typical day today been on three
different job locations so salisa tell
us about what you do so people can
understand why you're the perfect
candidate to road test our nest alright
well I'm an interior designer and I
specialize in kitchen and bath designs
and part of that is how warm you know
how comfortable is the space going to be
both from a flow perspective as well as
the temperature perspective so are you
familiar with the Nest Learning
Thermostat mmm no I have seen it in the
apple store but I've not used it all
right so salisa what I'm gonna do is
give you this nest learning thermostat
and I'm hoping that you'll install one
in your house and then take one with you
on job sites see how your contractors
respond maybe clients just kind of
integrate it into your interior design
business awesome I'll give it a whirl
here's your nest can't wait to try it
elegant box looks like a hockey puck
look any action hahaha yay we actually
have an LED display very exciting so the
installation i wouldn't say was
difficult it was a little bit
challenging i emailed nest they helped
me and then we got it booted up how is
going to be set to 63 degrees when we do
it a bit awesome we'll check it out in
the morning and we'll teach it what temp
we want it to be when we wake up good
morning day one this is kind of cool
watch how'd you need it I'm going to set
it back down to 64 and hopefully it'll
learn from us that that's the low
temperature that we want during the day
because our birds need it to be a little
warm these are our actual birds that
live in our nest and here's flasher you
can say hello flasher hi buddy so here i
am i'm home i'm feeling like i don't
want to get up and adjust my thermostat
so i'm just going to do it for my phone
well have it activate there it goes and
I hear the furnace is kicked on awesome
don't even have to leave my chair so
good morning we're on day three of our
nest so let's just crank it up to 66 and
i'll check it from the road and just see
where we are I want to see what the
temperature situation is at the house so
I want to make sure it doesn't get too
cold it's kind of cool that on my phone
or on my iPad I can check to see like oh
did I turn the thermostat down or did it
really learn that when I'm gone I want
it down to 64 degrees so that's pretty
cool all of a sudden I'm totally
obsessed with thermostat check this baby
even high design places have low design
thermostats time for it to change so
Larry I have your nest excellent the
nest is a digital thermostat or looks
sleek adjust it to where you want it to
be and then it will remember and it
learns what temperature you like to keep
your house at ya instrument to see how
it works if it was it doesn't I have to
whisper because I'm getting a massage
but check out this wall tile thermostat
so one question I had about the nest is
whether or not I can move or replace my
thermostat for my baseboard heaters in
my office with the nest as well because
it gets really cold down here I'm gone a
lot and sometimes I forget to crank it
down but unfortunately the nest does not
work with high voltage systems so with
this kind of set up a nest won't work
too bad I wanted to show all this stuff
this is really cool going back here to
energy this indicator saying that the
away feature cause our energy usage to
be below the weekly average so it's
still early for us to really have an
average since it's only been just over a
week but I think it's really cool yeah i
think the nest is a great alternative to
your typical plastic box this is really
good looking and a way that our
aesthetic alternative to a traditional
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