so it's already a good to do boo boo 32
if my lungs ever gets dirty 02 is he a
street of all no intention of stopping
at just delivering cargo the hell just a
couple guys hanging on a helicopter
nothin or that no so this is where ya
doc dish has taken my sight taking my
speech take him up here your ring cuz
we're just a little bit to Lee the hair
what's going on is this funny little man
wrong yessiree its historical yes second
the Don it's an anthropological history
of human behavior
the show was actually not about me
looking here that I'm sorry to say that
since we washed it in the washing
machine wasing hey does it survived dog
eating is that your GoPro
point in space trou and seaside bluff
let's call it can it handle the bluff is
it bluffing I'm just gonna keep going
from you just can't get quality boas
anymore I know I have that same problem
let some little kids loose on but them
know it's Christmas time kill me kill me
let's get beat oldest can't say that cuz
they're terrible I'll be honest I didn't
waste my best wine on it probe in there
something I'm just losing it now school
in there oh I need a tiny the
temperature sensor okay with some easy
widgets easy widgets I have easy with
gin oh dear
then we were like holy there were
fugitives on the train and they don't
leahrob me it was kind of awesome yeah
and the Disney star wars characters and
do that bit again plus it's a good look
for me right go out and make your macro
also it's like there's a cockroach on
here okay no there was really disgusting
piece of foot pic the heat already and
the pirate anytime you can go top gun go
top gun yeah is the most experimented
guy on board but the most cool the most
quizzy mmm no I'm ready
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