A billion reasons why you should quit Yahoo! (The 3:59, Ep. 155)
A billion reasons why you should quit Yahoo! (The 3:59, Ep. 155)
good morning on Thursday December 15th
it's time for episode 155 the last of
the season yeah and we've got the dream
team in the house for the 359 podcast
Roger Cheng Ben Fox Rubin and Alfred and
good morning guys and bv g morning
Naranjo Skeldon right there well I mean
what what what last of the year losing
you laughs of the year we're just
screwing up already I already screwed
shut ending the year like we started it
yeah pretty much no no it was far more
awkward all we started this is getting
awkward already yeah I'm you're
extremely tense let's move it along
let's move it along all right you know I
really wanted to end the year with a
recap show but we've got so many
headlines that yeah and this is it this
is our last show we've gotta jump into
it we can't ignore when I had a waste
your time is it with a recap is it too
late to update the tech turkey with the
new yahoo I did no rival it's a little
outdated actually we'll have to be
updated i guess but yeah we're talking
about yahoo disclosing yesterday they
even bigger hack than the preface this
size twice size 1 billion 1 billion
users so that's yeah 1 billion youth
exactly the obvious question is did
yahoo even have a billion users that oh
yes what i just asked come on okay well
now I know yeah be they had to have been
hacked right so I did anyways but that
basically means like everyone right if
you're a yahoo user from i think it was
2013 you mean yeah you were probably
hacked so your information is out there
the ether and next we'll be talking
about uber uber launched its
self-driving car service shortly after
the DMV came out said no please shut
these all down you're not getting
permits you didn't get permission which
is as we find the sort of standard
playbook for uber right going in going
in it's better to seek forgiveness the
national permission sure lastly we'll be
talking about Trump meeting with a huge
with all the the CEOs of the biggest
tech companies in the US the hugest the
hugest which by the way alfred was there
alfred was there an awesome great also
give a little color from the scene so I
going up there they said I wasn't a tech
exact really said my company's you have
the spectacles on though now that's why
anyway so we're gonna talk about this
that's without further ado let's get it
going give any questions leave in the
comments section and is your last chance
of the year so send us comments great
questions and whatever yes send some
insults compliments no no car I'm just
roast right Brian I'll read them all for
you I don't want any compliments roast
me all right now that we're all the way
off track let's get back on track
actually get the show done come on
giggles all right and here we go we'll
be back to answer questions and 32
welcome to 359 when we talk about the
top tech news of the day all the other
crap you want to throw in I'm Roger
Cheng I'm Ben Fox Rubin I'm out for
doing so Yahoo the company disclose
another hack this time revealing that
had lost the account information of more
than 1 billion people that's twice a
number of the previous hack which was at
the time the biggest attack ever uh so
Yahoo you manage outdo yourself it's
just what what is this company anymore
other than like just like one long
horrible scandal yeah right and the real
question is is this going to be the
thing that finally gets verizon to give
up on them I mean yeah there are reports
there's chatter now that verizon is
second guessing it's a pending
acquisition as far as we're the last
statement that they provided was there
they were still on track they were
waiting for the full investigation to
complete itself and make the decision on
what that does that was related to what
the 500 million house it's all related
it was do different yeah that was
related to the original investigation so
bad it's like they look for one hack and
they just keep finding things that are
even worse yeah you imagine if you give
them more time they're like actually 2
billion yeah I mean that's how it
started there was the the news last
during the summer that about 200 and 250
million users wrapped and they found out
that was a hoax but while investigating
that then they find a half million half
billion yep and then investigating that
one was what you may find this one so
it's like what's gonna have on digging
oh there's more skeletons there man the
other question is is that a Verizon
actually does go through with this how
are they gonna justify keeping Yahoo CEO
on because they'd only the plane was
yeah yeah this is just like pretty
incompetent I'm being nice looking
pretty if I'm verizon I'm backing away
from this immediately because why would
I want to be associated with a brand
that now is synonymous with giving away
your information constant hat right
verizon is supposed to not be known for
its reputation for security and they
could hear that all way by taking yahoo
in so next up ubers taking out the DMV
turns out the company's self-driving car
program in San Francisco which seen at
first reported on Tuesday let live
without proper permission lubra argues
that because it has safety drivers in
each one of their cars
the technology is limited that they
aren't fully autonomous and don't need
those special permits so do you buy that
argument I agree with uber on their
technicality here the the the issue is
you know you can't have self-driving
cars but their whole thing's what we
have somebody in the car right there's a
self in there but I mean the DMV is
always more than itself this is the
point right the the dmv's argument is
basically you know we're restricting
that technology in any cars period you
know it doesn't matter somebody's even
driving that car that car shouldn't be
allowed on the road the thing is is this
isn't a surprise ruber like the DMV
talked them a month ago about this super
