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Andre Iguodala: Connecting the NBA and Silicon Valley - Full Interview

so Andre um you know we're just here to talk to you about this your involvement in Silicon Valley just some fun things about tech mhm and we're not gonna go too far back but I'm just curious you know from from early on you had a chance you know you're a free agent like what what is it that brought you I know the basketball is part of it but there's a lot of other elements like what really is kind of one of those hooks that got you out here well it's very rare that you know as a basketball player you can fulfill all your wants on and off the court as far as what she's looking for in the franchise and organization and you know most the time you look for LA and you look for New York and those are the two big markets that can attract a lot of the players very rare or I don't know if that ever at all has a player decided to come to the Bay Area where there's been a lot of positive energy going on the basketball court an opportunity to try to win a championship and have the interest off the court you know with Silicon Valley being right next door and all the things that are involved in the Bay Area so it was just a perfect timing you know it makes you know you tell non-believers like is there's a higher being there that puts everything together that aligns itself for you and I feel like it's been a true blessing and just trying to make most of the moment so the next step is kind of like you're here and I mean you're kind of like the you know it sounds silly but and be ambassador and like technology you bridge these two worlds you know we're not when you're at games I mean I'm a season ticket holder you know I know there's a lot of like Silicon Valley is watching the games right up close you know did you actually start some of your networking that way by like seeing them there or you know how did you start inserting yourself cuz you're really the first person that really did this stuff well it was interesting I saw a few sitting courtside as an opponent you know you see all certain figures it was like wow just reading about him earlier and you know my business partner and myself had been you know trying to dab into the tech area a little bit before I got here so you know get the articles and srinivasan figures and you know who led miss sector in that sector so I think it was against our plate for Denver Nuggets I'll start seeing some people core size so from there is just getting here and trying to establish myself on the court you know that's the most important part of this whole thing you know for us to have success on a basketball court so once we did that you know trying to make the rounds trying to meet the right people and fortunate enough to meet some people good and bad you know you meet the wrong people but it teaches you a lesson you meet the right people and you try to listen to their advice and take what they have to say close to heart and work as hard as possible at that and try to build on it no I mean because you you you you are now in kind of the investment VC world but you came from out of it do you look for different things when you're investing in companies or you know look what are types of things that you actually look for personally me personally what I've learned is where the company could be in ten years could that company be able to have a massive growth or scale scale is the important work that my business partner myself use you know how can the company scale we understand of the same in fashion where you start off in a niche market and you start you know way up here and you only make a four select few and you make everybody kind of want it and make it hard to get but what are you be able to take that company and you know make it something that everyone can access and be a part of in fashion you kind of have sub brands and you take a perfect example would be Facebook and Facebook was only for a select few individuals and never be the Harvard students correct and what they were able to from there was just making it only available to college students you had to have a college email and it was kind of like everybody had to happen and start slowly start rolling it out to everybody and boom you know they're disrupting different outlets and different sectors all over place neither Simon's like their media company or their a marketing company you know what everybody needs is you have to have Facebook in order to you know get your vision or get your product or get your whatever it is your brand out there to the masses my mom and dad have a Facebook there you go right right about scale right right right College Harvard mom and dad you're a good pop right on there like watching all those tasty food videos yes stuff like that yes yes I can tell your eyes like it's so funny because I'm really on Facebook because most of my facebook is what I keep in contact with everybody went to high school with and family that uh I don't get to see as much you know that's kind of how I keep in contact with them but the whole timeline is full of tasty and things that we're going back home so it's kind of funny do you got any other guilty pleasures on Facebook like you know just the videos that will just get you trapped in there the tasty ones pretty much there do it cuz I'll sit there and watch me like how did I get here you know it's kind of funny the food's terrible as well like that's the crazy part like I eat very clean so there's a lot of things that I cut out and everything I watched I'm like okay that's great that's terrible that's a lot of sugar that's terrible that's a lot of milk that's a terrible cream on top of that is terrible and then