today we are torture testing the iPhone
4s now I know it's not a new product but
you all want to know how it can handle
the heat so actually we're going to
start with the cold two hours in the
freezer go it's even white like snow
good luck little buddy it has been 2
hours let's rescue our iPhone 4s from
the freezer and see how it's doing
we're learning to expect condensation
and ice crystals at this point and we
have them oh yeah that's ice it's not
coming off the moment of truth
oh no problem look at it except that I
can't I almost couldn't select to unlock
because it was so crusted over with ice
whoops oh geez Oh what's it doing this
is new oh the battery died okay I did
not see that coming
now this went in there more than about
two thirds of the way charged so that's
kind of interesting that the battery
seemed to have suffered we will charge
it up for a little while let it thaw see
how it's doing I mean it came on I'm
assuming it's okay but that's kind of
new the battery thing so let's see if
it'll come back on waiting see look at
that interesting so the battery is back
to half-full so that was just kind of a
weird like Miss read because of the cold
so we got a little hiccup but all in all
it still seems to have made it
all right and you go a little guy all
right our iPhone has been in the
terrarium of death for a little over an
hour at a perfect 150 degrees because we
have this thing down to a science
hot in there
just slightly too hot to touch all right
this is cooled off nicely I mean while
I'm totally sweating standing close to
our terrarium because it is hot in here
let's see how the phone is doing not a
problem I'm starting to think that we
are actually nowhere near the top
operating temperatures for these devices
this bone acts like it just had a day at
the beach
day two time for the drop we'll do three
heights and then an extreme drop let's
get started three two one okay oh we
actually have damage you can see that
purple line right there
interesting okay well let's keep going
three two one
our screen has gone to the blue screen
of death at this point and this phone
does not like to be dropped now it
turned off
oh it's restarting I gotta say I've
dropped my phone a million times and
nothing like this has ever happened it's
back on but you can see we still have
that purple line this is pretty
surprising actually all right well let's
drop it from shoulder height so you what
more damage we can do three two one
we're back to blue screen of death maybe
it's because the battery was almost dead
I don't know I gotta say though it's not
so we're still going to conduct our
extreme test now we happen across CBS
Interactive president Jim LANs oh who
the gods was never going to say no to
the opportunity to throw the iPhone for
us down the stairs himself and oh no oh
look at you Neil your spot oh all right
it's restarting over and over the
restarted itself yeah but I don't even
see any chips okay well we gotta give
him credit it's pretty dirty guaranteed
if that was my actual I'm gonna be
totally broken there we go we did some
damage to it it chipped we have a little
chip as I can ding him scholar oh look
we got a nice little dent right there -
how many stars off is that mmm I think
this is well and then this happened see
this purple line right here good it's a
pass/fail grade what do you think so
that's their fail whale I think this is
a little bit of a baby fail huh yeah
it's pretty good though in general we
definitely we took a little couple
chunks out of it but all right it's
gonna it's holding strong can we run it
over see now you're thinking that
alright time for the dunk test here we
go we have bubbles let them sit there
for a second
it's just marinating it's been about 30
seconds okay that's all I can take
screen still on I'm gonna take it out
here well let's just turn off the screen
drying it out a little bit it's actually
responding to the water pretty well it
doesn't seem to have any problem even
the screen stayed on
all right now that our iPhone has
survived the water test it's time for
the wild card we asked and you answered
several of you told me on Twitter that
you have put your iPhone through the
wash cycle by leaving it in the pocket
of your pants so that's what we're going
to do today we got some laundry here you
got some jeans I'll turn the screen off
but the phone will stay powered on let's
put in let's say the back pocket see
it's a white on white and you'll never
see that detergents and everything this
is brutal
all bundled up with some kid clothes
there we go oh dear God
I heard it
our wash cycle is finished let's imagine
that we just realized our iPhone 4s was
still in our pocket and fish it out oh
oh there it is
oh what an unfortunate discovery now I
know you're not supposed to do this but
I think what everyone would do in this
situation is try to turn it on which
obviously is not happening okay it's not
coming on we are gonna put it in the dry
bag just in case I cannot imagine a
scenario in which this iPhone survives
going through the washing machine but I
guess you never know we will open this
up in a day or two and find out who
needs new gel packs pretty soon right
good luck little iPhone ok now
personally I'm gonna have a heart attack
if this iPhone somehow survives going
through the washing machine but you
never know we've had it in our dry bag
for three days let's open it up try to
turn it on me why not
anything anything no surprise there the
iPhone 4s does not come on after being
washed in the washing machine I don't
know maybe we'll try to recover it
somehow but I think we're gonna have to
call that one I'm not very surprising
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