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Always On - Road Testing the BlackBerry Z10

okay it is time for the awesome and exciting competitive portion of our BlackBerry z10 road test I am so excited about this I have been excited about the idea of doing this road test since I heard about it but also very nervous because we have only the BlackBerry z10 as our guide that's right and I have had very little time on it and it's a brand new OS full of lots of quirks and interesting difficulties X is a generous word how to find the home screen for example the home screen and I don't think Vodafone by the way is doing this thing any favors like the performance is very slow so basically we're starting here we're at the plaza catalunya in beautiful Barcelona and our producers have given us a list of objectives that we have to accomplish so we're gonna have to go places buy things take a train all those things are pre-loaded onto my BlackBerry z10 in my reminder app but don't lose me remember I will seem to remember app remember app clicking it barcelona road test file objective 1 get to markets de la boqueria try an unusual food and tweet a photo of it awesome so that's the gigantic like awesome market that I've heard about food market ok so yeah I get there from here with just our phones ok Oh see where we are I'm not even getting coop there's my map slowly loading slowly loading penny yeah so far the slowest race ever it's a pretty big market like why would it not just immediately be like oh yeah what I'm gonna do what happened look we just crashed I'm just gonna use a Google Google custom search how many objectives do we have on this just the one right it doesn't work hit by lunchtime all right oh my god so I can't just we need to go that way and then turn left that's it all that work Molly I I don't think you understand the idea of a race we don't have time to shoot pictures of bunnies I was racing that ever'body's stay on target stay on target it's testing the camera I knew Google could do it there is no shortage of weird-looking food I'm thinking this is gonna be faster if we split up each of us has ten minutes to find a weird food okay and then we meet back here compare I'm gonna have weird you it's all I all comes down to Gallic I don't want to go Freddie yeah oh man chicken I don't have my machete so ooh look at this oh wow that is weird take a picture of it detecting face oh god please don't detect a face they're all alive today it's not that adventurous because we come to the spoon but it is magenta I mean gesture yet how do you do I got people hi yeah oh my gosh I know this beautiful fruit I mean it's unusual it's not the scariest fruit here cuz it comes with a spoon I really wanted to get something that would terrify you yeah but I chickened out and I got churros but not any true is like anything I've ever seen before woah it's got honey on it so got churros and honey tentacles I wanted to get a goat head and they have plenty of them for sale I wanted to you know what the market for goat heads right now it's really you know it's really all right I'm gonna take a picture of my feet daya you take a picture of your shirt oh I'm gonna tweet it owner if I can at you Oh God really I can't just type it no won't let you know no the Twitter app is truly terrible there we go tweeted tweeted photo uploaded to Twitter so objective one down howdy I know we did it I did it weird food completed all right checked off okay now objective to is each take five photos of luck cutted the wrong see if you can figure out first mode upload one to Facebook share via NFC oh also objective to involves find lecithin oh oh I saw a sign I'm going old-fashioned let me know more mapping wait you saw some that's not sign appointed to cut that article let's do that alright following you I didn't have anything more specific than this way but now I see another like set of blue signs she's four five heroes date or I stand target Kathy throw that way that looks like I do draw than me pretty clearly they got their ballot spire that is beautiful that was one I figured out burst mode you did yeah yeah burst mode is a little man with the exploding water out of space first I'm gonna burst my kids remember that time we got kicked out of us alone for bursting a kid and first tell me what you're gonna burst me okay ready 1 2 3 did you burst me ok this is the first solid point that the black bears done first mode for the wind pretty cool dude all those tourists that you see we're always trying to do that photo yeah they need blackberry burst mode whoa gosh fires gargoyles I mean burst zoom all right let's keep going wow that's really pretty more artistic oh we artistic oh I have more than five photos I have I went crazy got some good stuff though I know me too okay so I'm gonna try to enhance edit my artistic lens flare shot I like that you can edit right natively in the I know you've got kind of a cool little edit button all right I'm just gonna enhance so I'm not gonna do much film show up it's cool I'm going with that because it's very gothic and save I made mine look like something out of Game of Thrones or spare room got back to camera where's my link sure Facebook minor editing post better upload has started is it there oh yeah it's there it's there that's pretty great and it was lickety-split - really easy just right from the camera have one little point for Vodafone - okay so now though this is a tricky part we have to share photos via NFC okay so I think I have an idea of how to do this sure we hit the share button oh look anything if C to share files please align the back of your device with another industry device Oh waiting waiting receive data transfer receive that's coming three seconds 13 seconds 21 seconds 22 21 20 18 19 not as fast as in the commercial it is not at all I thought we were like if you do this with a stranger it could get awkward yeah actually we're not strangers then it's a little awkward received four files so you gave me four and I give you okay phew so then does this somewhere in my library it's not in my photo library yeah wherever they transfer to I'll never know you got a file manager and on device it's in under downloads it's not under I guess it wouldn't be under camera because I didn't take it with my camera but it's not also not under photos it's under downloads and then for some reason I got the same photo four times I got three I got three so maybe it would be a lot faster if it was only sending it to us one that's probably also we've determined that three of my photos are with four of you our exchange rate for photos is really weird alright nevertheless I would say we have completed this objective for sure let's check that sucker on right checked off now we're on to objective three find a metro station and catch train to the Arc de Triomphe okay alright do it sure there's a sign for that metro station yeah that's gotta be easy to find sure no particular place to be we're doing good dude I found the subway pretty soon I expect we will find a train hope we gonna feel we're here as my faciem I know look at that they have a huge arch here that is amazing we're getting a good tour we're here we did it we found a metro station and caught a train to octave tramp which was objective three we totally did so we're checking that off boom now objective four find a nice place to enjoy the lunch they really understand us there's a lot of options for that because this is all nice I know let's go do it we did it we did it cheers Cheers we complete our challenge that's pretty good so what do you think kind of nice overall now we did our challenge we've had these for a little while yeah what is your impression of the BlackBerry yeah I mean we've been using these all throughout our European travels and you know I mean I think so part of some of our issues could have come from Vodafone and the local service but you know I have to say as an operating system BlackBerry OS 10 just is not there yet and that is not really acceptable in this day and age when iOS Android and Windows Phone are all so good yeah there's some good things about it I mean we both really liked burst mode and some of the accessibility of the common apps that you get being right there on the phone already but man it is a clunky hard to use unintuitive experience picking up this phone even for somebody that's used to you know using lots of different cell phones and getting around maneuvering it just feel like I'm doing extra steps to do common activities I it's rough it's gonna be hard for an advanced user and hard for a newbie and then on top of that the app support is not there it's heartbreaking to pick this up and have Twitter Facebook LinkedIn built right in but not be able to download Instagram so I mean I hate to say it I was pulling for this phone I think the q10 has a lot of potential because people want the keyboard but for me right now I have to save a z10 as a do not buy I agree without the keyboard there's really no reason to get this phone over other better smartphones cookie we have now thoroughly road-tested the BlackBerry z10 here in Barcelona so now we're going to destroy it as best we can I think Jeff's really been looking forward to this yes it's a little cathartic for me he had a really pretty buggy unit so I feel okay about I don't know throwing this one down the stairs all right Molly you do the honors yeah okay ready here we go one two three back of the case excellent just popped off really hard it's designed to do this that's how I still on them yeah yeah to gether no problem well I think I'm handled that so well we might as well do it again okay oh I got some I saw some corners yes I think the role is not as cool as this yeah toss was a little more violent it did get a little edge action nope no problems yeah hey you know what I'm thinking let's take this drug test up a nut I like I like this idea so the thing you're always doing at scenic vistas is taking pictures in high places accidents can happen well this is gonna be a great shot of year oh all right we are oh I see glass on the ground come on down get a shot did I get Oh little red light like to have a message you have a message the message is why why I'm so going the blinking that was amazing I know edges this is a downright dangerous situation no I think that red light just came on for a second to be like what's wrong with you huh this system worth day it's the telephone osm what day beautiful weather we got to come to about so many more often I'm seriously go there's no World Congress even where it's at I like this actually I always let it go
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