you guys drop it drive it like it's hot sorry guys if you uh if the sound of too much clicking annoys you so much we can do about it we have one mic between the two of us it is a directional microphone so it is picking up everything in our vicinity yes that's how you just drop it drop the books have you found a backpack yet no but I found a sweet ass oh you're lucky you can actually even pick that backpack up oh it's a frying pan oh hell yeah I'm gonna go to town on someone with that no see okay I got sorry too they won't even see what I'm cooking we'll never see you coming I want this guy about to get right I'm being so frustrated with this game why what this one are you trying to do I'm just getting frustrated right now at least at least F still does everything I don't know whatever to you Oh different okay you know what we're good let's just go let's just go kill people now all I need is three bullets I'm good it's confidence is key you know you can do anything with confidence the best they tell you so I'm confident that we got this you good not enough space yeah cuz we don't have backpacks cuz God hates us laughing hell what guys oh yeah there's another one here oh there's no one here I'm coming come on I'm oh cured up look at me I got all this shit I got I'm picking up everything I got a kinky mask though you don't have a kinky mask but I got a helmet I got an energy drink though Tech member there could be a red bowl it might be a red bowl even if it's like some no net no-name knockoff brand it's still an energy drink so what do you got on that shotgun boom sixteen shoot don't even start that right now oh I'm I'm in biz hey over here you want a backpack or not I am running towards you you are quite far away friend you are quite slow at running I might shoot you why don't we just shoot each other yeah you ready no I mean that too don't be a dick one yeah it's in there you're welcome use your inventory did you see it okay so what do I do here do I got a shotgun choke alright hey that looks good can I put this somewhere over here okay smoke grenade 12-gauge wait where's actually that's already out it's done right stun grenade okay yes what else we got here I just pick up energy drink I know what's this was m4 okay cool oh wow look at that you can like upgrade your weapons and stuff that's that's pretty sweet that's just a stupid thing what is the sport I have no idea what this is compatible with I know it's not afraid how do I switch my web I don't know you know there's a fancy bed in here right fancy gun I don't know what kind of gun said what is this an s12 K I don't know shit Oh Oh No what's what's going on wait what's happening oh shit I think we got AIDS wait I heard there were aids in this game I think we're getting AIDS wait no no how where's our car we need to get to we don't have a car what there's got to be a car around okay we need to go oh wait where are we I don't even know where we are oh shit we need to go over north yeah northeast who's in the house we're like all right if you hold shift you'll run okay got that everything just Auto run shit well we really suck at this game knowing wait so why is everything all distorted does it mean like I think cuz we need to stay within the circle but we are not okay but I mean like it just looks weird it looks like we're hallucinating is that what this game is about like don't really know just someone injects you with hallucinogenics yeah very far away from them where we want to be okay I think we're pretty much dead now no we're good we're good we got this no I did oh crap we dead son crap bro bro you're dead risky yeah we're really dead I can't reload while I'm running I cannot reload right now give me a second oh my goodness so yeah oh yeah there's no way yeah we're totally dead basically sucks yeah we are totally dead keep your eyes out for Rick Clark the circle is like the gas in each one okay got it yeah that's what I figured I just so wrapped up and trying to find a backpack that I completely forgot about but it's being in the right place it's the red circle that's like the gas in each one right no the red circles the bombs completely different things like which circles we want to be in the white circle with the blue circle there's two circles under that I think blue circles safe and then white circle is like where it's going to enclose - do you know what I mean like that's the next safe zone like they do the same thing in each one I'm dying yeah we're gonna die but you know what do you see a car over there at least we actually we didn't do anything we need to pay better attention to the map like each one yeah oh so I see so it's like a protective shield that we need to be in yeah that's what so basically we do need to be in the white circle Oh someone's asked to tell me to take the energy drink what energy drink how do I use this use use I have one how do I use the energy drink well it's nice knowing you babe this is stupid I'm dying thanks X X X I'm dead I pressed accident didn't work was that a crit was that a grenade I died outside the place oh my god stay in red so while we're learning right now you guys are the worst the absolute worst they're no help at all yeah we're not watching the chat watch the chair I've been watching the chat this whole time thank you very much thank you guys I pressed X I don't I don't know why I still died after pressing X that's okay um let's let's try it again right we're gonna reenact Russia this time right third time's a charm I'm still learning of course third time's a charm yeah but you know beginner's luck and all that so we might have to switch to h1 we're still beginners really really Cheers I was gonna ask if you wanted any but if you're just gonna drink your tea so be it enjoy your futile life drinking tea use tab when you lose why this is why people I need more than you because I'm not nasa like you want did I dent it on oh come here come here let me practice on you let me practice I only got these two guns hope that's okay with you this is just two guys yeah you take your shirt off I'll take mine off you first you first all right oh whoa hey we got a third