basically just said I'm oh no that's
what they do yep they basically push it
forward and then try to figure out the
regulatory environment after they've
already come out with it so my
expectation is like how is the DMV going
to get these things off the road anyway
like do they have an enforced I'll take
it they'll take it he'll take over to
court yeah so are there gonna like get
all the car it is important to note
goober launched its initial service in
SF without permission and God God read
through the same kind of hurdles and
ultimately services out there woohoo so
lastly Trump met with the leaders of
some of the biggest US tech companies
yesterday in New York and what could
have been an awkward roundtable he did
take shots at Apple Google during the
election was actually pretty
conciliatory now fer you were actually
on the scene tell us what was like at
Trump Tower so I was in the first floor
ER waiting for all the tech execs to
come in none of them really wanted to
talk to me or anybody for that matter um
but they yeah they had a greeter from
Trump Towers there to talk to them you
know all these people trying to take
photos who they of people that they
thought were celebrities and turned out
to be these tech titans that they didn't
recognize but they also use the website
but they left they were pretty happy
there were a lot of waves you know
they're smiling but they might just be
putting on appearances you know me basil
said this was a productive day yeah the
comments so far been pretty positive
she's pretty surprising things of you
seem to be pretty positive over most of
the Trump meetings but you know the
rubber is really going to hit the road
after january twentieth yeah and he gets
you know in office so we'll see how
these tacky executives actually respond
alright we've run over that way from
overtime again sorry we
pologize will try to do better next year
no problem more about these stories
check us out seen it Roger Cheng I'm Ben
Fox Rubin I'm Alfred Aang thanks for
listening was it a question I did for a
guy forgot who I am great way to end the
yeah check your snapchat that'll remind
you you know I just realized I probably
should have mentioned on podcasts that
we're gonna be on break yes so let's go
over that now yeah that we're still live
on YouTube yeah we'll put it in the
tribunes can we have a note something in
the park how does that work we put it in
the deck okay and put in the narrow
notes yes just a reminder to our viewers
we will be gone for the rest of the year
right actually not starting up at the
beginning year we're all packing up most
of those are packing up to CES well
actually our first show will be at CES
on Thursday Wednesday well wednesday now
thursday so thursday are you sure I'm
positive we'll figure it out Tuesday 10
a lessening well Ben and I will be busy
with press conferences on Tuesday and
Wednesday got it Thursday is the first
day of the show and is the first day of
our return of the podcast yeah yeah
it'll probably be a slightly different
format yes we'll be in elevation
Thursday the fourth no fifth this just
turned into a planning meeting yeah yeah
really boring it definitely will is the
best we will be broadcasting from the
booth see my balloon at CES right by
south hall entrance so stay tuned to
cnet.com for all the love cover gonna be
super awkward and relatedness first
question in the chat from ace v do you
all honestly think you know what you're
talking about you seem like glorified
idiots who are correct thank you alright
first inside oh yeah it's the last
podcast of the year keeping way to kick
off and very glorified actually to
answer that question obviously we have
no idea what we're talking about that's
why we're awake if there is nothing on
this computer this is all a prop just to
make it look like I'm actually doing
something and we're getting paid by
Apple yeah oh come on come on keep
trolling them the best questions in the
chat are why is yahoo even still is the
question great question people still
is it that it's got a massive user base
it's um mostly for fancy school ugh oh
uh yahoo finance yahoo sports i mean
those are still big properties people
still use yo my wife still yahoo mail
user I told it allows I'm here stop CN
please please email me at the dude man
dude @ yahoo.com that's how I it's my
old handle from high school it's a
really don't know what do you think I
just made that up I like Matthews
comment who is the chief security
officer of Yahoo and has that person's
head rolled well actually it's an issue
story because then the cheese security
officer left before all these hacks
happen oh my god so maybe I know like
that I think he knew something that's
all I so eight billion somewhere the
nope nope not a mr. robot is secretly
working for Yahoo so the issue too is is
that like Verizon plans on buying this
company at least at the moment for four
point eight billion dollars yeah let's
say that deal falls through yeah how
much is Yahoo worth like the they may be
worth much at all like they were there
was an expectation that like we can
point probably taken some connection
just by ourselves you buy it ourselves
that is livingsocial I mean no lady
socials been purchased I know I know it
might still have a selling point of you
with all those there's nothing seriously
there's this how many users they got
really I this is from a personal
perspective I think they got really
fortunate that Verizon decided to step
up and pick them up yeah and you know
they're they're definitely doing this
content play if Verizon were two exit
who's gonna pick up the slack I turns
into a complicated question someone
would eventually the price will go down
enough that someone would pick it up
will not be like even if its private
equity yeah yeah exactly yeah uh so
we're moving on to to over in the in the
chat imagine i always get this wrong
imagine soggy this says it's crazy if
there's a person in it then it shouldn't
