you say tomato I say tomahto which is
why you'll soon be able to shop on
Amazon and espanol the e-commerce site
told CNN it will be rolling out a
spanish-language version of
over the next few weeks now Amazon
already had country specific versions of
the site in different languages but this
is the first time since its launched 20
years ago that the parent site is
offering up a new language option Amazon
has continued to grow its international
base outside the US last year they
launched their prime services in China
and India and just recently they rolled
out a version of Amazon Prime in Mexico
but now they're looking inwards to
broaden their customer base this is the
first time Amazon is specifically
targeting the millions of Spanish
speakers and bilingual Spanish speakers
like myself in our native tongue because
Google Translate doesn't always get the
job done to swap just toggle a globe on
the menu bar and you can search for your
tech Assemble edenia instead of just a
rice drink and it's not just for
searches customers can also view their
shopping cart and place orders in
Spanish on or on the shopping
app much like what you would do on if you wanted to look at
similar content on CNET in espanol now
whether or not this will translate into
sales remains to be seen
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