gun in here this guy's got a long barrel he wants to stick it up all of ours come on buddy oh let's let's get all the guys in on it all right I don't know what the hell just happened there but we should is the plane on fire okay it looked like it was on fire I don't know what you're talking for a split second who's this as AMD graphics let me tell you lighting everything up um let's see okay I don't want to I don't want to drop towards the edge again why because that screwed us last time I say let's go now now good job don't go down okay now I know how to do this dodo dodo we're just gonna go for go for the little village see it's knowledge that's east to the brown houses little brown roofs if you look at east you see me you see me go see me look down look down more to the east to the east side I was looking to the south I can see you what a thumb are you watch okay are we fucking separate bro I'm right here just looked you're a little thingy okay you're on the other side of the fucking oh right are you kidding me no you're not even that far away from me Oh any talking about just go towards me no you are across the fucking ocean what oh my god how did you get all the way over there I thought you were going over here I didn't know you were going off to the right my goodness psycho where is my wife alright wife I'm gonna come get you chefs are you like well they were gonna die yeah of course we're gonna dice rock you are so f and far all right just try to loop some shit that's there I'm gonna I'm gonna try to haul ass over here there are yeah I saw people in that killing kill them all good enough to kill people in this game hey you know what you're you're a female avatar take your take your clothes off that'll that'll buy you at least like five seconds of time all day Google at you these are all lonely dudes telling you it's effective creepy but effective without a samurai sword no that's the reflection of the stupid uh yes sickle all right I'm good I'm good let's go it's game time I will Grim Reaper all of your asses don't touch my wife my wife alone car your left Oh what what where car this left is that is that it hold on oh this one right here oh hell yeah I'm just running towards you because I'm gonna die oh no somebody in charge this is what happens when you fucking leave me hey you know what knocked me out how do I hear myself oh my god how did you how don't you myself Yuki I don't know kimchi hill it can she kill herself if you're down Q shut oh well Vsauce is down I repeat he's down she's holding her side she's on her knees she's bleeding out oh I'm shirtless now in my accident alright good she took her shirt off so that's good but everything else is bad I'm bleeding out oh I'm coming for you I like just stay there just live I'm like oh sure that's a dude oh my god I ran over myself I just run over myself I I was I was rushing down the bridge to get to you semester shooting at me so I jump out of the car wallets moving classic h1z1 move right the car ends up running me over as I get out of it and then I died that was freaking badass I think that's probably the coolest thing I've ever done in a video game aren't you guys glad you tuned in for this bullcrap all right let's go Plato our avatars is so much more badass than us it's just no other than that's true I don't know what yes you slaying you slay girl ready for you all right wait all right so much cringe yes this is the cringe stream casual cringing stream streaming cramps Netflix and cringy oh thank you very much Conor nope no worries if you can't donate it ain't no thing we're just we're just here to chill well just shell it rad ex puts your weapon away so you run faster okay good to know good to know yeah you're alright yeah no game audio what you guys don't hear any of this why are you guys just complaining about this now do the audio magically disappear what are you sure really Wow come here come here you shirtless woman ah all right why is there no game audio gosh darn it hold on sometimes in h1 this would happen and I'd have to go to sound and just like move this around or something I don't know shall we get out now I don't know sure go alright I am looking so for quiet no no hold on let me turn the Sun straight down let me know if it sounds any louder now I just cranked it up 106 boy I'm going southeast I want southeast now I'm going 165 South yes we can hear it yay alright oh I pulled my shoot - really it automatically doesn't if you aim yeah if you go that's why I like I've just been letting it do it automatically but this time I did it manually in it just preempted I preempted it a little bit alright there we go oh all right you can't go in trailers can't jump out of a moving car tab over loot to pick up I don't know what that means I know I get that I get the first part I get that we can't jump we shouldn't jump out of moving cars anymore whoa what is that choppy frame Ranma crazy urine stains feels like I'm getting like less than 30 FPS right now but I will press on are you I'm looting this place holy this seriously I got a pan ache a grenade kill you Wow look at all this cool shit I just got a really cool fucking gun so you know what is it yeah how cool is it I know a case wait cooler that's cool though keep looking you'll find you'll find something good event chatter watch your mouth boy you'll find something good you better watch your mouth turn mic volume down really really loop I turned it down a wee bit someone wants you to create your own gaming channel wow that's that's the thing you go to he could have suggested that for a million other reasons and the one you pick is well I'm clearly superior than you and every way that's what he was implying your dick oh I thought an energy drink yeah and some fingerless gloves I'm rockin the fingerless gloves now I think you're so cool yeah mortgages all these things I what is that that looks just like a crumpled bag of cheetos it'll be nice when we actually get to shoot someone like that's one thing we haven't been able to do yet I keep thinking that these some of these stupid rocks are actually a hand shit coming mark my words who this this