
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Aisha Tyler wants space kung fu in VR

internet imsu together and I'm Bridget Carey very last day extravaganza here on the peanut stage today we are going to argue about tvs and break down the reality of products that we've seen over and over and over gonna see us but first we get the pleasure of talking to the 2017 CES ambassador who also does some other stuff too or whatever please welcome actor comic author host and super geek I should have ah hello I feel like I'm like a middling middlin geek mouth super geek like a lesser I don't know man you play a lot of video games you host my guy like I don't really have any powers I'm just really good at like archery you know name like I had my yeah that's about my love it's like our lame is super power play video games really for gamers yeah that I do stuff that everybody else does i like it like you do yeah you get those hot NDA's though that's nice you get to see everything a little bit before you tiny bit before yeah so you're the CSM basser this year I am I am what does that mean to be ambassador I have no idea no I'm I all I know is I have to abdicate my post before inauguration day you will cram the netting replaced yeah you're also an you're a host Aisha Tyler just like in West world yes you're actually just a robot welcome to seeing it um I really hope there is a like a talking lady robot or a talking man robot I'm you know I'm not gender bias um I look I think part of the experience of being the Ambassador is just being the link between the lay person who likes technology maybe isn't hyper you know hyper influencer and you know this world experience everything talking about it I mean for me specifically because I use technology so much in my work I'm a little bit different I'm not like ooh look at vr I'm like this be our demo had better be awesome i've already seen 17 that underwhelmed the hell out of me think it's important though because to be discerning here because there's so much stuff ya can't be excited about everything I mean is there any tech here that actually has you excited or you're hopeful for I mean or tech in general you know is there a thin TV here seems like there's always a big TV is a bitter a thinner baby you're so thin you have to use your imagination um you know I've heard look I i I'll of technology as you said I feel like coming to see us it's like trying to have a sip of water from a firehose it's impossible to truly digest everything that's here i I'm a filmmaker so I'm always in then the stuff that feeds specifically into content creation and that makes you a better more powerful content creator so I'll be excited to see you know cameras and platforms and stuff that can make me better at filmmaking I am excited about the self-driving cars i have a self-driving cars so if i see it another one it had better be better than the heat as i like to call her oh and and i look at the televisions you know because again if you're making films or television you're excited about new ways to deliver it and how you can better create upwards to make sure that the end experience is better for your viewer you know i mean it those tvs are great but there's nothing to watch on them there's a problem and I think that's been the disconnect specifically with the 4k TVs previously yeah have you tried out virtual reality does it get you nauseated no you know I've been lucky because I got to try it like way way back when it first got acquired at facebook when when they first got oculus rift I tried it there I've tried it at subsequent e3's I will say the last set of demos at e3 for me were pretty cool it still got a long way to go I put when I put my VR headset on i'm a gorgeous chocolate brown woman and then when i am in VR i'm apparently a white dude i don't know why i like a hurdle in magical that we should work on that one because when i create my own avatar I look like myself with a mohawk and I've got tattoos so I feel like we get that's a pretty easy yeah we can get there but um but yeah there was some pretty cool stuff at e3 I tried the Star Trek the Star Trek v our game and that was rad that was and also it was controller freight do you Ne which I really like I don't mind holding controllers but it's a nice voice commands and it kind of recognizing your movement it was it was pretty 360 and super interactive but now it felt it felt very immersive and fun and I did not get nauseated I liked that quite a bit i'm excited for the holodeck experience you know what i mean that's that's where we need to be most like like you're saying like lay people are not super connected that's the thing where they're like i'm on board when i can see that when i can be in Paris and go see the Louvre right and and it's like a real experience I don't want that either I want to be on Mars have it having a fistfight with a Martian I can go to the loo I mean you know not everybody can go to move tomorrow obviously be a cheaper trim it could be a life but yeah I want it I want happens I wanted to do space kungfu space confu like that's my goal face kungfu Tyler yeah I'm down for that uh so we want to get some hot takes over you okay we have three products that we chose that are bonkers yes is a weird place you know a lot of concept tech some time as we go to you know certain places that maybe we don't always think about going to that's too far it's hard to find your niche in the technological world you know when you're trying to innovate you're also trying to fill a need that you think has not been filled before