Actor Liam McIntyre discusses his tabletop game Monster Lab with Tomorrow Daily
Actor Liam McIntyre discusses his tabletop game Monster Lab with Tomorrow Daily
welcome back to the show you may know
our guests from the flash but what you
might not know is really and video games
he's one of us everybody thanks for
being here exciting yes I am one of us
before this we're just talking about
board games and computer games and Apple
versus Mac and also stuff and we will be
talking about all that stuff but let's
talk a little bit first about what
you're up to you you weren't Spartacus
yes did Spartacus that was amazing that
was kind of changed my life and gave me
in Korea and then I got to be in the
flash which being a big is about the
coolest thing in the world pretty great
is it as great as yes yes this is my
favorite story ever where basically I
had to like blow up a police station and
so they'd rigged everything to explode
and stuff because you know I'm good like
a weather with a weather wizard powers
yeah you know using wind and stuff but
it's like so you do it and like clench
your fists and it explodes and it's it's
filmed and so like you do it and then I
got a glass oh God but then I was like
oh can I see what it look like and for
like a second it went on and they're
like you see me go boom bang I don't
have I don't have these powers it took
hundreds of people to make this happen
so for a second you actually I don't
want to alarm you but I may have
superpowers well don't make him angry
I'm gonna be watching your fists the
entire interview just open hands please
yeah now you're now you're designing
your own yeah tabletop game yeah because
I don't like being bored hello yeah no
it was kind of a that's also kind of
amazing I was like sitting at a
convention with Nathan Fillion we were
gonna have one dinner later on but he
had like a line for like four hours
and I was pretty popular so I was like
wow this is gonna take a while hmm
I'll make a game so let's start enough
as a silly as you do right yeah have an
extra free time while you're
for nathan fillion to get done when we
finally make it
no but the game that's yeah it's this
thing called monster lab that we ended
up making they didn't start off as a
different game actually but it's it
evolved over ten months and I got an
amazing illustrator called crystal whose
crystal and Samuel she's from Spain and
just incredible and yeah it's like a
game we play mad scientist did you put
together a monster parts and two crazy
ridiculous monsters and then blow up
your opponents and do stupid things to
them it's really fun so let's step
through that process of making a game
because you sit down you're you know
you're hanging out when they can Philly
anything a game you only way they get
made I'm thinking about properties so no
you so you you are something that plays
a lot of a lot yeah what's your favorite
board game moment this this castles goal
of the making movie which is like it's a
game we build ridiculous castles and
castles depending which country from and
and it's just fun because you're always
feeling like you're kind of in the game
which is and to me really important you
know I I hate that I hate games where
you sort of go like monopoly for example
it's a really awesome game but then it's
at some point if you're I guess the more
games you play you got you realize if I
haven't got a street to start it's an
introductory game that everyone can play
but when you sort of did you know tear
the pod you're like wait a minute this
is not as good as it sounds on the
surface so yeah that to me it's really
important to make a game that you always
feel like you're part of the whole time
and influence did you start with the
theme or do you start with the mechanic
it's sort of honestly it started with
the mechanic which I which was based on
a game called 31 which I thought my
wife's but my wife's parents made but
apparently it's just a game that's been
around for like but yeah it's just like
regular cards and you try to put you're
trying to get three three cards of the
same suit worth the most points so if
you get like a nice and to get king in a
queen you've got 31 and you're probably
going to win but the trick is is
kind of like wow I've got 24 are you
likely to have more than 24 points I'm
gonna knock and then you put your cards
down and what else gets a turn and then
you can find it so it's like it's it's a
simple game and so then I was like I
like the three and the combining stuff
and so from that very abstract idea I
was like well I like monsters do you say
that you Frankenstein to this game but
it's right it's kind of you just got to
do it right read that read the but yeah
so we did in turn it was like penguins
for a while because I was like what's
cute penguins they're fun yeah my wife
liked it that seemed right like
Frankenstein II things like you know and
you put them together and then that was
fun it was just like building monsters
which was just like a mix-and-match game
which is that we still sort of have for
the kids and stuff which is gonna be
like a sort of a sub rule for like the
kids just like a simplified game but and
then yeah then it was like well how do
you make it engaging so the monk
building the monsters is fun and people
were always like suddenly fight I was
like yeah they should find a monsters
like a lot of billion what is your next
get down and be inspired by your
awesomeness yeah so then there's and I
spend like three months going then this
happens that sucks then this happens no