pan has a nice swing to it it's got some some heft my love my love oh la la la is this bandage look at this a scope wait so I can put this scope here right [Laughter] oh wait what exactly started shit away whoa no we're good we're good how do you use the scope I don't know honey I've never played this game before I know I'm talking to myself guys how do I use the scope do I actually get in there how do I do it how do I do it press shoot for shoot all right I'll try to not F that up all settings are very low but texture triple-layered anti-aliasing a bee bee bee bee bee bee bee bee bee bee I think you thank you chat I love chat so much they teach me how to do things when I am dumb witches all the time one time got it chat we got it so we are good right because me yeah in a scoop again oh my gosh pretty cool right where we going I was asking if the white circle means that we're safe yes I think so that's what I'm going to assume honestly I'm good to go I don't even evil ooh let's just kill people can we drive this thing know if that's a caravan wait is it an RV yes yes yes yes yes yes baby child to get with a $5 donation oh my god if you knock someone out and get a chance to finish them off Point Blank before you kill them blow them aloud and wet kiss with the all chat mic I will definitely got something a great idea thanks TV TV TV 'thou TV down thank you very much sure all right I say we go north no we're giving north of the wall let's go north all right where are you right behind you oh you're restricting the play area sorry ears I'm sorry to all the ears out there who were hurt who are hurting right now many viewers we got right now thousand people we got people watching us you guys are awesome holy moly I am I'm shocked I'm shocked that far I think it's a farm the farmer did you see a farmer farm I said I think that's a farm you said farmer just just saying you said it all right let's try to find this farmer oh there's a guy this seriously guy not not even cheating you there's a dude he just went into the house that's a northeast oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit he's gonna kill us he's gonna kill us come inside oh no is this what I don't know what kind of god I have oh shit oh shit oh shit he's probably coming around honey yet you have guns right use them use them use the guns we're actually gonna get some action here we're gonna get our violent dicks wet all right oh I see him oh he's sneaky you went around the corner see him you see him I'm not outside oh my god shooting it's crazy this is too crazy crazy yeah he's gonna come around that side I know it oh my god oh yeah oh scope sucks I'll help me help come on honey go kill him all right can I shoot him with my gun can I not I can't kill with Mike don't I get it how could I Lizzy Oh son of a bitch he's out sides right there oh now you come for the rescue oh my god she killed me damn he's good well I did not like this game click B B to change to auto oh I'm learning so much okay change the fire rate to be gun is on single fire per click ha ha ha gotcha Wow Wow so every every round we learned one new thing so by like our 59th round will they know most of the things hey you know what we're doing a little bit better each time a little bit better isn't it nice to just track our progress as as incrementally slow as it might be yep still it's still very exciting all right ready click it are you date quick no that said butthole that says blue hole is your faggots the name of the not married to this guy ah yeah absolute like being married to a furry child she actually had to pay money to marry me that's how much in demand I was no you are not for the very steep price of 399 300 399 that's that's a lot of money it's more than I pay for some mail-order brides please notice me I notice you sir hardrick sir holders think face bummer event stream snipers wow this guy's taking it like a champ that sounds like that reminds me of a monkey Megan yep my my my this one's taken it like a champ hot damn alright ready oh let's jump let's jump Thank You Jimmy Zhou for the $2 to live faster and not loot everything the whole that's hell yeah go go talk to the neighborhood that size Southwest UCL bus yep yep all right dive dive you can dive doing it press W but know everything hold tab okay dive dive dive dive dive so you can you can hold tab to loop faster honey hold the tab if there's like ten things in front of you you can just hold tab in the law I think looting everything Ulysses thank you very much five dollars this are you following me so run on What did he say what are you saying bra on your gtx 960 i think you should be alright you might have to turn down some settings but pretty sure you can you can get by I'm going to these tall buildings of a harbor break it right oh wait okay you're over there okay I've said southwest I know I am sign at the friggin neighborhood Southwest like you said you it's just a big neighborhoods that you're in a different part of it the name that's cooled up let's pump gas close that door behind me so let's try this shit there's someone nearby oh no wait oh fuck I hear walking really I don't know work ah wait where's my favorite solo solo your friend rages so long can we get a job of the hunt meme I'm saying your frame rate is Jesus okay I like clubs in California working out in California the boobs in California around oh wow freaking gun is what I need yeah yeah it's kind of you're kind of dead meat hey let me know if you find another backpack it is there's one in this building what all right I'm coming oh shit and I got a minivan I got some Jews this come in I need to reload and I got us better shirt come on that's right how come you're getting all the things I got all this shit jelly I don't like you as much cuz you have more things you need good wait wait we're in it where did you go this is a helmet a motorcycle helmet okay how are there no fucking guns well if I can't share that well here's a guy where's the backpack oh I found it gots it freakin get the grenade too bitch bitch so much I don't know which ones better my helmet or who astronaut jacket I'm an astronaut