Apple AirPods arrive for holidays, but not BeatsX (CNET News)
Apple AirPods arrive for holidays, but not BeatsX (CNET News)
after nearly a two-month delay Apple's
air pods have finally gone on sale just
barely arriving in time for the holidays
Apple's wireless bluetooth earbuds were
first shown off alongside the iphone 7
back in September the 160 dollar
wireless air pods were supposed to go on
sale in October but Apple delayed the
launch saying it needed a little more
time to get the product ready well Apple
sure cut it close those among the first
to order on Tuesday morning could have
it delivered by december twenty second
but quantities will likely be limited
according to an earlier report from
Apple Insider so why was there such a
delay well these are some complicated
headphones each of the earbuds are
receiving independent signals from the
iphone and the microphone it needs to
pick up your voice in a phone call and
eliminate the background noise it can
also detect when it is in your ears and
a DoubleTap brings up Siri for voice
commands and you know that case that
looks like a box of floss well it's how
you recharge the batteries apple
reportedly had trouble syncing audio
between the two separate earbuds that's
according to a source talking to The
Wall Street Journal also in that report
Apple was said to be solving the problem
of what to do when someone loses one of
the earpieces or what happens if the
battery runs out in one ear Apple has
been experiencing problems with another
headphone to the beats ex in ear
bluetooth buds are pushed back until
februari the 150 dollar headset has the
same w 1 ship as the air pods but
there's a cable connecting the two
earpieces Apple showed off these
headsets for the iphone 7 launched as
part of the company's vision for a
wireless future since it removed the
headphone jack from the iphone I'm
Bridget Carey and whether or not you've
gone wireless you can listen to all the
latest tech news at cnet com
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