Acer's Aspire R7 adds a new twist to laptop screens
Acer's Aspire R7 adds a new twist to laptop screens
i'm dan ackerman and we're here taking a
very first look at a very unusual new
laptop that is the Acer Aspire r7 it's a
15 inch touchscreen laptop that seems
normal enough but the screen is on this
very unique hinge that actually pulls
forward allowing you to pull the screen
closer to your face and then you can
take that screen and actually rotate it
all the way back so the screen is facing
out from the back of the system kind of
a kiosk mode and from there you can
actually fold the screen down so that
it's a kind of a 15 inch tablet although
it doesn't fold completely flat that's
still like a 4-degree gap on one end
which kind of makes it hard to pick up
and you know carry around as a tablet
another very unusual thing about the r7
is that the touchpad is not at the
bottom of the keyboard it's at the top
of the keyboard which is something you
very rarely see people messing around
with a touch pad placement a laptop the
couple of times we seen it hasn't really
worked out so good we're gonna have to
spend some more time with this system to
see if it works or not even though it's
very unusual one thing I did like about
the r7 in particular was the price it's
going to be available later in May for
999 I'm Dan Akron and that's the Acer
Aspire r7
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