here there's a motorcycle helmet up here no one fucks with astronauts wait what is this equip crowbar sure why not never know when you're gonna oh shit I mean that oh fuck we need to run are we in the red yep let's book it no we're not even in the safe zone get the hell out I know I gotta leave we gotta leave we gotta go go go go go go go we were just by stairs yeah so we gotta go we gotta go like Wayne selfies we got a south eastern breath south eastern oh no we're locked in oh fuck this building I'm stuck in the court yeah I got it okay all right shit we need to go south that's right AB over shit I will try that again put your gun away so you can run faster oh yeah good call you are so good I love you Wow I take it back I hate you I don't think we're gonna make it unless we find a car what cause we are very far away and we have less than two minutes to make it listen two minutes let's just that's all we got to do me you just got out we just gonna try just try run I think two minutes we got I think we're okay oh shit how do we cross the water though oh wait can we swim maybe not I don't know can you swim in this game guys let us know can you swim or not or will we die is there a vehicle oh there's a bridge up ahead so even though you should be alright but oh you run at full speed with the pistol out eh you bet I have no frickin ammo son of a bitch whatever it's all about intimidation if people see me with a pistol they'll think I'm awesome okay I don't see a gun over here all right I'm sorry a car they're restricting the play area in one minute it's okay if across the bridge we'll be alright be alright geez yeah we're going pretty slow just keep your eyes peeled for a car we need to go keep your eyes peeled for gas go east yep can you take that care of that trailer RV it's like a abandoned bus or something or not that is an RV Thanks oh we can't swim though well we can swimming takes time though apparently hey thanks five gum appreciate it man yes wifey sauce is better we all know it's not having you in videos anymore why are you gonna hide you because I make me look bad make me look bad for my friends better because like wow he has such an awesome life yeah that's like the only good thing about him the rest of him sucks but his wife's pretty cool thanks honey thanks for that we'll pick me anything I do to encourage you to have me more videos so it's like thank you very much for the reminder chat I did pick that up that you can hold alt to look around while you autorun is very handy keep an eye on keep your eyes peeled for a car ladies and gentlemen that would come in handy we're almost at the safe zone though it's like bitte bitte close I think the line cut tells you where you should be heading right perhaps yeah I don't know I'm just guessing then which coming up on a church oh my gosh keep running we're almost the SafeZone rubles they were almost there when was that we're gonna make it we're gonna make it come on honey where'd you go oh there you go let's do it honey it's me and you come on whoa did you take any fall damage there no okay oh Jesus can you drive this truck oh no I doubt it no you can't that would have been pretty fly thank you close vision we appreciate your love for us even though we suck at video games cars only spawned by the roads okay I don't know if we'll get drunk again anytime soon in a video 5 gum but you know we did just get our medical cards so who knows if that's gonna be a thing yes one of these days yeah I know I lose all my sponsorships again oh they'll die alone or Noble give a shit it'll be a hilarious video I don't know we'll see what can happen frakkin Greece oh wait they're running to the ruins right here oh god don't show any fear they can smell fear all right just camp out you cannot take them we can't take them on cuz we suck so just how you take how you taught your guns I can use a scroll wheel to scroll through or you can press the numbers hi I'm Anna keep running well didn't they just okay yeah we kind of have to right oh oh shit you already over there yeah hello I am better at this frickin ditcher no he's still pay attention teacher your job what are these homes on your haircut wait God go go go go go I'm not really shitty I'm sorry about your ears I apologize it may be a wilter my graphics down that's a great idea I don't need this amazing graphical fidelity I'm gonna crank this shit down yo see quality nah none of that oh yeah you're a gun Brad we're doing reliably shit whoa the drone alright maybe it's a fan they're drones in this game no it's definitely a player which player did you hear something did you is it players unknown by the way dude over there rolling around what Center all these pieces looted the door doors are open so probably doors be open yo it's okay I got 40 bullets and I don't expect to live any longer than I can try this time it'll take you expel these all right let's go oh my god wow this is the only car I've ever seen that looks shittier than mine what strike should do we need to go you direct me when I Drive in your life uh let's where are you going you're going the wrong way you have to go southeast right oh I need to go east south east but you kind of just go straight east because that way you'll avoid the bomb area just go straight east not South East if you go south east okay no you can go south east now go south east the bomb area just moved so we're good just let's just go to uh putt chinky a chinky sounds like a racial slur but it's actually a town in player unknowns battlegrounds which we should try to loot right now oh this is a very very slow the current specs that I'm wrecking right now what's up bro Jie and this is trap Haydn's x3 what is cars why did use cars they're better they're better they're better didn't get in wait doesn't work oh fuck it's like each one alright you get on you think they took the keys or the cell no no I'm good I'm good what's getting you I think because you win the driver side or the passenger side sorry go go go what the other one what I don't know what the hell you do you want to me it's up to you don't carry over the car wait let me try to try again this