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A chat with Sony about their 4K Camcorder Concept

hello I'm West we've seen it here at CES 2013 in Las Vegas i'm here with amy cotton from sony and we going to be talking about this it is sony's concept consumer 4k camcorder okay so what's the basic idea behind this device well one of the big buzz you know you're seeing here at CES is 4k and the idea that there's tvs that allow you to display stuck content in 4k but you want to create your own you know you just don't want to watch movie so obviously with us introducing high-def years ago and now you know 3d a couple years ago 4k is the next big thing in video but not everybody can afford a studio camera production piece so we want to bring 4k consumer high-def to the masses I said but this is just a concept at the moment that that's right there's not many details on this when do you think we might see this thing become a reality that you can actually buy I would like to say tomorrow but that is definitely not the issue or the case on it I don't I don't really know it's like you said it's a concept piece you know there's some things that have to be figured out but it would be a form factor like this because with shooting 4k you want control or you know you don't want it a little consumer point-and-shoot piece you want something that's going to give you a massive amount of control over your contacts way I was just taking a look at it's obviously quite sizable quite chunky so you don't think there's any chance that in a couple years time it actually goes on sale we might see the size come down for a slightly more holiday friendly or jacket probably not the first generation piece you know when we introduced high-def years ago this was the form factor because your average consumer just didn't know what to do with it or didn't have the processing power on their computers to handle it so I'd like to say you know if we're back here in five years you know doing the same thing I'd love to show you a full lineup of 4k pocket camcorders but first one you'll see is probably going to be a more robust piece if you will okay thank you amy that's fantastic so confirmation at least if nothing else that sony is thinking about ways to bring 4k stuff to your 4k TV because let's face it there's not an awful lot of 4k content out there at the moment but you don't anymore you can just make your own thanks very much Amy I'm the West rave scene at CES 2013 we sorts check out the site for more
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