Always On - The Samsung Galaxy S3 bonus Torture Test
Always On - The Samsung Galaxy S3 bonus Torture Test
we have a bonus torture test for you
today there were complaints that I went
a little easy on the galaxy s3 compared
to the iPhone which had to go through
the washer so as promised the s3 is now
getting the same treatment in the
washing machine and goes the phone and
goes our little detergent pod and I'm
going to wash it on cold away we go it's
so dramatic - let it go around
Oh like it just kind of email I can't
believe it still on the Wi-Fi I'm right
our wash cycle is done let's rescue our
galaxy s3 and I'm assuming dry it out
for a while actually our biggest
challenge is gonna be finding it are you
know he's gonna put some things in the
dryer until it comes out
don't look at my underwear it's not in
here oh there it is
okay here is our go oh my goodness the
notification light is still going look
at that you see that um I think maybe
this phone is still on if it's still on
let's turn the screen on that'll work
okay that's weird so the screen doesn't
come on but that is um one really tough
led right there so I do have my bag of
rice at the ready and I am going to take
this guy apart I'm gonna remove the back
cover and the battery you can see there
is plenty of water inside there no
surprise so I'm going to dry these
individual parts off battery in here dry
out the inside of the phone here because
you never know with the iPhone you know
there's no way to open it up and really
dry out all those components but the
Samsung has been incredibly tough up to
this point so let's give it a fighting
chance see if it comes out clean so here
is the samsung galaxy s3 that went
through the washer and I'm not even
bothering with the bag of rice because
check it out it's totally fine we dried
it out for 24 hours took it out to see
if it was alright and it came on like no
problem this thing is amazing
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