this is how you can experience VR and
2016 first you put on the headset here's
what this person using the VR headset
it's steam
there are different classes of VR some
like the Samsung gear VR and Google
cardboard require the use of a phone
have very simple controls and can be
used without cords or wires sticking out
the back others like the oculus rift
give you more control using an Xbox one
game that is until the oculus touch
controllers arrived later this year
because the rift requires you be
tethered to a powerful PC its graphics
are higher fidelity compared to you
cardboard and gear VR the HTC vive goes
one step further while it too requires
you be connected to a powerful PC it
also has you set up motion trackers
letting you walk around and use your
controllers as your hands a paintbrush
and yes gun
and then there is the PlayStation VR for
the PlayStation 4 that drops in October
and will utilize the PlayStation Move
controllers or the normal Dual Shock 4
to control the experience allowing you
to play original PlayStation VR content
so yeah this is VR and 2016 in a few
years it will likely look and feel
totally different and be everywhere VR
could change the world that's both
exciting and a bit scary
but mostly exciting
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