hey guys I am here back at TechShop to
take advantage of their 3d printers 3d
printing isn't just for the super geeks
and people making components for cars
you can use it to make everyday objects
like an iPhone case and today I'll show
you how to do just that
all right we're going to use a free
program called Autodesk one to 3d and
instead of making the phone template
from scratch I'm going to use one that's
already pre-made and loaded in this
program so now all I have to do is
customize it and I'm thinking I'll make
it really personal so I'll add my name
to this actually I'll go ahead and add
my handle Sharron vac and let's change
the text okay so this looks good so far
but right now it doesn't have any depth
it's not elevated it's not a cup I think
I'm gonna cut it out just like this see
net case so I'm going to use the extrude
tool and since this is a 3d program I
can view it in 3d so I'm going to change
the angle here and how cool is that now
what I want to do is cut this out pull
these letters out right click OK and now
check it out I have Sharon back cut out
of my case that's it and then that's
pretty good it's a custom case I know I
can't buy that off-the-shelf at Apple or
Walmart or whatever so we're gonna go
ahead and print it I have to do a few
things have to save it as an STL file
save to my desktop here alright let's
open up replicator G that's the program
that talks to the actual 3d printer so
what you're seeing here is the platform
I want to make sure that the phone gets
printed in the center of the platform so
I'll do that
I also want to scale it up just a little
bit because the first time we printed
this it actually was too small for my
iPhone so we need to scale it up well
that's what's great about it 3d printing
is so cheap at least here at tech shop
that you can really tinker with it
now we are going to write the file make
sure all of our settings are ok generate
the g-code and this takes a couple of
minutes g code is an old-school
programming language that tells the
machine exactly what to do ok the G code
is ready so now I can put the file on
the SD card that will allow us to put it
in the 3d printer so save it and we're
good to go let's put it in the printer
all right now all we have to do is print
it so I'm going to select my file and
hit print
thinking all right we're going to print
it in this bright green color that's
what's hooked up to the machine right
now it's actually made of a corn-based
plastic there are other materials but
that's what the MakerBot works with it's
heating up this is going to take about
an hour and a half to make so we'll be
back to check up on it the spool of
plastic is pulled through the back tubes
and into the extruder the extruder heats
up the plastic and pushes it through a
tiny hole your object is made one layer
at a time okay it looks like we're at
ninety three percent so it's almost done
and it totally looks like an iPhone case
it's only been going for about an hour
but it will need ten more minutes until
I can peel the sucker off and put it on
my phone now if you want one of these
MakerBot 3d printers at home it's going
to cost you about $2,000 so with the
tech shop membership at about one
hundred and twenty-five dollars a month
it's all free for them the cost of this
spool which is the material that's used
to print is about 40 bucks so altogether
my iPhone case will cost about a dollar
for them that's pretty cheap okay now
it's not just for making iPhone cases
there are a lot of ways people are using
3d printing
these are some of the more fun ways like
look at all these baby Darth Vader
sculptures this is really neat this one
took about 84 hours to print and it was
printed on a more advanced machine okay
this is really neat people use 3d
printing for prototyping so this college
sophomore made a kite that converts wind
into energy and he used 3d printing to
create these components here okay I
think that by now my iPhone case might
be ready so let's check it out okay
all right it is stuck a little bit to
the platform but that's normal so we're
just going to use one of these guys to
just nudge it off I am so nervous and
excited oh yeah there we go oh okay
let's put it on
and it fits perfectly check it out my
own custom 3d printed iPhone case now if
you're dying to get your hands on this
and you don't have a 3d printer or
access to one you can use a printing
service like autodesk or shapeways com
alright if you have any cool ideas for
3d printing please send them to me at
sharing back on Twitter or send us an
email at always on at cnet.com
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