one good lord oh there are people you better hurry won't let me all right I'm running I'm running I'm running come on I mean go they just checked out that church go and then they fled north okay East I'll go east sure we'll just drive right into danger I'm gaming on hotline right now game on hotline so we got two gtx 980ti Zin SLI 6950 x10 core core i7 you see people over here um yeah I saw a cart drive through here oh you did I don't know if they all these don't open so keep going yep tell me twice this is creepy just keep on eating why that feels creepier than H one East we go land ho there are 57 people remaining 56 so 54 technically you don't include us so am I your you're my navigator as the wingman honey so I'm just gonna keep going east yeah I should we stop here and Luke we should know I want to loot there cuz I heard some gunshots so you should probably keep going shift to boost yeah boosting right go to the right a little bit loose stay loose - yeah I'm fine bro I'm only happy down here and we'll go loot this area alright alright let's do it ready go go go go go go go down to my house do what I want I hear planes trains and automobiles no plane or grip for something can I use that now nope that doesn't I don't know the name of all these stupid guns whatever there's that better don't care there's a better backpack in here level two army an army backpack thank you I got a gas mask am I gonna need a gas mask later do you want the backpack I know uh no I'm good we have a level two or do you have a regular one how do you know which was which it will say waiter oh wait number one that's level one doing here okay ooh a red dot sight hello boom boom diggity you know what stick your attitude sick of your ungrateful attitude just shut all right okay what's behind door number three can a gas riveting on the rooftop now flashhider quick draw mcgraw my flash hider on now yes I shall God Thank You lemur duly noted duly noted thank you heirloom box hello Fox College you see my last comment please acknowledge my 20 bucks lmao dude if he were actually did donate $20 thank you very much he did not have to do that you could you could have bought something $20 worth but instead you gave it to me and I really do appreciate that thank you very much mr. Fox oh that's cool artwork on the building there pretty cool I'm so much your stupid house wait did you raid this one too you looted all these are we okay we're still good 48 alive 48 I'll are they I think that's something wait we are safe like right in the thick of it there we go there's a level - hey see we're in the red we're in the red we are freaked out yeah we're in the red shit shit yeah so run back to the cars I suppose yes software's a car tonight I'm not in the red anymore is that are those our curse no that's right in Oh motorcycle get on okay coming stop go what the house fuck did you get that what's this little cape I want a jacket like that no I get only I get the Cape I got a cool trench coat Oh Mike sorry all right Ted just thank you no yeah we're good we're good we're good but we should we need to find us to like there maybe Harry oh sure yeah was the safe had the bike stay outside I take the keys like you can each one no idea can you hit tab while you're on the bike doesn't do anything shit I'm stuck I'm shit I'm stuck what I'm stuck do you want to unstuck you wait I can shoot you shoot you oh wait there we go okay now could you stop reload all this stuff suppressor that's fun I should probably equip that date why can i equip the suppressor guys leymah super dumb Oh I think these are shotgun shells okay I got ping killers I don't need any of this crap oh hello medikit switch to my no stupid white shirt either leaning at the mall I am NOT a cool dude pretty much like that looks shoddy which is not even that great close that door now the one holographic sight oh now I'm like out of space and stuff wow I've got too much stuff man how do I do you have a gun that I can use how do you drop it here's just another car did you ever figure out how to drop things I just dragged a press tab and that would like drag it to like the left bottom left it would like drop it on the floor but I don't know if there's a faster way no use to do all right I don't think I need any of this crap alright let's go somewhere else I heard people screw people wait shit are we in the same cell oh shit we're not in the same Sun oh shit we need to go oh shit alright calm down calm down panicking never did anyone any go it's that thing LSD thing again alright let's go I'm on you like we're in Mad Max are you on the right way yeah am i yeah yeah keep going to go a little south know what a little bit there you go that's a good direction we're in the safe zone now so you keep going a little bit more if you want to get out of dangers way you saw some people I did hear some gunshots oh Jesus oh honey are you all right wait can't drive oh you're in the water can I go up oh yeah I'm fine come on come on do that with some real Thelma and Louise shit right there holy accident how are you on health oh you're full yeah I'm at like three quarters man because you jumped out like a dingdong oh well yeah well it's best you go over the edge of the cliff with you yeah cuz obviously you survived that way and land safely in the water okay you have a point oh shit oh jeez I can't fucking wait okay see how do you use medkit oh how I just clicked it I just clicked right click on it and it seemed to work hey chats laughing as I have every right to do so um so I guess we could just walk up here how how strong your legs big boy come on Big Boy Thank You Brighton Whitefield Whitfield for the two dollars oh yeah laughs and well indeed wait did you just climb up this thing yep feel the burn it has to be like a flat rock yeah all those squats really paid off didn't think Charlie wait did you hear something so I need it like okay so Z is hit the deck sees crouch alright so example h1 moves oh wait someone's shooting at us I think no none of us know are they I actually don't know anymore we are safe so that's good so how do you know which firing mode okay burst single burst