you roll it up into a bunch of meat and some more cheese but there's no vegetables but that looks delicious yeah there's some interesting things that go on the cut wouldn't be there if you ate that stuff exactly talking about you know is there time I'll just technology and stuff are there things like exciting tech for you or trends that you're you're you like right now to see personally whether it's you know wearables a anything what's kind of what's kind of peaking your interest right now I think AI is is really just starting to get some watering as if this is a plant and then it's trying to get watered and it's trying to grow and they're trying to figure it out I've been to some interesting companies I saw some artificial some AI stuff us all so mixed reality that was amazing down in Florida that's a hololens stuff not the hololens on magically Oh magic leap was amazing like you've seen in a person I don't know if I'm allowed okay it's like it's like going to play at the Augusta played a matches it's like you're not allowed to say but you can't say you've been doing but I've read that you so I've never been there okay according to the rule cornea exactly what uh magically was off saw some incredible things and then I met some great people there and they want to do some things in sports but I don't know how you even think of doing something like that like you just and then the actual device is so small the one that's gonna come to market it's almost like every pair of sunglasses on how about this can you I know you're not given because they've shown a lot of demo videos on yes but maybe can you describe one of the experiences that you had like you know did you put your hand out and something appeared on it earlier so there was so many things like when you put your hand on there the character would come on your hand and supposedly you can feel it I felt something but I could have swirled with something else happening like your mind your mind's playing tricks on you but this little character could basically be your your Siri you know go turn on the lights you know you control everything from your smartphone but this will be you control everything from your eyes you know and even if you move your eyes things that move with it and you know you can shoot something turn off the lights turn off the turn up the heat go turn off the oven turn it on preheated you know it's also smart home yeah at the same time you know I could throw a 80 inch screen TV on the wall let's see the TV yeah you know and at the same time you could you can homeschool your kids but when their have their that imaginably point they could be in class by the kids and see the other kids and then see the teacher and the teacher to see them and it's this whole this is a disruption of life you know you say Texas destruction this has to be disruptive and how can you make something more efficient but this is I mean you can change impact lives all over the world and you know bringing people closer together because what we learned there from mobile phones is that it's taking away kind of the social aspect everything because you just on your phone and you're not really interacting with people but this could bring that back together I saw your eyes literally like as you're talking about mine yeah there's so many things this it's a Star Wars thing that I can I can there's the same well there's like a c-3po type thing that is crazy they show only like literally there's like maybe two seconds of it online but that is crazy okay and I I'm not a Star Wars fan but I was crazy that was pretty cool now maybe my favorite part now the MBA very tech savvy you know as a league I'm not sure if you've seen this but they've partnered with next VR they're showing some of their games in virtual reality what is your take just about bringing virtual reality and the NBA together like what are your thoughts on that a couple years ago at the tech summit don't all-star break for the league they kind of rolled that out and I was there to see it so you know you can subscribe season tickets could be a season ticket holder through next VR and then it's as if you're sitting courtside and you can watch the game I think you still want to have the social aspect of it where you can interact with other people as well so if someone's you know the go State Warriors fans in Miami and you have one in Vancouver you know they can sit next to each other and they can interact I think that would be really great you know and I think that's something I imagine we kind of just trying to figure out as well I'm sure other companies are too so I think as long as you keep the social aspect of it and fans are enjoying a game and it could be something really special okay um I know that because I'm a I'm a fan I'm a season ticket holder whatever right now I'm one of those guys I know you don't really like the nickname Iggy that much so I got I got a new nickname for you want me here you want to hear it not only no not really here we go get ready check this out all right and we know your initials are AI whatever artificial intelligence is pretty hot right right I know you like nicknames I kind of speak to your game what if we called AI Andre until it well I don't know oh wait I would like it because it's kind of uh trying to compliment your status on the compliment but I don't want to come off as arrogant so I would never say that about you you can't do it you shall be like hey guys I'm andrée intelligence you hope that someone like me to be like I got this hot new nickname yeah I think I would have to do something a little bit more impactful wait have you ever thought what was that movie called with a Russell Crowe gladiator no he was a genius um oh shoot whatever