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AEG's 9000 Series washer softens water to preserve your clothing

we are at Aoife 2016 taking a look at the new AEG Electrolux 9000 series washing machine now this washing machine has some very interesting features the first one is that it uses smart water technology to actually soften the water it uses to wash your clothes why do you want to do that because it supposedly will treat your clothes with better care and a little gentler than other washers that use traditional water supplies so the upside of that say Electrolux is that you will be able to put your wool sweaters yes I said wool sweaters and other very delicate items like sportswear things that have special treatments like waterproofing and you will be able to use them for a lot longer what also sets this washer apart is that it has a smart connected capability which means it talks to smartphones and tablets that enables you to get alerts for when your washer cycles are done you can also control the machine directly from your phone and mobile device and you'll also go to get advice on how to handle certain fabrics if you don't understand what those crazy labels mean you can punch it up in the app and you'll be able to get specific advice for how much you need to wash and what kind of cycle you need to run if you want to get this machine and put it in your house yourself you're going to wait a little bit it's going to be coming by the end of the year 2016 and the prices range anywhere between $9.99 euro and 1300 euro hopefully this product is going to come to the United States soon so I can watch all of my wool sweaters finally enough to worry about them getting completely messed up
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