that also sucks and then so it's I
worked it down and then dice got
involved and I was like doesn't make it
too nerdy not nerdy enough and yeah so
then it was all probability matrices and
stuff which had was where the game
stopped being fun to make it started
being more fun to play it was it was
cool they'd have you know over there
over a bunch of months you sort of
workshop it until it's in a place where
you like this is I mean I'm still like
tinkering with some of the balance of it
like I guess you do with any game but
it's fun though it's actually fun which
is cool so you got your friends to play
with you like relentless
I'm not just being nice to you no well
that was the thing there was a point
where I was like I'm just gonna make you
play this game until you hate it and
then at one stage some friends started
going well can we come around and play
the game and I was like no no no I mean
you know we've played it a bunch you
don't have to do that they're like no no
Kay we like we've instead of doing this
other thing can we play the game and it
was like for real
like you would choose you know there's
something there there's something I
remember we played one amazing game
which I wish I had filmed so I could put
it on the Kickstarter thing but where it
came down to like you had to roll
basally have to roll a six with like six
dice and I had an argument about
probabilities they're like it's
guaranteed right thank you if wil
Wheaton's playing it's all ones yeah
it's all the roles wills roles are never
I never they're never like a couple of
weeks ago I played my first of an x-wing
tabletop game and like the guys playing
it was just like it was all hits
everything you do beats me yeah I'm
sorry man
it's like playing battleship with a
psychic that's why so good so from start
to finish how long did it take to
develop the game to where it is now I
guess it skill it's going on to a year
like yeah which is kind of not as long
as I thought it would be I know some
games you can like pick up in three
months and they work and some games take
a lifetime but it just it kind of you
know I'd played a lot of games so that
informed like how its it made it easier
to make decisions where I was like well
I want to put this in the game would
that be fun what have I done I've played
that guy that's kind of got it I didn't
like the way it did that so I want to
put that I'll take that bit but not that
bit so you can actually kind of put
together different bits of rules try
them out quickly in your head almost
because you play it on latex and then
you like well Michael mechanics
different because it's got like the
three parts and then how does that you
know and there were bits where you'd
find out that that would that was kind
of like munchkin but then like you know
it was a point like there was a lot of
destroying cards but then it was
comparatively too hard to build monsters
and really easy to destroy them
so you had to like change the balance of
that or the powers of you know it's a
fascinating process it really it really
is and like it's funny I know all my
friends now because I had like at the
same time I was like that's a good idea
no no focus on this one so I've got like
four other games they know what I make
in my friends library your Kickstarter
so you can go you can jump over onto
Kickstarter and go to monster lab that's
the name of the game did we say the name
I think we did monster lab and it's
already past its goals season stretch
goals now where's French girls we're
getting cool stuff for people that's
right you got like more than 20 days
left so that's pretty good it's cried it
was funded in a day it was amazing like
it was it was this day I'd had all this
at least auditions because pilot season
practice so I had all these auditions
and and it was like just the craziest
thing so I'd be like going to an
audition be like oh my god that's great
huh no okay I still feel good about it I
got this stuff I don't need you I'm sure
all the other actors there we're doing
the exact same thing building we're all
looking for game designers slash hunk
yeah yeah Australian board game hunk
business class a man that I'm just you
can own that above the Hemsworth that's
something that you can say is not
something man oh you're Thor are you
well huh yeah sure but I mean how many
board games
my grandfather was Milton Bradley so so
we got you still have 22 days to go so
if people want to play the game
obviously can get the game through the
kicks absolutely are you going to be
able to buy the game yeah if you didn't
know that's it we've reached the target
where we're gonna print it to print a
bunch so we'll put it up on Amazon and
then see if that game designer of game
sellers or resellers one of them get
involved yeah I mean it's it's exciting
times now I guess like the first
out of the kickstarter you go what is it
gonna work and so i don't to make too
many plans and now that it's working
pretty well which is great we're getting
into a point where now we want to see
what possible so yeah after the
kickstarter it will still be available
you won't get like this cool stretch
goals of like cards like whether the
artist will make you a monster like
there's like limited edition stuff and
likely she's back that'd be a two-headed
monster yeah are you really really fun
at the end so there's like limited
edition series cards for like inspired
by the flash inspired by Spartacus and
stuff yeah so that those will only be on
Kickstarter but the actual game will be
