a seven-year-old might have a future at
Google what's the best way to land your
dream job networking at events perhaps
connecting with people on LinkedIn how
about writing a good old-fashioned
letter seven-year-old Chloe Bridgewater
wrote a letter to the Google boss
explaining how she would like to work
for Google in the future the letter says
that working at Google involves sitting
on bean bags and riding go-karts
Chloe was quick to mention that she
likes computers as well the letter goes
on to say Chloe's dad told her to send
an application to Google for a job she
didn't know what an application was so
she sent a letter instead so what
happened well the Google boss himself
wrote back that's right Google CEO
sundar pichai wrote Chloe of response
that thanks Chloe for her letter in his
letter but Shia says if she keeps
working hard and follows her dreams she
can accomplish everything she sets her
mind to he also says he looks forward to
receiving her job application in the
future there's a lesson in this folks it
never hurts to ask for more information
check out cnet.com I my as act harden
I'll see you online
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