ARCore is Google's augmented-reality platform for Android (CNET News)
ARCore is Google's augmented-reality platform for Android (CNET News)
the race is on for augmented reality on
your phone Google announced a Ark or a
software development kit that brings
augmented reality capabilities to
current and future Android phones they
are core will support motion tracking by
using a phones cameras to help
accurately place objects environmental
understanding to detect horizontal
surfaces like tables and light
estimation to allow developers to light
virtual objects that match its
now pokemons go can really be credited
as the breakthrough app that
demonstrated augmented reality power to
mainstream consumers it's clear Android
had to make a move after Apple announced
their own augmented reality platform
called AR kit in June now developers
have been showing off amazing AR KITT
demos like this augmented reality tape
measure and if you thought that was cool
how about Trixie studios aha music video
mine blown now you don't think Google
wants in on that with more than two
billion active Android devices on the
market today Android developers can
start working with AR core right now on
the pixel and the Galaxy s8 running 7.0
nougat and higher they're working with
other manufacturers like LG huawei soo
sampling and others to get consistent
performance on other Android phones with
a target of 100 million devices by the
end of the Developer Preview i'm brian
tong stick with us for the latest news
and breakdowns about AR core and more on
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