and that is really hard when again there's this fire hose the size of you know an elephant shooting at you're never gonna get a sip of water you're going to die yeah exactly and everybody was trying everybody's trying to find you know that killer app everybody's trying to find that thing that kind of breaks their their niche open sure and I'm sure that a lot of people here this year haven't gotten it yet but they're looking they're searching and if innovation is about expansive thinking right you got a drug bear you gotta go big or go home okay so Bridget you all right you want rethought off we'll have some lesson let's start off with the tan vez okay I'm hoping this is a base basically the spray tan stuff with basically you know when you're looking at something don't you wish you could actually feel what it was you know maybe you want to buy a dress and you want to feel the texture of the fabric well that's where Tampa scums in field textures with haptic feedback on the screen so the screen will kind of feel like lumps on your laptop I guess if it's a bogey typically triggers me to make a genius bar appointment there are lumps in my laptop screen now doctor this is this is not a real doctor stroke having a stroke stroke um this is not is this a new is this a piece of hardware is it's gonna be software that's going to render your your current laptop its be built into the screen so its hardware too okay so company who's designing story technology made to be built into a laptop it's very Fahrenheit yeah yeah I find there's a little couple weird of options to you don't on I also feel like look I think we're gonna get more you know haptic activated products going forward and we're all ready for all ready for our red ready player one haptics oh yeah I'm super ready for that I can't wait for that bring it out um but I I'm like I'll just say for the record I'm not I'm not a first adopter I'm a second adopter not because i fear technology but because i don't want to invest time and money and it's going to die a terrible death three months later so this is not something that I would do right away okay um I like to just order a bunch of stuff have it delivered to my house and touch it in real life and then send it back for free all right yeah I like that's my plan is we're skipping on so much memory does need to happen in meatspace are we not an against Turkish word on what they're gonna use that for lumpy laptops you know where that's good i know i know a lumpy screen is going I me all know where everything on the internet goes yeah we all end up at the end of the day all right product number two you're in VR but you wish you could really feel your it there it's still it's all about feelings in so here comes tackle em with VR shoes here was you're walking through your virtual world you can find on has those sandals you can feel like you're on water grass and an old old lady sandals yeah straight up man birkenstock is rolling over and is great look at those things they are okay I don't want to make the tackle impede what's the name was yeah you got it I don't want I don't want to offend mr. tackle em so i will say that that i'm sure someone somewhere things that those are attractive somewhere my mom my mom can't wait to rock those with some fuzzy slippers or maybe the toes where this odds with the toes that articulate time yeah yeah okay so what are we feeling grass water and apparently the the mud feels quite real a pretty good oh yeah yeah slowly she can feel it kind of decision okay I can't imagine you're like going out with Danny yeah if you want i feel the gravel underneath the feet could cycads i mean i could see this like it like in a foreign planet iteration like a halo that could be kind of cool yeah fighting what I'm doing Mike my Mars come foo yeah um I think that we are we need to look for like v2 or v3 when those things aren't so insanely like sticking your foot into an empty soup can but um but I I don't I don't hate it alright I don't write it don't hate it I like that's a definite asset that was yeah don't know that was not a faint faint praise fate but I don't I don't hate the concept and obviously they're different early iteration of this product I've never seen a lot of VR like how do you feel like you're in VR they're just going with the show yeah yeah and this is obviously you know a very early it's really naturally growing space show okay all right last one finally I have for this one if you donating your you're in an office and you don't want to be able to hear you how about the hush meme bluetooth headphones basically for your mouth it's a voice mask it covers up your phone calls and some people can't actually hear what you're saying while you're talking other sounds will be projected out of it like squirrel sounds bird sounds they even have Darth Vader breathing I don't know in the squirrel but just like a squirrel bar but yeah monkey sounds apparently too and rain and how to out of out of it yes out of it can't hear you talking in it so again when people want to feel like they're having a stroke yeah that guy is making squirrel sounds out of his mouth I also smell toast I do I smell toast that's all cuz my rank squirrels every day when I wake up that's the first question I ask myself am I see my smell toast first question of the day so it also uh what's this product called hush me but when you want to look like the GIMP and pulp fiction in an airport restaurant yeah vain vain yeah yeah i'll be home at four fifteen not rustenburg hahaha I gotta tell you something I don't know what is