be a problem with the regulations I you
agree or desire agreed i don't i think
that technicality that you know the
danby's going on is a little bit absurd
but i do think that they should you know
comply with the laws of delay yeah it
just seems like this is a really simple
thing it was like I think it was like a
hundred and fifty dollar permit
something like really this is like a
little technicality that uber should
have just fall through on but they just
thumb they're not like it's not like
they were really running through a huge
amount of red tape to get this permit
they got it pretty easily it seems to me
like they're just thumbing their nose
Authority is what a great way to get
back tires on them sometimes though like
they completely exited austin texas over
like the regulation stuff right the
regular regulation stuff is still an
issue all over the world cities around
the world they almost got booted out of
New York because of it right so that's
just their MO silvina sharing the
sentiment you had yesterday as far as
uber pushing a technology said as bad as
everyone says uber can be they are
pushing the technology I feel that is a
good thing yeah absolutely one of things
they mentioned in their statement was
that you know they sort of cast the kind
of war that all these regulations the
DMV stepping in really would curtail
innovation I don't know we go that far
but you know it's it's a fair point uber
is definitely pushing the envelope and
you have to a pawn for that definitely
remind everyone when CES takes place uh
let's see that's a great question it's
basically the first week of first full
week of January right we fly out on the
second you don't have to give us the
entire schedule artist our flight
schedule is Jesus but press day is
Tuesday there are two press aides this
year which is double the normal year
don't give them the whole schedule Oh
Tuesday and Wednesday of the press days
Thursday was when it officially kicks
off it actually oddly runs right into
Sunday losing the awkward for all of us
because I'm gonna be on a plane on
Sunday mmm who out there still has a
yahoo account I do I mean in the chat oh
dang it heads down I got an email from
yahoo like this morning saying that they
were hacked but I don't remember ever
making a yahoo account so that's bad so
even if I were act when it's like Oh
change your password I don't know what
account you're talking about just delete
that email that's that's WikiLeaks right
that's a Russian trying to get your
email i think is a number of people who
still use yahoo for some of their other
site like letter right yeah yeah also I
my tumblr got from my yahoo account i
mean i use it as like my burner account
like anytime I'm signing up for stuff
like I think it's spam folder they use
my yahoo account yeah but I don't
actually engage in the email on it so no
no and I don't I don't I don't sign up
for anything sensitive there's no
sensitive information that goes to yahoo
anymore news so if I already changed my
password after that first hack was a now
it didn't matter actually your
information was already lost know if it
had been hacked because it was from a
couple years back so you change
information now actually the better
policy is to change all of your
passwords because what it's most likely
that password you were using for Yahoo
that got hacked the same password you
use for other counts yeah that's maybe
that's all these celebrities are an act
like they're exactly so that's all
that's all they really want they didn't
want your yahoo Casper do you wanna take
it like yeah they associate to other
county building sites best to have
different base for exactly or use a
password manager that's probably the
best bet could be yeah I think it's a
but just change your password I guess is
not good advice in this sinner no no
you've got a fortune you've got to
change your passengers Romero has words
make them all different Crow wants to
know if there's anything wrong with
still using msn or hotmail I don't think
there's been a nine risking hotmail
they've already know is uncle I think
notes dad I soft Microsoft email is now
dead its outlook they like discontinued
to turn it down load right but it's
still technically mean if you were a
hotmail user your account yours I mean I
still have a hot date as well but how
many emails do you have a lot why he
wants all those coupons yeah Africa dog
all right I want to call it a year oh my
gosh I mean I'm suddenly filled with
nostalgia I see I'd should we spend a
hell veron should we sing boys to men or
something no well cuz we'll get sued
okay don't say happy birthday just
changed the lyrics I thought I overthrow
is open trademark now my grands gonna
wrong guy anyways let's let's wrap it up
it has been a great year it's been a
fantastic project of glad we start oh oh
my god I get all this yet we're getting
all mushy alright you barely coughed
today I don't actually got you you got
the intro right for once that was great
I can't wait for that to happen
CES be like yeah yeah live live audience
right I can do it for u of you by the
way yes you can do it in myself at those
no no no no no I've been the intra mess
it up and get a mess it up on purpose
anyways look let's stop rambling I think
people care let us roaming that much
more importantly thank you to all of you
for hanging out with us see you again
soon it's been really great we made some
new friends we've had some adventures
and you've got me try not to return ugly
or tube which we will never try again no
we didn't 360 360 video all right to
edit alright thanks so much again is
enough yeah again look at these are hurt
or hurting our podcast is available on
iTunes TuneIn stitcher SoundCloud
feedburner and google play music and of
course you can check us out on cnet com
or of course have a happy new year happy
new year comedian 2017 yep later take
care everybody
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