Always On - How To: Control music at home with Android
Always On - How To: Control music at home with Android
Molly I know you don't like the Nexus Q
but I'm going to talk about it anyways
today I'm going to show you all the
different wireless audio options you
have your living room that you can
control with your Android phone starting
off with something really cheap
something everyone's got you've got your
Bluetooth speakers here this one's from
Bose is the bose soundlink that one's
going to be kind of pricey these are
actually both kind of pricey this is the
Jambox jawbone if you don't want to
spend any money buying a dedicated
bluetooth speaker for your living room
you can cheap out you can just get a
forty dollar bluetooth adapter this
one's from Logitech just connect this up
to the home theater or the home stare
you already have and you're good to go
your phone will just see that you've got
a Bluetooth device you can send music to
it great you're living the dream the
dream of just entering your home and
playing music and it's just being there
it's magic Apple users are so used to
that Android users should have that too
now where the dream gives out is that
you don't have great range with
Bluetooth you've got maybe 30 or 40 feet
if you've got any walls between it
that's going to cut that down so if you
up your music put your phone in your
pocket you get too far out of range your
musical poop out that's not fun so the
better way to go is to use your Wi-Fi
network Wi-Fi is going to give you the
range over your entire house you might
even have everything you need already
you've got DLNA as an option it's kind
of like airplay it's an open standard
Samsung has it on their devices sony has
it on there is a lot of different tvs
and devices coming out with this
wireless media sharing capability but it
doesn't always work it's kind of
frustrating to set up we even try to set
it up here with this tablet and this
samsung TV and it was a Mindbender to
try to get it to work if you can get it
to work use that option if you don't
though $150 gets you the squeezebox
radio here logitech makes this they also
make a bunch of different squeeze boxes
in different prices and configurations
this one has a great Android app that
you can use to get your Spotify music
your pandora stations everything
chewed up and you can control it walk in
boot up the app get music going you can
even use this app to turn the squeezebox
radio on and off
alright maybe a little too out but you
can see you get actually some pretty
good audio quality audit advice a device
that's pretty small so that's good to
have but it's not going to cover you in
every room right unless you buy a couple
of these and spread them throughout your
house if you want to get something
that's going to get you everywhere you
can upgrade the sonos this is the sonos
play three the solar systems are really
meant to be expanded throughout your
home and they make it really easy to do
that you just kind of plug in a speaker
hit the pairing button and then you've
got a new speaker in a new corner of
your house it also has a great app even
better than the squeezebox app again
it's going to plug into every service
that you like it's got Spotify
innovation Rhapsody Pandora I can plug
into your local music collection and
then you can just get music going with
push of a button
though Frank black so more Android
integration then finally for you super
hard core android fans the Nexus Q
Google's glorified volume knob $300 gets
you this you can connect it to your TV
you can connect it up to your speakers I
will say this about it it works really
well with Android so you just queue up
your Android your google music app hit
the little triangle button on the right
and you've got music playing boom and
then use the giant volume control turn
it up one other thing the Nexus cute
gives you is a killer screensaver none
of these other options are going to give
you a screensaver on your TV while the
music plays so if you really want
something that's going to assist you in
vegging out on the couch the Nexus Q
might be worth the three hundred dollars
it isn't for me but I've got a lot of
options to choose from here hopefully
you found something you like if you've
got other how-to ideas you can email
them to always on at cnet com you also
find me on Twitter Molly what do you
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