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A touch-screen Windows 8 laptop for less

I'm Dan Ackerman we are here taking a look at the Acer Aspire v5 this is a very run-of-the-mill middle-of-the-road laptop inoffensive looks perfectly fine from a few feet away you get up close to see it's a bit more of a budget laptop very plasticy but what they managed to do is work in a core i5 CPU Windows 8 and more importantly a touchscreen all for a very reasonable price this particular configuration is about $700 you can find it for a little bit more a little less if you look around I was actually more excited that going into the Black Friday holiday shopping season I saw a version of this that's essentially the same just with a lower end core i3 CPU for five hundred and twenty nine dollars and that includes with the windows 8 touchscreen and that I think is a really great entry point to get into Windows 8 while you're using a touchscreen and it shows that you can actually have a touch screen on all but the least expensive of laptops once you get touch screens in a reasonably decent machine down to about $500 or so that just means pretty much anybody can have that besides that this is a pretty thin laptop for a 15-inch they managed to work in an optical drive as well something you often see skipped in lower end or really thin lower end laptops the keyboard is a decent size from the leather keys actually be a little bit small although I do like that they have the full button list click pad style touch pad over here that's something they usually only have in more expensive laptops in Cheaper words usually get the old-style left or right mouse buttons the edge to edge glass over the 15 inch display is also a nice kind of high-end touch for a mid price laptop like this but the native resolution at 1366 by 768 which is fine for an 11 or a 13 inch laptop maybe even a 14 once you get up to 15 inches it kind of looks a little toy like and I think that in 15 or above you're really are right to expect a higher resolution these days other than that this is a pretty decent mid sized mid price entry point if you want to get into Windows 8 and that touchscreen experience because Windows 8 without it really not that good I'm Dan Ackerman and that is the Acer Aspire v5
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