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Analogue NT is 8-bit NES perfection

the original Nintendo Entertainment System or NES just celebrated its 30-year anniversary here in the US now a lot of people still have their original NES myself included but odds are they don't exactly work too well I mean let's be honest they really never worked that well so sure you can get one of those cheap emulation knockoffs out there that water down the experience or you can opt for something like this this is the analogue NT and it's a built from the ground up reproduction of the original NES this uses the same CPU and PPU chips found in the NES to run games giving you an exact replication of that system and the way it played now this is the ultimate console for NES purists for the gamer who wants that uncompromised experience on a modern TV analog really did their homework here this thing is gorgeous right down to this circuit board and the consoles got some real weight to it I mean this is a solid block of aluminum right here it just feels very significant it's clear a lot of attention and respect was put into the manufacturing of the device now out of the box the console can play any NES or Famicom game Famicom's what it was called in Japan and that totals over a thousand titles it's got two separate slots for NES and Famicom cartridges as well there's also for NES format controller ports up front and the system already ships with to to get you started so I've been holding off a bit on the price of the analogue NT and that's because it starts at $500 which yes is a lot of money and if you want the impressive HDMI HD up converter that's an extra $70 okay so if you're thinking about getting one of these you almost have to get that HD upgrade so you can play games in 720 or 1080p but I mean look at this quality it really is like a pixel perfect experience there's also a quick menu that's loaded into the system that lets you mess around with the resolution and you other settings filters and processing now the NT does a great job of playing your old NES games and it could actually breathe new life into your old-school collection if you've got a bunch of 8-bit games laying around collecting dust I know I have a whole trunk full of them at my parents house now yes at $500 the analogue NT is obviously not for everyone but in the same way that an audiophile is looking for an uncompressed rich sound or the way a hardcore movie buff wants that perfect reproduction of a classic film the analogue NT does that for original NES games if you're willing to pay for it I'm Jeff Bakalar thanks for watching
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