All the reasons why mobile shopping is terrible. (The 3:59, Ep. 144)
All the reasons why mobile shopping is terrible. (The 3:59, Ep. 144)
good morning and welcome back on Monday
November 28 this time purpose of 144 of
the 359 podcast with Roger Cheng know
that no no but then factory when an
Alfred goggles McGee Inge hey guys
welcome back oh happy cyber monday
having right now I'm being videotaped
you're all be twice alright I'm okay
with that I mean like we're being
videotaped anyway so how was everybody's
holiday great time off yeah I was with a
bunch of babies and dogs nothing nothing
will be better that sounds fifty percent
great and greeting buzzer my baby and
greetings everyone in the chat who's
joined us back after our little hiatus
and for those of you who didn't
celebrate anything happy Monday as Roger
would say yeah but happy cyber monday so
hopefully you guys are checking out all
the various deals and whatnot we're
going to be talking about for the cyber
monday wrote a story about how shopping
on your mobile phone still sucks you
you'd know it i I know Amazon's a little
different but for the most part mobile
shopping is still pretty terrible and
also as you can see Alfred has some
handy snapchat spectacle so he's going
to tell us about what it's been like
over the past week to test them out I
waited six hours for these so I'm
milking them for as much as they're
worth so definitely as always send in
your questions and comments Brian will
get through them at the end of the show
and without further ado let's get moving
all right we'll be back to answer your
questions after we cover the recording
of the podcast in three two welcome to
the 359 I'm Ben Fox Rubin I'm Alfred
Aang happy cyber monday everyone in
honor of this important made-up holiday
I wrote about how buying stuff on your
phone is still pretty terrible that's
due to a bunch of problems including
small screens difficult comparison
shopping and annoying check out so
Alfred do you buy on your phone a lot
not a lot only because it's I like to
compare products a lot and it's really
hard to do that on mobile where I like
to compare prices and I like to read
like as many reviews as I can yeah you
just can't do that as effectively on
your phone now when it's like one small
screen in your hand like I like to have
like at Lee
like 10 tabs open when I'm like shopping
online if I'm buying like something like
small like really simple where it's like
oh I need new pens or something then
like that's just completely different
definitely but even then it's only I'm
usually only on Amazon or like eBay for
that kind of stuff yeah and those guys
tend to be so what I ended up finding
out in my research those guys are way
ahead of the curve amazon and ebay and
if anything they're doing an even better
job nowadays where they're adding things
like voice search more personalization
more comparison shopping tools different
things like that to actually make it a
lot easier for you to shop on your phone
whereas I don't know folks like macy's
nordstrom traditional retailers they're
just not nearly as good with mobile
these I mean I I know in your story you
talked about how you know mo there's
such a market for you know shopping
online through mobile but do you
actually see that as you know being able
to take over at some point or yeah yeah
yeah absolutely so adobe has a statistic
that they say that by early 2018 we're
going to be shopping on our mobile
phones as like that's the primary
vehicle for which we're going to be
buying stuff as opposed to pcs but I'm
having a hard time seeing like how you
know with all these like roadblocks in
the way you know I like to you know
compare and contrast all these other
things do you think that they're going
to be adding interfaces like what does
Amazon and I guess ebay do that you know
these other websites like macy's and
nordstrom aren't doing that you know you
know they could be doing better yeah so
like I said stuff like personalization
is super important when it comes to like
a really really tiny screen so you will
see more of that kind of stuff there's
also check out is really important with
a lot of retailers they don't have your
personal information so there are
different things that you could do for
for that to improve check out and make
it a lot more seamless anyway also what
we wanted to talk about is next up
Alfred got a chance to check out fancy
snapchat spectacles which he's wearing
right now I know you can't see them if
you're just listening to this so tell us
what it's been like to hang out with
these things these have been great I've
been I got them last Monday I've been
using them pretty much every day it does
get a little annoying though where I've
kind of been forcing myself to take them
and they're not like normal sunglasses
where you can just kind of put in your
pocket I have to carry this like big
like that's okay sir yeah but it's also
the case for just because I
want it to like break in my backpack or
I'm like pocket or anything like that so
that's been annoying and it's just hard
thinking of you know things that I can
do with both hands while snapchatting
but I did I wore it for like
Thanksgiving a war like when I went to
like like break dance practice yesterday
I've walked cooler than me I wore while
like skateboarding the other day so it's
kind of like it's forcing me to like go
out and like bring this like with it and
do more stuff with it but it's been
pretty cool i like being one of like
document stuff in my life with this i
wish you were like easier to import and
i wish they were you know just like a
better like I could take photos with it
instead of like just videos but was it
what was like the buying experience like
right you were like in line for six I
was not find things yeah that was not
fun it was really cold there were no
restrooms I I know snapchat doesn't plan
on adding any restrooms to that a store
across the street from the apple store
mm-hm but I I'm glad I have them I know
other people that have gone on like more