single person I'm learning the game changed firing load a single no one changed first okay oh my god I'm getting shot at I'm getting shot at oh my god I'm dead no I'm down I'm down wait no we gotta kill at least one person one person we kill one person and then and then stop yeah it's gonna happen don't don't lose hope let's exit lobby we're gonna do one more will do will do one more match how long is the stream going on for purpose II died I don't even know don't even know they don't tell you that kind of thing let's do let's do let's do a couple more what time is right now I think we should play July we got time bro but that's not that the name of the stream isn't trying player unknowns battlegrounds for the first time before finally giving up and playing h1z1 it's just called trying Claire no that is clickbait this is what I mean you clickbait whore okay okay alright whatever alright let's let's just try it one more time right click click it click to ready yeah I'll be alright it'll be right we'll kill someone this time okay I promise we'll kill him as a team we'll kill him and be like ha you got killed by a married couple that's even more pathetic than being a married couple playing games online we'll make someone cry we could potentially make someone cry tonight wouldn't that just make your day make mine I've been tuning up the last minute well what else is new what is this guy scorpion you think he's scorpion I think you're freaking scorpion get over here hey hey I see you yeah whatever we're dead to me no I see no not you honey boy I know you'll always be in my heart oh geez yes what how are you how are you shooting things how did you get a gun you get a gun in the lobby yep no I ran three - well I don't start with it I'm on fire found it impossible okay here we go ready let's see I'll jump on the top of Southwest start look Southwest so that we're gonna follow the same direction so how about now know of a now oh now wait for it what are you waiting for a good Centrepointe now and go hello Kalin Jones thank you very much for the $2.00 I am acknowledging you sir all right let's go to the annoying Southwest let's go to the bridge that's more Southwest yeah the Southwest bridge let's get a little Sydney the left of that cute little town the left of that left of that back all right we're doing it we are in sync we're on the same page this is good it's just good it's just other people here oh no are we gonna stick together let's follow oh my god there's so many people yeah oh my god there's like a thousand people you're just just go I know those guys there to go into the trees trees to the north just go north okay follow me you should always know where I am because I'm marked on your screen at all times you said you're pointing north I don't see you I should just follow the blue arrow anywhere any time in the game the blue arrow will point to where I am so I am without a gun at the moment I'm gonna run up this hill I'm crossing stream you never cross the streams you never cross streams all right I'm going up to this little weird funky hobbit hole of a house oh fuck there's another guy but the same idea is me kill him I'm weaponless take your shirt off I'm running towards you because it's like it's like the ultimate flash bang guy alright there's there's bound to be a gun in here or something all right I'll just kill everyone with a grenade burning them all to death please please why what is this room even for it's too little to even be a room and there's no like anywhere to hang clothes like what is that room honestly what is this what is this what what happens in this room nothing makes any sense hey thank you very much EMM twit I'm glad that I inspired you to build your first PC hopefully it didn't explode hopefully it's the PC that you're taking from right now yes this will be uploaded there will be a rebroadcast so to speak as soon as this is done as soon as we're all finished here for all the the late plebeians sorry is there an extra bed in there for me because I don't have anything I don't have I don't have anything but a grenade there's nothing in here but like condoms there's just a bunch of used condoms on the floor and then oh hello okay I got one gun fortunately it's a big-boy gun I'm switching to boots wait what is this police vest yes sir yes siree Bob alright someone gonna dad a knight probably me again this is fun we should do this every week that's why I'm saying though but um oh yeah we do need to keep going east why why is it that we always need to go east east is the beast where are you going son east yo I'm trying to survive what are you doing what are you doing huh alright let's go to the it's that little house the house two houses come on honey let's go you look like ray from Star Wars cuz I'm all just wait yeah you look badass yeah friggin buy a house ma'am oh I see another gun I will let you know like well I got 100 but I find a better one I kind of like how there's not just like ample amounts of loot like in nature what kind of kind of make you work a little bit and ajiz that sounds good for grip for an AR get that extra grip around the barrel ooh a scope can I use this on anything I certainly certainly can oh yeah you can do whatever you want with me Carson I wonder if this is explosive not allowed to smoke next to it all right and wait wait they go in here earlier but this is a place with the stupid stupid room I'm going south east towards the water tower what I'm supposed to split up like that man careful careful there are dangers afoot put the foregrip on the scar yes sir thank you you too real MVP Brett thanks Trevor now I got some better accuracy hopefully I got the more accuracies I have all the accuracies now wait restricting play area we're good we're good Lewton up honey getting some good stuff well shoot maybe we'll find some stuff in this stupid Tower yes yes this is common do people usually stream with like two people on one web cam is that a thing you like I don't see it too often but it has to happen there's probably some again always some channels that do it regularly maybe I'm just ain't in the loop yo I'm my Alvin