Campfire Audio Atlas Review! BEST BASS Earbuds 2019!
Campfire Audio Atlas Review! BEST BASS Earbuds 2019!
what's up guys is btw here and this is a
review of the campfire atlas my favorite
ear buds of all time and possibly
headphones of all time and they're only
coming in at the low low price of $1,300
breath all right all right I know what
you guys are gonna be saying bTW these
cost just as much as my PC and my
monitor combined you are nuts what are
you even thinking so my reasoning behind
making this review I know not everybody
can afford these is so that you guys can
live vicariously through me and actually
know what's out there and be informed
that there are amazing companies out
there doing great things with great ear
buds and headphones and a lot more of my
amazing subs out there you guys have
been asking me to cover more of my
high-end audio gear so here it is these
are the camp fire atlases so unlike
beats and Sony and some of these other
companies out there they use all these
cheap materials camp fire audio actually
those that are actually warranting the
price so I'm gonna let you guys know
about what materials they actually use
to construct these and why they cost
what they cost and how they sound are
they worth that $1,300 if you can't tell
already yeah they are worth that $1,300
so let's get into the review I'm not
gonna waste any more time about the
price that's the last I want to talk
about the price let's drop the review
right now so let's start off with what
comes in the box now it's gonna come
with this leather case that has this
wool inside and it's a real leather
folks this thing alone I think I already
felt like this thing was like worth
three four hundred dollars just for the
case that's how amazing the case feels
so dang it I said I was going to talk
about price I guess you can't really
avoid it when trying to convince you
guys that these are worth it so other
than that and the case you're gonna find
the silicon tips you're gonna find some
foam tips now the folk tips are actually
gonna be good for isolation and
transporting you into your own world
let's say you're a commuter or you just
want to listen at home and just tune out
everything tune out the world and you
want to hear everything just up close
and personal the foam tips are going to
be the way to go
they've also added in some silicone tips
which give you a better bass response
residents within the earbuds so that's
also nice so if you're a real bass fiend
and you want all the bass you want to
gobble up all the bass definitely go
with the silicon tip the court is
replaceable so that if you ever break
this chord you can just replace it or if
you want to replace it with like a
better cord a better sounding cord you
can do that as well but I don't think
that will be the case ever because this
is silver-plated
and yeah it feels like it this is the
best chord that I've ever had the
pleasure of like holding and using on a
day-to-day basis I mean I can just put
this into my pocket I get like throw it
around and then voila
look at that it just goes right back to
the way it was I haven't had this tangle
on me or get caught on anything it is
just an amazing cord again that warrants
that $1300 price tag it's got an
l-shaped headphone jack that is
gold-plated materials again now the
design of the actual ear bus themselves
they are a mirror a stainless steel
amazing guys they're a little bit
heavier than your normal ear buds so if
you're coming from like air pods or
these are gonna be really really heavy
for you and it took me a little bit of
time to get used to and I know a lot of
people were complaining that these are
really heavy but after you get used to
them these kind of just become the norm
for you and with the way these sound you
definitely will overlook that weight
problem now you can also like loop these
around the back of your ear and that
works as well and that like kind of
alleviate some of that weight but I
never feel like I have to go to that
ever so within the body of the stainless
steel earbud you're gonna find a 10
millimeter a dlc diaphragm now what that
stands for is amorphous diamond like
carbon diaphragm now what a diaphragm
does is it moves and it vibrates to
actually create the sound so they put a
diamond like carbon diaphragm in to
these ear buds now sometimes with the
cheaper earbuds you're gonna get like
paper you're gonna get like plastic and
it's going to be very very cheap
paper diamond I don't know what would
you guys rather have I think I'll take
my diamond any day of the week
and that leads me into how these
actually sound now I have to tell you
guys these are the best sounding musical
listing device that I have period within
my house right now these are the best
thing that I have and it even beats out
the Sennheiser HD 800 SS
I prefer listening to music on these
than the HD 800 SS now they're different
of course the HD 800 s are more like
spacious and they're more for that 3d
sound but these are no slouch in the
soundstage department either I don't
know I'm just hearing sounds every which
everything is super layered and it has a
v-shape for its frequency meaning it's
gonna have a lot of bass and it's gonna
have a lot of trouble clarity and that's
what you get here and the mids are a
little bit recessed and I thought that
that would be a hindrance to me but it
actually wasn't these sound just as good
as anything on the market and even
though it has that v-shape the mids and
the vocals do not suffer at all let me
tell you everything gets it's time to
shine now I was throwing everything at
these all my favorites also sync to
cascade deadmau5 pretty lights above and
beyond I was listening to some rap in
like astral world I was listening to
drink scorpion all of these like amazing
albums that are out right now and I was
just blown away by how good they sound
and how much air that a DLC moves into
your ear canal I mean these things just
like push so much air even more so than
like a big on ear or over ear headphone
I have never experienced anything like
this I mean it really ruined every other
headphone for me and ear but for me I
mean I try to go back to like j-bird and
I'm like oh you know what I should
really go wireless today at work or I
should really go wireless today like at
just you know commuting and things like
that and I always come back to the fact
that these sound that
that it just makes me miss them and I
know that I'm not hearing my music to
its full potential and that hurts me
it really hurts guys it hurts me to not
like to know that I don't I'm not
listening to the music the way it was
supposed to be listened to so these
things have really ruined music for me
they're very full the sound is a very
musical the musicality of these earbuds
is just simply sensational it's like
with some of my old earbuds I was eating
McDonald's and now I've moved up to a
full sized filet that just has all the
sides with like potatoes and string
beans and everything that I could you
ever want wait I just compared earbuds
to food I guess I did I don't know you
guys get the point though right these
things are just amazing that's just the
bottom line of it
and I think it warrants the cost of
these and you know I know not
everybody's gonna be able to afford
these I know that guys I know these cost
just as much as a PC but it is something
where you can kind of build up two or
maybe one day know that there is
something better out there and that one
day you can kind of like save up or
maybe tax return season's coming and
you're like you know what I really want
to splurge on myself already have an
amazing PC already have all my
peripherals I have a final Mouse and
whatever it may be and then you're like
you know what I want some good ear buds
and then you go and you get the campfire
Alice's and they blow your mind and on
the website I read that you know what
these will make even the biggest skeptic
a believer and I was skeptical just like
many of you guys $1300 earbuds these
aren't over here there's less materials
and why does it cost this much until I
listen to them until I felt them until I
use them on a day-to-day basis and now I
can never go back sadly I can't go back
I can't listen to bad audio anymore and
it pains me it pains my wallet guys
trust me okay warning if you listen to
these it'll make you want to sell off
everything else you own alright guys so
that is going to do it for the campfire
Alice's my favorite earbuds of all time
and possibly my favorite musical device
of all time ear bud listening headphone
of all time okay Point Blank period
everything that I get from now on will
be compared to these and the Sennheiser
HD 800 Tess's Point Blank there's
nothing better
well I can't you never say never right
that's the same never say never
I'm not gonna say never but for now
these are the top dogs in my collection
alright guys so thank you guys for
watching it has been your boy beat T
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video peace
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