Apple Byte - WWDC hints at the next iPhone, iWatch, and Apple TV
Apple Byte - WWDC hints at the next iPhone, iWatch, and Apple TV
what's shakin bacon Brian Tong here and
welcome to the Apple buy for all the
good and bad inside the world of Apple
and this week there is plenty to talk
about now Apple announced a whole bunch
of OS 10 and iOS 8 goodies at WWDC 14 I
was honestly surprised that we didn't
see a single piece of hardware not one
piece but even without any hardware I
loved what I saw with the continuity
between the operating systems and this
is going to really benefit people in
Apple's ecosystem so instead of talking
about every single feature in every
detail I'll just break down the things
that stuck out of my mind some of the
cool nuggets we saw and the things that
will set up the hardware we're hoping to
see in the next few months all right
first up OS 10 will be called Yosemite
the new redesign looks absolutely clean
in real sesee and I love the fresh coat
of paint
in fact tread federighi and has a
perfect wavy hair let us know how
gorgeous it is with the buzzword of the
keynote translucent material translucent
translucency and yes even the trashcan
is translucent and check out that trash
can that is a gorgeous trash can
you wouldn't believe how much time we
spent crafting a trash can now I'm also
digging handoff for pure Apple users
that will allow you to finish what
you're working on from your Mac to your
tablet or your phone to your Mac and how
it deals with messages and even
accepting phone calls from your phone to
your Mac federighi made time to call up
dr. Dre Wow hey it's Craig federighi
here but he hung up on his mom during
the keynote but this is not the right
time I know you'd all love to hear from
mom but I'm gonna scrape I'm so
I'm sorry she's a wonderful wonderful
woman but that's it this is this is my
space what a jerk
now Yosemite will be available for free
for everyone in the fall but if you want
to get it early Apple is opening up the
summer beta program to access the
preview for everyone we just sing it I
can do it that's right Nick even you
alright I'm even more excited for iOS 8
because Apple is really shown a shift in
their ideology allowing third-party
keyboards like swipe to be installed on
Apple hardware is a first for the
company and it's something they would
have never done before now they're also
finally opening up touch ID to be used
with third-party apps I'm a big fan of
it and this is another shift we haven't
seen where Apple typically likes to keep
certain things to their own apps but
we've been wanting this from day one and
like I've said over and over on the show
the next space Apple can really be a
leader in and really make a difference
is with our phones acting like a true
digital wallet and we're getting their
apples even updated its app store
guidelines and will now allow approved
currencies paving the way for new types
of currencies like Bitcoin to be traded
and maintained in iOS devices their
iCloud drive is their answer to Dropbox
it can be used with both Macs and PCs
Apple also only spent about a minute and
a half on their new app called health
and health kit for developers that
allows your health and fitness data to
be kept in one place and they also did
the same with homekit to control home
devices and appliances just a little
teaser but what they don't focus on
tends to be a bigger sign of what's
coming I even did a poll for my Twitter
account asking you the Apple fighters
which one excites you more and homekit
has the edge but really I think health
might have a greater potential in the
long run so we know we saw no new
hardware not even a MacBook Pro speed
bump but we did see a lot of things that
point to gadgets like the rumored iPhone
6 and the iWatch so what did an apple
show you well with the release of Xcode
6 developers have found an option within
Xcode to size apps for devices referred
to as resizable iPhone and resizable
iPad the exact resolutions for the new
hardware is unknown at this time but
this tool would allow for developers to
quickly adopt their apps to them and it
hasn't been found in previous versions
Xcode there was also no iWatch at WWDC
but a wristband that tracks and shares
data with health is the no-brainer
even with homekit in reference Siri
voice control and being able to do that
from your wrist would be easy and also
hand off is now allowing different
screens to handle the same data and the
new tap to talk audio messaging feature
and messages could be useful not only on
a phone but on a wrist where it gives
you more of this walkie-talkie type
interaction instead of having a full
conversation with your wrist and during
that demo for messages we also saw the
first-ever duck face selfie by Gregg
jaws we act at a keynote in guys
it was a freakin duck face selfie and
you know what that gets three count him
one two three bad apples that was just
horrible and the dark horse that I
wanted to see the Apple TV made no
appearance whatsoever but something else
did that got me interested it's apples
metal technology that's said to maximize
gaming performance on the a7 chip to
bring console level graphics on an
iPhone or an iPad like this Zen garden
now we saw what it's capable of but
console level graphics deserve a bigger
screen and sure it will help with mobile
devices but the Apple TV also runs on
iOS and I'm not saying it's going to
rival a ps4 or Xbox one but something
tells me this is going to play a key
role with the Apple TV as well all right
now we could have made the show go on
twice as long but we want to know what
did you think about WWDC 14 I loved what
I saw I didn't even care about the lack
of hardware after what Apple showed us
knowing there's more to come
but this conference is all about the
developers and we're gonna reap the
benefits from all the amazing things
they have done so are you excited with
what's happening in the software space
or were you let down by the lack of
hardware let me know by sending an email
to the Apple byte at see Netcom or just
tweet me at Brian Tong and I'll read
some of your responses next week oh and
just to wrap up one more observation
from the keynote I was only able to
identify three women in the crowd
only three during the whole keynote so
if you're a single lady and you're
watching right now sign up for WWDC next
year all right that's gonna do it for
this week's show
i'm brian tong thanks for watching I
will catch you guys next time for
another bite of the Apple
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