like more extreme lengths than I have a
friend of mine on Friday it opened at
four pm on Friday and he decided I'm
gonna be there starting at 6am someone
else I knew Wow on sunday was waiting
there at 10pm for the six a.m. opening
on sunday so bad I went I ate on the
first day and I got him by like two so
not as Extreme as everyone else but here
I am with them and I think it's a good
buy cool I don't think they'll catch on
as much as like snapchat once you do but
well we'll see about that if you want to
read more about these stories check us
out on cnet I'm Ben Fox Rubin I'm Alfred
Aang thanks for listening who else here
thinks that Alfred looks a little silly
right now let's get it right down there
normal sunglasses sort of well did you
know that they're not that it does a
whole point I mean I only think I looks
alike because I'm wearing sunglasses
indoors they look like the kind of
sunglasses a 50s pin-up girl would wear
I punch on the beach yeah ok that's it
50s pin-up girls on the beach are
totally cool it looks like them shades
popping yeah thank you Michael know what
you guys having it this is like the one
place in tech where snapchat spectacles
are not cool brian has deemed them
uncool oh thank your life is over
that's it down the drain yeah any any
questions or comments a lot of people
actually did do some shopping under
tablets this year yeah she's kind of a
little column a little combi yeah what's
interesting is that tablet shopping is
not taking off really smartphones have
started to overtake tablets and so it's
like if you look at it as a pie chart
most of the pie chart is taken up by PCs
and then tablets is a smaller sliver and
smartphones is a growing bigger sliver
and by 2018 it's expected that the major
part of the pie chart is going to be
your smartphone and it would be really
interesting to see what that looks like
a couple like a year down the road yeah
part of it is like it's just easier to
input like your address your like card
number and all this like stuff like on
your pc and then with all these websites
you know if you haven't been a member
before you have to like kind of like
sign up for an account right but like
why can't that live on your phone yeah
like your phone should be able to just
put it in for you and that is one of the
efforts like Apple pay should be able to
do that I think eventually by a problem
is that there just isn't enough ubiquity
for it right I would argue like is it
fun to carry around like this big old
laptop no not so much you're not like
shopping at every second though yeah
what a shopping experience ehlers want
you to if you're not in the store your
best bet is to try to get a really great
high res picture and that can only take
you so far in a mobile screen right i
mean i do try lean a lot on the visual
aspect of the online shopping and I'd
the fair amount of online shopping over
this weekend and just kind of scoping
out the deals and I couldn't imagine
doing that on a phone yeah it's like way
too small I totally agree maybe adobe is
wrong like I'd and I mean I I mean I use
primarily group on Amazon trusted sites
kind of thing I didn't have any negative
experiences with any of the the crap
apps that kind of leaked out there but
as far as like the actual shopping
experience like mmm then he doing it for
me I when I do shop on my phone I almost
always do it on Amazon exclusively just
because they already have my personal
information I check google shopping to
do some comparison shopping but i've
generally found like on the mobile web
it's a total pain and it's not set up
very well for the I small screen I think
always like great for window shopping
like I've like browsed a lot on my phone
and then just oh that looked cool and
then I like will open up my laptop to
like buy it instead yeah it's like I
don't we XD / laptop yeah like I'll
check this out in detail later yeah yeah
absolutely so that is that is generally
what I wrote about and yeah there are a
lot of problems with doing it on the
phone but in general mmm excuse me
traffic has been like skyrocketing
because people are using their phones a
lot more to that make sense a traffic is
skyrocketing that yeah yeah again like I
doing research yeah on on at a free
moment like if you're on a commute or
whatever yeah checking out i window shop
like crazy on my phone yeah definitely
i'll buy anything but imagine solomon is
the classic example imagine soggy agrees
largely is it i searched around on
mobile and tablet and then when it's
time to pi 2 by 2 pi I still got
Thanksgiving in the mind it's nice when
it's time to buy I get back on my pc our
good buddy Michael Brown Happy Holidays
to you tatty holiday thanks for uh
thanks for joining us as always he says
chrome does a great job with entering
payment options automatically on mobile
yeah TC yes I do that on mobile I
haven't seen that option they do that on
mobile and they also do that on iOS
however I know on iOS it's buried it's
an option that's generally buried and
most regular consumers aren't actually
going to like search out and find it by
savier customers like our friend Michael
know about it and they are able to find
it and it makes shopping on the mobile
web a little I've really enjoyed the
autofill feature on like on desktop yeah
but like I use it all the time and I got
mobile like at least for me I didn't
turn on auto fill even after I found out
about it cuz security issue sure yeah
like how hard is it for somebody to
steal my laptop whereas like yeah I
could lose my mobile phone yeah I was
very it was very paranoid of that there
was this one one time I tried buying
something on mobile and I was like
instead of entering your credit card
numbers like scan your credit card with
the camera yeah it was like okay I'm
gonna take a photo of like my credit
card number that doesn't sound like safe
at all that's interesting what you
probably like you know you probably just
typed it in and you you may have like
red I assume that you may
read your credit card number to somebody
over the phone when you were doing like
