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Apple Byte - Is Apple planning bezel-free iPhone 6?

what's crackin brian Tong here and welcome to the Apple by for all the good and bad inside the world of Apple let's jump into the show in I know many of you are just waiting for Apple to release something so you can spend all that money instead of paying your bills well your wishes could come true after bloomberg is reporting that Apple is planning to unveil their next gen apple TV set-top box by April its negotiating with time warner cable and other potential partners to add video content and wants it to be available for sale by the Christmas holidays but the release date could change depending on the timing of content deals now the new apple TV is expected to have a faster processor and an upgraded interface and 9to5 mac recently reported that the new Apple TV hardware references are already appearing in the latest iOS 7 software builds the current apple TV is noted with the 32 notation and 41 is the new model now rumors of a full-size Apple TV TV I've been pretty quiet since the end of last year and really they need to prove they even have a concept that works and resonates with us before selling a three-thousand-dollar TV set we've also got iphone 6 rumors and news galore this week a new report from the Korea Herald claims Apple's iPhone 6 will gain a bezel free display when it launches later this year according to the South China Morning Post Apple is preparing to release not one but two new versions of the iphone in September coming with a 4.7 inch display and for a bigger bulge in your pants a 5.5 inch display with both phones ringing a higher 441 pixels per inch density now that falls in line with the rumors of two screen sizes floating around right now the report also says both displays will be made from sapphire crystal and they will be flat not curved now there are rumors flying back and forth about what will Apple's Arizona sapphire plant actually produce first Chinese media sources say they have iphone prototypes already using sapphire display panels but a sapphire screen on an iPhone would make its price point too high instead the rumored iWatch is 2 inch panel would have much lower production costs and be more affordable and buy affordable you know Apple is going to sell it for about four hundred to five hundred dollars afford now the volume of raw materials in the number of sapphire furnaces Apple will have on site will allegedly allow the big a to manufacture 200 million five-inch sapphire displays and that's more than enough to meet their ulead demand for iPhones but again it's another wait and see now a report from LED inside also says Apple will take advantage of new advancements in LED technology and shift to even thinner components for the iphone 6 and upcoming ipad models it will allow Apple the shift from a point 6 millimeter backlight on its thickest side to a point 4 millimeter one and you know what they say every point one millimeter counts alright Sony will likely be providing the front-facing camera sensors for iPhones and other devices in the future Japanese business site Nikkei says sony and apple are in negotiations that would double sony shipment of camera sensors in 2015 now sony's provided the iphones rear camera since the 4s and one place the iphone could really improve is with its front facing camera for all you selfie lovers and FYI I refuse to take selfies and guys how could we not do the show without talking about flappy bird the world's most frustrating game that took over in just a few weeks but was then taken down by developer dome new NB cuz he now says it was just too addictive that was the main negative so I decided to take it down he was also making over fifty thousand dollars a day and he's making even more cheddar after people swarm to download the game before it was cooled don't you took down the game that's a bad apple now flappy bird was so maddening that there's how-to videos giving you tips to play and other people well they just beat the game a different way see right there now I just want to let you all know at home I'm a pro with my best score at 27 that's right at 27 so we'd like to honor dome to end with one last run at flappy bird let's go easy peasy first pipe seriously Oh easy second oh come on oh that happens all the time I hate that but let's be honest the game is genius and if you haven't checked out apple's website lately they just put up a video that pays tribute to the 30 years of the mac and apple as a whole while being shot entirely on an iphone now 100 iPhones were used 70 + hours of footage was shot from 15 shooting cruise around the world and it was edited from a single command center with an original score in Los Angeles so let's take a look at the snippet ah I love that so we were inspired to create our own video to show you at home how we make the show in a day yo David how you do man I bye baby okay okay you know that's a little too much there how does suppressor again how's that ass cook lineup chicken okay what's up yeah I would say that I think so yeah mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee what what's up how would you guys say that behind I'm Brian song that's me and welcome to the apple pie by eight is the Y along Y or Z silent hey you know it's really a team of people that enjoy each other's company and love working together and especially love working with me I'm come on how could you not alright guys that's going to do it for this week's show remember email us at the Apple by to cnet com or you guys can tweet me at brian Tong thanks for watching and we'll catch you guys next week for another bite of the Apple
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