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Apple Byte - Is the iPhone 7 getting rid of the 3.5mm headphone jack?

what's going on brian Tong here and welcome to the apple pie for everything you can think of good and bad inside the world of Apple let's get to it and the big story this week is Apple going to get rid of the 3.5 millimeter headphone jack on the iphone of course they are it's Apple now according to the reliable Japanese website Macotakara the big a is planning to remove the headphone jack on the next gen iphone in favor of an all-in-one lightning connector why Apple because they want to give us what we want a thinner iphone 7 in fact removing the headphone jack and only using a lightning port would allow the phone to be a whole millimeter thinner the report says Apple may also release lightning equipped earpods to support the new audio output and a 3.5 millimeter to lightning adapter would be required for compatibility with wired headphones now this is completely different and you can't compare it to apple changing from their 30 pin connector to lightning the 3.5 millimeter stereo jack has been around since the mid 1950s that's when Charlie was born hey cool it daddy-o I'm a true Eisenhower baby I'm proud of it and how will you charge your phone at the same time while you're listening to music well the new iphone end up coming with the adapter well the adapter allows to charge and listen to music if it comes with an adapter or if you lose it what does Apple gonna charge us 25 bucks for a replacement because yeah you know it's Apple now really I like the move I really do but there's obviously a lot of unanswered questions and speculation but as long as those three hundred five hundred dollar headphones that a lot of us have invested in still work I'm all for it now the right he might have been on the wall already back in June of 2014 Apple's new made for iphone program specifications allowed manufacturers to create headphones that connect to iOS devices via a lightning cable rather than a regular headphone jack at the moment manufacturers have been very slow to adopt lightning compatible headphones an iphone 7 based on this story will most likely change that so if you're mad if this whole thing gets you angry don't get yourself worked up over this Apple is saving us one one millimeter to make sure this phone looks really good in our skinny jeans I'll write in more future iphone stories Japanese website Nikkei reports Apple is planning to switch the OLED displays and iphones for the first time starting in 2018 the report says Apple has notified its suppliers with LG and Samsung sharing a large portion of the OLED panels for future iPhones the move could also hurt apples current LCD screen suppliers sharp and Japan display OLED screens can bring sharper images and brighter colors compared to LCD but typically have a shorter lifespan and higher manufacturing costs all right Taiwan's economic Daily News says Apple is preparing to introduce a new macbook air at next year's WWDC the new macbook air is said to be bringing a slimmer design and will come in 13 inch and a 15 inch size this time around there is no report if an 11 inch or will be part of the family and it may not be after the release of apple's ultra-thin 12 inch retina macbook that could take up that spot the report says the slimmer design will be realized by fully redesigned components inside the machine and is expected to launch in the july-to-september time frame all right amazon prime video could be coming to the apple TV in the next few weeks we've never seen the video service on an Apple TV before and Amazon even took the Apple TV and chromecast off its site because they said the products didn't offer their prime video service amazon appears to have confirmed to engineered an Boston weeks that is developing a TV OS app that will arrive by the end of the year and how about some more gaming content for Apple users Sony Shuhei Yoshida better known as shoe to gamers announced on twitter that the company is working on an official Remote Play app for the mac and pc that would enable users to stream and play their ps4 games on their desktops and notebooks that's kind of a big freaking deal since remote play has been limited to Sony devices up to this point now getting better gaming on the mac no matter how you do it is a big deal and shoe gave no official timetable for when we can expect to see it all right now I'd like to take a moment to make a correction from last week's episode I forgot to credit I'm or with their video footage when we talked about the Apple pencil and the surface pen it was an honest mistake in we just wanted to say sorry I'm or keep doing great work and yes it's a bad apple that's actually the first one I think I actually deserved out of all these 364 episodes and last week I also told you I'd accept your picture submissions if you wanted a portrait of your own I beat easy with the iPad pro so take a look at some of these masterpieces from my artist corner Mario Sandoval asked can you draw my boxer for me and I did oh you meant this boxer now sarah said she would die of happiness but I'd rather you live and Jason Molly gets some love for his support of Movember and so does rayons kitty cats ulmer wait hold on I accidentally switched those around this is jason and this is summer now keep on sending me pictures that you'd like to see brought to life with my amazing skills it could be yourself or your pet I have a ton still and I'll keep featuring them until you guys say stop and on to our NBA 2k16 giveaway winners the correct answer to what keeps me all in shape is Cinnabon in fact I only need it like twice a year so congrats goes out to Omari John and Jaime Castro who sent this and Jake who didn't win but said don't forget to cinnabon your girlfriend for christmas I don't even know what that means and I don't want to look it up on urban dictionary alright that's going to do for this week 7 your comments and pictures in whatever you want to the Apple by deceit com or tweet me a brian Tong and we will return next week for another btz artist corner thanks so much watch it will catch you all next time for another bite of the Apple you
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