I don't think I've ever ordered anything
off the phone no no like you call
somebody on the phone for like
restaurants or like you know when you're
getting takeout you've never liked
neither did oh I've totally done that I
like I've been you I use grubhub for
that yes well I use grubhub more now
because if I like really unsafe if I
order by voice I kind of just give them
cash nice alright Salford's much smarter
than I am uh first of all carrot juice
thinks you look badass with those
glasses okay thanks characters Thank You
carriage I apologize if I she was
talking about me oh yeah he's saying
asks what are the best sites to shop and
we've already covered that chrome is a
pretty solid browser for it but what are
some of the better sources what are the
better sites to use for shopping
obviously amazon we're talking about in
the US right so in the u.s. like yeah
but the problem the problem with Amazon
is is that people especially prime
shoppers tend to use it reflexively and
they don't shop around so it's really
important especially for cyber monday or
any other day of the year to not get
complacent and just go on Amazon and
then buy it more immediately I think the
reason why I like people are more
inclined to go on Amazon though then
like any other website is essentially
you know the a Milan it's like a jack of
all trades kind of thing where yeah I
can get those I can get food i can get
electronics whereas i'm not going to
sign up for a macy's account just like
just I don't want what whole account
just for clothes whereas on amazon i can
get all this stuff on it i think you
know that's wise but for bigger purchase
especially with bigger purchases maybe
not with clothes but especially for
bigger purchases it improves you it's
well worth your time to at least spend a
little bit more time looking outside of
amazon ebay is certainly useful for at
least getting an idea of what else is
out there and if you are interested in
finding a used item or a like new item
you're going to be able to find it on
ebay more often than not then maybe some
other sites i also check out jet calm
all the time whenever i'm looking for
consumables they're really good with
that and they're just like a really
helpful backup option to amazon and
walmart com has also been increasing its
selection considerably as it sure we
touched on that a couple of months ago
yeah about who did they acquire so jet
and Walmart are now the same company
right so thank you for mentioning that
but yeah like I ate so those are those
are the three that I generally go to and
Google Shopping is also really helpful
just say just to get a baseline of like
what price you're looking white what
price you're looking at and to see if
Amazon is I I noticed in your article
you somebody that you interviewed was
shopping on like jackthreads you i I've
like tried using jackthreads before that
website like it's really hard shopping
on that interesting yeah they even may
loved the mobile shopping experience
like their app he had the app though
that's different that might have been
different and like I think they were
really into like browsing yeah yeah
that's the thing pictures and like
making like you no swiping yeah and
whatever it's like one of the websites I
used like window shop on but like I
never bought anything yeah so he said
the lake he enjoys window shopping yeah
the drag jockey yeah that's happened
like actually making it an enjoyable
experience when you're on the am is like
really vital to like get people it'll
keep coming back yeah you happen like
maybe you visit five times you don't buy
anything but then that's sixth time
they'll get you they'll get that sweet
money from yeah that's the whole idea so
in the last few minutes of the show
let's talk privacy insecurities about
regarding shopping online like what's
the difference between you said yourself
you don't trust the autofill necessarily
or hadn't trust trustee for mobile yeah
right in general mobile is a higher
liability but what about when they have
you like scan a picture of your credit
card to use that for transaction I don't
remember ever actually using that
personally if it's a reputable retailer
that you've heard of I would say that
you should probably have a higher
comfort level with that but if you're
uncomfortable doing any of that stuff
then you probably shouldn't do it that's
like your spidey sense going off and
saying like this is this is either you
know not safe not secure or too good to
be true I mean last Christmas season my
wife found an amazing deal on ugg boots
that were total knockoffs off of this
completely unknown website and not only
did we get fake ugg boots that were sent
to us like weeks later but they also I'm
pretty sure they stole our credit cards
so it's also very much a buyer beware
situation where you're much
her off going to better known websites
instead of trying to find like I'm gonna
save twenty bucks on this thing from
some unknown website that I've never
heard of yeah it's not like really when
when she entered the her credit card
number it was like a she typed it in
writing yeah yeah yeah she did it on
desktop yeah like it'sit's if the deal
seems too good to be true it probably is
and you're much better off going to like
reputable retailers that you've heard of
so that's that's the that's the most
obvious rules of the road that I know of
so the moral of this past couple of
months is when you're online you can't
trust the news you can't trust the
stores you can't trust social so let's
just shut down the internet yeah yeah
don't trust us either we're on the
Internet so yeah let's just throw us in
for automatically wrong never wrong
alright that will continue to be fun
always fun all right should we wrap this
thing let's wrap it all right thanks
thanks for the questions everybody the
359 is available on iTunes tune and
stitcher SoundCloud feedburner google
play music and of course on cnet com
thanks everybody for watching and
listening and we'll see you all tomorrow
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