Connelly beautiful my beautiful my beautiful my now if I could somehow have an impact like that wouldn't had the good stuff not the faster so are we a saying here she would like your nickname to be beautiful mine that would be a good one exit okay well as on the court yeah yeah yeah yeah it's peachy a game you know I hope so the beautiful part of the mind part all believe that the my part all right um all you know obviously you're a super entrenched in the barrier culture you got your golf game on obviously right you got your you got your Silicon Valley I mean this is all things being equal you know whatever this is this is the you know country gravity do you is the Bay Area it feels like you're settled here it feels like this is your home yeah I mean because I know it's a business - it's um it's definitely a business you know and I'm good with keeping that in the rice perspective but at the same time you know I gave up a little bit or a lot whatever you want to say I don't know if it's just I would never say a lot because I mean it's perspective at the end of the day for me I'm in a beautiful place my family loves it here we all enjoy it so for me to just take a day-by-day and let how it happened how it's supposed to happen we're in another we have opportunity to try to make a run at another championship and that's the plan so you know my focus is right there I'm not trying to think too far past that that's a good answer yes I've been illegal while learning to be politically correct exactly like young and you ain't gonna get me on this one although I'm actually older you'll believe that I wouldn't do you have a guess of how oh I told you I'm older by order than me so you're about 36 black don't crack eggs and don't raisin anything don't ragin like that hey no reason I came over that you can you can use that will go people's head though people would understand that I did it though beautiful mind again I like that you can make that one out of your friends be like a masseuse is like I don't know how she is she like 60 which is less he's like 40 yeah she's probably 60 I don't know if you won't tell us her right I wish she doesn't watch this you can tell okay um a question we always ask when it comes to tech are you an iPhone guy or an Android guy I got both oh there you go that's you know and then why do you you know what tell us why you like maybe both for what reasons oh man well iPhone that I mean I've been using it for longer so I mean it's more user friendly to me but the Android is I feel like it's safer nobody can get in that phone I don't care how hard they try what Android phone are you using right now you know s7 oh yeah okay I see tip s8 should be out right yeah it's coming it's coming real soon I mean okay okay you saw what it looked like though I saw a little bit of it like I'm not the type of person that I'll just go get it as soon as it comes out like I'll wait ought to get all the kinks out but I'm in a white glove program though yeah I know I've heard about Samsung they take care of me I don't get paid for it so people that don't know get on that white glove tip right get on the white glove - yeah yeah yeah it's hard to get on social media honestly you're the king of sub tweets let's be real yes people don't can you explain to people what is the sub tweak I do I do well on Twitter so when I tweet something and usually means the opposite of what you're reading or it has it has is usually a movie yeah quote or its inside joke no one would get about two people in the world I just like having fun with it cuz now you I get a lot of responses and a lot of replies few people have gotten some of them know a pretty good the movie ones are starting to understand like fans are starting to understand okay that's the movie from this one and then you're taking it to this and then just having a game they're putting two and two together they get smarter I got I got your bamboo in salt one then everything else that would Dave Chappelle when you guys went to the Hamptons to do the Katy visit you put out a sub tweet that just said Nobby what was it what was that one what was actually that related to that it had nothing to do with Katy I forgot what that had to do with because everyone was freaking out because you were like no I was mad like I think I was in the airport some happened in the airport and there's like this thing with black men sitting in first class yeah right when when when they say first class the board the plane I always get there can I see your porno plan you did ask for nobody else's boarding pass so it has some do that and somebody asked me a question and I was in my hair like no I'll be like just leave me alone like I don't wanna sign autographs on one do nothing cuz I was just so mad at it's probably the airliner something happened so sometimes I do that like if I have an interaction with somebody and they just don't understand what's going on at the moment whatever I'm thinking I'll just tweet it but no and that's that like weird things like that so that was that it was like perfect timing though right yes it just I realized that I wasn't thinking about that because I was on my way back home then I was flying somewhere else because I found like Katy sign I was on a plane you didn't know until you landed no I had Wi-Fi on the plane I'm sitting next to my wife and I was like we got Katy like that's how I found out so like I was flying all over the place so it was just a lot going on I mean it was literally like perfectly time yeah you're the only one in that meeting that had said anything was radio silent right everyone did the world's whatever on NBA world is on pins and needles it's like Bobby yeah so what you did with that sub - oh you know what