right all right let's go this let's go this town over here all right this town that's a southeast feel me you feel me see if I can change my bindings while I'm running nothing can go wrong nothing can go wrong so instead of equals plus where is it Oh should I not switch that to X because X is unarmed all right fuck it cares here hide fuck here's where oh there's a guy there's a guy on the opposite side of this wall oh he's oh he's he's shooting the car so he in the car oh I'm gonna try to kill him and try kill you go you go the other way all right honey you go around the other side other side wait how do you walk how do you just press Crouch in that your I don't even where is he all right you go that way I'll go this way I don't even know where he is he was around this house he's probably inside of it or around it oh he's right there oh shit I killed it you killed it I killed him it said you finally killed Makarov is it taking the jab at me my first kill everyone my first freaking kill oh my god oh my god I don't have a suit or something no is he kill me kill me wait I'm dying oh he's right outside he's hiding behind she's hiding behind this wall right there jisu good good I couldn't heal he would have killed me I killed many more he was I saw where he was I was just trying to get a good angle on him he was just too good I need more tea a more beer we got our first kill you gotta kill not me yeah but we're a team so are you both got it you take some of the credit man exhilarating this games awesome first impressions of player unknowns battleground it's great you've gotta get through the first you know shit period and actually learn the game then it's super fun whoa careful okay are you getting more tea yeah can you give me a beer thank you she's get me a beer cuz she's awesome that's why I love her she gets me beer ladies ladies fairly easy to impress your man step one give him a beer step two there is no step two repeat step one if necessary poop all right burn it but now I can just like chill relax for a minute and reach at also slows we got still a thousand people going strong ladies and gentlemen oh just dip down to 90 that's bullshit but hey you know that's not bad and hey you know what not not not too many people are hating on the stream feel like streaming on youtubes can sometimes be not very well received but tonight tonight is the night when to become what we make grandparents you're sleeping I probably shouldn't sing uh 2:20 a.m. in Canadia Canadian land indeed oh we don't mention the game subs anymore Trevor that's lots of trouble for that how do you land in the rain huh yep yep what up mack daddy $2 thanks for helping with my first build you are very welcome for you did you happen to catch the how to build the PC video the build with me video that I did more or less recently if so that's awesome glad it helped I will stop singing Thank You pyro I apologize cool glad I helped you to Trevor sweet no singing please yes I got that part I'll stop singing but you know I can't promise that it will stop for the rest of the night sometimes it just happens impulsively and I don't really realize it so yeah yep but um yeah the the video that I was supposed to be doing today that failed miserably will hopefully eventually get done I might actually have to return the part to the vendor and get a new one it might be defective I'm not gonna say any names right now but Oh herro I have a kitty kept on board right now at the moment hello mister mister mr. Smigiel he's not really his name but say it say hi to the camera it's get where you got it is yeah yeah get out of here you hairy bastard thank you very much angel Hernandez for the $5 donation very much appreciate it hey there big fan of the channel you wanted to think you just want to thank you for what you do hey you know what I leave you alone for five minutes Thank You self-taught in PC repair since oh one your channel has been a big help that's awesome angel I'm glad that my channel has has helped you in some small way or maybe a major way that's awesome that is what it is all about people is helping us all just do our thing crafty hack five bucks thank you for letting me stay at your place while I work on my marriage what crafty I did you did you and wifey make some sort of agreement that I am wholly not aware of because if so let me just say I cannot wait to have a sleepover with you man that sounds like the funnest thing ever we should totally do it I am NOT wasted at all actually this is my third fourth fourth beer but that's after like three hours and this is its Anchor Steam its Anchor Steam it might as well be a rebranded Bud Light this is like a Bud Light refresh all right same same core architecture just a different label all right where the hell's my wife oh you're my brothers jet zero do not talk about my brother that way I was talking about you that way brother my stuff to do with it alright let's ah alright ready let's do one more let's do one more round and then play each one and then and then and then we go to sleep let me go to freaking bed cuz I'm tired sick of this shit crap he's here maybe he was too late I know he just donated $5 to us he said that he's coming over thanks crafty he's coming over while he figures out his marriage he's gonna sleep on it cool yeah click go did you hear me you hear what I said I remember look at he said thank you for letting me stay your place while I work on my marriage so he he'll be here any minute oh he's on his way crafty next best oh my goodness all right this is the last round people let it be known this is the last round of battlegrounds for tonight yeah come on come on you Drake looking mother Wow Wow laughs your phone gosh my gosh how did you get a signal that signal is sick um danyoung it would take a lot of dudes with just fists I'll take out we'll talk about you whenever I feel like it honey I'm right here no not you my brother oh he's watching this right for those of you who aren't aware my brother-in-law wifey sauces actual biological brother is also named Kyle true story so much confusion has had in moments like these alright where every landing