Always On - Molly Rant: don't overreact on drone privacy
Always On - Molly Rant: don't overreact on drone privacy
now while i appreciate chris anderson's
insistence that the 3dr drones are
primarily meant for agriculture uses i
think we can all agree that that is
adorably knife after all the history of
Technology is the history of people
coming up with ways to use technology
that were never originally intended and
I can already think of some uses for
drones that I'm not completely
comfortable with I mean this is new
technology and I think all of us can
imagine that they might be flying
outside the window equipped with all
kinds of stuff like cameras and Wi-Fi on
board but this tech is still working
itself out and we shouldn't write a
bunch of bad laws that could infringe on
people's First Amendment rights or shut
down this technology before it even gets
started states are working on their own
laws and that's a good thing if you see
your neighbor flying a drone over your
house and pointing a camera at you by
all means call the cops but maybe we
should have a conversation before we
bring in the big gun of the law I think
we could probably work this thing out
excuse me come here
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