happening that looks crazy absolutely bananas I don't I don't disagree with the sentiment because it again that you could bat be having high level conversations I mean this is essentially like real space you know like I can't think of the word cuz i'm at because I'm am having a stroke encryption right this is like meets face encryption you're encrypting your conversation in real in real time I like that but um that's crazy-looking and that guy right there he agrees you he thinks it's crazy looking he doesn't know what to do with his eyes eyes are saying just kill me he's saying help please help me go I'm waiting for Bruce Willis to come here and save me from these two crazy people in this basement it's Nakatomi Plaza hear anybody huh that is it that's all the time we have for you I was super fun I was yeah it was amazing I'm excited going on beyond CES well oh I'm gonna I'm gonna see and touch every single thing on the CES for today after which I will definitely have a stroke um and then I just directed my first feature which was an incredible experience it literally just finished it it wit with with in which technology played an incredible part because you know I tried to shoot a movie in seven days for two hundred thousand dollars we shot it digitally we could not have done it any other way three ariel X and minis over a very accelerated aggressive production schedule we did it in just a week and and then I edited the film myself with the help of an assistant editor and and it you know every part of my life has been immersed in some form of you I for the last nine months so it'll be exciting to be playing for a little while while I concept my next movie and then I'll you know I'm also doing who's that is anyway we're just shooting the fifties in whose lives anyway this spring I'm in the twelfth season of criminal minds I'm in the seventh season of the talk and we are about to launch the eighth season of archer so that's all the other stuff I'm doings you can check me out in those things and uh yeah and I also need a new phone so anybody else I'm hoping there you might find one ok someone flings a phone of you like a frisbee down on the floor yeah thanks pretty good hopefully a haptic one have fast reflexes I'm happy as we've established I'm a Martian ninja I don't do you not we're not listening no I got it I'm terrified thank you so much again it was great a stage that is it for Aisha Tyler think we're so happy to powder here and applause everyone yeah thank you so much we are going to take a very quick break and when we come back we are going to argue about whether you would rather have a flexible or transparent television so stick around welcome back to the show thank you again to Aisha Tyler for stopping by our stage but now it's time to get real that's right we have a bone to pick with some products that we see here year after year at CES but they just never seem to really break out of the trap of CES no they really don't and not to name names bortoli gonna name names a really good example of this is lon droid that's right okay so for those of you have product amnesia oh yeah you have product amnesia we know CES is a difficult place it's easy to get assaulted with products this was announced in 2015 but it's here again and it's still in development we have a video we can show basically droid this is a well that's a cell phone but there there we go this is something where you just dump your clothes into this massive closet and inside the robot is folding your laundry problem is it's still after all these years takes a long time to fold each shirt yeah so for one load of laundry have to dump your clothes in there and it's an overnight thing I believe it to run overnight and it's not every Ivan it's a shirt yeah too much that's too much time well also can't even do every kind of piece of clothing ya can't do socks socks too hards not gonna match your socks for you sorry I want you to do a lot of the I don't know if every guy knows this out there but I don't think I'd note knows this but like female clothes are just hard to fold too so I'm sure probably like destroy evidence I won't bother folding I just throw on a chair looks like basically my whole life at home I just I'm like I don't want to fold this yeah I mean listen if I could have a folding robot that does that really awesome japanese fold that you see on youtube all the time where people go fold your clothes in two seconds and then you do this thing and you match stuff and then all of a sudden you pull your hands out and and your clothes are folded like that's amazing if a robot can start doing that and start folding shirts for me in quick succession i'm in and i'll pay any price for that because I folding clothes and I hate putting away laundry but five minutes of shirt not good and this company just secured another round 60 million dollars in funding from Panasonic so they this has been three years now it's been at the show and it's still not out yet I think they said this year next year they just keep getting funny because we all want to live that dream right CS full of dreams that we have the cat grab on to just yet I'm from Hollywood I know what broken dreams look like and let me tell you there are a lot of them here at CES um so that's the thing we want we wanted to just sort of complain about but there's been a lot of stuff that we see in development all the time it just never quite make it right take and I think that's a good transition into the other thing we want to get into our gadget battles oh yeah we got to have a good old-fashioned