F no sorry I'm spacing out dive so if you hold w I figured we're gonna go we're gonna go to the big red roof right the big red roof that's alone you see it yep Southwest sir I guess kind of kind of West to me yep BC is big rectangular red it's sort of orangish it's surrounded by nothing just a big field I'm hovering over it Thanks yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you very much Steve and I appreciate the kind words good luck on your build sir come on do I like this big warehouse give me some good stuff give me that get it out get all of me some rainbow take it all baby I'll take it all picked up oh thank you oh this is Max Payne you got painkillers in there no you need a prescription for that sir that seems a low yeah look at my perks jacket like a little little bit abusive don't you do you see ma Perico taking painkillers for no reason ignoring me like okay you're free coat yeah that's good yeah I love for your fur coat I think it looks great I think it looks good because it was not bought with my credit card didn't you ever give me your private banking Wow all right we're getting a little too real right now for stream let's just dial it back all right dial Babu thinks that you should buy me a dress for Erin's wedding no one said that yeah everyone said it while you were no one no one in Chad said that I should buy you a dress sweet gamer I'm glad that you actually watched that video and it worked for you I spent so much time on that video how to choose PC parts video because it's it's the video that everyone needs but the video that no one wants to make because it's just such a bitch I'm really glad that it turned out well doe and it's helping pay pause I have a I have like a battlefield 1 rifle I have like an m1 grand what the hell is this it's just a shotgun oh wait what oh my god oh my god there's someone I don't know they go I'd close the door all right they're probably gone they probably didn't see it they're probably just they just drive by I think so are we in the safe area oh we are we're like smack down a little good oh that's hot we need a friggin car hey shut up chat everyone in chats tell me yeah you address me by me you're all full of it full of it with your dress emojis well you know I did I am I did bring you a beer I think that's a pretty fair trade wow really Wow is that what a beer gets you these days all right how about this if it's an RGB dress I will do it yeah it's got to be fully decked out RGB but I have the remote control and I get to configure you and like like addressable RGB dress so I guess just like customizing sell customize whatever you look like you are you going salad where are you going Sal your way down there I want to lose oh shit I'm killing my I'm hurting myself because I'm an idiot here we go hey wait go yeah we're cool oh you're going to that area that village there good nice probably peeps over here but I have live scenes I don't have anything oh yeah alright guys I get it I get I see the emojis in chat will buyer dress really I said wool buyer address meaning anyone of us not just me pretty much you think of working you make a living wage these days pretty much solid to buy your own trade you much all the donations that you made are going towards my dress alright fine fair enough fair enough guys Wow is it really that easy you hear me all the donations for the stream will go towards wifey sauces dress if we actually get her a dress for the stupid wedding then I will I will taint it out and just so everyone knows how you gonna picture up there in the dress I need a dress that it's set at least three hundred dollars so so is that the GoFundMe goal now $300 dress yeah freaking dress that you'll wear one time and never wear again I'm gonna buy a very versatile versatile wear it submits I've never heard any woman in my life say I'm gonna buy a dress that's versatile that I can wear on multiple occasions well I am I mean if they time sure that there are women out there don't think that they just don't say that loud to me yeah I can I think up the microwave bullshit oh there's people here and that was me that you outside I got really mad oh no oh oh shit oh shit oh where I was I didn't know as my gun wasn't out for me where is he I'm okay I'm dead fucker you don't have to keep shooting me see your body and shit that's good though if he keeps shooting you because it lets me know where exam shit I'm spectating you can you can we cheat can you tell me where he's at y-you see my I don't know where no I'm spectating you I don't know where he is now oh god no he killed me Oh micro uzi I'm like I had a shotgun I just totally missed them I I forgot that I put my gun away and I was like evening and shooting I'm like wait why am I not killing him Oh cuz I'm not even shooting him alright guys well we gave it our best effort which isn't saying much but that's that's pretty much gonna conclude for this stream I don't want to drag it on too long I hate when streams go on for like five hours plus so I just want to say thank you this was this is fun I enjoyed this game I just bought a copy for both wifey sauce and I tonight just to make this little stream happen and I will say the next time I get some free time I'll I'll check out this game again it's pretty entertaining so hopefully you guys found it entertaining as well just to watch wiping sauce and I just suck it up and stuff so if you tossin like on the video yes of course she's the star of the show and all that jazz whatever fuck me and only you can do that and thank you guys this has been a lot of fun this thing would not be possible without you thousand streamers thousand viewers going strong so not streamers that would be a lot of streamers getting her a dress with a with a GTX an ATI and SLI we're gonna fit to 1080 eyes in SLI inside your dress you'll be RGB remote control of the dress emojis and we'll find some way dress we'll find some way to put tempered glass into your dress as well but that's gonna do for now guys thank you all so much love you guys got a new video soon coming yep come real soon alright
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