Alienceware 13: a 13-inch laptop ready for VR gaming
Alienceware 13: a 13-inch laptop ready for VR gaming
while back I put together a wish list
for a new gaming laptop including
everything I'd like to see in a single
system even if a lot of it was wishful
thinking I wonder the small semi
portable 13 inch laptop but it had to
have at least decent graphics for gaming
and of course virtual reality plenty of
big 17 inch laptops at VR support for
the oculus rift and HTC vive where that
was impossible to get in a 13 inch
gaming laptop if I was really reaching
I'd also say give me an OLED display
that's the Super Clear super bright new
screens found only in a handful of
high-end televisions and laptops and
also make it a touchscreen
well this newly redesigned Alienware
third team from Dell pretty much hits
all those marks it's not exactly tiny
but it's around 5 pounds and small
enough to carry around it's got one of
invidious new geforce 1060 graphics
cards a new generation that fits in just
about any laptop and works with VR I
hooked up my oculus rift and every game
I tried worked great and it's got the
same touch screen OLED display as the
Alienware 13 I tested a few months ago
which is when I absolute favorite laptop
screens if you start using an old ed
laptop it's hard to go back to anything
else now two flaws neither of them fatal
but be aware one this high-end oled
configuration is $2,100 yikes
and more importantly it only has two
regular USB ports and two USB type-c
ports that means when I hooked up the
oculus rift I needed one port for the
headset one for the camera and one for
the game controller that's one more
regular USB port than I have so I had to
get creative and find a USBC dongle and
then play around with different ports
and dongles until I found a combination
where everything worked
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