available so I think your story is can
be really inspiring to people who are
board game enthusiasts who have an idea
for a game and are thinking themselves
like gosh like I really wish I could put
this together but I maybe they're a
little bit afraid or intimidated by the
process driving me right now sorry
anyone like it came down to the fact
that like you know there's only I always
had creative ideas as a kid and it was
like there was no real platform to you
know communicate them but now if you if
you're serious about it and you build an
idea from the ground up and and you you
have some idea of how to get that into
the people's heads with like a marketing
strategy of some kind
there's formats where you can go hey
I've got this cool idea anyone else like
the idea right and and that's so
exciting beyond just board games what
board games are cool cuz they're like
contained things but there's that
squatty potty thing which sounds amazing
you know I bet all kinds of crazy ideas
that are actually pretty good you know
and if you have the drive to do it you
can achieve them now which is kind of
amazing well you know I think that it's
that that last 10% right you get you get
90% of the way there you have this great
idea and that last 10% is so hard to
like you say make sure it's actually out
yeah I could so it's so easy like I
don't know what's I mean being an actor
you know lots of people that have
written scripts and have never done
anything right so I mean it's not like
sort of Kickstarter script exactly but
it's the same mentality of going oh I've
got this good idea and it's close to
being able to be made and if I just do
this one more thing like if I actually
just push myself a little further you
can make it like I've got a card game
even if you know it doesn't go any
further than Kickstarter I made a card
and strangers you don't know want to
give you their money to play it well
it's just nice to other people they're
excited by it and that do you but just
to be able to create is so such a cool
gift so how high would the stretchable
have to be to create monster lab in
virtual reality
oh yeah I was like I was gonna try and
do like an absolute maybe two million
dollars who knows make a number I
literally have no idea but that would be
so awesome to do via like bull gaming
you got to make $100,000 a day for the
next twenty two days that's all it's
doing well you're gonna get the tar
daily bump yeah so you're gonna get
threes of people like three maybe four
people back in this could be so so you
have more ideas you're gonna keep you're
gonna keep designing yeah yeah I mean
this has just been such a fun experience
stressful but it's been really fun you
know so hey why not right yeah just
seems fun I'll get this one done first
and we'll see where at who's your
favorite monster in the deck oh there's
a rainbow unicorn that poops rainbows a
squatty potty monster it's quite kind of
you actually you're right dangerous
radioactive yeah this dangerous
radioactive they said there's a catzilla
that breathes fire and that's and
there's yeah there's like a dancing
goblin but you know it's just it's all
mental I like the IDE v'n you know if
you ever did an expansion for it you
could reach out to artists like the
oatmeal or to make those sort of special
cards that kind of our monsters from
their own kind of their worlds yeah yeah
I mean they did that amazing thing with
exploding kittens like that yeah I mean
it's so fun and there's a really good
one called us from cyanide and Happiness
right now yeah they're they're doing
that then I they're crowdfunding that
right there yeah it's something like two
billion dollars it looks so funny maybe
they'll have a vr version yes totally
way because that's a thing now right
yeah yeah we're talking around today
yeah they're you know
apps was the first way of taking
tabletop and bringing it kind of to a
and now evidently we're getting VR so
you don't have to have a friend you can
be in virtual reality or faraway friend
I gotta say you know I still love just
the tactile nature of board games yeah
that's that yeah that's the tricky part
that's the one thing that's hard about
VR is is feeling stuff you know like
you'll be like that's that's tricky but
so we had we had Jeff try on something
called a Tesla suit which is a haptic
feedback full-body electrocutes you in a
little specific way it really adds
things almost exactly Wow none of the
usual things with like whether they're
in the own that thing when they will
electrocute each other but I don't know
like it's I feel like they'll need some
kind of non tactile way of expressing
again I'd love to see a via board game
that kind of I guess there may be some
way of making a game that's like
Settlers of Catan but something where
you could be in the world as opposed to
like playing a virtual game you know
like a are your game would be amazing
you build a monster with cards yeah oh
my god like I was so excited about VR
and VI was one of the things I tried and
I was like this this is gonna be really
fun whereas I mean my going into it I
was like this is amazing and then
playing it I was like this is not
amazing but it is awesome you know so
it's like it's getting there yeah like
I'm not it's more like except I played a
flight simulator which was incredible
but it was still unnerving because I was
like what's happening around me in the
real world right we talk about that a
lot like the vibe now has that
front-facing camera that if someone
passes in front of you you'll see a
