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Apple Byte - Do you really want an iWatch?

ah what's up everybody Brian Tong here but I'm actually not here it's called the magic of video recording it and then seen it at a later time all right now I'm gone making sure I am tan all over my body but this is the show where I answer your deep burning questions that you the a providers have so let's get to some real questions first a lot of you ask this one from Joseph all he asks since we will probably not see Broadwell chips inside of Mac's this fall will Apple still release an update for the Macs well they will absolutely release some form of a speed update but nothing major from what we can tell and depending on how badly you need a new computer it might be worth waiting but not if you're looking for a new computer for school now the major benefits of Broadwell are going to be its power efficiency and getting a whole lot more battery life it also incorporates a graphics processor alongside the CPU so early reports expect a 40% boost in graphics performance and it's truly going to be a next-gen processor alright cool F asks what's your full opinion on the rumored iWatch now I've said it over and over that the idea of a SmartWatch doesn't impress me at all and Apple's gonna have to really wow me to even buy one for myself now will I get one to review and test it yes but I still don't see the major benefits if its hell stat tracking most people stop caring after a month with those fitness bands I did I workout in once you know how many steps you roughly taking calories burned you just don't care anymore now I also don't want a big screen on my wrist that's constantly buzzing and alerting me about emails and text messages and the most important thing people aren't really talking about they have to make it look like a real stylish watch I like a watch that doesn't look like everyone else's and they could possibly partner with major watch brands to build some sort of a shell or a casing that's compatible that might get me interested but a watch is a fashion plate before function and apples going to have to get both of those right for me to really care all right Megan swipe Kowski tweets in with is Apple going to do anything to improve Final Cut X and you like dogs well if you're hoping Final Cut really goes back to its original interface we aren't going to see that it has its benefits like real-time rendering and it can actually be faster once you learn how to use it but even within our own production team we're debating the next move to either go for X or jump over to Adobe Premiere in right now more of us are leaning towards the premier camp but we haven't made a final decision yet and yes I'm a dog guy and micro is one of my best friends ever all right Terrence McElveen says how did you get started in your career at CNN what was your second choice well this is a long long story but I went to school for broadcast journalism at the esteemed San Jose State University I did some internships and hosted TV shows directly then sent my demo reel to the head of scene at TV and you know what the rest is history but those are just the highlights from a journey that really spanned over ten plus years before I can walk through these doors and call scene at my home now my second choice male dancer in I'm pretty good all right from Twitter Billy prova nose asks can I be your intern sure Billy but it didn't work out so well for my last one I feel like I can contribute so much there were also a lot of hair questions like a lot of them and it sounds like you want me to do a how-to video for my hair we'll see about that but the most direct question from Jimerson bob asks are you a skunk well only when I eat a lot of broccoli and Susie chaos I remember you did something to way back for the iPhone 5 with your iPhone 5 on it music video you have something planned for the iPhone 6 on it just bring that for TLT yeah maybe I don't know we'll see if I'm busy all right guys we'll be back for reals next time but myself and the team just wanted to continue to thank you all so much for watching the show in you know what we will continue to keep on bringing it for you you can still send me your emails to the apivita or tweet me at Bryant on because I answer them when I feel the warm fuzzies so thanks so much for watching and we'll see you guys next time on another bite of the Apple
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