Andre Iguodala has tried Magic Leap. What's it like?
Andre Iguodala has tried Magic Leap. What's it like?
talking about you know as their time
I'll just take know all these stuff are
there things like exciting tech for you
or trends that you're you're you like
right now just you personally whether
it's you know wearables AI smart so
anything what's kind of what's kind of
peeking your interest right now I think
a is is really just starting to get some
watering is if this is a plant and then
it's trying to get watered and it's
trying to grow and they're trying to
figure it out
I've been to some interesting companies
I saw some artificial some AI stuff was
also mixed reality that was amazing down
in Florida that's a hololens stuff but
not the hololens honor well that's all
we magically Oh magic leap was amazing
like you seen a person I don't know if
I'm allowed okay it's like it's like
going to play at the justa play Damascus
is like you're not allowed to say we've
been there what else you can't say
you've been oh I guess you can't say
you've been doing but I've read that you
so I've never been there okay according
to the rule according yet exactly as
okay but uh magically was I've saw some
incredible things and I met some great
people there and they want to do some
things in sports but I don't know how
you even think of doing something like
that like you just and then the actual
device is so small the one that's going
to come to market it's almost like you
have a pair of sunglasses on how about
this can you I know you're not given
because they've shown a lot of demo
videos on this but maybe can you
describe one of the experiences that you
had like you know did you put your hand
out and something appeared on it or so
there was so many things like when you
put your hand on the character would
come on your hand and supposedly if
you're feeling I felt something out I
could have swore was something else
happening like your mind your mind's
playing tricks on you but uh this little
character could basically be your your
Siri you know go turn on the lights you
know you control everything from your
smartphone but this would be you control
everything from your eyes you know and
even if you move your eyes these are
move with it and you know you can shoot
something turn off the lights turn off
the turn
he turn off the oven turn it on a
preheated you know like it's all some
smart home yeah at the same time you
know I could throw of 80 inch screen TV
on the wall let's see the TV yeah you
know and at the same time you could you
can homeschool your kids but when their
have their that magically point they
could be in class by the kids and see
the other kids and then see the teacher
the teacher to see them and it's this
whole this is a disruption of life you
know you say tech is disrupt this has to
be disruptive and how can you make
something more efficient but this is
incredible to me you can change impact
lives all over the world and you know
it's bringing people closer together
because what we learn they're put on
mobile phones is that is taken away kind
of the social aspect everything because
you just on your phone and you're not
really interacting with people but discs
to bring that back together I saw your
eyes literally like as you're talking
about mine yeah choices there's so many
things this it's a Star Wars thing that
I can I can there's this angle there's
like a c-3po type thing yeah that is
they showed only like literally there's
like maybe two seconds of it online but
that is crazy okay and I'm not a Star
Wars fan but my mind I was crazy that
was pretty cool
I would maybe my favorite part
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