A chat with Pixie, Princeton University's socialbot (CNET News)
A chat with Pixie, Princeton University's socialbot (CNET News)
Alex huh start a pixie hi this is an
Alexa prize social buzz tell me
something interesting
a sheep a duck and a rooster were the
first passengers in a hot-air balloon
here in this classroom at Princeton
University a small group of grad
students get together every week to work
on a social bot called pixie that runs
on Amazon's Alexa voice assistant their
work is part of the Alexa prize a
college competition Amazon started to
encourage the development of chattier
and more human-like ai's so the idea is
to try and create a chat box that can
talk to someone making a conversation
for about 20 minutes you have to cater
to a wide variety of opinions and
variety of interests and it's fun to see
what people want from this and where
people take these colorization creating
a social bat that can carry on a long
conversation is one of the biggest
unsolved problems in AI and requires
teaching a robot all about our world
that's why pixie still gets a lot of
things wrong where do we leave
where do we live interest me too where
do you live I think people find it
pretty easy to start imagining these as
people at the same time there's a kind
of distance that comes from knowing
you're not actually talking to a real
person that allows you to say things you
wouldn't say in real life the Princeton
team envisions creating social BOTS that
could someday be used for customer
service or be companions for the elderly
the singasong Daisy Daisy give me your
answer do I am NOT crazy all for the
love of you
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