little outline of their body as they
pass so that you know no one's gonna
jump scare you while you're
but uh but yeah but the hololens which
I'd got to try at e3 was just like I
went in going like good luck like what
is this gonna be hoping Oh everyone in
your mone hope like what is this talking
to me but it was obviously it's like
looking in a little window I didn't
because I kind of given that I expected
it to just suck I was kind of like
pleasantly surprised yeah it was like I
mean yeah I mean that's annoying but the
fact that it's happening yeah we
collected it it works right and like I
get that it would be weird to have like
you know myopic vision that's you really
can't it's like you can't see beyond
that little frame yeah I'm sure that
won't be permanent
yeah sure they'll expand its just but
the fact that even in that one frame all
that stuff was possible I was like the
thing on the desk and getting your
loadout ready yeah when when you look at
different parts of it at tracked your
eye movement so it'll be like oh you're
looking here here's information about
that partnership and I was like oh the
potential of that technology yeah and
it's just walking down the hallway and
getting Waypoint that's that was last
that was very immersive because you're
not if there's not a separation between
you and reality because you're just in
it so yeah so like that kind of board
game like I'd love to play that kind of
board game that could be so interesting
just yeah like you know like hot-stone
sort of where you know you'd pop up and
you'd have characters in the border they
you know they'd fight each other and put
down a little hearthstone well that
remaining stone and then all of a sudden
the whole board kind of unfolds in front
of you it's all the PlayStation Eye game
I of the beholder they tried something
like that but is on the screen I mean we
can already do that stuff and even the
3ds has those little cards that you look
through this through yes and it'll stand
there that'll have it guess yeah and
this is what is it like kind of like is
it Skylanders or something like that not
exactly but you've got like infinity
Disney's yeah yeah where we'll be like
or amiibos or whatever it's kind of like
you just have to have like a little chip
and it would then do the rest that's the
next step right is that your toys all
have a personality because you have them
yeah I'm ready let's do it just like I'm
in getting that sign so right now beyond
the board game that's real briefly so
you're you're even in flash
yeah flashes baton people keep up with
you yeah wow there's like this exciting
news coming out soon then I kind of talk
about yet but it's really soon you can
tell us after the show not even then but
it's gonna be really like I'm
unbelievably excited about it just for
the kind of guy I am it's gonna be cool
sorry I hate to I hate to leave at ease
like that but it's really exciting right
that's all it was for great you're on
marketing team if you if you if you
contribute to his Kickstarter page he'll
tell you the secret yeah I'm trying to
be your marketing type now you do you're
doing great you're doing great great job
I may be not an accurate job great job
yeah but you've been on a bunch of other
stuff I caught you this morning on what
just went live today you were talking
about trailers I think I know oh you
mean like later on today I'm gonna be
doing a playthrough which is exciting
with Smosh games I think it is but it's
yeah they're good it's it's gonna be
cool yes it's been it's been awesome
there's been a lot of interest in what
are you playing right now why haven't I
have a board game night every Thursday
so that's kind of convenient so I think
tonight we're gonna play I haven't
really played the x-wing tabletop game
yet but it looks really fun yeah yeah
that's sort of it's tough finding ammo
like a game that has makes a more than
four players that you can play yeah but
you gotta get on pandemic legacy I just
saw I also saw a risk legacy as well
yeah this is very good designer yeah but
then I was like damn I'm kidding genius
like because you like what you play once
then buy together yeah but you play 12
times though in the same box it evolves
it's amazing that that's a good idea
yes good idea well I will check that out
oh man thanks for being here thank you
where can people find you on Twitter
because I know your Twitter handle is
not just Liam McIntyre I wish it was but
apparently there are other people that
really wanted to be Liam McIntyre that
decided to get their first no right no
it's it's at Liam underscore Jay
underscore McIntyre yeah that's not too
bad well we will also tweet it out from
tomorrow daily so if you go over to our
dailies Twitter account today and you
see the episode you'll see
Liam's Twitter handle and you can click
on it and and all that stuff
um genius click okay you can check out
the Kickstarter again it's monster lab
yeah I'm gonna build some monsters with
some cards and then destroy things and
fight with the other monsters pretty
cool it sounds like a real win to me but
there's no downside yeah I mean it seems
there's no there's no sure downside here
everybody wants to be a mad scientist
you can check that out and and then of
course you can always watch your
television because I'm sure this
gentleman will be popping up on it but
don't turn away from this whatever
screen you're watching us on because we
have more tomorrow daily coming right up
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