gadget fight before we go yesterday we asked you on Twitter what would you rather have in your future TV which rather have a flexible ultra-thin screen or would you rather have a transparent television so you're like the important choices in life you guys so we're going to get to the twitter answers in a minute but for now Bridget and I we used to have a minute but I think we should up the ante and we should make it 45 seconds all right to make your case pick a side defend your case and then you guys are actually gonna tell us who won by applause so get your hands ready to clap I need you to clap please clap please come a little more for me though you know yeah yeah and Bridget will be handing out checks if you clap louder notes are high there is a tiara on the line so there is it's a vegas vegas is full of sparkle full of magic that's you know they kind of show we have so that's very true okay so I'll get the stopwatch ready which side are you picking all right I'm gonna go with the see-through TV you are gonna go to see through TV you have 45 seconds are you ready I'm ready go all right with the see-through TV you know all right so a bendable TV is nice and all but but you know the bendable TV got that giant sound bar underneath of the see-through you have so much more options for your to home decor if you wanna turn the TV off you commit something else behind it you want to put art put art you can do that i'll put a fish tank do that too doesn't have to be on a wall you can put it in the middle of your room that some sort of cool divider you can still see through it and you know forget screensavers like life is now behind it ain't no life is great put in front of a mirror or now me or a window yes put a window see the real world nature is still better than you know you have walls five more sack okay okay and yeah nature is why I went cuz nature's better than blanktv blackness all right that was pretty good those are good points you can put it in the middle of a room use it an art piece I like it I like it like those are good points those are good points but not enough for me to concede madam not enough for me to concede i am going to do you want run stopwatch i will i can if you want i have it out let's do it and then i know i want to control the stopwatch alright alright are you ready flexible TV flexible ultra-thin TV ready go first of all you can hang it anywhere it can go anywhere in your apartment even if you have a slightly curved wall you can wrap it right around you can see in this footage is amazing this TV will bend just slightly you move it easily if you need it also if you're hanging on your wall and it soldier thin you have more floor space for activities which is one thing i really like you have to put it on a big ugly TV stand uh you someday I'm going to be able to roll up my TV and take it on vacation and I really like that and i think that's amazing and also and i think most importantly i live in california where there are earthquakes where the ground moves and things fall down and so i live in constant fear of being crushed by my television in high bedroom five seconds wet know and apply if I'd ever have to be afraid of that and I get to keep my TV because I would just pick it up it would just float to the ground I'd roll it back up sambar okay thank you for your just Oh choking on sound bar I heard you all right look at the pole all right yep let's pull up the pole all right let's pull the pole what do we got here what did the tweets what does the tweets what are the tweets saying on the Internet I think the tweets would you rather we have over a thousand votes and said thank you 71 percent of the people say they'd rather look this guy's like no wrong sky me on is like absolutely not thin and flexible 71 percent of voters with over a thousand votes I'm sorry that is that seemed well you know I thought there's still like an hour left so if you you know if you really feel motivated you could find like a thousand people to help vote you all right well the audience think i'm personally i'm home based on the arguments you've heard is there more use out of a see-through TV or really thin flexible t is it a c4 TV oh ma one guy you have ones of people clapping for you is it a thin flexible TV let's all be honest is the thin slippery oh and i take my rightful place as queen of the CES stage i might not put this on but not sideways yeah put on sideways like to feel really oh this is even better i'll just leave it like this it's fine it's so good I'm gonna I'm gonna put this on just a little bit just a little little jaunty I'm trying to make it a little jaunty today because i won and it feels so good uh that is it that's different show that's it's never the end that is all we have for today's show and it is our final show of CES we will be headed back to separate coasts tomorrow morning so we hope you've enjoyed Bridget and I on stage this week and Bridget I just want to say thank you so much for being such a great host with me on the stage like you are awesome such a pro and I'm just delighted to share the stage with you it's been so much fun coast to coast I know together together yes New York and LA coming together guys this in your belly until we go back home and then we're like West Coast West Coast will do that Twitter poll later all right well that's it that is it hit us up on Twitter to talk about the show if you're so inclined she's Bridget Carey I'm out Ashley a schedule on Twitter and until next year vegan humans thanks everyone
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