that could have been I don't know I forgot why I said naw bu and then do a Katy dog um which leads me to like you said you know everyone's like freaking out about it like with social media I mean obviously it's a powerful tool it's also fun right it also can get crazy like come on we know like fans trolls they can get really really nasty on their do fans sometimes care about this stuff more than the players I shouldn't say care more about the players just that we're channeling all your energy like as a player you know we prepare ourselves to the best of our ability everything we do outside of the game of basketball is for the game of basketball you know so our lives are just wrapped up in this like you know what I eat sleep train you know how I carry myself how I dress everything that I do in life it's basically revolved around trying to help myself be a better basketball players I mean you don't have too many guys like that but a good amount you know not everybody has to saved but a good amount our intention is to try to play the best we can and win every single game like that's our life you know and then when fans you know sometimes a fan may go overboard and it's like you know all my energy was just spent out here I'm sorry I don't have the same passion you have at this exact moment because I left it on the court so I think that's where you misunderstood at times it's like it's not that we don't care just that right now I don't care I'm tired because I just spent my whole life just trying to figure it out out there and that's where that's where a sec you know me me on the court that's where my passion is right now you know but there's only four hundred guys that can have that passion at any given moment because that's how many guys are in the lead all right we want to play a little game with you to wrap things up we're gonna call it would Andre invest because we know your investment okay see you guys so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna throw out some of these some of these may be rejects some of these might be products that exist first one is called the bark bath portable dog system to bathe your dog anywhere anytime with virtually no mess it's kind of like this steam cleaner system is 109 it's for dog owners and dog lovers do you want do you wants to want to see what it looks like or not a pit fan see how I've made that brought in setting like dogs didn't say I didn't like cats I just and I'm not a fan of pets the thing is the dogs we're here really get wet it doesn't but why would you take it anywhere I don't know like you just take your dog out my car I take a bath right now or like how about this you want to brush your dog in like maybe in the kitchen in the living but if they don't have to jump in a tub it doesn't get all bubbly do you want to see what this looks like it was to stay at home but what's the point of it being portable there you go that's what I'm asking you you know would Andre invest no I would pass only because I'm not really in the pits next up this is a social media app it catches moments as they happen that disappear after 24 hours and as filters like silly add-ons that you can turn your face into a dog or a clown would you invest you know I'll be honest if I heard that I probably wouldn't you know yeah we're like a lot of athletes have conversations yeah sure and no we just gonna text through this app and then it's gonna be gone after you read it so I would understand that I would invest in that right away okay here we go icon this is the products name icon the world's first smart condom it's a ring that fits over a condom to track exercise thrusts calories burned average skin temperature it can detect some STDs $74 retail price would andre invest i've already read about this would Andre yeah it's a really good we had a really good conversation about this so could it be reused I think cuz it's a ring that goes over oh it's not like it's not like a disposable thing I mean I would invest you were never run out of men next one we got two golf ones because you know you like your golf game not dirty but the name of the product is called the tittle it's a golf swing analyzer it mounts on your golf clubs senses your swing without the ball calculates carry distance various attributes of your shot without actually making contact with the ball you just put this like adapter on your club would Andre invest we're not invest we gotta continue to grow the game of golf first I'm not optimistic in the golf equipment plus I have all those gadgets in I'm an avid golfer like you have to be an advocate to buy these products and there aren't too many of me is Andre a basketball player or golfer less my real that's not at all watch and play yeah straight off the course alright last last thing this is a fun game it's called RP golf like RPG like role-playing game think of it as a mix between zelda and a golf game so basically like I'm gonna just I gotta pull this up to show you basically like you're playing a video game like it's a golf course but while you're navigating this golf course you'll come across the dragons and monsters oh wow and you fight monsters a lot going on I wouldn't invest because I feel like you know most mobile games the ones that are very attractive or addictive it's like we when you can compete or play with other users and I don't see how you could you can interact with anybody else with that game it'd just be you and fight dragons get lost had like a you get lost like Nintendo feel old Nintendo still - or Atari yeah I play the target that's an ongoing - so no I went out of this okay Andre thanks so much for your time thank you very much thanks lady all right
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